January 16, 2025

90 thoughts on “List Of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously Or Committed Suicide Before Testimony

  1. Hillary Clinton has committed perjury while under oath to Congress. This is a felony; the same felony her husband was impeached for committing. If not for Obama and the MSM’s illegal protection, she’d be behind bars at this very moment.

    She is a narcissistic sociopath who lacks any ability to demonstrate actual compassion for another human being. She has no friends, just victims and potential victims. She epitomizes a totalitarian existentialist.

    Trump/Pence 2020!

    note: The male family members of the slick willie’s victims should have already take care of him.

      1. Maybe the dude thought the book would be a flop so he offed himself in advance of any possible bad news in that regard.

    1. You defend hillary and slick willie? What the funk is wrong with you? Oh Yeah, you are a Liberal, a true problem for our country.

    2. Stephan,

      Shame on you! Why did you break-up this exercise in ignorance and idiocy?
      These “contributors” think if you don’t buy into a grand-conspiracy you must be liberal and automatically support B & H. I don’t!
      IGNORANCE is a true problem for any country or society.

      1. I could care less what you do or think….The Clintons just are as corrupt as the catholic church and the catholic church is most corrupt organizations on planet Earth.

          1. Very well said, James and thank you for stepping up to the plate and saying it out loud for all to hear.

            But if you look at their history as either a criminal organization or outright crime family, it goes back in time to the 1800s and comes back forward in an unbroken chain from there to here.

          2. The history of the Democrats as an organized crime family go back to here, if not earlier:

            Albany Regency

            The name “Albany Regency” was a disparaging description used by Thurlow Weed to describe the Democratic political machine created in New York state by Martin Van Buren in the 1820s.

            The machine continued to operate while Van Buren was out of the state serving in the Senate, hence the allusion to a regency, which is government by designated people who rule during a time when the king is not available.

            The original name for the group was the “Holy Alliance.”

            Active on both the state and national levels, the Regency was extremely effective in maintaining party discipline, manipulating people through a shrewd use of patronage.

            While the members were not regarded as personally corrupt, they gained control of party conventions, where they were able to determine nominations and afterwards receive appointments for their friends from the lucky officials.

            The term “spoils system” can be traced to a statement by William L. Marcy in 1833, to the effect that he could see no wrong in the principle that the spoils belong to the victor.

            Eventually this faction split into groups known as the “Barnburners” and the “Hunkers.”

            This division deprived the group of its power of political patronage, and led to the Regency’s dispersal after Van Buren’s defeat in the 1848 election.

            end quotes

            But then came “Boss” Tweed!

      2. Come now, you would not have the balls to call the contributors to this thread Ignorant to their face, and you know it.

      3. How many people that you knew died under such mysterious circumstances?
        Boy, you must be sooooooooo easy to sell to…..heck, you’ll buy anything.

    3. i suppose you work for media matters. That makes you a Clinton associate. No wonder you are kissing their asses.

    1. Yep, sure, according to the news Epstein killed himself and the cameras were out just for that time, and the guards fell asleep just at that moment.

      1. Yeah, and he hung himself with twisted and tied together strips of Toilet paper, but supposedly his neck had injuries associated with strangulation with Wire or Fishing line. Don’t underestimate the lethality of Prison Butt Wipe.

  2. This is a weird story, so it may well be associated with the Clintons for that reason alone, but with the Clintons, who were tight with Vladimir Putin and Harvey Weinstein, who can ever really tell.

    Good drama, however, especially as it seems to involve some really whacked-out members of the legal trade.

    According to an ABC News article just out, Roy Den Hollander, whom the FBI has called the “primary subject” in the shooting at Judge Esther Salas’ New Jersey home, was also the leading suspect in the murder of a like-minded attorney in California earlier this month, multiple law enforcement sources told ABC News.

    Hollander, an attorney who took on cases against feminist causes, was found dead by police Monday from an apparent suicide, according to investigators.

    And there we are back to another apparent suicide, which people seem to associate with the Clinton’s, but as I say, with the pair of them, and especially Hillary, who can ever tell.

    Law enforcement sources say the suspect who killed men’s rights attorney Marc Angelucci on July 11 in San Bernardino County dressed in a similar disguise as a FedEx employee.

    Investigators are looking into whether Hollander was jealous of Angelucci for winning a recent case, according to law enforcement sources.

    Hollander had previously received media attention for lawsuits challenging perceived infringements of “men’s rights” on networks like Fox News, Comedy Central and MSNBC.

    Comedy Central sounds like it was a real good venue for the dude, which takes us to this bit of bizarrity, to wit:

    In the meantime, investigators in New York and New Jersey are taking precautions to protect people who may have been Hollander’s alleged targets.

    During conference call with reporters, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he ordered state police to provide protection for New York State Chief Judge Janet DiFiore, who may have been targeted by Hollander.

    end quotes

    Uh, Andy, the dude is dead!

    Getting back to ABC News, a municipal employee discovered Hollander’s body in a car in the town of Rockland, New York, according to the New York State Police.

    He died of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound, police said.

    Inside Hollander’s vehicle was a photo of Judge DiFiore along with her address, according to Cuomo.

    Does Andy think the dude maybe is just playing dead, waiting for his moment to off Janet DeFiore, who is one of Andy’s tame pet judges?

  3. There’s another who should be on the list. I recall there was a Haitian minister who was coming to the US to testify about how the Clintons had outsourced aid and reconstruction contracts, after yet another natural disaster, and this allowed the Clinton associates to steal 90% of the aid. Predictably, the minister was shot and killed before he could testify and, curiously enough, the story disappeared and the MSM showed absolutely no interest.

    Face it, the Clintons and their ilk are nothing more than gangsters who entered the world of politics, and that’s because you can steal a lot more in office than you can if you are robbing banks or dealing drugs on the street. They proved their style of criminal activity not only works, but also that they can kill off those who displease them and there will be no consequences. When they finally depart this earth they will be given state funerals and politicians, bureaucrats and others will lament the “loss” and praise them for their “good works,” etc.

  4. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/03/29/supreme-court-rejects-efforts-to-depose-hillary-clinton-over-email-server/

    We The People have lost The Supreme Court of The United States of America. It appears as though that they too, have forgotten who pays for their: electricity, the food in their refrigerators, the refrigerator, foot powder, health insurance, maid service, under arm deodorant, shampoo, personal trainer, vacations, carpet, medications, meals, underwear, airplane tickets, heat, tampons, hair cuts, hand lotion, air conditioning, paper towels, home repairs, homes, robes, retirement, cell phones, bathroom floor mats, soap, hair color, second homes, cable tv bills, gym membership, toilet paper ect.

    1. We, the Law-abiding, loyal American people, never really had the United States Supreme Court on our side to begin with, so we didn’t lose them, as they were never there for us in the first place.

  5. Hunter S Thompson isn’t on the list? He was claiming to have evidence on 9/11 being an inside job and then he somehow suicide himself with 2 shots going in two different angles.

    1. Pshaw, that’s nothing.

      I knew of a dude that shot himself in the head six times and missed each time and then, after wasting those rounds, the dude finally got his aim better, but not good enough, so that he shot himself through the head but there was nothing of consequence for the round to hit in there, so the dude survived.

      At least Hunter Thompson, the “GONZO” dude, made both bullets count.

      1. Make a website. List EVERY one of these and continue updating. Donations will follow. “Fite the Good Fite” #KILLary

        Bonus Donations for ADDING a checkbox of which ones have F…ked either KILLary, Bill, or Both.

        Second Checkbox, if associated,.directly.or.indirectly, with DNC.

        Add.summary at bottom of totals, and correlations. Nad, we will All feel our Mouths Drop

        The two that.come.to mind, first and foremost, are Vince Foster (had a safe full.of documents), and Seth Ricj (who had the electronic archive of documents, similar to Vince).

        Keep.in mind, both these Clintons are.LAWYERS, and what do Lyimg Lawyers FEAR.Most? Documents, Evidence, or those who could provide or produce doxumentation (Affidavit included) or other “substantiall, relevant and credible evidence generally admissible in Court.”

    1. Isn’t it funny how they just say that these are right-wing conspiracy theorists. These are all people that died at the hands of the clintons

  6. I was told by a reliable source that the Clinton’s were on the Osama Bin Laden raid and that Hillary was the real shooter that got him and was a hero to all of SEAL Team Six…..

    1. You make fun of Navy Seals and their missions. Wow! You really are a mental midget. A few bricks shy of a load, are you? I bet you rode the ‘short bus’ to school for 12 years.

      Please understand that you couldn’t make a pimple on the a$$ of a Navy Seal.

      An apology is in order, you have been called out.

      1. My younger brother rode the ‘short bus’ as you call it and he made a great life for his family.

        Be a little more considerate to peoples physical and mental challenges.

          1. Scrapple Buffet,

            May I intercede on this matter? Mr. Bell seems to be quite pugilistic in his comments that he post in the Mirror. He has commented on my comments with rather strident language with a hint of calumny.

            Mr. Bell, I may be of assistance to you in the sense of opening up your world to more open thinking. Now, with no disrespect to you here are some things that may help.

            Kofi Annan the prior General Secretary to the U.N. said “In all human endeavors there are divisions. In other words, there will be differences in thoughts on all subjects. So, disagree but do not place personalities in the middle of your arguments.

            Now, I will take you to some Eastern Philosophies:

            * “To find inner peace, accept people for who they are.” This may help
            you take the edge off.

            * From the Book of Rings: “Pen and Sword in Accord”. In other words do
            you’re best with diplomacy and if all diplomacy breaks down it is war.

            Sir, you are know gentleman! So I chose war! We can fight with conventional weapons but that can take years and cost millions of live’s.

            We will decide a place of battle. I have arbitrarily picked two Eastern Shore landmarks for such a Homeric undertaking.

            Your home battle field is Yuk’s on a Thursday wing night.We will have an all you can eat wing war. He who consumes the most wings down to the bone in one hour shall be declared the winner. I may be at a disadvantage here. I was told that you do a great job on a bone.

            My home battle field will be Cape Charles Coffee. Weapon of choice will be the Marshall Special (a world class sand-which)with again with the one hour time limit. I must warn you, If it is the Cape Charles Coffee house not only will I dispatch you to ruin but I will also flog you to death with the delicious dill pickle that is provided with each savory Marshall Special.

            I think we should do a preliminary meet and greet at Watsons Hardware for a coin toss to decide home battle field advantage.. Chip Watson can do the coin toss and also mix us a drink. I have found Chips taste of fine Spirits to be quite satisfying. Plus, Chip is such a nice guy. Hey, just us and all of the fellers hanging around.

            I will check with my people on open dates for the coin toss as well as the Battle Royale. They will reach out to you to let you know the date of the Coin toss. I am sure you you do not have much going on.

            It will be billed as the Come Here vs. The Dumb Here.

            Folks, as these dates unfold I will be sure to make sure our Cape Charles Mirror keeps all informed of the up and coming activities.

            SB – if you do not have a dictionary just google the words that you do not
            no the meaning of in this comment.

      1. It is rumored to be true. It was with one of those Ginsu knives that used to peddle on TV.

        But wait there’s more! Hillary is moving to Cape Charles to run for Mayor! Talk about a Come Here…..Bring back Dora Sullivan a Come Here who did a FANTASTIC Job to re-run for Mayor. Oh joy, rapture!

        What a ticket!
        Sullivan vs Clinton
        Dora will smoke Hillary in a debate,

        We can have the debate at the firehouse so as to be able to extinguish the flames coming off Hilly’s head as our local Come Here superstar Mayor Sullivan torches Old Hilly with experience and wisdom.

        This comment was paid for by the Elect Dora Sullivan Action Committee.


    [COURTESY: CAPT Les Horn, USN (Ret)]

    My name is Ed Coet. I am a retired US Army Intelligence Officer. In my last job in the army I was the Chief of the Human Intelligence Branch for the US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany. In that capacity I was also the Designated Program Manager for a Special Access Program (SAP) like the SAP that Hillary Clinton is alleged to have compromised in the most recent State Department Inspector General report to congress and which has been widely reported in the news. Here is what I personally know about SAP’s and what I can attest to in an unclassified forum:

    1. The names of each SAP are themselves classified Top Secret because the information within the SAP are far and above Top Secret.

    2. SAP’s are so sensitive that even people who have security clearances giving them access to Top Secret Sensitive Compartment Information (TS SCI), an enormously high security clearance level, cannot have accesses to a SAP’s unless they receive a special indoctrination into the SAP based on an operational “must know” that exceeds all other “need to know” standards.

    3. Being “read on” for a SAP is far more then acknowledging in writing that you have been briefed on the SAP. It is an in-depth “indoctrination” into the given SAP, and each SAP is itself compartmented separately from other SAPS. Having access to one SAP does not give you access to another SAP, and in fact rarely does. Only a tiny handful of people have knowledge of all SAP’s. SAP’s are the most stringently compartmented and protected information in the entire US government.

    4. Unlike Top Secret SCI which is maintained in highly secure Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilitates (SCIF’s) managed by specially trained Special Security Officers (SSO’s) at various levels of command, every single SAP is managed by an individually designated Program Manager for each individual SAP covering an entire theater of operations. In other words, SAP Program Managers are far fewer in number than there is SSO’s. SSO’s are not cleared to even know about SAP’s or to maintain information about them in their already enormously secure SCIF’s. How SAP’s are secured cannot be discussed because of the sensitive beyond Top Secret nature in which it is done.

    5. Unlike individuals with the highest Top Secret SCI access security clearances, who must undergo a special background information with periodic “bring-up” background investigation, those tiny few who have access to SAP’s must also endure periodic polygraph tests in addition to the most comprehensive of special background investigations. I used to have to schedule four-star generals and admirals to be polygraphed in order for them to maintain their access to my SAP. Many generals and admirals who obviously have the highest security clearances still did not rate being indoctrinated into my SAP. In fact, they didn’t even know the SAP existed.

    6. Compromise of a SAP is the single most dangerous security violation that can ever happen to the USA. Even the enormously damaging revelations of the Edward Snowden’s TOP Secret SCI security compromise does not reach the level of a SAP compromise.

    7. To put SAP information in to an unsecure sever like Hillary Clinton’s unsecure server is a class one felony that could, in some cases, result in life in prison. That is because such a compromise is so dangerous that it could and likely will result in the death of people protected by and within the scope of the SAP.

    As a former SAP Program Manager I believe it is inconceivable that if it is verified that Hillary Clinton’s server actually had SAP information on it that she could possibly escape indictment and criminal prosecution. As hard as it is to imagine, that would even be worse then electing to not prosecute a mass murdering serial killer because even they could not inflict as much damage on our country as the compromise of a SAP. Compromise of a SAP not only could — but without doubt would — cause serious damage to our national security.

    If it is true that Hillary Clinton had SAP information on her unsecure server, whether it was marked or not, you can be sure that the FBI will strongly recommend that charges be brought against Hillary Clinton and continue in an exhaustive investigation to trace back to every single person that had even the tiniest role in this unbelievable security compromise.

    If the Attorney General, through “prosecutorial discretion,” elected not to prosecute this crime, I believe congress would have no alternative but to impeach her, and the FBI would then have no choice but to conduct a criminal investigation of her for a deliberate cover up –- so grave is this security violation.

    If President Obama were to pardon Hillary Clinton for a compromise of this magnitude he would render himself in the historical record as an “enemy of the state,” and could himself face criminal prosecution –- so grave is such a security compromise. Nobody, not even the POTUS could gets away with something like this in our system of government. If anyone could escape persecution for compromising a SAP, we are deep trouble as a nation. No president who loves this country and is true to his oath would ever allow anyone, not even his or her closest and most loved relative, to get away with a SAP compromise. It is simply unimaginable that this could ever happen.

    If the ongoing investigation finds that Hillary Clinton compromised a SAP, then we all should know with certainty, regardless of political persuasion, that she is entirely unfit to hold public office of any kind let alone President of the USA — and ALL Americans should never tolerate it. Compromising a SAP is an absolute “disqualifier” for public office and access to our nations most sensitive information – period.


    Major, US Army (Retired)

    1. TY Major AND Captain. Non-veterans do not realize earned rank in retirement are life-long honors (still), and that all decorated veterans can wear their medals, even as civilians after their discharge from active service. Ignorance is a disease we too often suffer from in 21st century America I am sad to say. Lack of ability to express oneself without vulgarity is a very conspicuous symptom of this disease.

      Ignorance is correctible. The damage vulgarity leaves in its wake is not – just sayin’.

  8. Major ~ thank you for your service.

    Not sure what purpose your diatribe served, but it seems that in your haste to trumpet to any who would listen (myself included, since I regrettably wasted time reading this nonsense) you have evidently chosen to take license with much of what you posted.

    Since I doubt you’ll have the integrity to correct your inaccuracies suffice it to say you aren’t the only one on this site with knowledge of how the classification system or its myriad associated programs works.

    1. Scrapple ~ Ed Coet (though most folks stop using such titles once they retire and are civilians)

  9. I was a AAA school guard crosswalk Captain in 1971 as a sixth grader. So should I tell my minions to stop calling me Captain fifty-two years later?

    1. I’d be very surprised to find you allowed within 500′ of any school, or minions, but you do you.


      1. I, Sir take umbrage to your tone. Hitherto you’re conjecture of my good standing in the community I felt that we would share a certain simpatico. Obviously not.

        A caveat to you. I am the SCRAPPLE BUFFET! I have dined with kings as well as kept the common touch with the common man. From the White House to the “Hood”. Be advised. I do not suffer fools. I will mete out justice as I see fit in a moments notice and with alacrity!

        So, before you pontificate anymore pernicious words towards the great and powerful Scrapple Buffet stand down and I will spare for you any injury or harm.

        As you will see from readings of the Cape Charles Mirror I have aligned myself with very powerful individuals. We will have “eyes” on you from here on out. Be advised Classification Custodian that this arena is not for the weak. Choose your next words wisely.

        Hey, have a nice day!

    2. No more than people should stop calling Hillary Clinton “Secretary” Clinton years after she was secretary of state.

      You worked hard to earn that title of Captain!

      You weren’t afforded it for being a failure like Hillary!

      Thus, you deserve it far more than she, Captain, and a grateful nation salutes you proudly for the yeoman service you rendered this nation as a Captain of crossing guards who are out there on the line, day after day after day, in all kinds of weather, defending our sacred democracy while standing watch over the soul of America!

      1. Thank you Sir for your kind thoughts. Most of us have been swept under the rug like the real hero’s that defended these lands all the whilst the weak left zealots hid behind the true Patriots as they fought off valiantly the heathen Pickle Ballers.

        A crossing guard is like a Patriot. He/she stands up for the true American values that have been instilled us since the days that we had to dispatch those British wankers from our shores. Again, thank you for the kind words.

        Note: There were no fatalities at my cross walk on Fishermans Road in Norfolk, Va.

        1. Captain, for if Hillary Clinton deserves to be called “secretary” long after she was secretary of state, you deserve to be called captain for the valuable services you have rendered to this country in all kinds of weather as a crossing guard, one of this nation’s first lines of defense again the rampant lawlessness engulfing this country in Democrat-controlled criminal sanctuary cities, let me say on behalf of a grateful nation that it is people like you, selfless, determined, unyielding to political pressure to look the other way while some politician in a hurry to be somewhere to rake some graft blows through your crosswalk at 60 miles an hour as if he or she was special, who truly make America great, for being out there doing what needed to be done when it needed to be done as opposed to whining about it should be somebody else having to be out there in harm’s way as opposed to yourself!

          If there were such a thing as a commanding general of crossing guards as opposed to just captains, it’s general we would be calling you in here instead of just captain.

  10. O Captain! My Captain! their fearful trek is through;
    The school has let the children go, now it is up to you;
    The street is crossed, no child lost, the parents filled with delight;
    With steady hand, sign held aloft, your duty’s end in sight!
    But O heart! heart! heart!
    O the bleeding drops of red,
    Where on the deck my Captian lies,
    Fallen cold and dead.

    With extreme apologies to Walt Whitman.


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