On Monday, a charming children’s book written by Vice President Mike Pence’s daughter, Charlotte Pence, and illustrated by Pence’s wife, Karen Pence, launched at Amazon.com. The book is a tour of the White House and Vice Presidential living quarters narrated by the family bunny, Marlon Bundo. It’s titled Marlon Bundo’s Day In The Life of the Vice President.
Cue prescribed outrage…the Left targeted the book.
First, HBO’s mediocre comedian John Oliver launched into a “prescibed” rant about how Pence supposedly hates gay people, then said he would be releasing the competing book. This book is about homosexual rabbits: Marlon is gay and falls in love with Wesley while living at the Naval Observatory. The bad guy: Stink Bug, who looks like Mike Pence.
Marlon Bundo’s A Day in the Life of the Vice President teaches children about the vice presidency. Proceeds go to a hospital art therapy program called Tracy’s Kids and an abolitionist and anti-human trafficking organization, A21.
Watching his segment, Oliver flounders trying to explain why the book was worth attacking in the first place. Eventually, he found a reason, noting that the final stop on the Pences’ book tour was at “Focus on the F—king Family” (which you can tell is funny because he said “f—k”).
“Congratulations, Pence, you even managed to ruin Marlon Bundo,” Oliver says to a graphic of Mike Pence, who again, had nothing to do with the book. “Now none of us can enjoy a book about your rabbit,” Oliver continued, forgetting the literal people this book is helping.
Oliver assured his viewers that buying his book would be a way of saying “f—k you” to Pence (again, this is supposed to be funny because he said “f—k”).
On the up side, proceeds for Oliver’s book go to charities for AIDS research and LGBT teen suicide prevention. “Those are two great reasons to buy this book,” Oliver noted. “Another is that selling more books than Pence will probably really piss him off, so that’s three great reasons right there.”
This is the nature of the hard-Left: they hate conservatives so much that they’re willing to smear completely apolitical children’s literature in order to target those conservatives. Charlotte Pence appears to be a nice young woman with no discernable political background other than her association with her dad; the book is utterly apolitical–about a bunny. So naturally, it must be made a target of prescribed LGBT mockery and rage.
There was the bizarre debacle of openly gay, and marginal U.S. Olympic figure skater Adam Rippon supposedly refusing a meeting with Vice President Pence during the Olympic games after criticizing him for his stance on gay rights.
Oddly, if the Left is so committed to tolerance and equality that they attempt to try to destroy the book sales of a 24-year old woman who doesn’t work in politics and is donating the proceeds to fight sex trafficking, solely because you disagree with her father’s politics, it may be time to step back and reflect on what you feel you are really all about.
Mike Pence hasn’t responded to this idiocy; he’s been busy welcoming home fallen soldiers. For her part, Charlotte Pence responded, “I think imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Also, in all seriousness, his book is contributing to charities that I think we can all get behind.”
A little bit of class goes a long way.
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