January 13, 2025

7 thoughts on “Jen Kiggans official statement on Speaker of the House election

  1. Disappointing to hear our new congresswoman knows so little about the American system of governance..

    We were privileged this week to see our system work to perfection. What she calls paralyzing dysfunction is a feature, not a bug.

    I hope she doesn’t turn into another “go along, to get along Republican” but it sure sounds like it.

  2. For a team sport what does a consistently losing team do. Change your approach to the game, change leadership, get players in line with the changes.

    Ms. Kiggans, do you even understand the need for change and what needs to be changed. Your predecessor brought gobs of money to Hampton Roads and every penny of it increased our national debt. Our federal government is effectively bankrupt. We and our children and great grandchildren we be paying a dear price for the stupidity of the American electorate who support stupidity.

  3. No matter what we’re screwed when people who operate the government have no clue how it works. Forget about it. Just look at the government worker in the white house.

    1. It would only take half us to stop feeding their agendas for a couple years by not paying them taxes…local, state ot fed. That would be the kindest way that I can think of to get their attention. Voting is not producing results that favor our nation.

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