This year, Northampton Democrats once again unite in our call to end gun violence as we come together for Wear Orange. June 2 through June 4, “wear orange” to make everyone aware it is “Gun Violence Awareness Weekend” Change only happens if we demand it!!
We honor the communities shattered by gun violence alongside the 120 people who are shot and killed, and hundreds more who are wounded, every day in our country. Together, we call for meaningful action to save lives.
We should not have to live in fear that gunfire can ring out at any moment, whether it’s at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, while grocery shopping at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, a party in San Bernardino, or graduations across the country. We deserve more. Raise awareness by participating in Wear Orange online and in your community.
If democrats would stop shooting each other, gun violence would drop drastically!!
Will there be parades…like the Orangemen have? And maybe a bonfire on August 12? Should Catholics be warned to avoid these?
Since this article is attributable to a political group claiming to be concerned about gun violence, which although not explicitly expressed, may be indirectly referencing the excessive gun violence in Democratic run cities or maybe the emotional handwringing about groups being killed in malls or schools by a few deranged individuals. Bill’s solution above seems to get at the heart of the matter.
However, I would suggest that the “Orange Group” focus should be directed against violence propagated by their own political party that makes other tragic violence pale in comparison to the refusal to stop FENTANYL entry into the US that causes a CDC reported death rate greater than 150 per day, every day average! Even worse, that same group demonstrates with protests on the steps of the Supreme Court supporting the avg. 1,700 infant deaths per day, every day through ABORTION as also reported by the CDC!
It appears that this political group may have serious problems with priorities, reality and simple morality. Sarcastically, what a wonderful group with which to associate!
Thank you Paul.
The statues were removed. The names of public buildings have been changed. BLM was a flash in the pan and now Orange is the flavor of the month. It’s about time that the Woke wake up……
Speaking of Orange have you seen Chip Watson’s new car? That thing is more orange than my Vodka and OJ at last Sundays Brunch…
It’s about time that the Woke wake up?
Scrapple, dude, what a downright, honest-to-gosh altruistic, humanistic optimist you really are with that sentiment about the WOKE crowd waking up.
They are indoctrinated ideologues.
They are conditioned, perhaps since even before they were born, to practice the art of “NO THINK,” which practice purposefully limits them to the sole use of their reptilian brain way down on the brain stem, which reptilian brain tends to be rigid and compulsive, with aggression being one of the primal emotions of the reptilian brain, along with greed.
Such conditioning I believe is irreversible, so for the WOKE to actually wake up seems an absolute impossibility.
Shouldn’t it be Human Violence Awareness? I’ve never encountered a violent gun…
More democrats shooting democrats today…