February 19, 2025

1 thought on “Kiggans Introduces Bill to Increase Access to National Parks for Disabled Veterans

  1. Speaking as one of this nation’s many disabled veterans, I have to wo9nder if these people promoting “accessible” trails for disabled veterans have a functioning brain inside their heads and the bottom line is I seriously doubt it.

    What exactly is an “accessible” trail for a disabled veteran?

    Paved and dead flat?

    Have these people ever been to a national park to view the terrain they
    want to make “accessible?”

    Are they going to bulldoze Yellowstone or Yosemite to flatten them out and then pave them over to make them more accessible?

    This bull**** coming out of these hack politicians as they tell us veterans how much they are doing for us gets more and more ridiculous all the time and all they are doing is pandering for votes.

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