Lee Jordan-Anders, a piano soloist and frequent OES orchestra participant is offering a class through the Academy of Lifelong Learning, “Form in Classical Music ”.
To register for this class or to learn more about the Academy of Lifelong Learning and their spring course offerings visit their web page at https://www.allesva.org/2023-spring-courses/
Instructor: Lee Jordan-Anders (ljordananders@gmail.com)
An understanding and awareness of the various structural plans used in classical music composition can help guide the listener’s ear and contribute to more satisfying listening experiences. Students will be introduced to the most common forms used in classical music.
Class sessions will include a variety of music from different stylistic periods as well as different instrumental combinations: (session 1) binary and ternary form, theme and variations; (session 2) rondo form; (session 3) sonata form; (session 4) fugues and other contrapuntal forms.
Four Sessions: Fridays, February 10, 17, 24, and March 3, 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Location: Eastern Shore Community College
Note: Students will be invited to attend the March 3 concert of the Orchestra of the Eastern Shore, 7:30 p.m., at the Historic Cokesbury Church in Onancock. Several of the compositions to be performed at that concert will be studied during class sessions.
Class Limits: Minimum 5, Maximum 20
Pianist Lee Jordan-Anders is Professor of Music and Artist-in-Residence Emeritus at Virginia Wesleyan University in Norfolk, VA, where she served on the faculty for twenty-nine years, teaching classes in aesthetics, listening, music theory, chamber music, and applied piano. Lee was the Music Director and Conductor of the Orchestra of the Eastern Shore from 2009 to 2014 and taught at the Governor’s School for the Arts in Norfolk from 2014 until 2019. She continues to perform frequently both as a soloist and collaborating pianist.
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