January 18, 2025

5 thoughts on “CCPD Quick Report – March 30

    1. Jim Pruitt and I have a good relationship….his department cooperates with FOIA requests and has been open and fair in every way. He does not operate with a profit motive. I am critical of the Eastville Police Department. They have zero interest in lowering speed on rt. 13 ….if they did, they would utilize traffic calming techniques.
      BTW…. what rock did you climb out from under?. I like it when people hide behind pseudonyms, or initials, and throw rocks….how cowardly and immature! That way you dont actually have to be responsible for what your small mind regurgitates. BTW i have a perfect driving record, and no wrecks in a million miles of driving…..go pound sand.

  1. I bet you do have a “good relationship” with him. You must be getting paid “under the table”.

    1. That’s the best you’ve got? Im being paid off by Chief Pruitt? Honestly, that has got to be the stupidest thing i have ever heard. It even makes Nokia’s posts seem lucid.

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