The Historic District Review Board has approved a new door design for AJ’s restaurant at 10A Peach Street.
On May 23, 2023, the office received a complaint alleging that the applicant had replaced the prior front 18-lite/1 panel wood doors with 4-lite no-panel wood doors on the commercial building. Images on page 2 indicate alterations to the top of the entrance doorway and the installation of new doors with mirrored glass. Work was ordered to cease, and the applicant was directed to submit the necessary applications to the Town for this modification. According to the applicant, they cited repeated incidents of glass panel breakage in the lower half of the doors by customers as the reason for the replacement, opting for fewer glass panels.

The Historic District Review Board assessed the application during their July 18, 2023 Regular Meeting but deferred a decision until the applicant could address inquiries.
Subsequently, during their September 19, 2023 Regular Meeting, after discussions involving Clive McIlrath, the co-owner of the building, a motion was presented. Member Strub moved, seconded by Chairwoman Glaser, to defer the application for the After the Fact Certificate of Appropriateness at 10A Peach Street. This application, filed by Lori Peters to replace the existing 18-lite/1 panel front door with a new front door on the commercial building, was deferred pending the submission of a revised design more harmonious with the building’s character and facade. The suggested modifications include adding trim work on the panels of the lower half of the door. Drawings must be submitted to the Planning and Zoning office within seven to ten days for circulation among Historic District Review Board Members for approval or addition to the October 2023 agenda. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. McIlrath submitted drawings on Page 2 proposing the installation of wood molding where blue tape has been affixed to the doors. This molding would mirror the top glass.
AJs has been a welcomed addition to Cape Charles.
You people are crazy as bedbugs in June.