February 19, 2025

14 thoughts on “Cape Charles Selects VHB, Inc. for Beachfront Master Planning

  1. $99,840, almost a hundred grand, to plan a beach?

    Uh, okay, folks!

    Cape Charles must be rolling in dough to have that kind of money to stuff a “consultant’s” pockets with to plan a beach.

    Are they going to design sand dunes?

    Is this for real?

  2. At every level of government, expenses always rise to the level of income. Spend spend spend.
    There is a “master plan” for everything .
    By the way, who is using the word “master”.
    Real estate stopped using “master “ for a bedroom description

  3. Guess none of you fools decided to read the RFP and the comment from the retired, unlicensed Engineer is hysterical.

    1. Glad you liked my comment, J Wheaton, and by the way, to cure your incredible ignorance, which you so desperately cling to like a drowning man who was stupid and fell in a river desperately clings to a rock, even though he is only three feet from the bank and the water is only two feet deep, so he could stand up and walk out, UNLESS a professional engineer like myself has been stripped of his license after a hearing with due process afforded, which in my case has NEVER happened, the professional engineer is licensed for life, and licensed engineers like myself DO NOT retire, as if we had a mere job like you, as opposed to a societal duty, unlike you.

      And thanks for the jocularity you have afforded us here, and it made me and all your numerous fans not only here on earth but throughout the galaxy, solar system (you are HUGE on Uranus) and universe (they also love you out near Alpha Centuri) so glad to see you back!

        1. Boy, J Wheaton, you are truly OBSESSED with your ignorance here, aren’t you, and the density of your cranial cavity literally defies the imagination!

          The last time I was licensed was RIGHT NOW as you read these words, J Wheaton.

          And yes, twenty years ago I was also licensed, just as I am now.

          And here is a critical point you are totally missing, because it is far too complex for you to grasp – the license in essence means exactly NOTHING!

          It doesn’t make me anything at all in terms of knowledge.

          ALL that I gained on my own.

          EVERYTHING I know I learned from continual study, J Wheaton.

          In New York, engineers these days advertise their services with red lights outside their doorways.

          If you want to make BIG BUCK$, then you act the WHORE!

          That is why I don’t waste money registering my license, anymore, because I choose to not be a WHORE!

          But if you really do have a problem here, put in a complaint to these people, as they are the proper authorities to conduct investigations on your behalf, and to then punish me quite severely if your complaint is found to have merit, and to spice up your complaint, tell them that in your learned opinion, I am not of sufficient good moral character to safeguard life, health and property, and coming from you, that should do the trick, and tell them I am pretending to be an engineer, as well, because they like hearing about serious stuff like that from concerned citizens like you:

          Office of Professional Discipline
          1411 Broadway, Tenth Floor
          New York, NY 10018

        2. And with respect to your complaint to the New York State Office of Professional Discipline about me “pretending” to be a licensed engineer in here, you will of course take heart in knowing that agency is evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans, who take care that their own politically-protected engineers are in fact protected, while agreeing to not go after the other parties protected engineers, which is to your advantage, as I belong to neither party, having no political protection, myself, while being considered the political enemy of both parties, since I do go after their politically-protected engineers, and to make your complaint something they would like to get their teeth into, charge me with violation of § 29.1(b)(5) of the Rules of the New York State Board of Regents, that being conduct in the practice of a profession which evidences moral unfitness to practice the profession, which subject I am sure you can have a veritable field day with, keeping in mind that the definition used by them for “good moral character” for a licensed engineer in New York State is unquestioning and blind obedience to the dictates of political authority, which of course makes licensed professional engineers mere “rubber stamps,” which in turn makes a mockery of the concept of engineers in New York state supposedly being licensed to safeguard life, health and property when the reality is that they are there to serve the whims of the political branch of government blindly and without question, something I REFUSE to, which right there is the substance of your complaint that I am clearly in violation of § 29.1(b)(5) of the Rules of the New York State Board of Regents, that being conduct in the practice of a profession which evidences moral unfitness to practice the profession.

    2. Hey Chucklehead,

      I did not re-new my senior life saving certificate so I guess when I am at the beach and I see someone drowning it would be “hysterical” of me to go in after them.

  4. You mean the tourist come to the town for the beach and not the quaint shops, restaurants, golf cart rides or corky reverse parking? Who would have figured?
    So now they want to spend money on a study of the beach?
    They have more money than sense or a relative owns the company doing the study.

  5. People wonder whether Mr. Hozey, who is big on stuffing the pockets of “consultants” with taxpayer dollars because apparently ALL the people elected or hired to conduct town business don’t seem to know how to conduct town business, or are too busy doing something else, playing golf or corn hole or pickleball to actually be able do town business, hence the need for so many consultants, has had a consultant do a master plan for him of when his bowel movements should be.

  6. Ring around Mr. Hozey
    I am not trying to be nosey.
    Taxes! Taxes!
    We all fall down!

    Are there not better things to spend the citizens tax revenue on?

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