BATA, Equatorial Guinea, WSJ—Classified American intelligence reports suggest China intends to establish its first permanent military presence on the Atlantic Ocean in the tiny Central African country of Equatorial Guinea, according to U.S. officials.
The officials declined to describe details of the secret intelligence findings. But they said the reports raise the prospect that Chinese warships would be able to rearm and refit opposite the East Coast of the U.S.—a threat that is setting off alarm bells at the White House and Pentagon.
Principal deputy U.S. national security adviser Jon Finer visited Equatorial Guinea in October on a mission to persuade President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo and his son and heir apparent, Vice President Teodoro “Teodorin” Nguema Obiang Mangue, to reject China’s overtures.
World-wide, the U.S. finds itself maneuvering to try to block China from projecting its military power from new overseas bases, from Cambodia to the United Arab Emirates.
In Equatorial Guinea, the Chinese likely have an eye on Bata, according to a U.S. official. Bata already has a Chinese-built deep-water commercial port on the Gulf of Guinea, and excellent highways link the city to Gabon and the interior of Central Africa.
The “most significant threat” from China would be “a militarily useful naval facility on the Atlantic coast of Africa,” Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander of U.S. Africa Command, testified in the Senate in April. “By militarily useful I mean something more than a place that they can make port calls and get gas and groceries. I’m talking about a port where they can rearm with munitions and repair naval vessels.”
When we need a real leader in the white house because of developments like this, we instead have been stuck with a senile old fool who is busy promoting himself as a MESSIAH and protector of WORLD DEMOCRACY, which is a huge tub of pure horse crap.
Why do we keep forgetting that the Chinese crossed the Yalu into Korea back when to blood their troops against the U.S. Marines up near the Chosin Reservoir to make a point to the ******* morons in Washington, D.C.?
They are not afraid of us, and they most certainly are not afraid of a fool like Joe Biden, and as the DEMOCRATS and progressives propel us towards a degenerated third-world welfare nation status, where the IQ of the United States, not surprisingly, is plummeting, which is why we are now ruled by a fool, the Chinese are advancing.
Top 10 Smartest Countries by IQ – Ulster Institute 2019:
Japan – 106.49
Taiwan – 106.47
Singapore – 105.89
Hong Kong (China) – 105.37
China – 104.10
South Korea – 102.35
Belarus – 101.60
Finland – 101.20
Liechtenstein – 101.07
Netherlands & Germany (tie) – 100.74
A little confused
Most American and other countries materials are made in China .American business are established there. So why is it that we are concerned about Chinese military.
Note: China establishing a base on the Atlantic, which is big.
Look at that list of countries by IQ, Bob.
Do you see Uhmureeka (America) anywhere in the list?
How about Belarus?
They are a third-world ****hole of a country, aren’t they?
Goofy old Joe Biden didn’t invite Belarus to his “democracy summit,” just as he did not invite China.
So as a nation, we have slipped down below a third-world ****hole like Belarus.
Thus, the Chinese are looking at us as a nation in need of a powerful overseer, just as we once looked at China as a weak nation needing us as its overlord.
The Chinse have never forgotten that humiliation, while we are too ****** stupid to remember it.
So as we have declined, the Chinse have risen, and they know we have to borrow money from them to keep our failing economy going, which already makes us subservient to them, and they have to make stuff for us because we lack the mental capacity to do for ourselves, so to protect their investment, it really would be better for them to just subsume us as another province like Taiwan.
A simple story, actually, for those who remember history.
Do you remember the Mandate of Heaven, Bob, from your high school studies?
The ‘Mandate of Heaven’ established the idea that a ruler must be just to keep the approval of the gods.
It was believed that natural disasters, famines, and astrological signs were signals that the emperor and the dynasty were losing the Mandate of Heaven.
The Mandate of Heaven (Tianming), also known as Heaven’s Mandate, was the divine source of authority and the right to rule of China’s early kings and emperors.
The ancient god or divine force known as Heaven or Sky had selected this particular individual to rule on its behalf on earth.
An important element of the mandate was that although the ruler had been given great power he also had a moral obligation to use it for the good of his people, if he did not then his state would suffer terrible disasters and he would lose the right to govern.
Mencius, a wise Chinese philospher, pointed out that “Heaven does not create people for the sake of the sovereign.”
“Heaven made the sovereign for the sake of the people.”
The ruler must, therefore, at all times be guided by the principle of benevolence or jen.
Further, if there were suitable omens such as floods and droughts and the ruler was proving less capable of fulfilling his mandate than he ought to have been, then Mencius considered it legitimate for the people, if not actually to overthrow their ruler and find a new one, then at least to show their disapproval through rebellion and protest.
Since Nancy Pelosi installed Joe Biden as president, we have been having plenty of omens such as floods while we suffer terrible disasters, which means Joe Biden is proving incapable of fulfilling his mandate, and the Chinese would be among the first to realize that.
What do you think?
Has Joe Biden lost the Mandate of Heaven?
Or did he never have it to begin with?
Do you think the Chinese think Joe Biden is an illegitimate ruler?
“Foreign holdings of Treasuries hit record high in October – data”
By Gertrude Chavez-dreyfuss
December 15, 2021
NEW YORK, Dec 15 (Reuters) – Foreign holdings of U.S. Treasuries, led by Japan and China, rose to a record high for the month of October, data from the Treasury department showed on Wednesday.
Major foreign owners of Treasuries showed holdings of $7.648 trillion in October, an all-time peak, compared with $7.549 trillion the previous month.
China’s holdings also increased to $1.065 trillion, from $1.047 trillion in September.
And the natural disasters on Joe Biden’s watch keep on coming!
Has Joe Biden lost the Mandate of Heaven?
Or is it more the case that he never had it in the first place, so the earth itself thinks he is an abomination and is rebelling against him?
(I think I myself am more partial to the second premise).
China Joe will not do a damn thing to stop it. You people that voted for him should be proud…You all may have to pay for your poor voting habits one day soon.
Joe Biden can’t do a thing to stop it.
One, he is way too weak to do so, bringing back the “ass-first when you enter a room” policies of the weakling Hussein Obama who can be seen in the YouTube video bowing low to the emperor of Japan, apologizing to him for America having beaten them in WWII, how unsporting, what, what, while keeping his eyes on the floor, lest he look the emperor in the eye as if Obama was his equal:
Obama bows to Emperor of Japan
Just recently, the Chinese were making mock of the old goofball as we see in the Washington Post article “China trolls Biden summit with Harry Potter jokes and claims to be a democracy” by Christian Shepherd on 10 December 2021, to wit:
Does U.S.-style democracy “realize dreams or create nightmares?”
It appears to have turned evil like Voldemort, the dark wizard of the Harry Potter franchise.
Young President Biden must have eaten too much KFC and McDonald’s, leading to a belief that democracy is like a fast-food chain with the United States supplying the ingredients.
These are among the odd arguments and analogies deployed in recent days during a Chinese Communist Party propaganda blitz to claim that China is as much a democracy as the United States.
After China was excluded — along with Russia and other nations deemed autocratic — from Biden’s “Summit for Democracy” this week, Chinese state media, think tanks and officials have lined up to take potshots at the event.
A white paper released over the weekend by the State Council Information Office, titled “China: Democracy That Works,” suggested that Xi’s recently coined “whole-process people’s democracy” was a legitimate inheritor of the ancient Greek ideal of citizen rule.
The document argues that what matters isn’t any particular process, such as direct leadership elections, but rather the outcome — meeting the people’s needs.
end quotes
And Joe has no money, even if he did want to try and do something,
Joe would have to borrow that money from the Chinese to be able to do anything about that base.
Instead, Joe has his weakling toady Tony Blinken bleating like a just-castrated goat about how mean the Chinese are, with Tony threatening to smite them hard and give them a good clout with his purse if they don’t straighten up and fly right and do things the way Joe Biden wants things to be done, as we see in the Washington Post story “Blinken warns China to stop ‘aggressive actions’ in first trip to Southeast Asia” by John Hudson on 14 December 2021, to wit:
JAKARTA, Indonesia —Secretary of State Antony Blinken used his first official visit to Southeast Asia to criticize China’s “aggressive actions” and encourage smaller countries in the Indo-Pacific to unite against Beijing’s assertiveness in the region.
Speaking at a university in the capital of Indonesia, Blinken said the Biden administration would work with allies and partners to defend the “rules-based order” against a rising China that he depicted as a threat to freedom of movement in the South China Sea, where an estimated $3 trillion of commerce flows every year.
“Claiming open seas as their own.”
“Distorting open markets through subsidies to its state-run companies.”
“Denying the exports or revoking deals for countries whose policies it does not agree with,” Blinken said.
“Countries across the region want this behavior to change — we do too.”
Blinken’s criticisms of China in a region where it holds strong political and economic ties resembled some of the broadsides leveled by former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, his predecessor in the Trump administration.
But Blinken sought to strike a softer tone, insisting that Washington is not forcing countries to choose between the two superpowers.
“Individual countries will be able to choose their own path and their own partners,” he said.
Blinken is using his three-country swing through Southeast Asia, which will include stops in Malaysia and Thailand, as a means for spelling out the Biden administration’s Indo-Pacific strategy.
A key pillar of the Biden administration’s policy is to ensure the rights and freedoms of the people of the region, Blinken said.
But in promoting free and democratic governance, he was careful not to criticize corruption and anti-democratic practices of the countries on his tour, which he’s hoping to bring closer to Washington’s orbit.
During a news conference in Jakarta’s glitzy Fairmont hotel, Blinken was asked about whether he would give voice to anti-corruption and pro-democracy efforts in Thailand and Malaysia.
The top U.S. diplomat dodged the question, saying, “we’ll have an opportunity in both places to address questions particular to those places when we’re there.”
end quotes
A very small dog, indeed, with a very weak bark, and teeth too small to inflict much of a bite is how I think the Chinese will look on weak Tony Blinken’s empty blustering.