For the most part, the town enjoyed a great Fourth of July. The town harbor, however seemed less busy than in previous seasons. This email sent in by a slip holder echoes concerns many, including some members of town council, have for the town harbor:
We have a unique harbor, wonderful views, and a great seafood restaurant. Residents and visitors alike walk the docks to see the boats, enjoy the restaurant, and admire our bay.
But our town harbor is in need of maintenance. Dock boards are pulling up, slip guards are peeling away, and trash collects along the ramps.
Dockmaster and staff need to weed and maintain the flower boxes, remove trash from the ramps, keep docks and slips in good repair, and possibly remove floating trash from around the docks and launch lot.
This is a safety hazard for everyone, an eyesore, and a detraction if all is not in good repair and free from debris.
Everything the poster says is true.
Mostly, all it takes is money, at least for the major projects like repairing the docks.
Users are pretty good about putting trash where it belongs, but some does escape the containers.
There are lots of beer cans in the trash, which makes me wonder if an effort to recycle could be made. There is a collection point in town, perhaps one could be put at the docks.
Removing floating trash is not risk-free, and it is very labor intensive. I don’t have any suggestions about that.
The Town has a Public Works Department. Perhaps they could use part of their day to repair the dock boards and slip guards rather than driving around Town in the gator and/or PW truck picking up laves and dead branches. I have noticed one of the PW workers trimming the trees at the hump. He did a nice job. Perhaps he’d like to take care of the flower beds at the Harbor. Or is there a Garden Club that would like to take on the project?
The trash wouldn’t blow out of the containers if they weren’t allowed to get overfilled. I agree, it would be nice to have one of the containers dedicated to aluminum. I am sure some non profit organization would be willing to empty a recycled aluminum container on a daily basis…….
As far as floating trash along the dock, a pool skimmer makes quick work of that!
The Harbor is one of our greatest assets. We need to maintain it properly.
None of this was an issue before Smitty left. Clearly the harbor requires better management.
The harbor has gone to hell ever since Smitty left. Maybe you should think about bringing him back.
I love the Town Harbor – I walk there 3-4 times a week. It seems the recreational boater end receives more attention and care than the working end. At the working end, I’m often walking around traps, basket lids, trash and tools lying on the walkways. I know this is someone’s office, but since we all share it, it would be nice if they were asked to leave their work area tidy and safe. That’s a free fix that just takes attention and consistency.
Then there are the broken boards, guards and other fixtures. Maybe our harbor master could give us an estimate of the cost to fix the actual structures? I’d be glad to give it a “Yay” vote if asked!
And sadly, the new public restrooms are no longer public – the sign disappeared and there are locks on the doors.
Exactly!! Where are folks that use the boat ramps supposed “to go”? Children can’t always hold it. Should I have my grandchildren pee (or worse) in the parking lot??? Poor decision on someone’s part!!
Unfortunately slip holders/annual slip holders suffered the misuse of the new washrooms. That’s why they are now reserved which is standard at almost all marinas.
The new ones by the Shanty are closed to the public. I believe the dockmaster office has open bathrooms for boat launch customers.
Yes, and the ones in the Harbor Master’s office are not always in fine repair and — well, old. I am disappointed that we can’t use restrooms that were funded by grants to our town and harbor – is that even legal? Please consider locking them after 10p or some other fix. This is a shame….
And regarding below, can we get off unrelated political diatribes and get back to what’s important – the use of bathrooms owned by the town, and the safety of our shared harbor space? Thank you.
There are two public restrooms available at the Harbormaster’s office, just on the other side of the boat ramps.
The Harbor Master is responsible for the entire area and if this is what’s going on then contact OSHA or the Coast Guard to get involved. It appears that the local government won’t do their jobs, fire them and get someone who will.
These people are Bleeding Heart, Liberal, Democrats. They use emotion instead of facts to guide them through life’s complicated decisions.
Mr. Holden, until your post, much of the discussion on this news item was lively, informed, presenting a problem and attempting to seek a solution. From my perspective, yours is the prominent – negative – emotion interjected in this dialogue, off-topic. If you dismiss liberals for their empathy, you are dismissing humaneness; tribalist opinions that diminish half of the population – and what will be the great majority in the very near future – creates nothing but a dysfunctional society. Please offer more constructive posts.
No Thank You….
If a Republican doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a Democrat doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a Republican is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Democrat is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a Republican is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Democrat wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a Republican doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Democrats demand that those they don’t like be shut down.
If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
A Democrat non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
If a Republican decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A Democrat demands that the rest of us pay for his.
If a Republican reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A Democrat will delete it because he’s “offended”.
Republicans respect the opposition opinion
Democrats will assault anyone who oppose them.
If Republicans have a rally, it’s peaceful and they leave the place cleaner then when they got there.
When Democrats have a rally, they loot and destroy the businesses in the area, and trash the place where they gather.
Please spare us this trivial bs that has been floating around for too long. Perhaps you can advance instead an original version that unites.
For the most part, we can not stand the sight or sound of Liberal/Democrats any longer. So, why then, would we want to unite with people who act and think the way you people do? You have shown your true colors to the entire world over the last 9 years and it is appalling.
“Democrats will assault anyone who oppose them. ”
Thanks Mrs. Lascu for proving Mr. Holden’s point.
Better all just wait around for Government to fix your problem. God forbid you take it upon yourselves.
Mr. Kuzma, puhlease don’t label me a Democrat, or anything else – you could not place me in a box even if you knew me. I am simply for unity and tolerance; perhaps you and Mr. Holden might want to consider embracing both: they build a cohesive and harmonious community, and do not detract from whatever political leanings you might have.
You play the Liberal/Feminist role very well….maybe you should practice what you preach.
” I am for Unity and tolerance….in order to build a more harmonious and cohesive community”
So said Stalin
Good Socialists(read Democrats) all.
Mr. Holden made a point that was relevant to the situation: to wit, each ‘solution’ required the Government to do something, and he and I are of the opinion that the PEOPLE can solve this without the need to force others at government gunpoint to pay for it.
Then you attacked him. You sir attempted to stifle his free speech.
Just like a socialist/Democrat always does. See list above.
But instead, y’all keep electing folks who give away the farm while shackling those in town who may add to your tax base(See water hookups for brewery and fire house restaurant versus 1/5 bedroom condos) and urinating money away on ridiculous signage and land acquisition for same) while attacking Bay Creek, effectively keeping that economic engine from lifting CC up.
De Tocqueville wrote of the amazing American tendency to do instead of asking Government to get it done, he’d be amazed at how far we’ve fallen so fast.
And finally, what happened to the America and Americans that……….”may not agree with what you have to say, but will defend to the death your right to say it?”
Yep, Liberals killed that with PC. Just like they want America to die.
Mike, back on topic – will you be leading the all volunteer group to clean up the harbor?
Arguing with the well-indoctrinated is pointless.
Good! Go fight windmills elsewhere. Your words reek of a extreme, progressive [radio edit].
“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”
Joseph Goebbels
“Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.”
Adolf Hitler
Freedom is not free,
but the U.S. Marine Corps
will pay most of your share.
“Once a job is first begun.
Never leave it ‘till it’s done
Be it big or be it small
Do it well or not at all…”
Also on topic… how about some follow up with the $3 million yacht repair building that was granted a height variance 10 days ago.
Unfortunately Mr. Kenny, I was one of the “come here’s” who decided that being called such was enough and I sold my place in town.
But, every time I saw trash, instead of caterwauling about it, I PICKED IT UP AND PUT IT IN THE TRASH.
Twas a very simple thing. Just like I tried to employ only locals-kids and adults alike; was always ready to lend a hand to a neighbor, always good for a drink at Gene’s place, always good for an ice cream cone to the kids who were without $$, always looking out for kids on the beach who’s parents were more involved in trashing America than looking out for their kids.
Ya know, old fashioned ‘Murican stuff.
Liberals want to be seen as saving the planet. They want credit for doing what is something as simple as picking up trash. They want it organized, executed, pictures taken(and posted all over social media) and patted on the back. They want their agenda recognized, talked about and planned for next year. It is like what you used to tell children….’If you touch it, take it’ as they reached for a piece of food from a plate full. A liberal will let their kids pick through all to get the one it’s kid wants. So as for trash, it is simple…….’If you see it, pick it up’…….stop looking for credit from others.
How about cleaning up the rest of town? Driving around on 4th of July there are weeds growing rampant into the beds along Mason Ave, in the sidewalks, and the street gutters. The new walkway along Washington and Peach would look so much better if the grass and edging were mowed and manicured.
Where is our Public Works department and whomever is responsible for the landscaping?
Yes where is the public works department and what do they do on a regular basis? On the beach front selling hot dogs maybe. This needs some looking in to , some accountability please.