February 19, 2025

14 thoughts on “Idiots: American Ornithological Society Renames Birds for Social Justice

    1. These are people with an awful lot of leisure time on their hands and nothing of substance to be doing to be productive citizens who are coming up with these crackpot “WOKE” ideas that have them believing that birds give a damn what name we give them as if we common folks were going to be aware of all these names in the first place.

  1. This idiocy affects all. Do we ALL get a say in this?
    I vote you get a life and leave birdnames alone.
    Oh look…names of birds need to be investigated, all the while terrorists are infiltrating our country by way of open borders. Seriously people .

    1. These are the same people who thrive in a totalitarian political system, as well as being the very people a totalitarian political system like the Soviet Union under Joe Stalin or the Red Guards in China under Mao Tse Tung needs and requires to thrive.

    2. Km, no offense intended towards you personally whatsoever, but by using the word “sense” in relation to modern America, and especially this totalitarian crowd at The American Ornithological Society whose goal is to see all species of birds in the United States and Canada renamed to “address past wrongs and engage far more people,” you are living in a dream world, because when people like this totalitarian crowd at The American Ornithological Society make a statement blaming what THEY, the totalitarians, consider to be “past wrongs” on innocent birds, there is no longer such a thing as “sense” left in America and the living proof of that is Joe Biden in the white house!

  2. you just can”t make this stuff up!!! Being bald I relate to our National bird and will be offended if a name gets changed. How about the Canada goose, will they finally name it the Canadian goose? Are flowers next, what about insects? Lets make this easy:
    Birds – flying things
    Flowers – pretty colorful leafy things
    Insects – crawly things that sometimes fly
    Manual – furry sometimes swimmy things
    Fish – scaly swimmy things

    These make as much sense and hopefully will not offend anyone

      1. Scrapple, dude, you not only have a way with words, but also the ability to see though all the confusion into the heart of things, and to then give voice to that reality in words we common folks can all appreciate and understand.

      2. Scrapple, dude, like the Doodah Man once told me, and I think that you above all others, including myself, have epitomized this quite well with your learned and erudite discourse above here on the role the rabbit plays in the society of the animal world in America today, the rabbit being an animal I have an affinity towards, although sadly they don’t last long because every thing out there that considers them a food source, the foxes, owls, hawks and coyotes, are also quite good at catching them to eat, you got to play your hand sometimes, and in educating us about the role the rabbit plays in animal society, you have accomplished that task quite admirably, because the cards ain’t worth a damn if you don’t lay ’em down.

  3. Racism is an attitude that takes place in one’s mind.
    Discrimination is an overt act that takes place in the real world.

    If you scratch a Liberal you will find a Fascist.

  4. If common sense were lard, these American Ornithological Society people who want to have all species of birds in the United States and Canada renamed to “address past wrongs and engage far more people” wouldn’t be able to grease a pan!

  5. I’d quote Orwell here, but the only thing these fascists are learning from 1984 is how to control people better.

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