CAPE CHARLES, Va. — The Cape Charles Historic District Review Board has approved the relocation of a 720 sq. ft two-story single-family home. The move, which involves transporting the residence from its current address at 645 Mason Avenue to 602 Washington Avenue, has been greenlit to accommodate the construction of a new bank at the original site.
The dwelling in question has a 144 sq. ft. open front porch complete with brick steps, a 90 sq. ft. side porch, and an additional 288 sq. ft. rear accessory structure. To facilitate the relocation, the entire home will be elevated and moved via wheels, from Mason to Bay Avenue, ultimately reaching its new location on Washington Avenue.
The two-story single-family home will be positioned on a parged block foundation, maintaining the same elevation as its former location. While the front porch will be preserved, the brick steps will be replaced with wooden steps to ensure the structure’s integrity and historical aesthetic.
A noteworthy addition to the relocated home is a proposed 5’ x 5’ covered side porch. This new feature will be constructed using treated wood for framing, decking, and steps, complemented by a metal standing seam roof and adorned with Richmond wood rails featuring square posts. Furthermore, minor in-kind replacements will be carried out, addressing issues such as five fogged window sashes, damaged trim, and any wear resulting from the move.

The decision-making process involved a thorough review by the Historic District Review Board (HDRB), which scrutinized the application materials submitted by the applicant. The primary objective was to determine whether the proposed relocation would align with the character and historic appearance of the neighborhood. Additionally, HDRB emphasized the importance of safeguarding any character-defining features of the home before, during, and after the move.
The Certificate of Appropriateness carries a six-month expiration date. If the authorized work is not commenced within this timeframe, the certificate becomes null and void. Similarly, if the work is initiated but suspended or abandoned for a consecutive six-month period, the certificate will also expire.
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