The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is seeking public input on potential modifications to the Summer Flounder Small Mesh Exemption Program and the flynet exemption from the Summer Flounder minimum mesh size requirements. Interested stakeholders are invited to provide comments during a webinar to be held on April 2, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. The Council is particularly interested in input from participants in commercial trawl fisheries who utilize the Small Mesh Exemption Program and/or flynet exemption.
The Council is considering these changes through a joint framework action/addendum being developed jointly with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Board (Board). The Council and Board are seeking comments to inform their consideration of a draft range of alternatives at their April 2024 joint meeting.
Which Regulations are Being Considered Through this Action?
Small Mesh Exemption Program Area Revisions: The Small Mesh Exemption Program currently allows trawl vessels to obtain a Letter of Authorization (LOA) to land more than 200 pounds of summer flounder east of longitude 72° 30.0’W, from November 1 through April 30, using mesh smaller than 5.5-inch diamond or 6.0-inch square. The Council and Board will consider modifications to the boundaries of the exempted area, including evaluating suggested revisions made by fishing industry representatives during the Fall 2023 review process for this exemption.
Flynet Exemption Gear Definition Updates: Current regulations provide an exemption to the minimum mesh size requirements for vessels fishing with a two-seam otter trawl flynet. Through this action, the Council and Board will consider modifying the regulatory definition of a flynet in light of changes in the use and configuration of commercial trawl gear since this exemption was put in place in the 1990s.
An overview of draft alternatives will be posted to the calendar page prior to the meeting. Additional background and context for the action is available on the Summer Flounder Commercial Mesh Size Exemptions Framework/Addendum action webpage.
Webinar Connection:
Registration in advance of the webinar is requested but not required.
To Provide Written Comments or For More Information
Written comments can be emailed to Kiley Dancy at, and will be included in the Council and Board’s April meeting materials if received by 5p.m. on Thursday, April 4, 2024. Please contact Kiley for more information, or visit the framework/addendum action page.
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