January 18, 2025

4 thoughts on “Cape Charles Residents Clash Over Short-Term Rental Boom

  1. Speaking as someone looking on this on-going STR drama from up in the cheap seats, I have to say that this is really quite the show, and certainly better than anything on TV these days.

    I’m curious as to the “community character” of Cape Charles.

    Does anyone know what it is?

    Can anyone actually describe it in words and phrases and complete sentences that make some kind of sense?

  2. The people who produced the sign “Cape Charles loves its visitors” ran out of space.
    To accurately complete this sign the word MONEY needs to follow visitors .
    Also I suggest a bit of editing . The phrase on the sign would be seen in a magazine like southern living. In Cape Charles it should read “Cape Charles loves OUR visitors .

    1. I agree Grumpy, there should be $$$$ on these signs. Leave it to this self centered group to think the ‘visitors’ are dumb, and don’t see what’s going on here….
      How bout this?? How about the Town of Cape Charles does their job?? Provide a registry of ALL STR’s and let the voting residents decide to cap or not to cap??
      Seems the TM and the TC prefer to watch the drama…disgraceful.

  3. Last week, someone from the town offices was pulling up the Limit STRs signs that were in the VDOT right-of-way, without letting the homeowners, who had put the signs out in front of their homes, know. That VDOT right-of-way seems subjective as to who is responsible for maintaining it. The homeowner is expected to keep the grass cut in that right-of-way, but heaven forbid you unknowingly put a sign there, especially if someone in town offices doesn’t like it.

    Editor’s Note: This is just what happened during the Old School debate, when members of Town Council went about removing signs. You should report this to the Northampton Sheriff’s office–this could rate as a Class I misdemeanor and result in a $2,500 fine. At least the motivations of the Town are becoming clearer.

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