February 19, 2025

8 thoughts on “Kiggans Aims to Prevent Future Chain of Command Breakdowns within National Security Council

  1. Lloyd Austin critical to our national security?

    Surely she jests!

    And if he is, then we are in big trouble deep!

  2. Congresswoman Kiggans: At a time when our nation is facing countless global threats, this bipartisan legislation ensures a continuous chain of command among members of the National Security Council (NSC) to preserve America’s nation defense superiority.

    ME: It seems to me that Ms. Kiggans has become another Washington politician who thinks that because she is inside the Washington beltway, she has mysteriously acquired lofty intelligence, while by comparison, in her estimation, anyway, we who are outside the beltway have become very stupid and uninformed, and thus, are ignorant as to what it takes to keep this nation secure, which in reality and actuality is people, common people by and large, like me who leave our hearths and homes to go out into some foreign land as the tip of diplomacy’s spear to fight, bleed and die in defense our loved ones in some war the FOOLS in Washington, D.C. have caused to happen, and then like Viet Nam, Afghanistam and Iraqinam, have lost control over, thus requiring our blood to be shed to pull their fat out of the fire for them.

    And let’s be clear here – Lloyd Austin is no more essential or critical to OUR national security than is the Man in the Moon, and I suspect that the majority of us, certainly myself, didn’t even know he was gone, nor did we miss him.

    And if he was gone, SO WHAT?

    Did the world end?

    Did our military cease functioning and mill around in a state of confusi0n because nobody knew where Lloyd Austin was, or wasn’t?

    NOT HARDLY, because OUR military, people just like me, DOES NOT need some Biden appointment like Lloyd Austin to function and perform its missions, which it does 24/7/365 without the need for a Lloyd Austin to tell them, “now it’s time to inhale, no it’s time to exhale!”

    Ms. Kiggans thinks because she flew helicopters for the Navy, she is now some kind of war fighter.

    Well, I learned my war-fighting skills as a grunt near the Cambodian border in 1969 in the mud fighting close up and personal with people on the other side who quite frankly weren’t at all afraid of us or our superior technology, and were quite good at killing us, who they considered a form of vermin infesting THEIR homeland, this while people like Ms. Kiggans are enjoying a good hot meal served to them in the officer’s mess by white-jacketed mess stewards who are their servants, and so I’ll stack my knowledge of that subject, what it’s like to be left for dead with a headwound, for example, against hers on that subject any day.

    But enough of that for now!

    This is about Lloyd Austin and the so-called national security council, which I wouldn’t trust or depend on to walk somebody’s dog in Central Park in NYC, which takes us to exactly who it is that Ms. Kiggans is talking about when she talks about the national security being vital to our national security, when in reality, as we shall clearly see by looking at it, is the GREATEST THREAT to OUR NATIONAL SECURITY that there is, to wit:


    The National Security Council is the President’s principal forum for national security and foreign policy decision making with his or her senior national security advisors and cabinet officials, and the President’s principal arm for coordinating these policies across federal agencies.

    Today’s challenges demand a new and broader understanding of national security – one that facilitates coordination between domestic and foreign policy as well as among traditional national security, economic security, health security, and environmental security.

    The Biden-Harris NSC recognizes and reflects this reality.

    The NSC is chaired by the President.

    end quotes

    THIS particular NSC Ms. Kiggans is on about as being VITAL to our national security, which raises serious questions about her judgment and mental capacity. making her another threat to OUR national security through gross ignorance, is chaired not by Lloyd Austin, but by Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, a SKULKER during the Viet Nam war who never served even a mere second in harm’s way, instead becoming a CAREER POLITICIAN getting his palm greased and his pocket stuffed as a US senator in Washington, DC, living the GOOD LIFE back here, the life of ease and comfort due Joe in Joe’s own version of reality while people like me who weren’t senator’s sons or fortunate ones like Joe, were living in holes in the ground or out in the mud, fighting, bleeding and dying to protect the way of life Joe decided for himself at our expense.

    Joe Biden is THE ONE who made us LOOK weak in the eyes of the world, including the Houthis and Hamas, and militia groups in Iraqinam and Syria.

    Joe Biden is THE ONE who MADE us weak in the eyes of the world by imposing his WOKE BULL**** on our military who now spend their time on gender BULL**** and personal pronouns.

    And I will be damned if I am going to think that Joe Biden can keep me and this nation and its peoples safe from anything!

    In closing, Ms. Kiggans owes the people of America, VETERANS like me, an explanation as to why she is covering for this CAITIFF SKULKER Biden instead of calling for him to be gone on 25th Amendment grounds, which are now clearly warranted by the fact of Joe Biden publicly proclaiming in Pennsylvania on Friday that he “works” for the governor of Pennsylvania and some senator from down there, which is a clear sign to the nation and the watching world that Joe Biden has LOST HIS MIND and can no longer fulfill the duties of his office to KEEP THIS NATION SECURE, given he no longer has any idea what his office even is.

  3. So, Congresswoman Kiggans, WHY are we now at a time when our nation is facing countless global threats?

    And that answer is because Joe Biden is president.

    Before he came into office, I don’t recall our nation facing countless global threats.

    That all began when Joe Biden came into office, opened up our southern border, and then before the eyes of the world, RAN out of Afghanistnam like a scared rabbit, leaving all of our military equipment behind for the benefit of the poorly armed tenth-century tribesmen who ran Joe out of Afghanistnam, so, so much for our supposed “military superiority.”

    And that thought about our supposed military superiority over somebody out there takes us to a State Of The Union article titled “Army Staff ‘Baffled’ by Sharp Decline in White Recruits in Last Five Years” by Joseph Ellis on 14 January 2024, where we have as follows:

    The Army’s recruitment of white soldiers dropped by almost half in the last five years, coinciding with efforts to increase diversity.

    The decline led to the Army missing its 2023 recruitment target by 10,000.

    Some Army officials attributed the drop in white recruitment to factors such as criticism of “wokeness” in the military, obesity, and public education.

    end quotes

    Yes, indeed, “WOKE” BULL**** thanks to Joe Biden!

    And if you were a straight white male, why on earth would you want to get yourself TRAPPED in a situation, because once in, you can’t then leave, where everyone around you who is not a straight white male has been INDOCTRINATED by WOKENESS to believe that YOU are the CAUSE of all their problems, so you find yourself hated by everyone around you, while being subjected to endless Soviet-style struggle sessions where you are forced to continually have to apologize and beg forgiveness from everybody who is not a straight white male for being a straight white male?

    And then we have a Business Insider article titled “One of the most well-funded federal agencies has lost track of billions of dollars worth of military aid” by Natalie Musumeci on 13 January 2024, where we see the GROSS INCOMPETENCE of the Pentagon under Joe Biden, Lloyd Austin and Joe’s NSC, exposed for ALL the world to see as follows:

    The Pentagon hasn’t been properly keeping track of $1 billion in missiles and other weapons the United States has sent to Ukraine in aid of the Eastern European country’s defense against Russian forces, according to a new report by the Defense Department Inspector General.

    And it’s not the first time the Department of Defense, one of the most well-funded federal agencies, has lost tabs on weaponry and equipment sent to other countries like Iraq, Kuwait, and Yemen.

    And this past November, the Pentagon flunked an annual audit of its accounting systems for the sixth year in a row.

    end quotes

    And we are to depend on that pack of fools and bunch of clowns to keep OUR nation secure?

    Like hell, which brings us back to Joe Biden’s NSC and who is on it besides Joe, to wit:

    Its regular attendees are the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Energy, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, the Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Chief of Staff to the President, and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.

    The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the military advisor to the Council, and the Director of National Intelligence is the intelligence advisor.

    Counsel to the President and the Legal Advisor to the NSC are invited to attend every NSC meeting.

    The heads of other executive departments and agencies, as well as other senior officials, including the COVID-19 Response Coordinator and the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, are invited to attend meetings of the NSC when appropriate to address the cross-cutting nature of many critical national security issues, such as homeland security, global public health, international economics, climate, science and technology, cybersecurity, migration, and others.

    end quotes

    So, people, according to the version of reality put forth by Ms. Kiggans, we are to feel safe and secure because Karmela Harris, Tony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, Janet “TOODLES” Yellen, Jennifer Granholm, Merrick “THE GUTLESS” Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas are the members of the National Security Council (NSC) that she wants us to believe are “preserving” America’s national defense superiority.

    And what a sick joke that is, people, which makes is crystal clear that Ms. Kiggans needs her head examined to determine her fitness to hold public office in OUR REPUBLIC, the biggest threat to which is Joe Biden and his NSC, followed closely by the US congress of which Ms. Kiggans is a member!

  4. As she feeds us this absolute BULL**** about Joe Biden’s NSC “keeping us safe,” she should reflect on the fact that the most recent polling data from November 2023 puts the approval rating of the United States Congress at 15 percent, and she should ponder why that is, which is because the congress she is a part of is deemed untrustworthy and worthless and useless to the rational Americans outside the beltway who are trying to raise families and go to work and try to put food on the table while the morons in congress spend this country deeper and deeper in debt while feeding us fairy stories about Joe Biden, who thinks he works for the governor of Pennsylvania and some senator from down there, perhaps as a field hand, or maybe their butler or pool boy, protecting our national security as terrorists who we have to house for free and feed for free flood across our border.

  5. And as we veterans out here in the United States of America continue to ponder, along with those non-veterans who are sane, lucid, rational, and capable of critical thinking, congresswoman Kiggans’ claim that Lloyd Austin is somehow, in some mysterious way, vital to OUR nation’s national security, and her subsidiary claim that Joe Biden and his National Security Council consisting of him, Karmela Harris, Tony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, Janet “TOODLES” Yellen, Jennifer Granholm, Merrick “THE GUTLESS” Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas are keeping this nation safe, we all should take a moment to consider the fact that while congresswoman Kiggans is peddling this pro-Biden garbage, the House Oversight subcommittee on national security, the border, and foreign affairs recently examined the extent to which NSC head Joe Biden’s DEI policy and philosophy is eroding our national defense in a hearing titled “The Risks of Progressive Ideologies in the U.S. Military.”

    In a statement posted on the panel’s website, its chairman, Republican Rep. Glenn Grothman of Wisconsin, said, “Our military is grappling with the Biden Administration’s social experiments of integrating principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion — or ‘DEI’ — into their ranks.”

    “I have concerns with how the DEI bureaucracy implements an ideological agenda within the military framework that has the potential to divide instead of build up; a potential to harm unit cohesion and undermine our soldiers’ effectiveness,” he said.

    “Our armed forces have long been a bastion of meritocracy, where individuals are evaluated and promoted based on their skills, competence, and dedication to duty,” Grothman said.

    end quotes


    As to our supposed military superiority, perhaps over some tribe somewhere still fighting with animal thigh bones and thrown stones as their offensive weaponry, while our troops grapple with each other’s personal pronouns while being schooled on why someone who is queer is different from someone who is gay, considered essential military knowledge by Joe Biden, I wo9uld like to hear the congresswoman explain to us WHY it was that Joe Biden ran like a scared rabbit from some poorly-armed tenth century tribesmen in Afghanistnam, leaving all our high-tech military superiority behind for them to arm themselves with.

  6. As to this legislation congresswoman Kiggans is touting in this article as she vigorously slaps herself on the back, it is an example of legislative overreach and makes me, a veteran, wonder if Ms. Kiggans has ever actually read the Constitution, or has ever bothered to learn anything about this nation and its laws and history, because the NSC is an executive office function, NOT a legislative branch function, and Congress, a separate branch of our national government, has NO authority, jurisdiction or discretion concerning cabinet officials like Lloyd Austin who are also members of the NSC under Joe Biden who is the head of the NSC.

    For the record, as is clearly established in Article II, Section 2 of OUR Constitution, the Cabinet’s role is to advise the President on any subject he may require relating to the duties of each member’s respective office.

    Lloyd Austin reports to Joe Biden, not Ms. Kiggans, and Joe is on record as saying he stills supports Austin, as we see in an article in The Hill titled “Biden says Austin had lapse in judgment for not informing him of hospitalization” by Alex Gangitano on January 12, 2024, where we have as follows:

    President Biden said Friday that while he still has confidence in Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, he displayed a lapse in judgment for not informing him of his hospitalization.

    In his first time personally weighing in on the controversy surrounding Austin, Biden replied “I do,” when asked if he has confidence in the secretary.

    When asked if it was a lapse in judgment for Austin to not inform him, he told reporters, “yes.”

    Austin underwent surgery in an initial Dec. 22 hospital visit after prostate cancer was detected and he was released the next morning, the Pentagon revealed Tuesday.

    He returned to the hospital due to complications Jan. 1, but Biden was unaware of his hospitalization until Jan. 4.

    Biden then did not find out about Austin’s prostate cancer diagnosis until Tuesday morning, the same day it was revealed to the public, in what some are calling an extraordinary breach of protocol.

    The White House has said Biden isn’t considering firing Austin despite mounting criticism, including from some Republicans who have called for Austin to step down.

    Austin acknowledged that he failed to notify Biden for multiple days when he was hospitalized following complications.

    Austin apologized for not notifying the White House, Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh said Friday in response to Biden’s comments.

    She told CNN that Austin is “doing well” and “on the mend,” adding he’s “been incredibly active over the last week” monitoring the airstrikes the U.S. launched against the Houthi rebels in Yemen on Thursday.

    When questioned by host Jake Tapper if he has access to a secured space at the hospital, known as a SCIF, she replied that he can access secure lines.

    “He is fully equipped to monitor everything that happened last night and all around the world,” she said.

    The White House announced Tuesday it is launching a review of protocols for how Cabinet officials delegate authority.

    White House chief of staff Jeff Zients in a memo to Cabinet secretaries said agencies would be required to notify the Office of Cabinet Affairs and the White House chief of staff in the event they need to delegate their duties when traveling to areas with limited communication, during a hospitalization, or when undergoing a medical procedure requiring anesthesia.

  7. Congressman Don Davis: “If we have learned anything from the past several months, it is that we live in a dangerous world.”

    “As tensions and threats rise across the globe, timely responses are vital to safeguard the American people.”

    ME: Speaking as one of the American people, Congressman Don Davis, I would have to be an absolute fool to think that any of you pack of fools and clowns down there in Washington, DC, a parody of “West Side Story” with the DUNCES vs. the DUMMIES, in place of the Jets and the Sharks, struggling for control of OUR government, which you crowd down there, the bunch of you, DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS alike, since you are no different from each other, all feeding off the taxpayers like a bunch of rats in a farmer’s corn crib, are totally ******* up, could SAFEGUARD me or anyone else in this nation, when you can’t even safeguard the nation itself as you drive us deeper and deeper in debt while allowing masses if illegal immigrants, who we are expected to feed and house at OUR expense, to flood across Joe Biden’s open southern border!

    And if you think Joe Biden and his National Security Council consisting of him, Karmela Harris, Tony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, Janet “TOODLES” Yellen, Jennifer Granholm, Merrick “THE GUTLESS” Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas can keep this nation safe, you are DAFT!

    They, along with your legislative branch crowd down there, are the causes of our problems, not the cure.

    As to tensions and threats rising across the globe, WHO is causing them?

    That answer is Joe Biden and his pack of idiots and fools who are actively seeking confrontation with everyone else on the planet.

    We keep hearing from that pack of idiots, like a bunch of CHICKEN LITTLES just how insecure OUR national security is, as if Jennifer Granholm, a Canadian-American lawyer, educator, author, political commentator, and politician with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 1984 and a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School in 1987 who knows absolutely nothing whatsoever about NATIONAL SECURITY or much else for that matter, except looking pretty for Joe, which he likes, who became a member of Joe’s NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL because she was a proven DEMOCRAT party loyalist who was a member of the presidential transition team for Hussein Obama before he assumed office in 2009 and then she became host of “The War Room” with Jennifer Granholm, and in 2017, she was hired as a CNN political contributor, and more importantly, at least as far as Joe is concerned, because Joe made a campaign promise to select a team that “looks like America” and modernizes the predominantly male, white institution, she won the Miss San Carlos beauty pageant, and then as a young adult, she attempted to launch a Hollywood acting career but abandoned her efforts at age 21, and after that, in 1978, she appeared on The Dating Game, another top qualification to be a member of Joe’s NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL (cue Bob Seger – Her Strut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C51c0vuLEng ) and of great importance to Joe, and her main qualification to be a member of Joe’s NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL, she held jobs as a tour guide at Universal Studios and in customer service at the Los Angeles Times and was the first female tour guide at Marine World Africa USA in Redwood City, piloting boats with 25 tourists aboard, knows anything at all about NATIONAL SECURITY.

    What a farce this is, like a SPOOF being presented to us by NATIONAL LAMPOON!

  8. Congressman Don Davis: “If we have learned anything from the past several months, it is that we live in a dangerous world.”

    ME: Learned from the last several months that we live in a dangerous world?


    Can this dude, a DEMOCRAT serving as the U.S. representative for North Carolina’s 1st congressional district since 2023 be for real?

    The dude, born August 29, 1971, a year after I got back from DEMOCRAT Lyndon Baines Johnson’s WAR OF CHOICE in Viet Nam, a very dangerous place, indeed, and who earned a Bachelor of Science in social sciences from the United States Air Force Academy only learned that we live in a dangerous world in the last several months?

    What has he been doing all these years then?


    Hiding in his basement with his head in the sand?

    Or is he just another igno0rant DEMOCRAT who knows nothing about anything, because I have been on the planet now for over 75 years and I have known since I was young that indeed, we live in a dangerous world, especially when it is under the control of the DEMOCRATS, as was the case in the early-1950’s with DEMOCRAT Harry S. Truman’s DEBACLE in Korea.

    And if anyone bothers to read the Old Testament of the Bible, which is filled with buckets of blood, and subsequent history thereafter, one can’t help but notice that indeed, we live in a dangerous world.

    So it is incredible that it is only in the last several months this dude is just finding that out.

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