January 16, 2025

12 thoughts on “Larry DiRe named Cape Charles Interim Town Manager…what’s next?

  1. Is there some reason that ‘The Mayor’ is incapable of ‘Managing’ this very small town?

  2. How much money has been paid by the taxpayers to individuals for “project management” fees? Can the town provide a list of Projects, Project Managers and Fees Paid foreach of the last 5 fiscal years?

  3. Larry is an honest, competent, hard working town employee. Sure wish he would take the position of Town Manager full time. Don’t think we coul do better.

      1. The Mayor is an elected part time unpaid position. The Town Manager is a full time paid position.

          1. The Town Council has 6 members. If there is a tie vote on an issue the Mayor casts the deciding vote.

  4. Should this Town ever wake up to the fact , that we have a Perfect Candidate for Town Manager MR Larry Dire .On our Door step , Make him an offer he would find hard to turn down Example a Good Basic Salary with incentives and a yearly review on performance.

  5. Why is Cape Charles interviewing for Town Manager? when we have a more than capable Candidate in Larry Dire .If you must interview get a qualified Interviewer with experience in Municipal Government. Remember this is a Business not an ego trip

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