Sarah Jeong, who will be joining the New York Times editorial board in September, has expressed open disdain for white people in numerous tweets sent between 2013 and 2015.
Jeong’s Twitter account is replete with racial insults against white people, whom she has described as “groveling goblins,” “bullshit,” “miserable,” and “dogs.”
“Dumba** f***ing white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants,” Jeong wrote in November 2014. “Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster un the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like groveling goblins,” she wrote a month later. Granted, this is hilarious, but as a white man that subscribes to the Times, I wonder if I’m still a demographic that they are interested in?
Below is the response from the Times PR department, which has been working overtime to come up with a whole new definition for BS:
Our statement in response to criticism of the hiring of Sarah Jeong.
— NYTimes Communications (@NYTimesPR) August 2, 2018
Should Jeong be fired for these tweets? No, of course not. The New York Times is a very high profile company, and Jeong is a somewhat public figure.
The problem is that after the 3-year old tweets surfaced, as predicted the social media hit squad went into action. Immediately after the announcement of her hiring, without missing a beat, some of Sarah’s old tweets began to surface.
These social media lynchings are getting out of hand.
Were her comments racist back in 2014? Yes, but is that who she is today? We don’t know but hopefully, the NYTs does. If they don’t, well then they’re just hypocrites. They did fire another journalist, Quinn Norton, earlier this year when old tweets surfaced of her saying slurs about African Americans and gays.
Still, the mob should not be the ones to make that decision.
A final note from a veteran of the Korean War:
What kind of protest or riots(Rev. Al Sharpton) would there have been if her remarks were towards the African-American community ? This is just another example of how reverse racism is not only approved of , but expected & rewarded in today’s society. The New York Times in doing this just shows how true journalism is a thing of the past and how today’s news media is really America’s worst enemy .
The gross ignorance of the American people, Rick, is really America’s worst enemy, not the media.
The media is merely a reflection of the gross ignorance of the American people.
And the media of today is no different from the media of America going back to at least the 1770s, if one ever bothered to do some historical fact-checking.
Those who are too stupid to learn history are bound to keep repeating the stupidity of history.
No One, I repeat NO ONE, can tell another person who or what to like or hate. It is ridiculous to think so. No One care who are what is Racist, except some one pushing their own agenda.
Every need has an ego to feed.
Rick, the comment that today’s news media is really America’s worst enemy is ridiculous, and citing that Trumpian soundbite as you do, it makes you sound as if you are as dumb as the proverbial box of rocks.
News media in America, Rick, has never been our friend, just as it is not now our worst enemy.
As I say, stupidity and gross ignorance are America’s worst enemies, and certainly the infotainment bidness in America, which has to include such luminaries as Rush Limbo and Sean Sanity, feed that ignorance and exploit it for PROFIT, so are they America’s worst enemies?
As to exploiting ignorance and stupidity in America for BIG BUCK$, check out the Forbes article “Trump Bump: How Sean Hannity Earned $36 Million This Year” by Hayley C. Cuccinello, Forbes Staff, Hollywood & Entertainment on July 16, 2018, as follows:
This year Hannity is the only cable news host on our annual list of the world’s 100 highest paid celebrities.
In the last 12 months, he earned $36 million before taxes and management fees, thanks to his eight-figure paychecks from his programs on Fox News and Premiere Networks.
His contracts for Fox and Premiere are estimated at $15 million and $20 million respectively, and Hannity adds to his bottom line with speaker fees.
“Like most media people on TV, I am overpaid,” Hannity told Us Weekly in 2017.
The conservative host’s rise is inextricably tied to his close friendship and access to President Donald Trump.
Hannity has landed several exclusives with Trump and was the first to interview the president after his historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Trump is a vocal supporter of Hannity and even uses Twitter to tell his base to watch Hannity.
New York Magazine reported in May that Trump and Hannity talk most weeknights after Hannity airs.
“That Hannity’s stock has risen is completely linked to his relationship with Trump,” says Adam Klein, an adjunct professor at Columbia Journalism School.
“He has chosen the path of trumpeting Trump, as a commentator.”
“As a result, to continue to ride his new higher standing, he is beholden to Trump.”
end quotes
Ah, America, Rick!
Ain’t it just great?
Except for the uncontrolled and misguided mind there is no enemy within this world, Rick.
You know, we hear a lot of people these days mouthing sounds about “freedom of speech” and the first amendment.
As a Viet Nam veteran, that is one of the “freedoms” that I fought to defend, and given that, I do not deny the right of someone like Sarah Jeong to make her statements, whatever they are supposed to mean to whomever bothers to read that **** she posted, not surprisingly on TWITTER, where the ignorance of America is put on full display for people incapable of absorbing more than a handful of words that mean nothing to me.
Even the most ignorant in America, and Sarah Jeong appears to be one of them, are to be afforded the same freedom of speech as the most intelligent.
When I enlisted I the United States Army, I was issued a little book titled The Soldier’s Handbook, U.S. Army circa 1968, which I still have to this day, and at p. 2, it states as follows:
As you look around you will not find a “typical American soldier” in height, weight, color of eyes and hair, family origin, education, wealth, intelligence or similar characteristics.
The soldiers you have met and will meet are from all walks of life and all parts of our country.
But all of you have two things in common.
First, you are all serving the United States of America and believe in the principles that make it a free country.
end quotes
That first sentence I found so very true – as you look around you do not find a “typical American,” especially in terms of intelligence.
But it is the last sentence that I dwell on, even to this day, and especially to this day in terms of this ignorant drivel posted on TWITTER, the home of ignorance in America by Sarah Jeong – you are all serving the United States of America and believe in the principles that make it a free country.
One of those principles that make it a “free” country is the right of ignorant racists like Sarah Jeong to not only be an ignorant racist, but to proclaim her ignorant racism to the world as she has done.
Should I have to like her for it?
Should I have to respect her?
Not at all, and if it wasn’t for this thread in this top-notch publication, I would not even know who she was, nor would I care.
Out of a population of over three hundred millions souls, many of whom are as ignorant and racist as Sarah Jeong, she is just one of the crowd.
As to being called out for her past comments, that too is a part of the principles that make it a free country.
Should she be denied employment at the New York Times because she is an ignorant racist?
That really is a business decision by them, and who knows, by having an ignorant racist like Sarah Jeong on staff, they might increase their readership tenfold or a hundredfold.
Let Sarah Jeong tweet away with her “hilarious” insults directed at white people. No need to get all up in your feelings fellow Caucasians. This is not the mythical “reverse racism” at play here. As some white person once cogently explained “[w]e…have to distinguish between racism itself and intolerance or insults based on race where the element of superiority is absent.” You see, Jeong can bash white people all she wants, and, like Mr. Creed, we can laugh it off, because we still live within a white power structure. Non-white wealth barely exists in our country. Non-whites occupy relatively few positions in upper levels of government and industry. Insults like this do not hurt us. They do not deny us jobs, education, loans and opportunities that we will always have substantially greater access to than non-whites, simply because we are white. Racism, in it’s purest and most vile form, denies non-white people access to economic and social advancement. So-called “reverse racism” is a false equivalency. Racially intolerant comments toward the people in power are not the “sticks and stones” that can hurt us. They are just words, and we whites have the luxury to just laugh.
Note: Just to be clear, we did find her tweets kind of funny but still recognize as an editor for NYTs, her racism should still be acknowledged. We also noted that Ms. Jeong should not be fired over the outrage of the Twitter mob. If she still really believes what she posted 5 years ago, that is something for the Times to deal with.
Speaking solely for yourself, of course, Susan, through your own apparently skewed perspective of this thing of “white privilege” in this country, which you seem to enjoy in abundance.
As to the New York Times, it is a commercial rag that is owned by The New York Times Company, which is publicly traded but primarily controlled by the Ochs-Sulzberger family through a dual-class share structure.
The New York Times Company is an American media company headquartered in Manhattan, New York which publishes its namesake, The New York Times, and Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. has served as chairman since 1997.
In 2005, the company reported revenues of US$3.4 billion to its investors.
So the New York Times Company publishes the New York Times in order to make money for its shareholders.
To do that, it needs readership, and to get that readership, it has to attract people who want to bother to read it.
Thus, it has what is called in the business a “stable” of columnists and reporters and such, who use their personality and writing style to draw in readers.
Sarah Jeong is now one more member of that “stable.”
Whether she is a racist or not to some privileged white person such as yourself is totally immaterial, since the New York Times Company did not add her to the stable to draw in people like you.
They are obviously aiming at a different demographic, based on the ignorant crap Ms. Jeong posted on TWITTER, which exists as a social media platform in America for people in America who are too ignorant to be able to read and comprehend more than a few lines or characters of crap at a time.
Personally, I didn’t find any of her TWITTERING to be hilarious.
I found it ignorant and stupid, and a sign that this young woman has some serious psychological issues centering around poor self esteem, and an inability to get along with those in a multicultural world where many people simply do not look like her.
How pathetic, isn’t it?
And Susan, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to share your thought on the subject of the white privilege you enjoy with the rest of us in this country not similarly situated.
A “white power structure,” Susan?
How absolutely droll.
Did you ever, by chance, see a picture of Hussein Obama?
Did he look white to you?
And Susan, I was recently hospitalized for surgery and you know what – there are black doctors, and yellow-skinned doctors, and black nurses and brown nurses and yellow-skinned nurses, and you know what – they treat white people like me as human beings.
And check out the color of the power structure in Baltimore, Maryland -see what color they are.
And New York state had a black governor and the police chief in Albany New York is black.
No offense, Susan, but that post of yours makes you sound, like an ignorant A-HOLE who has no idea that the world has changed since the days of the slave-o-cracy down south.
I have even had black people for my bosses, and they were good ones.
My battalion commander in VEET NAM was black and a real gentleman.
How come you are so ignorant about these things today?
Are you perhaps confined in an institution where only white people are allowed in?
Just curious, Susan.
Take your time in answering.
You must first care what someone thinks of you to be hurt by their words. You can not tell some one what to love or hate and then call them a racist if they do not think the want them to.
Sticks and stones may break one’s bones, but words can never hurt one, unless, of course, one has low self-esteem and continually needs to seek the approval of others to validate their identity as a human being.
And Sarah Jeong’s ignorant trash talk really does not hurt anyone.
It merely reflects on her, her parents and her upbringing.
Do you think, Lisa, that Sarah Jeong eats with that same mouth?
I don’t care if she chokes.
No One gets to tell another who or what to love or hate and then call them racist if it does not fit their agenda or narrative. You have to care what someone thinks for their words to have any impact at all.
Wolf!!! Wolf!!!!!
The NYT was happy to get this racist creep on board BECAUSE of her history of virulent racism. They saw her as an asset, not a liability. There is no other rational conclusion once you read the tweets
HILARIOUS? Really? Actually, if you take her tweets, replace the word white with any other skin color you have this generation’s David Duke with a pu**y hat.
Her tweets are not merely ugly, stupid and immoral, they are sociopathic, yet the flagship of the Liberal media fleet saw them and said …………………………………….. “Sign her up!”. FWIW, they might as well have said “Iceberg spotted, full speed ahead.”
See, Liberals think it’s okay to hate someone solely because of the color of their skin. They aren’t against racism. they are actively in favor of racism dressed up as convoluted nonsense about oppression taught to them by their associate professors of Sociology.
When all is said and done, it comes down to the fact they hate white people.
Of course, they also hate Black, Asian and Latin people when those folks dare embrace conservative values.
Which makes Liberals equal opportunity racists when you think about it.
She has 92,400 TWITTER followers according to her TWITTER page, there is her appeal to the New York Times Company, which needs to expand its readership to a non-white audience if it wants to keep making profits for its investors.
If we’re going to use your rather cynical theory that they add editors of certain demographics to boost subscriptions I’d have to say they missed the low hanging fruit.
Trump’s main Twitter account lists 32.4 million followers.
His @POTUS Twitter account lists 18.8 million followers.
His Facebook pages have 1.7 million followers.
YouTube subscribers 4.3 million.
Instagram 7 million.
That’s a total of 86 million followers, probably a good subset are doubles so let’s round down by 50% to –
43,000,000 million
So, she’s a rounding error not part some Liberal revolution that’s going to get us back on the socialist track.
Boy, Mr, Otton, you didn’t get your nap today, did you.
Go back and read your opening lines @ August 6, 2018 at 9:50 am, to wit:
The NYT was happy to get this racist creep on board BECAUSE of her history of virulent racism.
They saw her as an asset, not a liability.
end quotes
All I was doing was amplifying on that statement.
The New York News Corporation does not publish the New York Times as a public service.
They publish the New York Times as a means of making money while manipulating public opinion.
What is cynical about that?
And I doubt they hired her as part some Liberal revolution that’s going to get us back on the socialist track.
They hired her because she is now a known quantity because of her TWEETING who is going to make money for them – she has proven herself to the non-white demographic in America and the world who have serious psychological issues with the fact that some people in the world have white skin, as opposed to brown, black, red, yellow, tan, chartreuse or polka dot that she is a hardcore white hater who they can trust to see thing their way, as opposed to the white way, whatever that might be.
That proof is in her TWEETS on TWITTER.
What makes her an asset to the New York Times Corp. is that she is not white and she obviously has some very serious issues with people who are, and she has taken pains to let the world know through her TWEETING that she does have such issues.
What difference does it make how many TWITTER followers Trump has?
What is that relevant to?
If the New York Times Corporation did not think that she would be a money maker for them, they never would have hired her, would they?
Uh, that is a simple yes or no answer.
Hey, you were the one who conjectured they made the hire to get her non-white followers.
I just pointed out in the grand scheme of things she doesn’t actually have a lot of followers.
I don’t know how my sleeping habits come into it.
Good morning, Mr. Otton, so maybe I was wrong, maybe they hired her because they like all the different colors she dyes her hair with.
Or maybe they felt sorry for her because she is an immigrant to this country who isn’t white, so it was an act of charity.
Who knows, and to be truthful, who cares?
Except when there is something from the NYT on the news feeds I scan, or something comes up on the NYT when I do a google search, I don’t read the rag, and I cannot see myself changing my habits in that regard because the NYT has added this foul-mouthed ignorant white-hater Sarah Jeong to its stable.
As to readership, for the three-month period ending March 31, 2015, the latest I have been able to find with a quick search, The New York Times saw solid circulation growth according to the most recent Alliance for Audited Media (AAM) report and total average circulation, which includes total print and total digital, was 2,178,674 for Monday-Friday and 2,624,277 for Sunday.May 1, 2015.
If my math is right, that is considerably less than Trump’s TWITTER follower count.
So you have to look at Sarah Jeong’s TWITTER follower count in that light, what she would add to the circulation of the NYT, 2,178,674 plus 92,400 more.
But as I say, who knows and who really cares, although I am sure the New York Times Corp’s investors do.
I look at it as another interesting snapshot in history, myself, which I view as a long river flowing.
What I can say, or surmise, at least, is that Sarah Jeong in those TWEETS speaks the language of the younger generations in America that have inherited the earth, an earth where old dudes like us are dinosaurs, old and in the way.
Such it is, Mr. Otton.
The wheel of time turns, and this is another turning of that wheel.
And here is hoping you have a great day out ahead of you, and thanks for responding.
It is appreciated.
By way of comparison, Mr, Otton, scroll back up to the top and you will see an article posted by Wayne Creed as follows:
Cape Charles Mirror Reaches One Million Views
August 5, 2018 by Wayne
end quotes
That is not quite half of the circulation of the vaunted Gray Lady, the failing New York Times.
That says quite a bit about the Cape Charles Mirror, I would say.
When it comes to obscure comments, Paul you take the cake. Folks have mentioned your wordiness before, and honestly…I try to follow your thought paths. But, like my good friend Brier Rabbit, I sometimes feel like I’ve entered a bramble. I love what you have to say, but by the time I’ve read the entire thing, I’ve lost the gist of your original thought and I feel like my head wants to explode. I mean no undue harsh criticism of your political and educated worldly leanings, you and I agree on some major aspects, others, well, not so much. That is why I wish to enter into debate with you. But, in reading what you have to say, sometimes just hurts my head.
So, some friendly critique, okay? Pare down the wording. And if your thought train is too long, make two comments out of it. Or three, if that is what it takes. For example, your August 5th comment that started with “As to your comment, Laurie, that Putin may benefit from a weakened United States…” is a great example. That rabbit hole you led us down after the Fox interview comment is where you should have taken a break from your writing. Just saying. For example. You made your point. I would like to have made a counter point on that. But, it just kept going and going…you know, like that (product placement here) bunny.
Okay, I’ve said my piece. Love your work (when it’s brief and to the point). I get that you see the things I see (mostly) and you and I my friend deserve a beer together. Maybe sometime at the new Brewery in Cape Charles called (product placement here). And if I am wrong, please let me know. Just don’t tell me I’m a racists because I think Thomas Jefferson was/is/will always be a great Virginian. Without his words, where would we be? And I mean ALL of us…
I wld lv to hv a br wth u, Chas Cornweller.
Offer Paul a veggie sammich; disguised as a burger, and it will be quite the repast.
I’ll even not invite myself!!!!
I’ll invite you, Mike, and we can share a veggie burger!
By the way, Mike, do you remember Lyndon Baines Johnson, a notorious Democrat, becoming increasingly convinced during the VEET NAM war he escalated that the news media were the enemy, with him certain that the communists controlled the three US TV networks?
Her certainly did. LBJ was a master at manipulation and presumed everyone was doing to him what he did to others……
Ya know what? I’d eat the veggie burger with you!
And it would be my honor to share one with you!
HEAR! HEAR!!!!!!!
Democratic Party’s liberal insurgency hits a wall in Midwest primaries !
Not totally, Hoss, dude, at least two of them who went down in defeat were endorsed by the Democratic Socialists of America who are contesting the more traditional Democrats.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28, who will be in the House of Representatives next year, and who endorsed two of the losers, won a shocking victory against Rep. Joe Crowley in the New York Democratic congressional primary.
With a progressive platform and message aimed at the working class, Ocasio-Cortez defeated Crowley, who’s represented New York’s 14th district since 1999, in a landslide.
She won 57.5% of the vote, while Crowley had just 42.5%.
Ocasio-Cortez is a Bronx native, member of the Democratic Socialists of America, and former campaign organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders.
New world order coming Hoss, don’t it just make you feel all warm and squishy inside?
We The People will never allow it….
Except We, the People who don’t live in her congressional district really have no say in the matter, Hoss.
She is a shoo-in in a heavily Democratic Socialist enclave in New York City, and New York City, which itself is heavily Democrat, and far outweighs the rest of the state in terms of numbers determines who is going to be the governor of this state, which is Young Andy Cuomo, a socialist who will be the Democrat party presidential candidate in two years, and the U.S. senators, including Charley “Chuck” Schumer, who is a wholly-owned property of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Who gets the New York City votes in a presidential election gets the state’s electoral college votes, regardless of what the rest of the state wants, so right now, Young Andy Cuomo has those electoral votes in a bag with his socialist polices which right now include free college.
Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist agenda, which is on-line, includes tuition-free public college and she also wants to cancel all student debt.
She believes there should be a Federal Jobs Guarantee, creating a “baseline quality for employments that guarantees a minimum $15 wage (pegged to inflation), full healthcare, and paid child and sick leave for all,” and Ocasio-Cortez believes housing is a right and she wants to provide housing for the homeless.
And she wants to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and have open borders.
Incidentally, Laura Ingraham, who was stripped of many of her sponsors after making a comment young David Hogg of tony Parkland, Florida did not like, is under fire again today for questioning the socialist policies of Ocasio-Cortez, which is very politically-uncorrect in the New World Order in place in America today:
“In some parts of the country it does seem like the America we know and love doesn’t exist anymore.”
“Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people.”
“And they’re changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us don’t like.
Ingraham went on to argue that Democrats oppose enforcing immigration laws, which is harming the country.
“Remember the old Democrats – maybe some of them Ocasio-Cortez is referring to – they used to think that borders mattered,” she said.
“But the new activists believe enforcing immigration laws is essentially an ongoing human rights violation.”
Ingraham’s comments quickly went viral on social media, with some reporters and pundits accusing her of using white nationalist rhetoric, which is a form of media -lynching that is alright to use against Ingraham because she is white.
And in the meantime, Sarah Jeong, with her foul mouth, is going to haul in advertising dollars to the New York Times for TWEETING “oh, man, it’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.”
Go figure, Hoss, you know what I am saying?
And one has to wonder whether she is wearing black leather or spandex and high boots with a whip in her hand while she is being cruel to those old white men, or just her regular street clothes.
As I say, it’s a new world order, Hoss.
We, the people, don’t count for much in this country anymore, Hoss, unless we have a lot of money, and if we don’t, we’re simply trash by the side of the road.
I just googled “what has sarah jeong written that is worth reading,” and google, try as it might, came up with a blank.
Dear friend Chas Cornweller (by the way, I liked your style when you called me “Paul, dude” a while back thinking what a way with words that Chas Cornweller has), if you think I am obscure and wordy, read this piece at The Atlantic entitled “The Utility of White-Bashing – It’s a rhetoric that serves a purpose—which is why it’s not likely to disappear” by Reihan Salam on Aug. 6, 2018 and you will see that I am really quite succinct and plain-spoken:
And if you read the Federalist Papers, all 85 of them, again, you will see that I am very short-winded compared to Jemmy Madison, who incidentally was a also Virginian along with Tommy Jefferson.
And what exactly did you find obscure?
Are you able to say?
And yes, you are the last person I would think was a racist, Chas Cornweller, because you bother to read the words of Thomas Jefferson, as opposed to avoiding them out of a perceived sense of political correctness today.
As to the business model of the New York Times Corp. and its need to hire someone like Sarah Jeong, who appeals to the younger demographic in America the New York Times needs to capture if it is to continue to make a profit, according to the Marketwatch article “N.Y. Times keeps adding subscribers, though slower” by Benjamin Mullin published Aug. 8, 2018, digital subscriptions continued to be the main driver of growth at New York Times Co. in the second quarter, but customer additions slowed and digital ad revenue fell, weighing on the company’s top line.
The news publisher posted a 1.8% rise in total revenue, boosted by a 4.2% increase from a year earlier in subscription revenue to $260.6 million.
The Times added 109,000 digital news subscribers, 41,000 of which came from the company’s Cooking and Crossword products.
end quotes
Looking at that set of numbers, we can see that by bringing on-board the TWITTER followers of Sarah Jeong, the Times can give that number a much-needed boost, as we can see from the following from the same article, to wit:
Growth in the company’s digital-only subscribers, however, has slowed.
The Times added 139,000 digital subscriptions in the first quarter, and 157,000 in the fourth quarter of 2017.
New York Times shares were down 5% in early afternoon trading.
Digital advertising revenue decreased 7.5% in the second quarter to $51 million, owing to a smaller audience and a decline in digital creative services such as those offered by the paper’s T Brand Studio, which develops custom advertising campaigns for marketers.
Print advertising revenue fell nearly 12%.
In total, the company reported advertising revenue of $119.2 million, down almost 10% from the year-earlier quarter.
All publishers are competing fiercely for ad dollars against tech firms such as Facebook and Alphabet Inc.’s Google.