Just when you thought progressive, liberal, democrat Americans couldn’t get any worse, they just doubled down on the stupid, ugly, and vulgar.
Deadspin writer Carron J. Phillips wrote an article accusing a boy of wearing blackface to a Kansas City Chiefs game. Phillips used a photo for his Deadspin piece showing only half of Holden’s face, which was black.
But, of course, the other half was Kansas City Chief’s red:
Phillips wrote in his Deadspin piece that Holden “found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.”
In typical democrat fashion, he just did not know when to stop, “While it isn’t the league’s responsibility to stop racism and hate from being taught in the home, they are a league that has relentlessly participated in prejudice. If the NFL had outlawed the chop at Chiefs games and been more aggressive in changing the team’s name, then we wouldn’t be here,” Phillips said.
He also connected the incident to the efforts to stamp out critical race theory in public schools.
This is what happens when you ban books, stand against Critical Race Theory, and try to erase centuries of hate. You give future generations the ammunition they need to evolve and recreate racism better than before.
Nowhere in the article does it show the other side of the boy’s face, which is painted red, so that the reader is led to believe the child is purposely wearing blackface to mock black people.
Charles C.W. Cooke of National Review mocked Phillips’ response with his own rephrasing.
“For those pointing out that my argument was stupid, rest assured that I am capable of making an even more stupid one if pushed,” he replied.
Others ridiculed and berated Phillips.
“This man ruins the life of some poor kid for the crime of wearing face paint at a football game and he really thinks he’s the good guy,” responded writer Libby Emmons.
“Our society is so soft and coddled that a 12 year old with face paint on is enough to bring ‘men’ like this to their knees. Pathetic,” replied writer Savanah Hernandez.
“Yeah, just ruin this young fans life with your lying headline and misleading picture. This wasn’t black face, nor was it about race. It’s about support for the team,” read another critical tweet.
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Paul Plante says
WHY is it that anybody in America, or the world, or the universe, for that matter, given the increasing number of UFO’s full of ethologists coming here to conduct studies of progressive, liberal DEMOCRATS in their natural habitat, think that they have even a modicum of sense, when the reality, as this article goes to show, is that they do not even have a scrap of brain matter inside their craniums with their actions being solely controlled by impulses generated in their amygdalas functioning on their own, thus making the progressive, liberal DEMOCRATS into nothing more than walking, talking LOONEY TUNES, like this Deadspin writer Carron J. Phillips.
Vese says
Stuart Bell says
“If you think illegal children should be allowed to stay here because their parents broke the law, but think white folks should be punished because of slavery 200 years ago, you may be a Democrat”.