February 19, 2025

7 thoughts on “Cape Charles Police Report for Dec 2023

  1. I had heard that a citizen was tazed (sic?) 6 times and is filing a law suit against the town for damages.

    True? I really do not know.

  2. Wayne,

    I think your thought process on this is spot on and it will serve our community well.

    Thank you.

  3. Regarding excessive force, I don’t believe they use enough forces!
    If someone was tazed 6 times, I’m impressed that the officer, feeling frustrated by the individuals lack of control, didn’t shoot the suspect!
    They certainly don’t want to try that misbehaving in Virginia Beach, they are not real big on taxing.

      1. I don’t know what happened but when an individual is instructed by Law Enforcement to calm down, and they resist, repeatedly, it’s unexcusable!

        Law Enforcement is ask to be transparent, to be accommodating and friendly ..
        and when someone is being detained, and misbehaving, everyone has an opinion about what the officer should have done differently!

        We look to Law Enforcement to protect us .. and police officers shouldn’t have to put up with abuse and disrespect from the citizens they are protecting!

        1. I agree with you whole heartedly on Law Enforcement dealing with individuals that do not abide by the wishes of an officer. Number one, it is a safety to issue to the officer as we’ll as to the citizen.

          Yes, Law Enforcement is here to protect us. On another note I am a big fan of our Cape Charles Police Force. I support them and I will continue to support them. I think they really have their hands full in during the summer months and that they have handled things quite well.

          The challenge here is that we do not have a full understanding of what
          transpired on this local event. It is my understanding that there is a body camera that will bring to light the full scenario.

          Hopefully, the CCPD was correct in their actions. If not, this could lead to charges agains the CCPD. Let’s hope not. As a true Patriot to this Nation and to our wonderful Eastern Shore I personally would like to know the truth on these matters. We all deserve the truth. The courts will adjudicate this matter in due course.

          If there was a miss-step by the CCPD this would be a tragedy. Not only to our community but to the very foundation of the law.

          To finish up here, the truth will come out and to the Good Officers of the CCPD we appreciate all of your efforts.

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