February 19, 2025

2 thoughts on “Eastern Shore Groundwater Committee Confronts Saltwater Intrusion Concerns

  1. How long have we been reading about this now?

    Seems like a long time to me, anyway.

    TALK, TALK, TALK, and no action and WHOOPS, we now got saltwater intrusion, which is exactly what the discussion has been about all these years – HOW TO PREVENT IT!

    Well, looks like the pasture fence is down now, and the cattle herd is just dust on the horizon!

    How stupid and short-sighted, just like what we have in Washington, DC!

  2. Thank you for publishing this report on the meeting. I am alarmed that anyone who is responsible would confuse what is allowed by the permitted rates with what is sensible based on the aquifer levels.

    It is discouraging to read that the DEQ prioritizes irrigation over public consumption. This is a finite resource. What are we going to do if they use it up, truck in our water? Or build desalination plants? It would be a bad place to own property if that happens.

    I am new to the ESVA, and realize I need to educate myself about this.

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