February 19, 2025

15 thoughts on “OH, VIRGINIA: McAuliffe’s PAC donated to campaign of FBI official’s wife; Hillary’s Emails won’t die

  1. What drama, isn’t it?

    Who, outside of Will Shakespeare or maybe Mark Twain, could even write this stuff?

    According to the Wall Street Journal article “Clinton ally was major donor to FBI official’s wife’s campaign” by Devlin Barrett published Oct. 24, 2016, a McAuliffe spokesperson got kind of snippy when questioned about this fundraising effort by McAuliffe:

    A spokesman for the governor said he “supported Jill McCabe because he believed she would be a good state senator.”

    “This is a customary practice for Virginia governors…”

    “Any insinuation that his support was tied to anything other than his desire to elect candidates who would help pass his agenda is ridiculous.”

    end quote

    I guess that’s telling them, alright!

    It also told us “Months after the completion of her (his wife’s) campaign, then-Associate Deputy Director McCabe was promoted to Deputy, where, in that position, he assumed for the first time, an oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton’s emails.”

    Congratulations, Deputy McCabe, on your good luck there, timing is everything, afterall.

    As to James Comey, a political appointee who can be removed at will by the president of the United States of America, and who set his own judgment as to whether crimes had been committed by Hillary Clinton ahead of that of a federal grand jury, which was never presented with the evidence, as stated above, he recently told Congress: “I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.”

    To which I can only say, HUH?

    “Assess their importance to our investigation?”

    What investigation?

    We all thought the investigation was long since over, James, because you said it was and you told Congress it was, as well, back in July, when you testified under oath before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that the FBI was finished investigating the Clinton email matter and that there would be no criminal charges.

    As to this latest episode in this long-running saga of the Hillary Clinton e-mails, which caused Bernie Sanders to say at the CNN Democratic presidential debate in Oct. 2015 “the American people are sick and tired of hearing about [Hillary’s] damn emails,” today, in an article in the Washington Post entitled “Justice officials warned FBI that Comey’s decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy” by Sari Horwitz 29 OCTOBER 2016, we are informed as follows with regard to Comey’s decision to inform Congress of these latest e-mails:

    Senior Justice Department officials warned the FBI that Director James B. Comey’s decision to notify Congress about renewing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server was not consistent with long-standing practices of the department, according to officials familiar with the discussions.

    These officials told him the department’s position “that we don’t comment on an ongoing investigation.”

    “And we don’t take steps that will be viewed as influencing an election,” said one Justice official who spoke on condition of anonymity to describe the high-level conversations.

    “Director Comey understood our position.”

    “He heard it from Justice leadership,” said the official.

    “It was conveyed to the FBI, and Comey made an independent decision to alert the Hill.”

    “He is operating independently of the Justice Department.”

    “And he knows it.”

    end quote

    So the Justice Department is now saying that Comey appears to have “gone off the reservation” here, as the political pundits and wags up this way say, and apparently, Comey has now gone rogue on them, having slipped the political leash to become his own man in Washington, D.C..

    As to Comey’s decision from his perspective, the Washington Post informs us as follows:

    Comey decided to inform Congress that he would look again into Hillary Clinton’s handling of emails during her time as secretary of state for two main reasons: a sense of obligation to lawmakers and a concern that word of the new email discovery would leak to the media and raise questions of a coverup.

    The rationale, described by officials close to Comey’s decision-making on the condition of anonymity, prompted the FBI director to release his brief letter to Congress on Friday and upset a presidential race less than two weeks before Election Day.

    In a memo explaining his decision to FBI employees soon after he sent his letter to Congress, Comey said he felt “an obligation to do so given that I testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed.”

    “Of course, we don’t ordinarily tell Congress about ongoing investigations, but here I feel I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record,” Comey wrote to his employees.

    end quotes

    Not surprisingly, this has the Democrats flipping right out, big time, as the Washington Post informs us:

    “It is extraordinary that we would see something like this just 11 days out from a presidential election,” John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s presidential campaign, said in a statement.

    As to Comey, according to the Washington Post, in the Friday memo to his employees, Comey acknowledged that the FBI does not yet know the import of the newly discovered emails.

    “Given that we don’t know the significance of this newly discovered collection of emails, I don’t want to create a misleading impression,” Comey wrote.

    An official familiar with Comey’s thinking said that “he felt he had no choice.”

    “What would it look like if the FBI inadvertently came across additional emails that appear to be relevant to the Clinton investigation and not at least inform the Oversight Committee that this occurred?” the official said.

    “What would be the criticism then?”

    “That the FBI hid it?”

    “That the FBI purposely kept this information to themselves?”

    The official said the decision came down to which choice “was not as bad as the others.”

    end quotes

    As expected, Comey’s action has been blasted by some former Justice Department officials, Clinton campaign officials and Democratic members of Congress.

    “Without knowing how many emails are involved, who wrote them, when they were written or their subject matter, it’s impossible to make any informed judgment on this development,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), who called the release “appalling.”

    “However, one thing is clear: Director Comey’s announcement played right into the political campaign of Donald Trump, who is already using the letter for political purposes.”

    “And all of this just 11 days before the election,” Feinstein said.

    Matthew Miller, a former Justice Department spokesman in the Obama administration, said the FBI rarely releases information about ongoing criminal investigations and does not release information about federal investigations this close to political elections.

    “Comey’s behavior in this case from the beginning has been designed to protect his reputation for independence no matter the consequences to the public, to people under investigation or to the FBI’s own integrity,” Miller said.

    Miller and other former officials pointed to a 2012 Justice Department memo saying that all employees have the responsibility to enforce the law in a “neutral and impartial manner,” which is “particularly important in an election year.”

    Nick Ackerman, a former federal prosecutor in New York and an assistant special Watergate prosecutor, said Comey “had no business writing to Congress about supposed new emails that neither he nor anyone in the FBI has ever reviewed.”

    He added: “It is not the function of the FBI director to be making public pronouncements about an investigation, never mind about an investigation based on evidence that he acknowledges may not be significant.”

    end quotes

    In what appears to be a case of understatement, in Comey’s note to employees, he seemed to anticipate that his decision would be controversial:

    “In trying to strike that balance, in a brief letter and in the middle of an election season, there is significant risk of being misunderstood,” Comey wrote.

    As I say, what drama!

    And it is only just begun!

    Who knows, maybe it will even end up as a HIP-HOP musical before it is all over, and we can watch it live on Broadway.

  2. How much corruption will Americans tolerate! More and more evidence comes out daily against Hillary and the Clintons. If you vote for her you are an accomplice to her corruption and the destruction of our system of government!

  3. In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by her trade, and she carries the reminders of ev’ry glove that laid her down or cut her till she cried out in her anger and her shame
    “I am leaving, I am leaving” but the fighter still remains, mmm mmm.

    That is what they say about Hillary Clinton up this way, where Hillary Clinton won the undying love and admiration of the people of New York State as their U.S. senator, so it is no surprise that in the USA TODAY article “Clinton calls Comey letter ‘strange’ and ‘deeply troubling'” by Heidi M Przybyla, and Richard Wolf, 29 OCTOBER 2016, Hillary would come out of her corner punching and swinging, head low in a bull rush, to bring this all right back over to Trump with this broadside blast aimed right at Trump’s vulnerable mid-section:

    Hillary Clinton called it “strange” and “deeply troubling” that FBI Director James Comey released a letter to Congress regarding new emails under review by his agency 11 days before the Nov. 8 election, the latest in a series of aggressive responses by her campaign.

    “It’s pretty strange to put something like that out with such little information right before an election” because “voters deserve to get full and complete facts,” Clinton said at a campaign rally in Daytona Beach, FL.

    “If you’re like me, you probably have a few questions about it,” she said, arguing the letter’s lack of detail allows Republicans to politicize it.

    “Donald Trump is already making up lies about this.”

    “He is doing his best to confuse, mislead and discourage the American people.”

    “I think it’s time for Donald Trump to stop fear mongering, to stop disgracing himself, to stop attacking our democracy,” she said.

    “We can’t let him get away with this, can we?”

    end quote

    How is that for some real hard hitting, folks!

    They say she has Trump backfooted and reeling from that onslaught.

    Will Trump fight back?

    Is he even able to after taking those punishing blows?

    Stay tuned for round two, and now a word from our sponsors while we take a station break, so don’t dare touch that dial.

  4. “It’s just extremely puzzling.”

    “I just have no way of understanding these actions.”

    “They’re completely unprecedented and that’s why I think he (Comey) owes the American public more information.”

    That was Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s running mate, on “This Week” on ABC, as reported by the New York Times story “Campaigns Shift Focus to F.B.I. Director in Sunday Show Appearances” by ALEXANDER BURNS, 30 OCTOBER 2016.

    And it is the fact that these politicians believe that this is unprecedented that makes this a story, not so much the actions of Comey himself.

    As the Grey Lady tells us, for allies of Mrs. Clinton, the word of the day was “puzzled” — a term her allies wielded repeatedly as they implied, without quite saying, that Mr. Comey had staged an unforgivable political intervention late in the presidential race.

    end quote

    The Clinton camp is acting like Comey has sold them out, as if he has reneged on a prior deal or something.

    As to how many of us in America feel, it was perhaps expressed as follows in that NY Times article:

    “I’m one of millions of Americans that were troubled by that — why there’s this double standard when it comes to the Clintons,” Mr. Pence said on “Meet the Press” on NBC.

    “I mean, no one is above the law.”

    end quote

    Yes, indeed, why?

  5. “He’s in a tough spot, and he’s the one who will be in a position to defend his actions in the face of significant criticism from a variety of legal experts, including individuals who served in senior Department of Justice positions in administrations that were led by presidents in both parties.”

    That was White House, spokesman Joshua Earnest saying, as if it was his authority to do so, that he would neither defend nor criticize the timing of Comey’s disclosure as he was quoted in the Associated Press article “FBI review involves thousands of newly discovered emails” by ERIC TUCKER and MICHAEL BIESECKER, 31 OCTOBER 2016.

    “There is no case here.”

    Not surprisingly, that was Hillary Clinton herself speaking at a rally at Kent State University as she was quoted in the Reuters story “Clinton says ‘there is no case here’ in FBI email investigation” by Roberta Rampton and Steve Holland, 31 OCTOBER 2016, wherein we were informed:

    Democrats kept up their attacks on FBI Director James Comey on Monday, accusing him of a double standard after he revealed his agency’s probe into more material that might relate to presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

    end quote

    In that same story, Hillary was quoted as telling a restaurant patron at a cafe in Cleveland that the email affair is, “Lots of noise,” which again should not be found to be at all surprising, given how everybody is always so against Hillary so that they are always picking on her, trying to make her look bad, because she is Hillary and they aren’t:

    “Lots of distractions.”

    “Throwing stuff at me.”

    “And we’ve just got to keep people up, moving and voting.”

    end quotes

    Hillary is not only a champion and a fighter, but a trooper as well who is going to keep slogging through, because when the going gets tough, Hillary gets even tougher.

    And then in that same Reuters story, U.S. senator “Light Horse Harry” Reid came out with a real blockbuster of an accusation against both Comey and Trump, where he appears to accuse the pair of colluding with the Russians in order to defeat Hillary, because everybody knows Putin is terrified of what would happen to him if Hillary became president:

    U.S. Senator Harry Reid, the Democratic leader in the Senate, accused Comey on Sunday of “a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one political party over another.”

    He said, without providing evidence, that the FBI was keeping “explosive information” under wraps about ties between the Trump campaign and Russian officials.

    end quotes

    As I said, outside of maybe Will Shakespeare, or more likely, Mark Twain, who could possibly write this stuff, with every element of drama thrown in and a heaping dose of irony, as well.

  6. TV commentators have to love this, it is the story that just keeps on giving and giving.

    Where to even begin.

    According to the MARKETWATCH story “FBI releases files on Clinton pardon of Marc Rich” by Greg Robb published Nov, 1, 2016, the Federal Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday released records from its closed investigation of President Bill Clinton’s pardon of financier Marc Rich in 2001, and as can be expected, that has the Clinton camp screaming to high heaven about the unfairness of it all, to wit:

    Rich, a well-known and successful commodities trader, had been indicted in federal count on wire fraud, tax evasion and racketeering related to allegations he made deals with Iran during the hostage crisis.

    He fled to Switzerland rather than stand trial.

    There were allegations, which led to the FBI probe, that Rich’s ex-wife Denise, had donated money to the Democratic National Party so that Clinton would grant the pardon.

    A spokesman for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign responded with incredulity to the release of the FBI files.

    end quotes

    As reported by Marketwatch, the Clinton camp has been furious at the FBI for announcing last week that there were additional emails relating to the former secretary of state that were being examined.

    Which brings us back to Clinton partisan “Light Horse Harry” Reid, who is using his office to influence a presidential race, and this MARKETWATCH story “Harry Reid says FBI director may have broken the law” by Mike Murphy published Oct. 31, 2016, where we were informed as follows:

    FBI Director James Comey may have broken the law by going public about a new effort to find evidence of wrongdoing by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said Sunday.

    end quote

    May have broken the law?

    What is that supposed to mean?

    Does it mean he also may not have broken the law?

    Returning to Marketwatch, we have:

    In a strongly worded letter to Comey, Reid said he may have violated a law that prohibits federal officials from using their office to influence an election.

    “I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act,” the Nevada senator wrote.

    “Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law.”

    end quotes

    Comey is a Republican, as everyone knows, who was appointed to his office by Democratic President Barack Obama in 2013, so one has to wonder which side of the field “Light Horse Harry” thinks Comey is playing here.

    Marketwatch then informs us further, as follows:

    Reid also suggested Comey was covering up revelations about Republican candidate Donald Trump, saying Comey possesses “explosive information about close ties and coordination” between Trump, his advisers and the Russian government that he has not disclosed.

    “The double standard established by your actions is clear,” Reid wrote.

    end quotes


    What an indictment of Comey that is, people.

    And that takes us to The Wall Street Journal article “FBI in Internal Feud Over Clinton Probe” by Devlin Barrett 31 October 2016, where we were informed:

    The new investigative effort, disclosed by FBI Director James Comey on Friday, shows a bureau at times in sharp internal disagreement over matters related to the Clintons, and how to handle those matters fairly and carefully in the middle of a national election campaign.

    end quotes

    Should the FBI be pulling its punches because its a presidential election?

    With respect to Virginia governor and Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe, that same Wall Street Journal article gave us this:

    The Washington field office was probing financial relationships involving Mr. McAuliffe before he became a Clinton Foundation board member, these people said.

    Mr. McAuliffe has denied any wrongdoing, and his lawyer has said the probe is focused on whether he failed to register as an agent of a foreign entity.

    About a week after Mr. Comey’s July announcement that he was recommending against any prosecution in the Clinton email case, the FBI sought to refocus the Clinton Foundation probe, with Mr. McCabe deciding the FBI’s New York office would take the lead, with assistance from Little Rock.

    The Washington field office, FBI officials decided, would focus on a separate matter involving Mr. McAuliffe.

    Within the FBI, the decision was viewed with skepticism by some, who felt the probe would be stronger if the foundation and McAuliffe matters were combined.

    end quotes


    Is Terry McAuliffe still under investigation, or did he get that quashed?

    Returning to the Wall Street Journal:

    According to a person familiar with the probes, on Aug. 12, a senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe to voice his displeasure at finding that New York FBI agents were still openly pursuing the Clinton Foundation probe during the election season.

    Mr. McCabe said agents still had the authority to pursue the issue as long as they didn’t use overt methods requiring Justice Department approvals.

    The Justice Department official was “very pissed off,” according to one person close to Mr. McCabe, and pressed him to explain why the FBI was still chasing a matter the department considered dormant.

    “Are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?” Mr. McCabe asked, according to people familiar with the conversation.

    After a pause, the official replied, “Of course not,” these people said.

    end quote

    And there we have it, for the moment, anyway.

    I think by the time this is over, somebody enterprising will likely be able to get a hit HIP-HOP docu-drama out of this along the lines of an Americanized version of Downton Abby which should be an even bigger hit on Broadway than “Hamilton” was.

  7. With all the various twists and turns this story is taking, it has the makings of a long-running adult-themed prime time soap opera along the lines of Dallas.

    This just in from CNN – “Obama on FBI: We don’t operate on innuendo” by Kevin Liptak, CNN White House Producer, updated 3:02 PM ET, Wed. November 2, 2016, wherein we are informed quite officially as follows by our very own president and commander-in-chief of the American people, Barack Hussein Obama:

    President Barack Obama warned against FBI “leaks” and “innuendo” in his first public comments about the agency’s decision to disclose its new review into emails that could be relevant to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while she was secretary of state.

    end quotes

    Given that Comey wrote a letter to Congress about the e-mails and made the letter public, I am not sure what exactly president Obama is referring to as FBI “leaks” and “innuendo,” but as the president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama is as welcome to his opinion about things, even if they don’t make sense to anyone else, as is any other citizen of the Unites States of America, and let us never forget that.

    Getting back to CNN, after effectively meddling in the law enforcement process by speaking out about the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton, speaking to NowThisNews in an interview released Wednesday, Obama said he didn’t want to meddle in the law enforcement process.

    But he criticized any action that might allow intimations or suggestions — rather than facts — to pervade the public’s view of the case.

    “I do think that there is a norm that when there are investigations, we don’t operate on innuendo and we don’t operate on incomplete information and we don’t operate on leaks,” Obama said in the interview, which was taped Tuesday.

    “We operate based on concrete decisions that are made.”

    end quote

    Okay, Mr. president, that sounds fine with we, the American people.

    According to CNN, Obama did not mention FBI Director James Comey by name, although he was asked a question specifically about Comey’s decision to make the information public days before the presidential election.

    And he wasn’t outwardly critical of any specific move made by the department, noting that he didn’t want to be seen as influencing the investigation.

    But he did downplay the implications of the Clinton email investigation, saying the matter had been resolved.

    end quote

    The matter had been resolved?

    When was that, Mr. president?

    When Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac so they could talk about their grandchildren?

    How can it be resolved when the FBI just uncovered more e-mails on Tony Weiner’s laptop?

    Seems to me, with that being the case here, that the matter is not resolved at all.

    “Obviously, it’s become a political controversy,” he said.

    “The fact of the matter is that Hillary Clinton, having been in the arena for 30 years, oftentimes gets knocked around and people say crazy stuff about her and when she makes a mistake, an honest mistake, it ends up getting blown up as if it’s some crazy thing.”

    “I trust her.”

    “I know her,” Obama continued.

    “And I wouldn’t be supporting her if I didn’t have absolute confidence in her integrity and making sure that young people have a better future.”

    He said the FBI’s previous investigations into the server had concluded Clinton hadn’t acted criminally.

    “When this was investigated thoroughly last time the conclusion of the FBI, the conclusion of the Justice Department, the conclusion of repeated congressional investigations was she had made some mistakes but that there wasn’t anything there that was prosecutable,” Obama said.

    end quotes

    There, people, is a blatant case of just what “Light Horse Harry” Reid was on about above here where “Light Horse Harry” was complaining about federal officials using their office to influence an election in violation of federal law.

    By telling us in CNN that “I wouldn’t be supporting her if I didn’t have absolute confidence in her integrity and making sure that young people have a better future,”
    Barack Obama is using his office as president to influence a federal election.

    As of the 1st of November, the average unfavorable rating for Hillary Clinton on Real Clear Politics was 53.6, which means over half the American people view Hillary Clinton unfavorably, notwithstanding that Barack Obama tells us he knows her and trusts her.

    The American people, whose nation this still is, do not trust Hillary Clinton as president.

    As of 29 October, the ABC/Wash Post poll had Hillary Clinton’s unfavorable rating at 60%.

    And while Barack Obama might trust his political stablemate Hillary Clinton, the fact is that the American people don’t trust Barack Obama.

    Ten months ago, in a report dated December 2, 2015, we were informed that public trust in government has dropped to record lows under President Obama—10 percent in one poll—and the real wonder is why it isn’t even lower.

    The Pew Research Center recently released its latest survey of the public’s trust in government, which the organization has been tracking since 1958 and President Obama has the dubious distinction of receiving the lowest ratings of any president so far—even lower than Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon.

    According to Pew, “Only 19% of Americans today say they can trust the government in Washington to do what is right ‘just about always’ (3%) or ‘most of the time’ (16%).”

    According to that report, it’s not just conservative white males who have come to distrust the government:

    “A downward trajectory in trust in government also is seen across racial and ethnic lines.”

    “Currently, white non-Hispanics, black non-Hispanics and Hispanics all express historically low levels of trust in government,” according to Pew.

    end quote

    According to that report, that finding spells trouble for Hillary Clinton, who will need those disillusioned minorities to show up at the polls if she’s to have a chance at winning the presidential election, and the irony here is that Obama came into office promising to restore the trust in big government, as he pontificated in his first inaugural address:

    The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works …

    And those of us who manage the public’s dollars will be held to account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government.

    end quote

    As that report states, if the Pew survey is any indication, it appears Obama has utterly failed at “restoring that vital trust between a people and their government,” and the Pew survey suggests voters recognize those failures—and may hold his party “to account” come next November.


    Will we people?

    Stay tuned, more to come.

  8. According to the article in THE HILL entitled “Clinton declines to say whether she’d ask Comey to resign” by Harper Neidig, 3 November 2016, Hillary Clinton on Thursday would not say if she would ask FBI Director James Comey to resign if she is elected president, saying she would not comment on any “personnel issue.”

    According to the article, in a radio interview on “Joe Madison, the Black Eagle,” Clinton was asked what she would do in her first hundred days in office and if she would ask for Comey’s resignation as a part of her administration’s first series of actions:

    “Well, let me answer the second question first, Joe,” she responded.

    “I’m not going to either get ahead of myself by assuming I’ll be fortunate enough to be elected.”

    “That’s really up to you and your listeners.”

    “People have to turn out or nothing that I’ll be proposing will come into reality, but I also would never comment on any kind of personnel issue.”

    end quote

    In that same article, we were also informed again of what we already now know:

    Clinton and her campaign surrogates have gone on the offensive against Comey in the days since the FBI director sent a letter to Congress informing lawmakers that the bureau was reviewing emails related to its investigation into the private email server Clinton used while secretary of State.

    Comey has drawn the wrath of Democrats who have accused him of effectively putting his thumb on the scale of the election by not being more forthcoming and allowing Republicans like Donald Trump to ramp up speculation about the emails.

    end quote

    Given that, people, how could Hillary Clinton possibly have a professional working relationship with FBI Director James Comey if, as Hillary says, she’ll be fortunate enough to be elected?

    Is it possible that after she has publicly insulted his integrity and has publicly ridiculed him that they could kiss and make up and be best of friends?

    Stay tuned, America, this story still has legs, and if Hillary gets elected, my bet is that Comey will be using his to vacate his office, because Hillary doesn’t have to wait for him to resign.

    She can simply fire him, and it is my bet she does.

  9. Thanks for ruining the cape charles mirror. Because there is no other source for news and commentary on the presidential election, its a good idea to take over the only news source for this small area. If it weren’t for these brilliant streams of consciousness, i don’t know how i would even know about the election.

  10. No other source for news and commentary on the presidential election so that the Cape Charles Mirror is the only news source for this small area?

    Surely this person must be jesting.

    The Cape Charles Mirror is an on-line publication that is available to literally everyone in the world far from the small area of Cape Charles, Virginia.

    I know for a fact that it is read as far away as California, if not farther.

    And to read the Cape Charles Mirror, and to post comments on it saying that it has been ruined by people making comments about political matters on it requires one to have internet access.

    And if one has internet access, one has access to all sorts of political commentary, even from Great Britain, and including Hillary Clinton’s statement about immigration in her May 10, 2005 Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Conference Report and Real ID Act, where she tells us “If we can’t secure our borders, we can’t secure our homeland,” and “We need to make our borders more secure.”

    In fact, if one is able to tune into the Cape Charles Mirror on the internet, which I personally think is an excellent and unique on-line publication, one is able to tune into the world, as well, which virtually makes it impossible to be ignorant of what is going on in this presidential election, unless one wished to remain ignorant, and let us face it, with all the crap that has been flying from both camps, many people do, and who can blame them.

    This presidential campaign has been an embarrassment all the way around.

    How that ruins the Cape Charles Mirror remains then a mystery to me, but hey, this is America, and each person is entitled to see reality as they choose.

  11. What happened to the Mirror?! I read it for local news and related commentary, not for a sad regurgitated interminable commentary on national news. When I look at comments, I’d like to see diversity of opinions, rather than the same people singing the same tired alt-right refrain. BTW, America IS great. Unless you get all your news from Fox, or you live under a rock.

    1. America IS great?

      How so, Dana Lascu?

      In what ways?

      Could you edify us as to how America IS great, since you obviously know the answer, as opposed to complaining and putting down people like myself who were not gifted with your great intelligence at birth?

      Which yardstick is it that you are using to measure this greatness?

      The national debt, perchance?

      The rising suicide rate among children in this country?

      The amount of indebtedness of the American people themselves?

      The war in Afghanistnam we have been mired in for as long as I can remember now?

      And please, don’t resort to that tired old refrain of “well, if you don’t know, you’re stupid and I’m not going to tell you!”

      As I say, Dana, use your superior knowledge and intelligence to help us out here, so we can see this “greatness” of America through the same eyes as you do!

      As to “local news,” I don’t know if you bothered to look, but the title of this thread is “OH, VIRGINIA: McAuliffe’s PAC donated to campaign of FBI official’s wife; Hillary’s Emails won’t die.”

      I don’t know for sure, Dana, but that would seem to make it national news, would it not, given that the FBI serves a much greater area than just Cape Charles in Virginia.

      The last I knew, and since I don’t watch Fox, I might be behind on things, the FBI, as the FEDERAL Bureau of Investigation is known, is not only a national but is now an international jnvestigative agency.

      That seems to make it more than just a local phenomenon, but you are of course entitled to have a far different opinion on that than I do, which is your God-given right as an American citizen.

      That is what we veterans fought for, afterall, to protect your right to consider us as being far less intelligent than you are.

    2. Don’ t read it if you don’t like it but don’t force you ideas of what’s acceptable on the rest of us.

      Tolerance, please.

      1. I personally think we all owe Dana Lascu a debt of gratitude here for giving us a glimpse into the future so we can see what life under a Hillary Clinton presidency is going to look like, where dissent is simply not tolerated, nor allowed.

        “Stronger together” goes the soundbite Dana Lascu adheres to, which means drink the Hillary Clinton Kool-Aid, or keep your damn mouth shut!

        America IS great, and nobody is allowed to doubt that, or have a contrary position.

        It actually reminds me of back in the Viet Nam times when if you questioned the Viet Nam war in any way, especially if you were a veteran of it, and had actually been there to experience it, you would have people climbing right into your face, shouting at you “LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT,” as if you could actually be forced out of this country for not supporting the Viet Nam war, which was not to be questioned, because in this country, wars are sacred things.

        We people of the corrupt State of New York who were there when Hillary Clinton was U.S. senator know her policy on dissent quite well already – it is not tolerated nor is it allowed, and those who try to dissent will be punished!

        And here is Dana Lascu now trying to import that policy into Virginia.

        “We don’t like what you are saying, so you can’t say it!”

        The reason I post down here in the CCM is because we have nothing like it in NYS.

        There was one site that for awhile was allowing posting that was critical of public officials, but that was abruptly shut down just before Independence from Tyranny Day, as the 4th of July is known, and it completely disappeared from cyberspace as if it had never been.

        So cherish what you have down here, people, in the CCM.

        To my knowledge, it is unique in the nation in allowing American citizens a venue to speak their minds on issues of national importance to each of us as an American citizen regardless of what state we might reside in.

        It would be a sorry world if it were to be taken away.

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