February 19, 2025

5 thoughts on “Low Country Shrimp Boil April 28th

    1. FYI,
      The late Lenore Savage brought the Low Country shrimp boil to the museum as a fundraiser. It has always been a raging success! Maybe you Miss White can come up with a menu and have the fundraiser wherever you want.

    2. Someone always has something negative to say, if you don’t like the menu, don’t go. There are plenty of festivities throughout the year with local eats.

      They have been having a Bayou Boogaloo Cajun Food Fest in Norfolk for 29 years. Why didn’t they have a “Hampton Roads” based menu? Because the people attending live there and eat “Hampton Roads” based foods all the time. Do something people don’t experience frequently and they come to the events.

  1. I personally feel that if you do not like the menu, stay home! People pay because it is different and for a great cause.

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