The newly elected Cape Charles Town Council will meet this Thursday–first order of business in the new year will be creating a Planned Unit Development to meet the needs of the proposed Bay Crossing workforce housing project.
A public hearing will take place first, followed by discussion and action by the Town Council.
The Planning Commission staff, after review and analysis, is recommending that the “Planning Commission convene and hold the public hearings and consider all comments received and determine if there are additional issues raised that were not considered by staff which may need to be considered. Staff is recommending favorable consideration of the creation of a new zoning district, the Bay Crossing PUD, and to favorably consider rezoning Tax Map#90-19-A from R-3 to Bay Crossing PUD”.
This property is currently zoned R-3, bordered to the east by 17.65 acres of town-owned property which is currently undeveloped.
R-3 zoning intends “to provide for relatively high density, multi-family residential development. This district is designed to promote and encourage a suitable environment for family life and to restrict activities of a commercial nature to those which serve the needs of the surrounding residential neighborhood.”
This reminds me of Humans wanting to colonize Mars after they have been such horrible stewards of this planet, but want to go funk another one.
Human beings are ignorant mammals.