January 18, 2025

5 thoughts on “FACT SHEET: Medicaid Works for Rural Americans

    1. Agree. The article is written as if Medicaid comes like manna from the heavens. It mentions nothing about costs, which, of course, taxpayers bear. I know a number of people covered by Medicaid. Almost to a man, they hide income in order to qualify for it. Medicaid encourages rampant dishonesty among those receiving it and is a complete drag on the economy.

  1. If the information came from the government you can count on it.. by the way,
    I thought ObamaCare made the health care system Perfect…

  2. Millions of American Citizens have been kicked off of Medicaid this year to make room for the illegal ticks and leeches that have crossed our porous southern border.

    Press 1 for English…and for goodness sakes, Stay Hydrated!

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