February 19, 2025

1 thought on “Hunter Biden Defies Congressional Subpoena

  1. For Congress to hold DICTATOR Joe’s degenerate druggie son Hunter in contempt, they need Joe’s department of no-justice under Joe’s pet poodle Merrick “THE GUTLESS” Garland on board and that is not going to happen because Joe is a DICTATOR who himself hold Congress in contempt, and his pet poodle Garland does what Joe tells him to do, like rush Trump’s trial before the elections, and the pet poodle does not do what Joe tells him not to do, like prosecute son Hunter for contempt of Congress, which is why the pet poodle has earned the sobriquet of “THE GUTLESS!”

    Says DICTATOR Joe: “I am the nation; the nation is me!”

    So PRIVILEGED son Hunter is going to skate.

    End of that story.

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