February 19, 2025

4 thoughts on “Cape Charles: What’s Really Going On with the Brew Pub?

  1. I can t help but agree with Mr Smith on the town (code enforcement) not responding to e mails I know they are short handed,but a little courtesy ‘GOES A LONG WAY’

  2. Short handed??? That was meant to be a joke, right? Compare the number of town employees in Exmore and Cape Charles.

    1. Bill, not so long ago I did a comparison of Cape Charles vs Exmore,, Onancock, Parksley and Chincoteague. The town of Cape Charles has more employees than any of these other towns. It’s almost ridiculous the amount of money the town of Cape Charles wastes. Our little town has become a cash cow and we are all paying the salaries. Bad government at its finest. I went into a meeting and presented this information. Not only was I totally ignored by everyone but Frank Wendell shortly afterward the town hired more employees. TWO town managers for a town of 600 people is ridiculous.

      1. Why do you expect the people in charge to be interested in this information? They are the ones who decided this is the way to run the Town. You should send your information to the Post and the News. The problem is the voters in Cape Charles. Who are the people on the Council? Joan Natali? Who is she? What is she qualified to do? Who is Proto? An engineer I hear? What does he know about government? I think an engineer must know math but that doesn’t mean he can balance his check book. Cape Charles will drag the County into bankruptcy. They do not know how to run a government and manage money!

        Note: The Post and the ES News have access to the same information as the CC Mirror. Given they have 10 times the staff, budget and resources, the question should be is why do they ‘choose’ not to report it?

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