This webinar, presented live on September 28, 2022, can now be viewed on YouTube and on our website including the Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos website. This month the Kaporos chickens were left by the Hasidic rabbis and their followers in the streets of Brooklyn, NY to suffer unattended in transport crates in the freezing rain.
No doubt in Lakewood, New Jersey and elsewhere as well. The only mercy these chickens received was the mercy experienced by those few who could be rescued by the Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos Rescue Team of compassionate activists. The Kaporos chicken ritual ranks with the worst inhumanity of our species toward other creatures. At least some of this year’s chickens will have a chance for happiness in the sanctuaries to which they are now headed. On their behalf we thank everyone who has helped with generous donations and merciful care for these fragile feathered souls who never harmed anyone.
Presented by Awakening Respect and Compassion for All Sentient Beings
w/ Special Guests:
UPC President Karen Davis, PhD
Nora Constance Marino, Esq.
and Rina Deych, Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos
Let it go
It’s a tradition a ritual how about no turkey on thanksgiving those feathered friends did nothing to anyone