January 13, 2025

25 thoughts on “Eastville Removes Police Chief and Town Manager Stubbs

  1. BS
    It absolutely was the reason and should be . I dont see how any town police anywhere in Va can sit out on a state road and write any tickets. Its not their jurisdiction

    1. Oh bob I bet if someone running 70 to 90 mph and hit and killed somebody close to you you would be the first saying police weren’t out doing their job stopping speeders

  2. I spoke with an Emporia Va. Police Officer at a DUI conference a few years ago. He told me that folks from out of state rarely came to court and just mailed in the fines plus Court cost. Why travel long distance on the slim chance of an aquittal. He also indicated that almost the entire town budget was funded by those funds.
    Then he laughed

  3. Kudos to the Eastville Town Council and the Mayor for putting the best interest of their town first. They have greatly increased my respect for them in doing so.

    I actually have a rising hope that these changes will help the community reduce its serious high crime stats. Protecting the town doesn’t happen when the Police are focused and over allocated to write traffic tickets outside of their own towns roads.

    Suggestion to the Town Fathers: Please continue to prioritize protecting and serving the citizens of your community.

    1. Drove through Eastville yesterday afternoon and there were FOUR cars writing tickets. Never seen four before, at most three, usually two.

      One perp was a small dump truck hauling a backhoe. I doubt he was exceeding Mr. Stubbs “under 70 is OK” policy.

      It’s been a couple of weeks since his termination and I know it’s only one day but it sure looks like they’ve ramped up enforcement. So maybe he wasn’t the problem (if we can even call traffic enforcement a problem).

  4. I have a little more respect for the Eastville town council and mayor. I have no respect for those thugs that dress up as officers or the town Manager/police chief.
    And I’m speaking as a retired law enforcement officer with 28 plus years of experience!
    All those officers need to be FIRED!
    And yes, I was given a ticket for speeding. I was traveling at 56 mph in a 55 mph zone.
    The thug wrote me up at 75 saying he was given me a break because I was doing 76.
    I had legal counsel sitting in the car with me at the time. I tried to tell the officer that cars were flying by me. But he started yelling at me! When my passenger tried to speak to him he was very rude to her.
    Fire all those thugs!
    And yes, I made a complaint to the governor’s office and I think my passenger did too.
    You mess with the bull you get the horn!
    Good riddance!

  5. Mr. Luther. Imagine being a law abiding citizen and being subjected to that.
    The Police are under so much scrutiny these days, and even a percieved shakedown gives us All a blackeye. (am also former LEO) Policing for profit should be unacceptable.

  6. With The Sheriff’s Dept located in Eastville and State Troopers on Rt13 around Eastville, why on Earth do they need a police department for a population of 300?

    Eastville is a town in Northampton County, Virginia, United States. The population was 300 at the 2020 census.

    1. Good observation Mr. Bell. The mayor of Eastville was approached by David Eider who told him he could make a police department turn a profit for the town if they would hire him. Thus a person of Mr. Eider’s capabilities was able to leverage a $100,000 per year salary for himself. So…..to answer your question,….I guess there were about a million reason$$$$$$$ why the department was formed. I was annexed into the town not long ago, and i get nothing for my tax bill except the knowledge i am funding parasites.

      1. More like ticks and chiggers.

        Sounds like Riverside. NAM was set up to serve sick Eastern Shore men and their families. Riverside was set up to turn a profit.

        $100,000 a year to police less than 400 people? That is highway robbery…no pun intended. How many officers did he feel he needed to help him? For that kind of money, on The Shore, he should have been forced to do it himself.

  7. David Eder and Ricky Marshall were better police chiefs than Rob Stubbs or Jimmy Pruitt ever was or could be.

    1. More opinions from an anonymous coward. Perhaps someone should interview a former Northampton Sheriff who told me Eder was fired by him for substandard work performance from the Sheriff’s department. In my opinion neither Stubbs or Eder should be entrusted with any significant position of authority. Both of them misrepresented facts in response to my FOIA requests…..and were extremely overpaid for their mediiocre job performance.

        1. I have not been disrespectful to law enforcement. I have been critical of profiteering opportunists

        2. When is the Truth disrespectful? Cops need to remember that they draw their checks from being Public Servants. Nothing more, Nothing less. They deserve the same respect that a plumber or tomato picker deserves.
          By the way, what does ‘law in enforcement’ mean?

        3. Haven’t you grown to realize that what is respectful conduct to you may be disrespectful to others and vice versa? Or do you expect everyone to have group-think and think alike? You probably believe Racism exist as well ?

          Racism is an attitude that takes place in ones’s mind.
          Discrimination is an overt act that takes place in the real world.
          Big difference.

          Stay hydrated!

  8. I am new here but very interested in how Mr. Eder and Chief Christian handle the bad press that Eastville has brought upon itself.
    They say that all politics is local…

  9. The corruption isn’t limited to the Cape Charles police – It’s also found in the county sheriff department with the higher ups in the county Sheriff’s department.

    There needs to be an investigation into these LE officers in all of the Shore police departments.

    If you are friends or family with local LE then you get special favors but if not these individual will hunt you down like dogs at the whim of their families & friends.

    This is not how the law works.

    The Cape Charles police chief has no idea what he is doing in my opinion – I hope the good people come together to have the local LE investigated & removed like they did with Stubbs.

    It’s not hopeless – the good people can come together to make the police uphold people’s civil rights.

    Stand Up For Your Rights!

  10. Shore Law Meat needs to drink a Large warm glass of Prune Juice.
    Perhaps he will feel better..

  11. With all of the people I’ve observed running 20mph and over in the School 25mph speed limit during school hours, (40-50) I have never seen an Eastville Police unit set up by Northampton High School…

    1. If something goes bump in the night…even at 8 pm….your call will be answered by Dave Doughty’s finest. Eastville police keep banker’s hours, and their sole function is to pay their salary, and town expenses from revenue produced from tickets on rt. 13. Word on the street has it that the new ticket threshold is 69 mph….business must have been off this season.

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