February 19, 2025

3 thoughts on “Gossip: What’s really going on in Cape Charles?

  1. Selling the school was about making a handful of local blacks happy with reparations. Doe’s anyone actually think it will ever be anything other than a empty eyesore? When, and it’s not IF, the economy shifts, Cape Charles real estate will once again tank, and the cycle will start over once again. It’s going to be about the timing of when probably was purchased as to who cries the most. Same with the local businesses, fat city last year, little leaner this year, then hold on!

  2. What happens when Jack Fisher is found guilty of the charges in the federal indictments against him?
    1.3 Billion dollars in fraud against the US government is a lot of money. Will the government seize Preserve Communities’ assets…example: undeveloped properties, clubs, golf courses???
    If seized, how long will those assets sit in limbo before they are auctioned off?
    Will there be just another bankruptcy for Bay Creek!?

    Finally the truth has come out…4 of the holes in the closed back nine were not donated as conservation land and will be developed. Preserve Communities has aready started to clear those areas. I would bet for surveying the land.

    As for the sale of the water treatment facilities, will Preserve Communities/BayCreek be off the hook for the money owed for expansion?

    6% mortgage rates, $6 a gallon fuel prices are not going to help this town at all. Getting my popcorn because it is going to be a crazy ride to watch.

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