There were 242,418 encounters last month, according to the latest figures released by the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Friday.
The figures were released just days before Christmas, prompting House Homeland Security Chair Mark Green (R-TN) to declare that the Biden administration “wants as few Americans to see them as possible.”
“By strategically holding the release of these numbers until the Friday before Christmas, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is unabashedly showing the full measure of his duplicity,” Green said in a statement.
Green said he expected more records in the coming weeks, calling Mayorkas’ management of the crisis “cowardly.”
“December’s numbers, which will be released in January, are anticipated to be even more grim,” he said. “Fortunately, next month the Secretary won’t have a major holiday as a convenient shield to hide behind.”
migrant surge could occur in the coming months as border crossers hustle to reach the US before a new Texas law is set to take effect in March. Signed by Gov. Greg Abbott Monday, that legislation gives law enforcement officers in the state the power to arrest anyone suspected of entering the country illegally.
Personally, as a student of history, I do not believe this is a FAIL, at all, especially knowing the history of the DEMOCRAT party with respect to exploiting IGNORANT IMMIGRANTS who know absolutely NOTHING about America, its laws, its CONSTITUTION and its FORM OF GOVERNMENT for political gain for the DEMOCRAT party.
I believe this is all by INTENT to flood the country with people from THIRD-WORLD ****holes who have themselves NO TRADITION of REPUBLICANISM, who see the “government” as the HORN OF PLENTY, and thus, are easily manipulated by the DEMOCRATS, who see them merely as PAWNS in the GREAT POLITICAL GAME being played by the DEMOCRATS for total control of everything in this country, starting with our lives, and our way of life, as people who have only known DICTATORSHIP are accepting of more dictatorship, so long as they have a kind master.
As Sallust said so long ago – only a few wanted liberty, as for the rest, all they wanted was a kind master!
This historically has been known as REPOPULATION – replace the population in an area you don’t want, i.e., Angles, Saxons and Jutes replacing native Britons with Angles, Saxons and Jutes, or Danes replacing Angles, Saxons and Jutes with Danes, or the Normans replacing Danes, Angles, Saxons and Jutes and the Irish with Normans, a tradition that goes back before the Romans to Biblical times.
Damn right it is by design. The problem is, it is all democrats (for the reasons stated above), there are many republicans supporting it also. These support it for the cheap labor it provides. We need to vote them all out and replace them with people who put America first!!
And while “migrants” from third-world ****holes invited to the United States by Joe Biden, while Tony Blinken and Jake Sullivan look on complacently, continue to flood across the border, coming here for free food, free housing, and free medical care at our expense, according to the New York Post, Joe and his wife, creepy Jill, are going to be creating a cloud of more toxic greenhouse gases jetting down to St. Croix in the Virgin Islands to ring in the new year, leaving the country behind to grapple with all the messes he has created.
“If you think illegal children should be allowed to stay here because their parents broke the law, but think white folks should be punished because of slavery 200 years ago, then you may be a Democrat”.
If you love murdering the unborn.
If you hate capitalism.
If you hate morality.
If you hate virtue.
If you hate laws.
If you hate Israel.
If you hate America.
If you hate God and Jesus Christ.
Then you may be a Democrat.
A quick history lesson:
North America was settled by Anglo/Celts and has enjoyed prosperity, peace and freedom unparalleled in human history. Central and South America were settled by Hispanics, and have has revolutions, generalissimos, poverty,disease and strife forever.
Now our betters want to bring that Eden of “diversity” here.
I think a thimble is too deep to hold your depth of North American history.
As our dear friend J Wheaton looks at himself in a mirror and talks to his reflection therein!
You got a problem? Be happy to solve it for you.
You must be a democrat.
None so blind as those who will not see…
With the relentless invasion of this Country; Conservatives, Patriots, and the GOP are DeadManWalking.
We win victory in skirmishes, and ignore the blatant entrenchment of the Enemy’s reinforcements in front of our faces.
America will fall permanently into the hands Democrats, when the 10s of MILLIONS of undeported, felon invaders are foolishly and inevitably granted Amnesty and Voting rights.
The seditious and adamant refusal to Deport en masse, is the Democrat’s 5th Column, will cost us dearly.
Only a matter of time and we will see America gifted to The Party of Satan and the Illegal alien invaders…on our watch.
Well Blue, guess you should pack up and start heading for the hills. Oh, before you go, can you tell me what Trump’s record was against illegal Immigration???
Funk Trump, Biden, Bush, Clinton, Obama and most of all You!
About the same as Bath-House Barry….