The globalist plan to dissolve America starts with a regional government of America, Canada, and Mexico. They are implementing their plan and global rule already while we are still arguing if it is real or not.
The Declaration of North America (DNA) agreement is a poorly conceived “America Last” compact with Mexico and Canada that is riddled with woke, collectivist bias. Quietly released on Jan. 10, the agreement furthers a trajectory that has serious implications for the average American, and Americans should pay attention. The underlying implications of fully implementing this politically biased policy agreement are flawed in ways that most Americans may not fully comprehend. Cutely coined our “North American DNA,” the deal pretends to care about national security and prosperity. Instead, its stated focus is diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as the framework for impactful and serious policy-making in education, national security, climate change, health, and industry.
The DEI-centered agreement has already been largely implemented. Biden and his globalist pals are just gracing us with their plans after the fact. This agreement drives important policies and programs related to the environment, “competitiveness,” the border, health, and “regional security.”
The first section references diversity, equity, and inclusion. Look at what has happened to our schools and institutions. CRT, drag queen festivals, protected classes of people, and social justice initiatives are all well-ensconced in our culture. Look at the transformational training programs already implemented in our military and the FBI. When you consider that many of these initiatives cater to a minority of people, why are these programs so popular? Why are they so difficult to remove?
The second page references climate change and competitiveness. Look at what the Biden administration has done to stop pipelines and oil production. Look at the programs that now promote wind and solar energy and electric vehicles despite the fact that the rare earth minerals they require are mostly found in China, and batteries are among the dirtiest and most difficult to recycle. Look at what California is implementing with its 100% zero-emission vehicle sales requirement by 2035. Believe it or not, the virtue-signaling New Green Deal will not realistically serve Americans well. The policy behind it is socialist in nature and would be “economically catastrophic for American families.” Rep. Steve Scalise wrote in 2019:
“Under the Green New Deal, manufacturing and energy production in the United States would be outsourced to countries like China and India. Many nations lack the environmental safeguards long since implemented in the United States, and this outsourcing would result in a drastic increase in global emissions.
As far as economic justice, the Green New Deal would increase the injustice it purports to eliminate. Affordable, reliable, abundant energy (currently oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy) has provided the economic opportunity to lift people out of poverty and improve their lives, health, and comfort. It has allowed them to buy cars, drive to jobs, heat their homes in the winter, and cool their homes in the summer. Low-cost energy has also made food, clothing, and furniture all more affordable, as energy is used at every stage of planting, harvesting, manufacturing, and transporting goods to consumers.”
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