February 19, 2025

4 thoughts on “Katie Nunez Contracts with County Until June 2017

  1. This contract work should have been made a part of the severances package that Nunez is currently receiving . Northampton needs to get a new administrator and as you can see by this latest action an entirely new board of supervisors/legal counsel.

    krRaaaz Northampton County…

  2. I don’t think it has anything to do with the people of this County not liking Ms. Nunez. It has to do with how the situation was handled. Did the Board of Supervisors or the few of them that approved her consulting contract, not realize that the Finance Director could not complete what needed to be done for the year end audit and it would require bringing her back? That is a big pill to swallow for the residents of this County when the high school is in such bad shape and the County can’t afford to borrow the money to build a new one which would be safer and built to separate middle school children from high school children but we have money to give such a nice parting gift to Ms. Nunez and Mr. Tucker, who was not under contract! I don’t get why the “parting” gift was ever made a part of her contract! There again, spending money where there is none to spend! Further, I think it is despicable that this decision was made without the input of ALL the other Board members!

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