February 19, 2025

3 thoughts on “Northampton County Approves Large Subdivision

  1. Get real . IT IS TIME to stop allowing progression . It doesn’t have to be out of control progression but it needs to happen. If you want better medical personal and other professional individuals to come here you need to have some amenities. Its no longer the horse and buggy days .

  2. The perception of Northampton County by the rest of the Shore is that is it backwards, and controlled by a few wealthy generational landowners who do not want to give up political power or control. The actions by this Board by approving this SMALL development show that a teeny beam of light and awareness may be creeping into their minds. Unless they get a clue and give in a little bit to middle income developments, who will come here to live and for what jobs? Look at the shopping center in Exmore — a more unfriendly, empty looking place I’ve ever seen – every empty shop in there is a loss of jobs. GET WITH THE PROGRAM NORTHAMTPON – soon you will have nothing and nobody. Who can live there?

  3. Dang….
    The next thing you know, we in Townsend, will be gitting a 7/11, a Public Dumpster, perhaps a Traffic Light.
    What more could we want.

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