Delegate Robert S. Bloxom, Jr. proudly announces that he will be seeking re-election to the Virginia House of Delegates in the upcoming 2021 election.
Bloxom serves on the Chesapeake Bay Commission, in addition to his House committee assignments on the Appropriations Committee, the House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee, and the Privileges and Elections Committee.
“I am both honored and motivated to be running for my fifth term. I believe I have been a strong advocate and voice for the people of the 100th District and would like to thank my constituents for their support of my family and me. I have had the privilege of advocating for the 100th district for seven years and am proud of the state’s investment in our region during my time in office – projects such as the new Eastern Shore Community College facility, the expansion of the Virginia Spaceport and Wallops Island Satellite Processing Center, the Eastern Shore Public Library and Heritage Center, the Tangier seawall, the forthcoming Northampton County community center, the Hampton Roads Sanitation District sewage line, and a new VIMS campus in Wachapreague. Representing this community is a responsibility that I do not take lightly. I will always put Virginia and the 100th District first.”
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Michael Hudson says
Bloxom is just another Rhino touting his bring home the bacon big government spending addiction. Given that the future of our control and utilization of the upper atmosphere and space is increasingly dominated by the private sector throwing money at Wallops seems like a loser. I thought it was only demos who claimed “investment ” when they were really just wasting taxpayer monies.
Don Green says
You nailed it. It’s such a waste to throw money at a bunch of overpaid, underworked federal employees and the swarm of government contractors who feed at the trough with them. NASA may enrich its immediate surrounding area, but it does little else for the two counties. Del. Bloxom would better serve his District by devoting his efforts to helping small businesses, who are by far the best engineers of prosperity; given the period of stagflation that we’re currently experiencing, small business is hurting!