WASHINGTON, DC: Congresswoman Jen Kiggans (VA-02) released the following statement after voting in favor of H.R. 2872, the Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act.
“Today, I voted for a temporary funding measure (continuing resolution) to prevent a government shutdown and ensure we have the time we need to secure a bipartisan agreement on a commonsense, responsible government funding bill.
“My colleagues and I came to Congress to enact substantial changes and reverse the course of wasteful government spending, which has caused the cost of living to skyrocket. By continuing to kick the can down the road, we are only further delaying the fundamental policymaking decisions the American people are expecting us to make, including securing our southern border.
“Stopgap government funding measures like this are far from ideal, however the fact remains that our military, border patrol agents, and thousands of federal workers in Hampton Roads should not suffer because of Washington’s dysfunction.
“Like many people in Southeast Virginia and I am losing patience with the games Washington plays. It is long past time for Congress to face the reality of a divided government and put in the work necessary to come to an agreement on a fiscally responsible plan to fully fund the government…a plan that makes commonsense spending cuts while protecting our military, veterans’ benefits, and critical programs like Medicare and Social Security.”
The Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act is a two-step stopgap funding measure. It provides funding through March 1st, 2024, for:
- Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and related agencies;
- Energy and Water Development;
- Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and related agencies, and;
- Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies.
Funding is provided through March 8th, 2024, for:
- Commerce, Justice, Science, and related agencies;
- Department of Defense;
- Financial Services and General Government;
- Homeland Security;
- Interior, Environment, and related agencies;
- Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and related agencies;
- Legislative Branch, and;
- State and Foreign Operations and related programs.
She’s going to stop Washington’s games as she herself just played the game?
Anybody with a memory knows that this is exactly how those fiscally irresponsible DUNCES and DUMMIES down there in Washington, accountable to0 NOBODY, keep jacking up OUR NATIONAL DEBT, with these so-called temporary measures.
Now, they have simply kicked the can down the road to March of this year which is a little over two months away.
Then there will be the threat of yet another government shutdown, which will require yet another temporary measure, and the game will go on and on and on.
This is exactly why our credit rating was downgraded.
In the meantime, to pay for all of this, since the federal government has no money, using the “WIMPY” approach, “give me a hamburger today and I’ll gladly pay you back next Tuesday,” Janet “TOODLES” Yellen is issuing RECORD AMOUNTS of DEBT that she needs to find buyers for at the same time corporations and other countries are also issuing debt, which must find buyers, this as we read (those of us who are able) a CNBC story titled “Corporate debt defaults soared 80% in 2023 and could be high again this year, S&P says” by Jeff Cox on January 16, 2024, and a Markets Insider story titled “US debt could face a buyer ‘boycott’ if fiscal policy isn’t cleaned up, Standard Chartered CEO says” by Filip De Mott on 18 January 2024, where we were told that a lack of fiscal discipline by people like Jen “KICK THE CAN DOWN THE ROAD” Kiggans could cause buyers to boycott US debt, which is forcing the yield on the ten-year note, which affects mortgages and credit card debt, to rise above four percent, and we have a CNBC story titled “‘We have a huge fiscal problem’: Banking group IIF sounds the alarm on record global debt” by Sam Meredith on 17 January 2024, where we learned that IIF CEO Tim Adams sounded the alarm on rising levels of debt while speaking to CNBC’s Silvia Amaro on Tuesday at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland saying, “We have a debt problem globally,” and “We have the highest levels of debt in a nonwar period in modern history and it’s at the corporate, household, sovereign, sub-sovereign [levels],” and “We have a huge fiscal problem everywhere, including the U.S.,” and “We’re running deficit at 7% of GDP.”
And meanwhile, congresswoman Kiggans vigorously slaps herself on the back with both arms, congratulating herself on keeping the PITIFUL and WORTHLESS national government operating for TWO more months/
Does she think we are all stupid just because that pack of fools in Washington are all stupid?
Seems so to me, anyway.