March can be an interesting birding month with the continued presence of overwintering birds, changeable weather, and the start of migration for some species. Birding Eastern Shore has two field trips scheduled for March that will provide opportunities to bird in varied habitats on the seaside in Accomack County. Please remember to be prepared for weather, hunger, thirst, bugs, etc. as our trips will run rain or shine, as long as there is not a dangerous condition. Field trip leader phone numbers are provided should you have any questions or concerns. Visit our website for updates.
1. Saturday, March 9 – Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge: Meet at Queens Sound Landing, 37286 Chincoteague Road, Horntown VA (It’s about 8 miles from Rte 13 on the Causeway) at *2:00 pm. (Note the start time has been changed from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm) *You are responsible for Entrance Fee to the NWR*
Expert birders Gary Smith and Helen Belencan will guide a birding tour of the Wildlife Loop and Woodland Trail in the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. In addition to experiencing the amazing variety of birds at the trails, there will be an opportunity to look for American Woodcock shortly after sundown. Optional meal at Famous Pizza at the end of the day (Dutch treat). Contact Gary Smith (803-292-6883) for more details.
2. Tuesday, March 19 – Meriwether’s Seaview. Meet at 8:30 AM, at 23039 Rose Cottage Road, Melfa, Virginia. Enjoy the diverse habitats on private property protected by a Virginia Eastern Shore Land Trust Conservation Easement, with birding opportunities from shorebirds to songbirds. Contact Meriwether Payne at 757-710-2454 for more details.
Save the Dates for April:
April 9 – Program – The Nature Conservancy’s (TNC) bird conservation work
April 22 – Field Trip at Bay Creek Nature Preserve
April 23 – Birding on the Deck
Many thanks to our field trip leaders including Joanne and Hal Laskowski, Victor Klein, Maggie Long, Meriwether Payne, Joette Borzik, Walter Childs, Bay Creek’s Stan Osmolenski, Gary Smith, Helen Belencan, and TNC’s Mario Balitbit and Zak Poulton, and our speaker volunteers – Michael Academia from William and Mary’s Center for Conservation Biology and TNC’s Alex Wilke.
We are always welcoming new volunteers – shoot me an email if are interested in volunteering for trip leading, education table at events, or other organizational tasks. Our friends at the US Fish and Wildlife Service and The Nature Conservancy also have volunteer opportunities. At TNC, the Contact Person is Margaret Van Clief ( The USFWS Eastern Shore of Virginia Refuge Visitor Center volunteer coordinator is Lydia Hansen (
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