January 18, 2025

5 thoughts on “Cape Charles Planning Commission explores implementing a Dog Beach

  1. Dogs swallow the salt water and excrete a stream of brown water from their backside. You can’t pick this stuff up, it’s in liquid form, and it’s nasty.

  2. It’s no worse than the humans bringing their little kids to the beach and they poop through diapers, or no diapers. You see their poop floating along where you swim, or hearing a mother say go pee in the water, because she’s too lazy to get up. Most dog owners know they must pick up after their dogs or the privilege will taken away from them, how about the Kids! One should also look from the CBBT on any given day and see the big boats carrying cargo coming in and start to empty their bilges some so they don’t have to pay so much upon docking. Commonly know a floatsome and jetsome , and yes it still continues, but to a lesser degree than before. So don’t blames the dogs! How about the kitties who use it for a litter box, we’ve all seen that, except some who have cats and won’t admit it.

  3. Having seen these grinning morons with their buck naked tots in and out of the water every summer I wonder where do they think the kids will “go”? Well obviously they’ll “go” right where they stand or sit. And what is that leaking out of the diapers that are worn in the water??? Most of the local dog owners I’ve spoken with don’t care about a park at the beach, lots of dogs like mine e.g. don’t like the beach. How about a bark park with a little bit of grass thank you.

  4. This whole idea of having a dog beach is completely stupid. If the powers-that-be would spend some time figuring out how to give us clean good drinking water that would be nice. Just one more instance of the Town not worrying about the residents. All they are worried about is tourism. When are the people of this town going to stand up and say we are tired of drinking water that we have to buy at the grocery store.

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