On March 7th, Northampton High School joined the worldwide community of Rotary-sponsored Interact Clubs. Interact, the name derived from International and Action is a teenage community service organization. It’s members proudly call themselves Interactors. Northampton High’s Interact Club is welcomed by Broadwater Academy’s well established Interact Club.
Rotary International is a premier service organization renowned for its local and global commitment to the community. The Rotary Club of Cape Charles spawned both the Broadwater and Northampton Interact Clubs.
Since its earliest days, Rotary has been committed to helping youngsters. In 1960, Rotary Clubs around the world were urged by Rotary International’s President to finds ways to encourage service among youth, foster their interest in the community and offer opportunities for them to develop as leaders. Two years later the first Interact Club was formed in Melbourne, Florida.
Northampton High’s Interact President, Durell Robinson, opened his Club’s inaugural ceremony by introducing fellow officers, Briana Dennis, Vice President, Branham James, Secretary and Kanijah Brickhouse, Treasurer. He explained to the newly inducted Interactors, their parents and guests that the purpose of the NHS Interact Club is to make positive changes to the community and the world, and that their motto is “Service above Self”.
A few weeks following Northampton High’s inauguration, Anna Sexauer, President of Broadwater Academy’s Interact Club, accepted Rotary International’s Presidential Citation for Interact Clubs for its exemplary community service. The Broadwater Club earned this recognition by participating in at least five prescribed service activities, one of which included raising money for the global eradication of polio.
Stanley Plowden, the President of the Rotary Club of Cape Charles commented to his fellow Rotarians, “I’m delighted that our Rotary Club is associated with so many responsible and caring young adults. Our future is in good hands.”
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