Annapolis, MD – Following the announcement by U.S. Senator Tom Carper that he will not seek reelection, Chesapeake Conservancy President and CEO Joel Dunn issued the following statement:
“Few people have dedicated as much service to the “First State” and accomplished as much for Delaware as Senator Tom Carper. As the chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Senator Carper has been a champion for conservation and environmental protection across the country, including the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Senator Carper has been a strong advocate for conservation in the Chesapeake Bay and was a lead sponsor of the America’s Conservation Enhancement Act, enacted in 2020, which reauthorized the Chesapeake Bay Program, Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails and created the Chesapeake WILD program.
“Senator Carper has always maintained a close connection to the people and projects happening in his beloved Delaware and has always been ready to support with a smile, a touch of quick-witted humor and a helping hand. Chesapeake Conservancy salutes Senator Tom Carper on his decades of leadership for Delaware and for the United States, and we express our deep thanks and best wishes as Senator Carper completes his term in the Senate.”
About time!!