Today, Congresswoman Jen Kiggans (VA-02) released the following statement after Congressman Mike Johnson (LA-04) was elected to serve as Speaker of the House of Representatives.
“Today, I voted to restore governance in Washington by supporting Congressman Mike Johnson as the next Speaker of the House.
“During my conversations with Mr. Johnson, he presented himself as an honest, hardworking, and principled conservative. He listened to my concerns about the devastating impact a government shutdown would have on thousands of working families in Southeast Virginia and understands the need to prioritize our military. He also provided reassurance that our defense budget will be protected.
“The unfortunate reality is that our world becomes more dangerous and uncertain by the day. Government funding is set to run out in 23 days. Our southern border is not secure. Israel is at war. Iranian proxies are attacking our military bases abroad and two Navy carrier strike groups have deployed to the Middle East.
“For more than three weeks, the House has been paralyzed because eight Republicans voted with every single Democrat to send Congress into a state of chaos without a plan. Throughout this frustrating, unprecedented process, I have been laser-focused on getting back to work delivering results for American families who deserve better from Washington.
“The 750,000 Virginians I represent cannot afford a repeat of Washington’s recent dysfunction. They deserve a good-faith effort from elected officials on both sides of the aisle to come together to address those challenges.
“We may not see eye to eye on every issue, but I believe Mike Johnson has the ability to unite our Republican Conference and allow us to continue to fulfill our Commitment to America.
“It is an honor to represent the families of Virginia’s Second District in Congress and I will always fight for them.”
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