While many newspapers across the country have listened to the mantra, “Don’t read the comments”, and have turned off that function, the Mirror has doubled down. Our newspaper continues to provide, for better or worse, service to their readers, a way for them to engage with content that allows the public’s voice to be heard.
A recent survey found that the Mirror has reached over 20,000 comments from you, the ordinary people.
The Mirror is actually a blended platform of the traditional comments section and social media (Twitter, Facebook).
That said, the Mirror home page remains our bread and butter. There is an editor, but it is really your site. Your reflections on this community are what makes this thing work. We thank you.
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Paul Plante says
Long live the Cape Charles Mirror, the only true grand palladium of liberty we have left in this country as the main-stream and legacy media have become mere propaganda outlets not worth spit.
Ray Otton says
Whooo, hooooo, 15,000 from the same, demented poster.
Note: Welcome back Ray, you have a few in there yourself.
Ray Otton says
Got some major gaslighting going on there Wayne.
You touting 20K posts with 3/4 of them from the same guy is akin to CNN telling us we should be happy with the extra $100/month we’re saving because gas prices went down 80 cents……………..after it went up by $3.
Think about all the intelligent, erudite commenters you’ve lost over the years due to your inability to rein in the bully.
I didn’t agree with all of them but they were a damn sight more engaging than the guy who dominates your comments section with boring, mindless rants against, well, everyone and everything.
Note: It’s a big country. Stop whining and man up.
Scrapple Buffet says
Clark Kent – Super Man
Bruce Wayne – Batman
Stuart Bell -Blow Up Doll
Paul Plante -Wayne Creed?!
Is this true? Has the Wizard of Cape Charles had the curtains pulled back?
Note: If you think Wayne has enough free time on his hands to accommodate Paul Plante’s level of output, you are dumber than you look.
Leonard says
Thank you,well done
BRAND says
Love the Mirror
Jay Sherin says
At best, an unfettered, mainly anonymous comment section on the internet is a true bastion of democracy. At least as the 1st amendment is concerned.
However, what it seems to embrace in the middle is the mantra, “It is better to be silent and thought of as being stupid, than it is to speak up and remove all doubt.” Unfortunately, stupid comes in all shapes and sizes and so we all get to enjoy each other’s lack of awareness of what it means to listen and learn. It is what it is.
But at worse, it allows a sense of righteousness and base derision and at blindingly fast speeds. We want our sense of relativity based on OUR personas and experiences to rule and to judge others as not worthy of our consideration. I would call it a combination of arrogance and infantilism. A free country can’t remain oblivious (but it CAN become totalitarian and authoritarian) to such banal disgust of those whose values do not coincide with yours. What it requires is for everyone to provide a small piece of the puzzle known as a civilized society. And for each of us to at least consider the merits of others’ pieces.
Finally, not really about the original topic but rather about the puzzle known as the US of A,, what we truly need is a sense of what this country is built upon. Right now, our civics IQ is about as low as any country can be and still have something akin to what is called “advanced”. We are mainly resting on the work of our forefathers while attempting to retrofit a more modern (ie, unproven) take on societal norms. I would only add to this that a country who thinks it stands for everything actually stands for nothing. This is some dangerous territory we are heading into these days. I hope some brains begin to function and at least see how far we have strayed from what we were after the end of WW2. It all feels like Rome 2.0, and we all know how that turned out.
So yes, let’s celebrate the 1st amendment. Now, let us try to remember that there are at least 9 other amendments whom the Founding Fathers believed were sacrosanct to a viable and free country.
Paul Plante says
Agrippa X
January 01, 1788
To the People.
Friends and Brethren,
It is a duty incumbent on every man, who has had opportunities for inquiry, to lay the result of his researches on any matter of publick importance before the publick eye.