Last Sunday’s pathetic turn-out in Washington D.C. shined a bright light on the big lie: America doesn’t have a white supremacy problem. But the elevation of racists like the New York Times’s Sarah Jeong, who thinks white people smell bad and who compares them to goblins…well, that’s probably ok.
Fewer than fifty people, less than a Northampton Soccer match, showed up to an event billed as the bigger, better sequel to last year’s idiotic Charlottesville debacle, in which far-Left and far-Right clashes, and little or no police involvement, left one woman dead. Those fifty Unite the Right nerds were dwarfed by thousands of counter-protestors, but they still managed to accomplish something worthwhile: their paltry showing left the American media reeling from the shock of just how few white racists there really are in the United States — and how to report on such an embarrassing fact, when millions of dollars in personnel and equipment were dedicated on this day just to show how bad things really are in America. Better luck next time.
In reality, white nationalists are in pretty short supply, and their danger to the Republic is greatly exaggerated, and Americans are starting to notice. Like a Yeti or Bigfoot, they are quite elusive. There are probably less than 5,000 genuine white supremacists in the United States. More than likely, a lot less. A high estimate is they make up 0.0015 percent of the population. This makes the gnashing cable news specials and countless editorials seem all the more ridiculous.
Like players kneeling at football games, why do we feel we need to give wall-to-wall coverage for weeks — the equivalent of tens of millions of dollars’ worth of advertising to something this stupid? It didn’t work anyway.
The media, by wetting themselves over white nationalism, has made it a point of meaninglessness.
The idiots at the once great Washington Post described the failed rally as a “triumph for the Left” — a headline that gets more disgusting the more you think about it.
They are wrong: it was a colossal victory for the Trump-supporting Right, who can now compare the sixty million people who voted for the current President with the 40 or so who dared to show up for the “rally”.
And it was humiliating for the Leftists of establishment TV stations and newspapers who were convinced that the mother of all white supremacist rallies would vindicate their inane talk about the dangers of the alt-right extremist–all fifty of them. Poor, sad CNN was left thrashing about for an explanation, clearly caught off guard, while NBC tried to ignore the fact that its reporters were attacked by Antifa thugs who hate the press more than Trump’s deplorables.
Note: CNN and the Washington Post don’t really disapprove of racism–as longs as its one of their own say disobliging things about white people. They will run interference when one of their tribe is caught, such as the latest member of the New York Times’s editorial board, Sarah Jeong. Remember, she was found to have tweeted dozens of virulently anti-white remarks over a period of years. She is in good company though. Most of the media, pretty much everyone on college campuses and anyone with a blue check mark on Twitter adheres to the notion that white people are the root of all evil.
Jeong’s tweets were racist–just say it. The press has protected Jeong because hiring her at the NT Times has exposed them all— and they are all guilty. America’s newsrooms have now openly endorsed anti-white racist rhetoric, an establishment-sanctioned form of outright racism against white people, for which there is no consequence, and for which there may even be rewards, such as a job at the New York Times.
The unfortunate reality for leftist trolls is that white working-class Americans have resisted racism. Racist Republican candidates leave them cringing. The KKK is dead and gone. Heavily-publicized white nationalist rallies in the nation’s capital attract two or three dozen people. There is even a crop of red neck rappers like UpChurch.
The biggest offense to leftist polite society by the white working class has been electing a billionaire New Yorker who doesn’t doesn’t “give a fuck” for political correctness and whose policies closely reflect the priorities of the vast majority of the Republican base.
They spent the majority of the time after the humiliating defeat concocting the big lie–Trump is a racist, all Republicans are bigots, white people suck, etc. ”
But, the moronic left did it to themselves, through their mediocrity, stupidity, class bigotry, corruption and a total lack of a sense of humor.
With the coming election, the stupidity of the voting public will be on full display, as the Mirror predicts a swing of 50 to 70 seats flipping Democrat (although, this is probably a good thing–stasis in government is the optimal solution).
When the left elects outright racists to their editorial boards while passing off false narratives about white pride revivals (as well as the myth of “free stuff”) in order regain power, it shows Trump has won. We have won.
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