The town staff has processed an invoice that will fund the installation of the 13 light poles around the inner harbor and along the boardwalk between the Shanty and the bath house. This work will finish off Phases 1-3 of the Inner Harbor Rehabilitation project. All that remains is the placement of the benches and some gravel regrading.
Five new interim wayfinding signs were received and will be installed by Public Works staff.
The Public Works Manager and Harbor Master met with the Capital Projects manager to plan some additional repair and improvement work in the Harbor parking lots, including relocation of the Chesapeake Bay Gateways signs.
So now I will finally locate the Harbourmaster’s office? Several weeks ago I wrote asking why there is not sufficient signage around the harbour area and I was absolutely vilified. But now signs are ok? Next thing you know the town, or whoever is in charge, will want to mow down the nasty weeds!
It’s the only office right there by the gas pumps? are you trying to locate it on Google maps or are you physically at the harbor looking? Lol