February 19, 2025

7 thoughts on “October Police Report: An Active October

  1. So sitting on their asses in the car under the street light at the beachfront is considered foot patrol? The only officers in this town that do their jobs are Andrew Spencer and Juana Diaz.

  2. This crime wave will stop! Our Super Hero will put an end to this madness!

    If you are easily frightened and so scared that you get poppy pants from the fear that even Imodium will not solve the problem just call Poopy Man…..

    The Adventures of Poopy Man!

    Slower than a fleeing mullet,
    Less powerful than a used explosive.
    Able to leap Bud Light’s in a single bound,

    Look! In the tree,
    It’s a flying thing (bird – please see comment from Don Glowinski 11/7/23 CC Mirror – Idiots: American
    Ornithological Society renames Birds for Social Justice)
    It’s a They (ridiculous pronoun)

    Its Poopy Man!
    A strange visitor from Smith Beach who came to Cape Charles with powers and abilities far beyond those
    of Watermen.

    Poopy Man – can have intercourse while eating liver.

    Who can bend banana peels in his bare hands, and who disguised as Chip Watson, a mild-mannered retired haberdasher who now works for the great Cape Charles Mirror, fights for Truth, Justice and the Cape Charles Way.

    Stay tuned for the exploits of Poopy Man!

    1. Scrapple, dude, you have your finger firmly on the pulse of reality not only in Cape Charles, but America, as well, and that is an undisputed fact!

  3. Sire,

    Again thank you for the kind words. In these tumultuous times of Biden, Wokeness, Pronouns, and General Malaise we must turn too jocularity.

    It is blindingly clear to me that the majority of this new generation does not give a rat’s ass of the sacrifices that were made by great warriors of your generations and the generations before. As well as the incredible military men and women of today make.

    Speaking of poopy pants. Most of the young males today are half baked……in other words soft.

    1. To those who are special, privileged and entitled, Scrapple, the word “sacrifice” simply does not exist in their lexicon!

      It is something they are not “down with” to use their terminology for why the word doesn’t exist for them.

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