February 19, 2025

24 thoughts on “Cape Charles Releases Police Officer

  1. Where did they release him from ? Most employers use the word fired. What were the issues surrounding his liberation ?

  2. The public deserves to know more than this. Is the underlying issue benign or serious and concerning. This lack of transparency and accountability should not be acceptable or tolerated by those that pay for it.

    1. In your world accusations are enough to take away someone’s livelihood? Didnt you just accuse me of receiving payoffs from Chief Pruitt? Perhaps you should take your medication before you post idiotic comments.

      1. Read that more carefully. The payoff wasn’t monetary. Pay special attention to on your KNEES. Great work Donna D!

        1. Im glad you could clarify that low brow attempt at humor. I would have thought that sort of talk would go against your carefully crafted, bible thumping, persona on Facebook? That and bearing false witness?

          1. It was a reply to YOUR post Einstein. You jump in the middle like a yapping chihuahua and claim innocence when you ate called on it.

  3. I believe a couple more need to be fired. Starting with the chief of police.
    Hiding behind the badge from your swollen ego and chest doesn’t give you the right to a livelihood of injustice.
    They got rid of one so called police chief, it may be time to get rid of another!
    Oh wait! I guess I’m going to be followed around town by an unmarked truck and cruiser again.
    I’m protected by the 1st amendment, Chief.

    1. Mr. Luther I read week after week you and a couple others who are too much of a coward to post their real names bash the Cape Charles PD…I bite my tongue because clearly you all post it here instead of facebook or a larger platform because you know people will go up one side of you and down the other for how disgusting your non stop statements are…
      you loooove to keep harping on an incident but lets be honest that isn’t the full story is it? There were also rumors filtering that you wanted the Chiefs job but my guess is you were far from qualified or even more likely wouldn’t have lasted 5 min in the job.
      Chief Pruitt and that department have more dedication and passion for a job that no one wants or could handle including you Mr. Luther…that department embodies what good police look like and should be. You and the couple others on here have ZERO and I mean ZERO clue the sacrifices they have all made and how because of people like you who love to run your mouth make an already dangerous job for these guys more dangerous.

      I would bet my paycheck that you and the others on here would never say 1 ounce of this to their faces because that’s how keyboard warriors roll. You want to create more problems rather than suggest solutions. What a miserable life that must be.

      I would think someone who is a “former officer” would have a little more respect and understanding but again that shows who really is worthy of that badge and who isn’t…do better

  4. Released? What is that? Liberal-Talk for Fired? Was it released from Jail? Released from the hospital? Released from being hog-tied?

  5. Julie Pruitt what platform would you be talking about? Could you please clarify who these people are and how they will be going up one side of Mr. Luther and down the other? And are you saying that ol Jimmy is the only one who wants to be chief? I’m pretty certain a couple other nice CCPD officers would LOVE to have his job. I bet you wouldn’t know what to do if you didn’t have jimmy there for you to keep an eye on. NEW CHIEF PLEASE! JIMMY WILL NEVER BE RICKY!

  6. Well ms Pruitt. Ill take your pay check. I did met your husband face to face. I met the number 2 man in charge face to face. When your husband shows respect to other law enforcement officers. I’ll show respect to your husband.
    You have no clue about me or the danger of law enforcement. Now listen up Buttercup I’ll help you out. I held my shift partners’ hands when she die ( Jackie Vernon VSP). I couldn’t even recognize my other shift partners face because he was shot in the back of head( Al Cochran VSP) Jose Cavazos, Mark Cosslett, 77th Basic VSP academy all kill in the line of duty. we were all station in Northern Virginia together. You see
    YOU can’t tell me Shit! When I see other law enforcement officers being disrespectful to people or abusing their authority. I will speak out. I earn it for my fellow officers. Which they all had more integrity than your husband!
    Your husband is not qualified to hold my jockstrap. And the reason why I didn’t take the chief of police job seriously, was because I held that thin blue line for 28 plus years! I got tired of going to funerals and listening to the BS from people like you. Who don’t have a cute about law enforcement.
    You may want to do a little more research on me before you open your trap! Let me help you out again. Check out Real Stroies of the Highway Patrol. Yes they did an episode on me when I was stationed in Hampton. Yes my law enforcement career is quite colorful. VSP, DOC, Regional Jail, Criminal Justice Instructor for Northern Virginia, Firearms instructor, EVOC instructor Tactical team Supervisor Hell, I’m also certified by Homeland Security for ICE. There is so much more, I won’t bore you.
    Your husband and the number 2 man are the real cowards they were the ones following me around town. For what I don’t know. I confront the number 2 man. But he high tailed to your husband. They all hid in the office. Hell they wouldn’t even let me into the office.
    Oh I’m not on FB much, to many keyboard warriors, like yourself.
    Oh, just to let you know. I plan on spending the rest of my life on the shore monitoring the chief of police.
    Because I’m ass tall in cotton and retired.

    1. Mr. Luther,

      Thank you for sharing your incredible career history. Yes, you do have the right to make your thoughts known on how Cape Charles or any other town runs their police department.

      In reference to Mrs. Pruitt, I suggest that she stands down.

      “Proximity to the power deludes others into thinking that they wield it.” Mrs. Pruitt, heed these words.

      1. Under federal laws 16 U.S.C. 668c and 50 CFR 22.3, you can be fined up to $500,000 and spend two years in prison for destroying an eagle fetus (egg). No one argues that an eagle fetus is simply an undifferentiated clump of cells to be disposed of as common garbage; the fetus is considered to be a LIVING eagle. And yet, this same destruction of a human fetus is not only condoned but actually celebrated by the left as a constitutional “right?” These paradoxical leftist positions epitomize absurdity and hypocrisy!

  7. Just read a story in the WSJ about the hundreds of criminals in prison who were convicted of harming Eagle fetuses or as we egalitarians say, Eagle feti. It’s getting out of hand these days partly because of the release of so many non violent criminals who have a history of fooling with Eagle fetuses.
    Fetis don’t fail me now…

  8. Said sotto voce so as not to disturb the play action and break the players’ concentration as they line up their next tee shots, the Cape Charles Mirror has to be the greatest show on earth bar none.

    The thrills, the chills, the excitement!

    Who could ask for me and it is a bargain at twice the price!

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