This is a special opinion to the Mirror by Chas Cornweller.
Bob Woodward, a journalist long associated with the Washington Post and of Watergate fame has released a book on the Trump administration. It has created an avalanche of backlash and an earthquake whiplash with both the media and the public. The pictured painted of our present Commander-In-Chief is one of a paranoid, unprepared president who is out of touch with the reality of today’s America. Someone who tape-loops over and over those political points that keep winning him favor with his base. A master at deception only because it is what he knows and has used for his entire life to manipulate the situation for the betterment of his personal gain and position. At any cost. Woodward shows us an administration reacting constantly to a child-man who knows neither the depth or scope of America’s responsibilities, nor has the wherewithal to deal with these responsibilities. It is an administration ramming through policies that enable the very rich and very powerful to maintain and solidify that power while the policies to protect the rest of us are daily eroded away. You have two very capable administrators in White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Secretary of Defense James Mattis having to deal with what they “see” as an ‘unhinged idiot’ (Kelly) with the understanding of ‘a fifth or sixth grader’ (Mattis). Never in the course of American history have White House staff spoken about a sitting president in this manner. Ever.
Whether you choose to read or even believe this book, know one thing, this president has created havoc within our nation. That is an undisputable truth. If you choose to believe it is by design and not by the fact the president is unfit and incapable of being our president, that is your choice. But think about this: IF it is by design, what is this track doing to the prestige of America? Is it, as in the words of Steve Bannon? And I quote (GQ – January 30, 2017) “I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly proclaimed.
Shocked, (this reporter) asked him what he meant. “Lenin,” he answered, “wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.” Bannon was employing Lenin’s strategy for Tea Party populist goals. He included in that group the Republican and Democratic Parties, as well as the traditional conservative press. End quote. And further, here is a direct quote from Donald J. Trump in 2014 with Fox News. “A lot of people live better without having a job, than with having a job. I’ve had it where you have people and you want to hire them, but they can’t take the job for a period of nine months because they’re doing better now than they would with a job.”
“You know what solves it? When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell, and everything is a disaster, then you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be, when we were great.” End Quote. ‘You’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be…when we were great.’
I can only imagine what some of you would have thought, said or done…had President Obama had uttered those words in his inaugural speech in 2008. I can only imagine.
Tuesday, September 11th, Bob Woodward’s book, “Fear-Trump in the White House” comes out. Unlike an extensive list of disgruntled or hackneyed books like “It’s Even Worse Than You Think” by David Kay Johnston or “Unhinged, An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House” by Omarosa Manigault Newman or Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury”, this book was written by a Washingtonian insider. An insider with credentials. An insider with insider knowledge. An insider who, with an insider small town newspaper, brought down an administration. It is not to be taken lightly. For those of you still holding out hope that this is your guy, I recommend going out on the deck, look up at the stars and enjoy the cool still night. Enjoy the band out there while you’re at it. I understand they play a killer version of ‘Nearer My God To Thee.’
Oh Brother! When we start looking to people like Bob Woodward to tell us the truth we deserve what ever we get. Please point out Woodward’s qualifications as a stand up journalist when all of his hits on the Trump administration involve undisclosed informants. Yes indeed this nation is in trouble from the likes of unverified publications against our president like this one.
We The People have his back….they will do nothing to this president or his family while in office. That, I can assure you.
We do not care what he has ‘done’. We only care what he is willing to ‘do’.
I personally do not care if he has snorted lines of cocaine from the cracks of whore’s a$$’s every day of his life and twice on Sunday.
President Trump is a certified serial liar ; Nonpartisan FACT CHECK has the Trump lie count over 5000 and increasing every day .
Bob Woodward has a solid reputation for truth telling . If you know of a single lie told by Woodward , please share it now and I will personally go to FACT CHECK with it .
Joseph Corcoran
Woodward’s so called reputation for telling the truth is pretty shaky.
(Disclaimer…..This cut and paste is definitely in the Paul Plante style but in this case it’s necessary to refute the overarching meme that Woodward is a paragon of virtue )
Woodward’s editor at the Washington Post, Bradlee, though publicly complimentary of Woodward, privately doubted some of the more dramatic elements of Woodward’s, “All The President’s Men.”
Details about Woodward’s relationship with “Deep Throat” gnawed at Bradlee years later. Details such as Woodward communicating with Deep Throat by placing a flag in a potted plant on his balcony, or their dozens of shadowy garage meetings.
He said “There’s a residual fear in my soul that that isn’t quite straight.”
That’s not all.
Woodward’s record is marred by similar accusations of misleading his readers.
“Wired,” Woodward’s 1984 biography of deceased actor John Belushi, was harshly criticized when it came out.
“There were certainly things that he just got patently wrong,” Dan Aykroyd wrote. “He painted a portrait of John that was really inaccurate — certain stories in there that just weren’t true and never happened.”
Author Tanner Colby, in the course of researching and writing his own Belushi biography, said he found instance after instance in which Woodward’s account was misleading.
“The simple truth of ‘Wired’ is that Bob Woodward, deploying all of the talent and resources for which he is famous, produced something that is a failure as journalism,” Colby wrote in a 2013 Salon article.
“And when you imagine Woodward using the same approach to cover secret meetings about drone strikes and the budget sequester and other issues of vital national importance, well, you have to stop and shudder,” he concluded.
And on.
A bombshell claim in “Veil,” Woodward’s 1987 book on the CIA, has long been a source of controversy. Woodward claimed in the book that he was the sole witness to a dramatic deathbed confession from former CIA Director William Casey.
Casey, as he lay dying in Georgetown University hospital, jerked up in bed and confessed to Woodward that he knew about the Reagan-era Iran-Contra deal, Woodward claimed.
“People close to Casey at the time said he couldn’t even speak, much less jerk his head up. They said details of Woodward’s account, such as the positioning of Casey’s hospital bed, did not even remotely match Woodward’s description. Casey’s daughter said the encounter never happened,” Tod Robberson, now an editor at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, wrote in a 2013 Dallas Morning News column.
“Kevin Shipp, who served in Casey’s security detail at the hospital, wrote in 2010 that there were security guards at Casey’s door 24/7, and nobody got past without their approval. Woodward tried to get in, but he was turned away, Shipp stated. Woodward disputes the 24/7 claim,” Robberson noted.
The Casey dispute made a Politico list of six “Bob Woodward controversies” in 2012.
And on.
Woodward’s description of former President Ronald Reagan’s recovery from an assassination attempt in 1981. Reagan’s doctor later said Woodward’s description of a frail, fragile Reagan was entirely inconsistent with reality, Politico noted.
And on.
A disputed Woodward bombshell about former Supreme Court Justice William Brennan made the list as well.
Brennan voted what he thought was the wrong way on a case in order to ingratiate himself to fellow Justice Harry A. Blackmun, Woodward and co-author Scott Armstrong charged in “The Brethren,” their 1979 book on the Supreme Court.
Former New York Times columnist Anthony Lewis shredded Woodward and Armstrong’s accusation in The New York Review of Books.
“It makes a serious charge without serious evidence—almost offhandedly, in two pages. It gets facts wrong. It gives the impression of relying on a conversation between Brennan and a law clerk that the law clerks of that term say never took place. If the passage was not meant to rely on such, a conversation with a clerk, then it grossly and deliberately misleads the reader,” Lewis wrote.
Woodward and Armstrong’s treatment of the case “leaves doubts not only about the authors’ understanding but about their scrupulousness,” Lewis concluded.
Pulitzer-winning former New York Times reporter Seymour “Sy” Hersh wrote in his memoir — which came out in June — that he’s “liked and respected Bob ever since” chasing the Watergate story together.
But that claim didn’t survive a fact-check when Rosen reviewed Hersh’s book in an August 23 piece for The National Interest. Like Bradlee, Hersh privately questioned Woodward’s work.
Rosen obtained a 1992 phone transcript showing Hersh expressing his embarrassment that Woodward was considered a peer. “It hurts me to believe that he’s in my f*cking profession,” Hersh reportedly said.
And on.
Woodward’s alleged trouble with the truth resurfaced again in 2013 when he accused an Obama administration official, Gene Sperling, of trying to intimidate him over email.
Woodward was slammed in the media after the Obama administration released the tame email exchange.
Woodward “made a fool of himself,” Robberson opined in his Morning News column, mourning the fall of a journalist who once “was a god” to him.
Alex Seitz-Wald, now a reporter for NBC News, described the exaggeration at the time as “just the latest questionable assertion” from Woodward that “is reigniting discussion as to the veracity of other claims he’s made.”
“The important question becomes this: If Woodward, who has generated best-seller after best-seller over many decades based heavily on anonymous sources, can’t accurately convey a conversation with an email trail, should we trust the anonymous sources in the rest of his reporting?” asked Seitz-Wald, whose article in Salon was titled: “Bernstein’s truthiness problem.”
Now, all of this is easily found on the web.
But you have to WANT to see it.
If you’d rather stay nice and comfy in your cocoon that’s fine too.
Just don’t sit there thinking it’s another slam dunk against a sitting president. The past two years should tell you that.
A well done cut-and-paste job, Ray Otton.
Interesting and educational.
Frankly, I prefer that to a couple of people squabbling back and forth while neither ever puts forth any factual basis for their position as you have so aptly done above here.
Now, let us see if Joseph Corcoran has any rational rebuttal.
Woodward is a senile hack trying, like the rest of the liberals, to become relevant again by sucking on to Trump’s massive popularity. Barack Hussein Obama is the greatest threat this Country has ever produced.
When Obama, or whatever his real name is, loses the protection of the National Security Letter that has protected him from background investigations, he’ll find himself in front of a military court, facing a life in prison.
Barry Soreato
A gallon of regular gasoline the day Obama was inaugurated was $1.79 on average in the U.S. Today that price is $3.59, a 100.6% increase. The number of food stamp recipients has risen since Obama took office from 31,983,716 to 43,200,878, a 35.1% jump. Long term unemployment soared 146.2% during the same 32 month period from 2,600,000 to 6,400,000. Staggering “hope and change” isn’t it?
American citizens living in poverty have risen 9.5% from 39,800,000 to 43,600,000, and the number of unemployed has jumped almost 25% from 11,616,000 to 14,485,000 as of August 31, 2011. The number of unemployed blacks has risen from 12.6% at the end of George Bush’s term to 15.8% today, a 25.4% increase, and finally, our national debt is up 34.4% from 10.627 trillion to 14,278 trillion *
Keep these figures in mind as we recount the number of “firsts” for this presidency
First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
First President to preside over a cut to the credit rating of the United States .
First President to violate the War Powers Act.
First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .
First President to defy a Federal Judges court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.
First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
First President to spend a trillion dollars on shovel-ready jobs and later admit there was no such thing as shovel-ready jobs.
First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with cr imi nal convictions.
First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
First President to terminate Americas ability to put a man in space.
First President to encourage racial discrimination and intimidation at polling places.
First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly speak-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state they are allowed to locate a factory.
First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (Az, WI, OH, IN)
First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
First President to appoint 45 Czars to replace elected officials in his office.
First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office.
First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.
First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
First President to coddle American enemies while alienating Americas allies.
First President to publicly bow to Americas enemies while refusing to salute the U.S. Flag.
First President to go on multiple global apology tours.
First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends, paid for
by the taxpayer.
First President to refuse to wear the U.S. Flag lapel pin.
First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000.00 a year at taxpayer expense.
First President to repeat “the Holy Qur’an tells us,” and openly admit “the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.”
Remember that 32 months of Obama White House we the people have accumulated national debt at a rate more than 27 times as fast as during the rest of our nation’s entire history, as the Obama’s plan their next extravagant vacation to the Indonesian Island nation of Bali.
first Presiden to take one trillion dollars from social security to give to illegal immigrants
My dear friend and fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller, dude; let me say that the only thing better than opening the Cape Charles Mirror each Sunday is coming across a screed or polemic or rant written by yourself, and today was one of those days when I said to the world, “Hooray, Chas Cornweller is here to make our day,” and such it is, Chas Cornweller in spades, where you say Woodard’s book has created an avalanche of backlash and an earthquake whiplash with both the media and the public.
To which I respond, no, it hasn’t.
It’s not even a topic of conversation.
Outside of yourself, Chas Cornweller, people consider it a non-event.
In a few weeks, it will be in the remaindered bin along with that sniffly, crying and whining piece full of empty excuses that Hillary Clinton wrote after she got trounced by Trump in this last election.
Then you say “The picture painted of our present Commander-In-Chief is one of a paranoid, unprepared president who is out of touch with the reality of today’s America.”
Do you realize, Chas Cornweller, that that description applies as well to Lyndon Baines Johnson and fits Barack Hussein Obama to a tee, as does the reference to someone “who tape-loops over and over those political points that keep winning him favor with his base.”
Obama is also a master at deception because it is what he knows and has used for his entire life to manipulate the situation for the betterment of his personal gain and position.
And when you say Woodward shows us an administration reacting constantly to a child-man who knows neither the depth or scope of America’s responsibilities, nor has the wherewithal to deal with these responsibilities, an administration ramming through policies that enable the very rich and very powerful to maintain and solidify that power while the policies to protect the rest of us are daily eroded away, you are talking about as book that very well could have been about Obama, who is back on the political stump in America, perhaps looking to be drafted for a third term in office, who was quoted in the Marketwatch story “Obama claims ownership of U.S.’s economic recovery as he blasts Trump” by Steve Goldstein published Sept. 7, 2018 saying as follows:
“Political division is more manufactured than real.”
“More often it’s manufactured by the powerful and privileged who want to keep us divided and keep us angry and keep up cynical because it helps them maintain the status quo and keep their power and keep their privilege.”
“It did not start with Donald Trump.”
“He is a symptom, not the cause,” Obama said to applause.
end quotes
Pay heed to those words from Obama himself, Chas Cornweller, while there is still time to extricate yourself from the corner you are painting yourself into here – Trump is not the cause – he is merely the symptom.
The political division in America was manufactured by the elitist Obama himself beginning when he first ran for the presidency as we see from the Guardian article “Obama angers midwest voters with guns and religion remark” by Ed Pilkington in New York @edpilkington on 14 Apr. 2008, as follows:
Barack Obama was forced onto the defensive at the weekend over unguarded comments he made about small-town voters across the midwest.
Obama was caught in an uncharacteristic moment of loose language.
Referring to working-class voters in old industrial towns decimated by job losses, the presidential hopeful said:
“They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
The comments were seized on by his rival for the Democratic party candidacy, Hillary Clinton, who saw in them the hope of reviving her flagging campaign by turning voters in the important Pennsylvania primary on April 22 against what she classed as Obama’s revealed “elitism”.
“I was taken aback by the demeaning remarks Senator Obama made about people in small-town America,” she said on Saturday.
“His remarks are elitist and out of touch.” Clinton campaigners in North Carolina handed out stickers saying: “I’m not bitter.”
Obama’s comments are potentially incendiary in the Pennsylvania rust belt.
Analysts speculated that the remarks could give white working-class voters the excuse they needed not to vote for Obama, whose candidacy has been regarded with scepticism in the state but had shown some signs of growing momentum.
The comments came to light as a result of the Huffington Post’s groundbreaking experiment in citizen journalism, Off The Bus.
The website runs a network of about 1,800 unpaid researchers, interviewers and writers.
One of those writers, Mayhill Fowler, broke the story, despite being a paid-up supporter of Obama.
She attended a fundraising event in San Francisco on April 6 and recorded Obama’s speech.
Fowler sat on the material for days, conflicted about what to do with it.
She only published the comments last Friday.
“She had some real reservations about the story as an Obama supporter,” Amanda Michel, the director of Off The Bus, told the Guardian.
“But she thought as a citizen journalist she had a duty to report the event, despite her support for Barack Obama.”
Obama initially reacted to the resultant media firestorm over the weekend by trying to stand by his comments.
But he later apologised, saying: “If I worded things in a way that made people offended, I deeply regret that.”
Clinton will now hope the controversy will provide her with the break she desperately needs in Pennsylvania.
She requires a substantial win to sustain her campaign, but recent polls have suggested Obama had eroded some of her advantage.
end quotes
There, my dear friend, Chas Cornweller, is Obama creating the division and anger that put Trump in the white house.
But for Obama, Trump would never have been president.
And then Obama came back again and ran his mouth some further and divided America even further in the Washington Post article “Obama revives his ‘cling to guns or religion’ analysis — for Donald Trump supporters,” by Janell Ross on
December 21, 2015, as follows:
In April 2008, then-senator Barack Obama, a relative upstart Democrat from Illinois, was locked in a presidential primary with then-senator Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.).
Pennsylvania’s important primary was less than two weeks away, making Pennsylvania the temporary center of the political universe.
Then, the candidate whom some reporters were already describing as almost preternaturally aware of the American voter psyche made what just about everyone considers a mistake.
At a San Francisco-area fundraiser, Obama took a shot at explaining the mostly white voters in those hard-scrabble and once-booming Pennsylvania industrial towns.
He was speaking to a largely wealthy and well-educated California audience, and these Pennsylvanians were people that, in the minds of many liberals living along the nation’s coasts, seemed to be voting against their own personal interests.
They seemed angry and politically confused, casting their votes with some regularity for conservatives who support, without modification, the trade deals, labor practices and shrinking wages that were making these voters’ lives so hard.
These are the people the 2004 book “What’s the Matter with Kansas” was talking about.
An unpaid “citizen-journalist” and Obama supporter following and writing about the Obama campaign for the Huffington Post — at her own expense — was at the fundraiser and, to her credit, reported precisely what Obama had said:
“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them.”
“And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.”
“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Obama had made not only the rookie political mistake of appearing to diminish or disparage Americans’ affection for guns and God; he had also displayed the temerity to talk about a group of Americans accustomed to viewing themselves simply as “regular Americans” or the American norm — not as if they were just one important segment of a rapidly changing American mosaic.
He had described these white, working-class Americans who do not have college degrees or access to the ever-expanding universe of tech- and thought-centered jobs as understandably frightened, struggling and politically misguided — or perhaps anesthetized into believing that more guns and more God would solve their problems.
Needless to say, Clinton pounced, calling Obama an “elitist.”
Soon, Obama was, according to the Clinton camp, a candidate who didn’t understand and couldn’t lay claim to the votes of “working, hard-working Americans, white Americans.”
Therefore, she was the better bet.
We all know how that turned out.
So here we are, seven years later, and a now President Obama has said some things about this same set of voters — white Americans, and specifically men with limited education who once had near-exclusive access to industrial jobs that paid family-sustaining wages — and the Republican candidate who so many of them seem to support, Donald Trump.
Here’s a portion of what Obama told NPR News in the interview airing Monday:
“I do think that when you combine that demographic change with all the economic stresses that people have been going through because of the financial crisis, because of technology, because of globalization, the fact that wages and incomes have been flatlining for some time, and that particularly blue-collar men have had a lot of trouble in this new economy, where they are no longer getting the same bargain that they got when they were going to a factory and able to support their families on a single paycheck.”
“You combine those things, and it means that there is going to be potential anger, frustration, fear.”
“Some of it justified, but just misdirected.”
“I think somebody like Mr. Trump is taking advantage of that.”
“That’s what he’s exploiting during the course of his campaign.
Sound at all familiar?
It should.
Obama just made largely the same, perhaps less-volcanically phrased argument that he did all the way back in 2008 about the psyche of economically struggling, largely white voters.
end quotes
There, my dear friend and fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller, is a prime example of political division in America manufactured by the powerful and privileged supporters of Barack Obama who want to keep us divided and keep us angry and keep us cynical because it helps them maintain the status quo and keep their power and keep their privilege.
That is what put Donald Trump in the white house.
As to the claim that “(Y)ou have two very capable administrators in White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Secretary of Defense James Mattis having to deal with what they “see” as an ‘unhinged idiot’ (Kelly) with the understanding of ‘a fifth or sixth grader’ (Mattis),” I believe that those claims are being denied by Kelly and Mattis, so right now, they are unsubstantiated gossip.
And thank you, Chas Cornweller, for bringing forth these points in here as you have done, so the record can be fleshed out fully, so as to show how it was that Obama and the Democrats are responsible for putting Donald Trump in the white house.
It is a story the American people need to understand so we can move forward as a nation, so a grateful nation thanks you, Chas Cornweller, for getting that ball rolling in here with your article above.
We here at the Mutual Admiration Society also welcomed these illustrious aggrandizing hale and well-met greetings. And a good day to you, sir, as well, Paul-dude. What a wonderment and slightly embarrassing opening I find here from you. You are way too kind, and the hyperbole of complimentary accolades seems a bit much… But, from you, I receive them with open arms. Thanks.
But, I digress. Outside of myself, Paul? Indeed. I am not sure what the news feed is up north of this fair land is, but you seem a bit isolated. The book has caused a grand furor and you know it. Volcanic, was Herr Drumpt’s reaction, according to White House insiders. It set the staff to scrambling for the first-place spot of play the new musical chair game called, “I didn’t do it!” You know, the reaction to that Opinion Piece to the “Vital and very successful New York Times”. You remember, right? The Op Ed that pretty much verifies and signifies the truth not only of Woodward’s book (by the way did you see the comments on Bob Woodward on here. Obviously, no one but you and I must have read any of his books – I think they are thinking of another Bob Woodward, but that’s just me), but of other earlier released books on this administration. But, Bob Woodward’s book is the definitive expression of an administration in disarray. I mean, just on the surface, look at the turn over in the past year and a half. The number of empty and neglected offices and embassies around the world should be cause for alarm in and of itself. Never (that is definite) never in the course of this nation has a White House taken so long to get up to snuff, had so many staff members and campaign chairs either prosecuted or indicted for _____.(pick a crime…any white collar crime will do) And quickly too…remember? Elected (gag) November 2016. Less than two years in office and what some sixteen indictments, three or four is it now, prosecutions and two prison sentences already being served. Kind of makes the Tea Pot Dome scandal and Watergate a slow-moving turtle collision. I said collision not collusion for those of you trying to speed read this. Slow down! And speaking of collusion, personally, I believe this is the least of Herr Drumpt’s problems. I am think money laundering and banking fraud is the real ring around the collar. But, you keep hoping; ‘cause change is gonna come. Going to come take your dear boy far, far away. Away from that nasty swamp.
And as far as your delusions on Barack Obama, proofs in the puddin’, as they say. And still, prove to me where the pudding fell. But, you are right on one count, old boy. As President Obama has said…and I repeat. The causes of this divide did not start with Trump, he is merely the symptom. This is true. The forces of racism and cultural divide grew a thousand-fold when a mixed-race African American took the seat in the White House and ran the show for eight years. Coincidence? I think not. But, you don’t want to hear that. Only the clamor of irate citizens who have been getting shafted for, um, I don’t know the past fifty, sixty years? How’s that American Dream coming along? Even if you have enough, it just doesn’t satisfy does it? You and your friends think Obama is the reason for your troubles? Seriously? I am not sure I want to peek into that alternate universe you’re a living in. But, the one I live in had my 401k bounce back from a 2008 low. Prices on commodities was stable most of those crazy Obama years. Cops still kept killing innocent black people. Wars kept on warring, the budget on the Pentagon payroll kept growing. Cars were manufactured and recalled like usual. I really don’t know what you folks got your panties in such a wad for. Now, we have a Despot-in-Chief in the white house being all crazy and such, still the nation hums along as if nothing is happening. If anything, it kind of proves we don’t even need a president. Or a Congress and House of Representatives. While we’re at it, abolish the Supreme Court, take the Constitution to the mall, build a big ole bon-fire and throw that sucka on it! Done. It’s all a joke, dear sir. Smoke and mirrors. And meanwhile, in the immortal words of Canada’s Laureate Poet, Leonard Norman Cohen, everybody knows the fight was fixed. The poor stay poor, the rich get rich. That’s how it goes, Paul, dude. Everybody knows. Have a great week! Don’t let the truth get you down.
You are one of the few people in America, Chas Cornweller, who knows to put the emphasis on the second syllable of “dude,” and not the first, as all too many people in this country do today.
That is a sign of your erudition.
As to the news feed up here to north of this fair land, it most likely is the same as down south, so we really are not all that isolated when you come right down to it.
We are aware that yet another Washington gossip tell-all has come out, but my goodness, (HUGE YAWN), who really gives a **** about Washington gossip?
You say the book has caused a grand furor as if I should somehow know that, and the truth is, Chas Cornweller, I don’t know that, at all, and I have no intention of either buying the book, or reading it.
Why would I waste my time or money on a piece of gossipy trash about what goes on in Washington, D.C.?
How would it any different from “The Dark Side Of Camelot” by Seymour M. Hersh, for example?
Same ****, different day, so far as I can tell.
You say “Volcanic, was Herr Drumpt’s reaction, according to White House insiders,” but again, Chas Cornweller, who really cares what some white house insiders think about anything, presuming they even the capability of thinking?
I don’t and those I associate with in real life don’t care what they think, either, because what they think is so infantile and childish it isn’t worth considering.
You say it set the staff to scrambling for the first-place spot of play the new musical chair game called, “I didn’t do it,” and again, Chas Cornweller, so what?
As to your comment about the reaction to that Opinion Piece to the “Vital and very successful New York Times,” I didn’t read it and have no intention to do so.
I do remember reading about it, but that was it.
You say the Op Ed that pretty much verifies and signifies the truth not only of Woodward’s book, but of other earlier released books on this administration, and perhaps it does, but Chas Cornweller, I did not read any of those books, and have no intention of doing so, because it is just more gossip.
You say Bob Woodward’s book is the definitive expression of an administration in disarray, but so was “The Dark Side of Camelot” by Seymour Hersh and “The Best and The Brightest” by David Halberstam.
Then you say, just on the surface, look at the turn over in the past year and a half.
To which I respond, okay.
You say the number of empty and neglected offices and embassies around the world should be cause for alarm in and of itself, to which I respond, should it?
You say “Never (that is definite) never in the course of this nation has a White House taken so long to get up to snuff, had so many staff members and campaign chairs either prosecuted or indicted for _____.(pick a crime…any white collar crime will do) And quickly too…remember?”
Is that really true?
What about Teapot Dome, where Secretary of the Interior Albert Bacon Fall became the first presidential cabinet member to go to prison?
What about Credit Mobilier?
What about the Belknap Bribery Scandal, also known as the Indian Ring Scandal, which involved William Worth Belknap the U.S. Secretary of War in the Grant administration?
Scandals in Washington, D.C. are as common as dirt, Chas Cornweller.
You say Trump’s scandals kind of makes the Tea Pot Dome scandal and Watergate a slow-moving turtle collision, but that is merely your opinion speaking there.
You say you believe this is the least of Herr Drumpt’s problems, and you think money laundering and banking fraud is the real ring around the collar.
Okay, but then, here is where your wheels come off and your train jumps the tracks, Chas Cornweller when you say “But, you keep hoping; ‘cause change is gonna come.”
Actually, Chas Cornweller, I don’t.
I don’t keep hoping, because I don’t waste my time on hope.
I never was for Trump and still am not, so his fate is none of my concern.
And I am not a Republican, nor am I for Republicans, nor do I support Republicans, so if this is the end of the line for them, good riddance, and take the Democrats with you, so we can finally have some peace and quiet in this land without their mouths running all the time and babbling inanities.
And when you say “Going to come take your dear boy far, far away, away from that nasty swamp,” Trump is not my “dear boy,” and if he is swallowed by the swamp, who cares?
Not me.
And as far as delusions go on Barack Obama, I have none.
He was a con man when he came on the political scene, and he still is.
Those who think otherwise are the deluded ones.
And yes, I am right that Obama said the causes of this divide did not start with Trump, he is merely the symptom.
You say the forces of racism and cultural divide grew a thousand-fold when a mixed-race African American took the seat in the White House and ran the show for eight years, because Obama caused that to happen.
I think not, Chas Cornweller.
But, you don’t want to hear that.
Then you ask “How’s that American Dream coming along,” and my answer is I haven’t a clue, because I don’t waste my time on dreams.
Nor do I let the truth get me down.
I am a Viet Nam veteran, afterall.
Chas Cornweller, just curious here.
Are you one of the many people in America who have set up a shrine to Hussein Obama in your home in a prominent place where you can worship him each day as the Messiah?
Paul, I will say this once and hopefully will not have to repeat it. Do not put words in my mouth. Do not write something of mine and add to it without that acknowledgement. This is a grievous offence to me. Here’s what I am talking about.
You wrote: You say the forces of racism and cultural divide grew a thousand-fold when a mixed-race African American took the seat in the White House and ran the show for eight years, because Obama caused that to happen. Coincidence? I think not, Chas Cornweller.
I wrote: The forces of racism and cultural divide grew a thousand-fold when a mixed-race African American took the seat in the White House and ran the show for eight years. Coincidence? I think not.
See the difference? I hope that you do. You should and had it been anyone else I would really go off on them. But, I am going to let this go. This time. Last time this should ever happen. Do not ever change my wording again to suit your argument. And IF you feel the need to opine during my statement, make a notation of it and let your audience know what you have done. Putting words in my mouth is the worst infraction you can do to this writer. I think you understand.
Now, please note this, Obama did NOT cause the sickness of racism in this country. And if you believe that, then one: Either you are giving the man the powers of a god, powers he does not possess, or two; you are blindly looking for a scapegoat on which to hang all of America’s ills on. Both are ridiculous, and you know it. My thinking is your fingers got to flying all over the keyboard and moved faster than your brain. But, that’s just my opinion.
Lastly, you are neither a fan of Trump or Hillary or Obama or anything for that matter except for your Libertarianism. I get that. But, my point is this…how long are you going to take notice of what is happening in Washington without uttering against it? Or is this all part of singular Libertarian stance? The man is a buffoon, a low I.Q., inexperienced con man. And he is in charge of the country. And by not speaking up, you (along with several millions of others) are enabling this unprecedented psychotic behavior to continue. And to answer your question…no, I do not have any altar or shine in my household (save for a four-inch bronze Buddha and a three-inch bronze bell on my mantle) to Barack Obama or any other president or king. But…if I thought having an altar to anything (included our forty-fourth president) would exorcise the demons plaguing D.C. today, I would certainly build one right away.
You seem to be trying to make some kind of point, Chas Cornweller, when you put down what I said, and compare it to what you said, but it is so abstruse a point I am missing it.
Here is exactly what I said, to wit: You (Chas Cornweller @ September 10, 2018 at 6:14 pm) say the forces of racism and cultural divide grew a thousand-fold when a mixed-race African American took the seat in the White House and ran the show for eight years,” to which in the same sentence, separated by a comma, to show a separate thought, “because Obama caused that to happen,” which is exactly true, Chas Cornweller.
So you spoiled your afternoon getting upset about nothing.
I didn’t put words in your mouth – I took words that came from your mouth and I responded to them.
My experience with Hussein Obama and his internet posse playing the race card goes back to 2007 and a now-defunct internet forum known as Common Ground Common Sense.
There, my dear friend Chas Cornweller, is exactly where the forces of racism, which the internet savvy Obama marshalled for his cause, and the cultural divide began to grow, and I was there to watch it happen.
Obama milked racism for all it was worth, with his internet army on that site calling anyone and everyone on that site who even dared to question Obama a “racist.”
Obama had his followers on that site painting everyone who was not for Obama as a racist, and I will tell you, Chas Cornweller, they started the firestorm you talk about above.
Starting on February 11, 2007, Obama’s whole campaign for president was based on the fact that he was black.
That was it – over and over and over and over, because he had nothing else to offer – “nation’s first black president, nation’s first black president, nation’s first black president.”
That is what playing the race card looks like in real life, Chas Cornweller.
Obama and his elitism divided America, Chas Cornweller, and if you are incapable of seeing that, so be it.
I won’t hold it against you.
But I will note that even Hillary Clinton was aware of it, so how it is you can’t see it eludes me.
But that is all old news.
This is what I want to address: Chas Cornweller said: “But, my point is this…how long are you going to take notice of what is happening in Washington without uttering against it?”
end quotes
Utter what to whom, Chas Cornweller?
And obviously, you must not read anything I have posted in here over the last year or more, because I have uttered plenty.
Google “cape charles mirror, paul plante, donald trump,” and see what you get.
How about “Op-Ed: The Con-Man’s Comeuppance” on April 22, 2018, Special Opinion to the Mirror by Paul Plante?
There is plenty of uttering in there, alright.
And then my thinking is that your fingers got to flying all over the keyboard and moved faster than your brain, which is nothing more than my opinion, when you said this malarkey, to wit:
“Or is this all part of singular Libertarian stance?”
end quotes
My answer is that I am not a Libertarian, so I don’t have a clue as to what a proper answer to your inquiry would be.
If you really want to know what a singular Libertarian stance would be, go to and you will be able to get all of your question about libertarians and how they see life right there.
Then you say, “The man is a buffoon, a low I.Q., inexperienced con man.”
To which I reply, “OKAY, Chas Cornweller, so what is your point?”
And then you add this: “And he is in charge of the country.”
Except that shows you must have missed everything that was taught about government in America during your formative years, because Trump is NOT in charge of the country.
He is the president, Chas Cornweller.
The Constitution, which Obama incidentally used to wipe his *** with on a daily basis, with all his executive orders, as if he were a king, does not make the president in charge of the country.
Do yourself and the rest of us a favor and sit down with the Constitution and study carefully Article II, Section 1, which states in clear and unequivocal language meant for the uneducated to be able to understand and comprehend that “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.”
Clause 6 says “In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the VicePresident, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.”
So quite clearly, Chas Cornweller, by the Constitution I swore to defend, the president is hardly “in charge of the country,” and it seems you are waxing hysterical when you make that false claim, which is so unlike you, Chas Cornweller, to run off half-cocked like that.
And speaking of hysteria, Chas Cornweller, we then come to this absolute gem you have posted above: “And by not speaking up, you (along with several millions of others) are enabling this unprecedented psychotic behavior to continue.”
In a word, Chas Cornweller, that is horse ****.
Tough to be anti-Trump yet proclaim to be Pro-American these days, heh?
The buffoon, the low intelligence billionaire ( a bit self-defeating description, no? ), the inexperienced con man, the psychotic, has:
Cut taxes, exciting 28 million small business owners, the backbone of our economy and giving the average family more money in their pockets. Elitists scoff at $1000, but the average family does….not…
The GDP has grown by more than 3 percent for two quarters in a row. So much for the sarcasm of Obama’s “magic wand” statement.
Consumer confidence is at the highest level in 17 years.
A roll back of Obama era regulations has spurred business confidence, economic activity and stock market growth.
The Dow has set record highs 70 times this year, rising 5,000 points in a year for the first time in history. FWIW, lots of retirees are paying attention to this one.
Judicial appointments now staff the judiciary with constitutionalists rather than activist judges willing to interpret laws according to their personal ideologies.
True Mr. Trump inherited low unemployment numbers from President Obama but the number of people collecting unemployment benefits has continued to fall to a 44-year low including the lowest numbers ever reported for minorities and teens.
Food stamp applications are down 20% as people go back to work.
Illegal border crossing apprehensions are down 40% compared to 2016.
U.S. energy is reaching independence. The Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines are under construction providing 42,000 new jobs.
Mr. Trump is giving the green light to school-choice programs across the country.
We’ve withdrawn from or began renegotiating the trade deals that once threatened to destroy American industry and shipped our jobs around the world. IE: NAFTA
Trump has promoted peace through strength rather than the lame “Smart Power” policies of the previous administration which CLEARLY didn’t work.
We’ve restored old alliances, forged new ones, begun rebuilding our military and made it clear to the world that there is no greater ally, no more fearsome adversary than the United States of America.
Of course, the left credits Obama for the booming economy and in a way he deserves some credit. His dreadful policies created a slow economic recovery, you can find the numbers on line if you so chose, which forced businesses to get lean.
Since taking office, President Trump has removed the regulatory weight, reduced the tax burden and the economy is soaring again.
It’s not unlike the relief you feel when you stop banging your head against a brick wall.
You should try it.
But you won’t.
Opponents like you will wail and complain about the playboy bunny chasing, crass individual inhabiting the WH.
But the Left’s antics over the past two years ensure that we…..don’t….care.
He fights.
And the LEFT sounds ridiculous.
Chas Cornweller, in a fit of rage and righteous indignation, proclaims and declaims, “(N)ever in the course of American history have White House staff spoken about a sitting president in this manner, ever,” and of course, that is not true.
General George B. McClellan, aka, “Little Mac,” called President Abe Lincoln, who McClellan served in as equal a capacity as either Kelly or “Mad Dawg” Mattis, the “Original Gorilla.”
And who, besides our dear friend and fellow CCM correspondent Chas Cornweller, can forget John Adams and his cabinet.
It is basic grade-school American history that in early 1800, Secretary of War James McHenry resigned in the wake of a vicious tirade by the president, and in writing of the incident to a family member, McHenry described Adams as “totally insane,” while Secretary of State Timothy Pickering held Adams in low esteem.
And Alexander Hamilton argued that an “ungovernable temper” made John Adams unfit to govern.
As to John Adams’s eldest son, John Quincy Adams, he wrote in his diary, “my political adversaries [call me] a gloomy misanthropist; and my personal enemies, an unsocial savage,” while biographer Paul Nagel describes him as “notorious for his harshness, tactlessness and even rudeness.”
So we can see our dear friend and fellow American patriot trying to pull an “Obama” on us here when he says “(N)ever in the course of American history have White House staff spoken about a sitting president in this manner, ever.”
Of course they have, Chas Cornweller.
Chas Cornweller muses, “I can only imagine what some of you would have thought, said or done…had President Obama had uttered those words in his inaugural speech in 2008, I can only imagine.”
Truth is, in his inaugural address, Obama really didn’t say much that was different from what Trump now says, to wit:
“That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood.”
“Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age.”
“Homes have been lost, jobs shed, businesses shuttered.”
“Our health care is too costly, our schools fail too many — and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet.”
“These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics.”
“Less measurable, but no less profound, is a sapping of confidence across our land; a nagging fear that America’s decline is inevitable, that the next generation must lower its sights.”
“In reaffirming the greatness of our nation we understand that greatness is never a given.”
“It must be earned.”
“Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.”
“We will not apologize for our way of life, nor will we waver in its defense.”
end quotes
Sounds a lot like Trump to me, Chas Cornweller, especially the part about Obama making America great again.
Where did you think Trump was getting his lines from, Chas Cornweller?
Didn’t you realize he was getting them from Obama?
Ray Otton, thank you. This is a well thought out and eloquent rebuttal to my article. Paul’s rebuttals, though passionate, tend to ramble and leave me in a state of disarray. Somewhat like being in a paint ball battle where you are the only soul without a barrel to hide behind. I would agree with many of your points here, but for a few minor facts that you conveniently left out. But, understand something, Trump the fighter (chuckle) is not leading the charge here.
Let’s take the tax reform. Yes, the average family had their taxes drop (for the time being – it is not permanent, a fact). But, prices have risen these past four years at an average rate of nearly four per cent. Local taxes and state taxes negate the Federal increase. But, and this is important, many families earning between fifty and a hundred thousand per year have less a choice of which bracket they can use to hone their tax breaks than before. We (my wife and I) actually end up paying out more due to this. The tax break for the upper 1% amounts to a trillion and a half, adding to the national deficit. At a time where the national infrastructure, education and the military are needing more and more of tax benefits. It just doesn’t make sense. That corporate tax break (by the way, more corporations get entitlements in America than you may realize) will help companies expand and update, but the profits will most likely not filter to the workers but go toward bulwarking Wall Street and investors. A roll back on regulations is what led to 2007 and Too Big To Fail. So, we’ve got that to look forward to. As far as the Dow, what goes up…and yes, my 401 is looking pretty healthy right now. As far as the future? Anyone’s guess.
Jobs. Yes! They are up. Thank god. But, the rampant off-shoring is still happening, and the looming tariff wars are not helping. It is creating a dark cloud over the entire economy and causing doubts about America’s intentions with its allies.
And speaking of allies, I chuckled when I read your line: “We’ve restored old alliances, forged new ones, begun rebuilding our military and made it clear to the world that there is no greater ally, no more fearsome adversary than the United States of America.” That is a total fabrication and you know it. We’ve pissed off, Germany, England, France, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Japan, South Korea, and China (an ally?) The only snake we’ve mishandled would be Russia. Poorly handled and our most dangerous competitor out there (alongside China – who I think wants to play ball, but only with their ball, their rules, their home field advantage and no cheering from the opponents’ side of the field).
And lastly, I could give a rat’s behind about his sex fueled, born with a silver spoon, opulent lifestyle. (unless he has compromised this nation’s security with said lifestyle) What I care about is his rambling, disorienting, divisive and just down right misguided statements through twitter. Just the fact that most (if not all) of his followers take this as gospel and now this is how the country ideology is produced, galls the hell out of me. Why? Because it is beneath the dignity of the office, that’s why! You say he fights! No, he doesn’t. He is a coward. He has others fight for him! He can’t even fire his own staff! We are seeing two Trumps here. Yours and mine. Which is the true Trump? Well, personally, I think Bob Woodward nailed it. He usually does. If you go back and read his books, history pretty much substantiates what he writes. In other words, whether you want to believe it or not, the man does not lie, does not make up “fiction” and his sources are usually pretty credible. After all, they are the same folks who are getting all those “wonderful” items you listed, done. Meanwhile, batshit crazy is on the phone: tweeting the insanity de-jour; and behind the scenes your future and my future is being dismantled brick by brick until nothing is left. Think about that. Sound ridiculous to you, now? Because if it does, I hope you are still around to re-read “Fear” by Bob Woodward. It will make so much more sense to you then. Be safe. Stay dry. Thanks for reading.
In response to your latest comments I have to say, this is an milestone day in my household as I write that President Obama was right about something.
There ARE a lot of bitter clingers out there, he only got the demographic wrong.
Let’s see if I understand your take on the economy.
For 8 years President Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in modern times. For 6 years he blamed Republicans in Congress for this because they were thwarting his debt exploding spending agenda.
In his last 2 years in office, he claimed that 2% growth was the best we could hope for and in his last year in office, while the economy was again stalling out, Obama claimed that Trump’s tax cuts and deregulation would only make things worse.
Now that we’re in the midst of a booming economy which kicked in after Trump reversed most of Obama’s economic policies we’re supposed to believe that it’s Obama who deserves the credit?
Yeah, ridiculous about sums it up.
Just like it would be ridiculous to blame a sitting president for Hurricane Florence.
Yet, the Washington Post just did that.
Any wonder we’re not listening to you?
Now, on to Mr. Woodward, he of the unstained reputation.
Eh, not so much.
FWIW, I’m not posting it for YOU to read, that would be a waste of time, but for other commenters who might be interested.
In the end, it’s becoming clear that Leftists’ hate this president so much that they wish ill on millions of fellow citizens.
We’ve had calls for impeachment since BEFORE he took the oath.
We’ve had editorials propose that not only should Trump be impeached but that his presidency should be nullified, meaning everything his done should be undone.
Can you say Coup?
We’ve had national commentators hope for a recession as a means of defeating Mr. Trump, though it would mean middle class Americans would suffer greatly.
We’ve seen over 200 protesters arrested at the recent SCOTUS hearings, protesting a nominee who’s been endorsed by a Liberal SC member, Elana Kagan.
There have been death threats against sitting US Senators for supporting his nomination.
We’ve listened to entertainers call for the assassination of a sitting president.
We’ve experienced violent attacks against Republicans either in office or running for office.
We’ve had Republican party offices firebombed.
There have been close to 600 recorded attacks on Trump supporters in 2 years
There has been well documented harassment of Trump administration officials.
This is all unprecedented.
However, when I discussed this with a Democrat family member his response was “well people are upset”.
As if that makes it OK.
It does not.
It is an attempt at mob rule.
It is un-American.
The Left knows this is not the way it’s supposed to work but they don’t care. They want what they want, to hell with republicanism ( don’t forget, we’re not a democracy).
Look, the Left lost an election, big deal.
Stop the juvenile rants, stop shouting “Deporable! and “Nazi!” and convince us you have a better way.
So far you have not.
Jesus, Paul. A comma means a break between the different parts of a sentence. A properly used comma makes the sentence clear by grouping and separating words, phrase and clauses. “Not a different thought!” (my addition to the definition!) Had you wanted to add your two-cents worth you should add quotation marks denoting your own words. Or say, “In my words…Because Obama caused it to happen…use some sense, man! You changed the meaning of my statement!
I know you are Vietnam vet. You fell for all that horse-sh#! that Johnson and McNamara cooked up to get you youngsters to don those green uniforms to fit those green bodies to go off and die somewhere in some jungle eight thousand miles from home. For that, I am truly sorry. But, it changed you man. There is no denying that. Then you had that incident in your hometown and well, here you are. A bitter, jaded old fart with nothing but contempt for the very government you gave your all for. But, don’t take it out on me, man. I am not the enemy! In fact, I am a no body. Just a lone wolf howling at the moon just to hear my own voice. I’m a lot like you. Just not as damaged.
So, your attacks on Obama and his elitism seems a bit…shall I say, contrived? His internet army calling people racist who dared questioned him? Not sure which universe you were living in 2008-2015, but, no…this did not happen. I do seem to remember the rise of the tea party people and the astro-turfing of an actual grass-roots movement. I remember the racism that grew, not from tea party people (I actually know some personally-they are not racist in my opinion) but from the astro-turfing of that party. I saw a movement hijacked away from the middle class and given over to the powerful and used in ways that frankly, stymied me. Boy, was I in for a shock.
No Obama did not cause racism in America. It is finely woven into the very fabric of this nation. Skin color sets some people off, Paul. You and I both know that. The difference between you and I is this…when I see a black man or women bettering themselves through hard work, positioning and one-upmanship, I think, good for them. But, when folks like you see this, the first thought is they are being “uppity”. When I see a person of color standing in the elevator, I get on, reassured that I am just as safe in that elevator no matter the person. Hell, the elevator may be the most dangerous thing I just encountered. But, folks, who think like you, feel threatened, unsafe. All because of skin color. When I see Colin Kaepernick’s picture, I think…a brave patriot and humanitarian. Seriously, dude…seriously. But, when you and your ilk see his face, you think he has denigrated you and ALL America’s veterans with his dis-respect of the flag and all those who died just to see it wave over the land of the brave and the free. Horseshit. You know very well why he takes a knee. And you know very well the injustices that exist every day in this great land of the BRAVE and free…No Obama did not start this fire. But, you sure see to it that it rages every day. McNamara sure had your number man. How does it feel to go to sleep up every night, seeing and remembering all those faces you looked into those many years ago and seeing nothing but hatred and contempt? Because you know this, and I know this, and Robert McNamara knew this…WE were not wanted in that country! We brought nothing but misery and pain and death with us. Fighting communist? Yeah, right. You know the score. And it wrecked your life. And you came home just to get shat upon again by your very own government. While trying to be brave, you found out the cost of freedom. You talk (write) a mean game. You have the history and the knowledge down pat. But, your heart ain’t in it. I can tell. And for that, I am sorry. You seem like a nice guy. Someone I could share a beer with and listen to (as long as we leave Hillary, Trump and Obama out of the conversation) listen to for hours. Hell, we could even debate the Vietnam War. I would definitely defer to your knowledge there, dude. Seriously. But, this racism thing…I know a thing or two about that, believe me. I grew up in the south. During the fifties and sixties. I have multiple friends (honest friends) of many colors of the rainbow. And we talk. So, I know. This is a block I have been around many, many times.
Chas Cornweller, dude, my dear friend and fellow American patriot, pray tell, were you perhaps sickly when young so that you not only missed out on that section on basic American government, but missed an inordinate amount of time from grade school to the effect that you missed out totally and completely on that block of instruction on the proper use of the comma in communicating in the written English language in America?
According to the University of Leicester on “How do you read commas in a sentence,” we have the basic rule stated as follows:
Commas are used to divide or separate parts of a sentence in order to make the meaning clear and the sentence easier to read.
They mark a brief pause in the sentence, usually at a point where you would naturally pause if you were speaking rather than writing.
end quotes
Given that basic rule, which is taught in the 4th grade at the latest, we can both see that I was entirely correct when I said, “You say the forces of racism and cultural divide grew a thousand-fold when a mixed-race African American took the seat in the White House and ran the show for eight years, because Obama caused that to happen.”
So I was using sense by following the rule, and no, Chas Cornweller, I most clearly did not change the meaning of your statement!
And yes, Chas Cornweller, I did indeed fall for all that horse-sh#! that Democrat Con-Man Lyndon Baines Johnson and McNamara cooked up to get loyal Americans like myself to don a green uniform to go off and die somewhere in some jungle eight thousand miles from home.
And no, Chas Cornweller, I am not a bitter, jaded old fart with nothing but contempt for the very government I gave my all for.
My contempt is for the Democrats, Chas Cornweller, who told us those lies.
And of course you are not the enemy!
My goodness, perish the thought, Chas Cornweller!
And I have made no attacks on Obama and his elitism – that was Hillary Clinton
And yes, Chas Cornweller, I’m not sure what alternate universe you were living in, in 2007, but Obama did indeed have his internet army calling people racist who dared to question him.
And of course, Obama did not cause racism in America, Chas Cornweller – he exploited it.
Consider the article entitled “Obama Formally Enters Presidential Race” by Adam Nagourney and Jeff Zeleny in the “Vital and very successful New York Times” on Feb. 11, 2007, as follows:
Wearing an overcoat but gloveless on a frigid morning, Mr. Obama invoked a speech Lincoln gave here in 1858 condemning slavery — “a house divided against itself cannot stand” — as he started his campaign to become the nation’s first black president.
Speaking smoothly and comfortably, Mr. Obama offered a generational call to arms, portraying his campaign less as a candidacy and more as a movement.
end quotes
There, my dear friend and fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller, was the sum and substance and totality of Barack Hussein Obama’s “candidacy” – a “movement” to make history by putting a “black man,” any black man would do, into the white house.
That, my friend, is playing the race card.
Obama wasn’t competent to be a dog catcher, but if you even hinted that, you would be accused of being a racist.
And as you well know, Chas Cornweller, from my previous writings in here, when I see a black man or women bettering themselves through hard work, I think, good for them.
When I see a person of color standing in the elevator, I get on, reassured that I am just as safe in that elevator no matter the person.
But when I see Barack Hussein Obama looking down his nose at me as if I am a piece of dog ****, what I see is a dope-smoking, coke-sniffing con man who perfected the art of getting over and manipulating people so that he could use his race to gain the highest position in this land.
Tell me in plain words why I should admire that, Chas Cornweller.
I really would like to know.
What does Jesus have to do with Paul’s punctuation?
‘I know you are Vietnam vet. You fell for all that horse-sh#! that Johnson and McNamara cooked up to get you youngsters to don those green uniforms to fit those green bodies to go off and die somewhere in some jungle eight thousand miles from home. For that, I am truly sorry. But, it changed you man. ‘
Is this how you view Vets? I know a few that would not take to kindly to your nonsense. Why not go to a few VFWs and stand outside and spew that garbage? Please try it some time.
Why do you wan to change America into something it never was? Why do you hate America?
Come on, Chas tell us………..
It is apparent in your writing that you do, so edumacate us on why.
A partiot and a humanitarian? Because he QUIT his job? Wow, you have low standards.
And why did those Democrats, Kennedy and Johnson get us involved in the war Nixon ended? And why did the D congress deny the funding promised to the South Vietnamese and allow them to suffer and die? Why do you Democrats hate America, and freedom so much?
Mike Kuzma, Jr. rightfully asks why did the Democrats in congress deny the funding promised to the South Vietnamese and allow them to suffer and die?
As to that pertinent and timely question, at pp.366,367 of “A BETTER WAR, The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of America’s Last Years in Vietnam” by Lewis Sorley, we have as follows:
In 1974 (Vietnamese) President Thieu sent General Cao Van Vien to Washington to make the case for continued U.S. aid to South Vietnam.
At the Pentagon, where Vien briefed on the current military situation, complete with photographic evidence of mounting enemy violations and massive movement into South Vietnam, he was assured of full support.
On 6 May 1974 a legislative amendment proposed by Sentaor Edward Kennedy – one of those members of Congress most determied to pull the plug on South Vietnam – was accepted.
It cut $266 million for South Vietnam from a supplementary military aid bill and signified, suggested (Sir Robert) Thompson, “that perhaps the major lesson of the Vietnam war is: do not rely on the United States as an ally.”
Fiscal year 1975 also brought bad news for South Vietnam.
While $1 billion had been authorized (instead of the $1.47 billion requested), that was reduced to $700 million in the appropriation process.
After costs of supporting the Defense Attache Office in Saigon and shipping charges were deducted, the residual amounted in real terms to only about $654 million before adjusting for inflation – then skyrocketing due to a global energy crisis.
In a nakedly mean-spirited act, provisions were inserted prohibiting even the purchase of fertilizer for South Vietnam in FY 1975.
“The final appropriation,” observed General Vien, “came as a shock to the army and people of South Vietnam.”
“It was certain that the huge gap between requirements and resources that had just been created could never be closed no matter how much self-restraint was imposed and how well the budget was managed.”
General Harold K. Johnson, when he was Army Chief of Staff, had spoken in New York shortly after returning from an April 1966 trip to Vietnam.
“We could withdraw from Southeast Asia,” he admitted.
“To do so would be to abandon everything we have been fighting and dying for in Vietnam.”
“To do so would be to close for all time the book of our American heritage.”
That point had now been reached.
end quotes
My answer to Mike Kuzma, Jr. is the Democrats did that because that is what Democrats do – they sell people down the river because they are slippery and untrustworthy, so that the major lesson of the Vietnam war is do not rely on the Democrat party in the United States as an ally.
And Chas Cornweller, @ September 11, 2018 at 6:57 pm above here, you are screeching at the top of your lungs about me supposedly putting words in your mouth, which accusation turned out to be not true, and then you turn around @ September 12, 2018 at 4:31 pm and from whole cloth, you create a persona for me that makes me out to be nothing more than a misfit and a loser because I happen to be a Viet Nam veteran, and that is how you see Viet Nam veterans in your world-view, as losers and misfits.
So what is up with that?
You incorrectly stated that I changed the meaning of your statement, so you turn around and change the meaning of my whole life, totally trashing it in the process, as if I have never accomplished anything in my life and am a drag on your civilized society in this country.
You say you know I am a Vietnam vet, but you are clueless as to what that term really means.
To you, Viet Nam veterans are nothing more than ignorant misfits, which is exactly how the liberal set in America viewed us back in 1970, when I got back to this country to be spit at by these same liberals, who actually, Chas Cornweller, did not want us allowed back in.
You tell me I fell for all that horse-sh#! that Johnson and McNamara cooked up to get “you youngsters” to don those green uniforms to fit those green bodies to go off and die somewhere in some jungle eight thousand miles from home, but dear friend Chas, I was 23 when I was in Viet Nam, with 2 years of college, so I was hardly a “youngster,” but why on earth let facts like that get in the way of a good work of fiction.
You say, “For that, I am truly sorry,” to which I would ask you why?
Why are you wasting emotion like that, Chas Cornweller, feeling sorry for someone who never asked for and does not want your pity?
I was wounded in the head and left for dead, Chas Cornweller, and as a result, I am a stronger person.
Why do you feel sorry about that?
And then you say, “But, it changed you man, there is no denying that.”
Oh, really?
Did we grow up together, Chas Cornweller?
Were we friends before I went to Viet Nam?
If not, then how can you possibly say Viet Nam changed me?
And then you say, “Then you had that incident in your hometown and well, here you are.”
I have had a lot of “incidents” in my home town, Chas Cornweller.
Which one do you refer to when you say “that” incident?
And then you call me “A bitter, jaded old fart with nothing but contempt for the very government you gave your all for.”
That, of course, is merely your opinion, and your opinion does not operate to create me into anything, or said another way, I am not your opinion of me.
But what if I am, Chas Cornweller?
And Chas Cornweller, I did not give “my all” for the government t I, like you, and most of the American people are quite contemptuous of, and with good reason.
I gave my all for the nation, it’s people, and its Constitution.
And fear not, Chas Cornweller, when you say “But, don’t take it out on me, man, I am not the enemy!”
Of course you are not the enemy, Chas Cornweller.
As you say, you are no body, just a lone wolf howling at the moon just to hear your own voice, and in the America I fought to defend, Chas Cornweller, that is one of the most basic rights you have, to be yourself without having to live in fear.
And then you come out with this cryptic comment: “I’m a lot like you. Just not as damaged.”
Do tell, Chas, do tell.
And then we come to the part where you label me a racist, without a shred of evidence, but then, you don’t need evidence do you:
“But, when folks like you see this, the first thought is they are being “uppity”.”
end quote
I honestly think, Chas, Cornweller, that that is a Freudian slip on your part, where a Freudian slip is an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings, which is to say you really do think them uppity, as you call it.
And you continue the false charge of racist as follows:
“When I see a person of color standing in the elevator, I get on, reassured that I am just as safe in that elevator no matter the person.”
“Hell, the elevator may be the most dangerous thing I just encountered.”
“But, folks, who think like you, feel threatened, unsafe.”
“All because of skin color.”
end quotes
Oh, really, Chas Cornweller!
Do I owe you a professional fee here for getting psychoanalyzed by you over the internet?
Do you have a license to conduct psychotherapy over the internet?
Or are you simply posing as someone who does?
It is a lucrative field these days I am told, Chas Cornweller, so make of it what you can while you can, but don’t wait for a check to come in the mail from me.
Which brings us to this: ” When I see Colin Kaepernick’s picture, I think…a brave patriot and humanitarian.”
“Seriously, dude…seriously.”
“But, when you and your ilk see his face, you think he has denigrated you and ALL America’s veterans with his dis-respect of the flag and all those who died just to see it wave over the land of the brave and the free.”
As you say, dear friend Chas Cornweller, all of that is Horseshit.
While Colin Kaepernick is a huge factor in your life to the point of obsession, he is a non-entity in mine.
You say I know very well why he takes a knee, and that is more horse****, Chas – I have no idea why Colin Kaepernick does anything, nor do I really care, because you seem Chas, I have no respect whatsoever for Colin Kaepernick.
And of course I know very well the injustices that exist every day in this great land of the BRAVE and free – I have been a victim of those injustices myself, as you well know.
And then you veer off into the inane with this question, Chas Cornweller: “How does it feel to go to sleep up every night, seeing and remembering all those faces you looked into those many years ago and seeing nothing but hatred and contempt?”
Ask somebody else, Chas Cornweller, because I haven’t a clue.
That is not an affliction I suffer from.
And Viet Nam did not “wreck” my life.
Where on earth do you get these ideas from?
Why do you think my life is a wreck?
What justification do you have for that assertion, dear friend Chas?
Because you think that is the way it is supposed to be?
How stereotypical would be my response if that were so.
But, this racism thing, Chas Cornweller.
Perhaps you really do know a thing or two about that, believe me, having grown up in the south during the fifties and sixties.
And I am sure that someone as personable and gregarious as yourself has multiple friends (honest friends) of many colors of the rainbow and you we talk, and so, you know, and that is a block you have been around many, many times.
I’ll accept all of that as true.
But Chas, that is all you know.
Because you grew up with racism, surrounded by it from the sounds of things, Chas, does not mean we are all like you.
Think about it, Chas.
As I said above here, and I was quite sincere in saying it, the only thing better than opening the Cape Charles Mirror each Sunday is coming across a screed or polemic or rant written by Chas Cornweller, who goes off in here like an exploding ammo dump, a great big WHOOSH and then there is **** flying all over the place, and this past Sunday was one of those days when I said to the world, “Hooray, Chas Cornweller is here to make our day,” and such it was, in spades, when Chas Cornweller told us, perhaps tongue-in-cheek, sly devil that he is that way, poking sharp sticks into as many eyes as he can, as rapidly as he can, which all in all is pretty rapid, that a coffee table gossip book by Robert Upshur Woodard, a member of the prestigious Yale secret society Book and Snake, the fourth oldest secret society at Yale University, members of which lived in the society residence, or “Cloister,” has created an avalanche of backlash and an earthquake whiplash with both the media and the public.
From the expert use of hyperbole (exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally) employed right there in that sentence by Chas Cornweller, a favorite wordsmith of many here in America for his flair (stylishness and originality) and verve (vigor and spirit or enthusiasm) with the written word, one can readily see why on a Sunday morning, I walk right on by the New York Times or Washington Post, where incidentally, Robert Upshur Woodard, a member of the prestigious Yale secret society Book and Snake, the fourth oldest secret society at Yale University, who has written 18 books on American politics, has his employment, and come to the Cape Charles Mirror, instead, where, unlike the New York Times or Washington Post, one can be sure to find serious, in-depth discussion of the political issues which confront us as a nation and as a people today.
And not only is Chas Cornweller a master of hyperbole, but a master of the enigmatic (difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious), as well with his “Then you had that incident in your hometown and well, here you are.”
Now, tell me, people, is that enigmatic, or is that enigmatic?
That actually could be the opening line of a Mystery Theater Production on TV, or a summer stock production either on Cape Cod, or in the Cape Charles Playhouse, or even the Parkland Performing Arts Center in tony, upscale Parkland, Florida, where anti-gun activist Cameron Kasky has an acting gig.
I can just see it as Chas Cornweller might stage it, me in a prison jumpsuit in a supermax shackled to rings in the floor and wall as I sit there, confronted by Bob Woodward saying those now famous lines as he goes for his nineteenth book on American politics in the hopes of finally hitting on a best seller: “Then you had that incident in your hometown and well, here you are.”
So what was the “incident,” then, and why would Bob Woodward be interested?
The “incident” in question our fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller makes mention of in that cryptic (having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure) comment, which incident did in fact “wreck” my life as a licensed professional engineer charged by law with protecting and safeguarding human life, had me being “offered” an opportunity as a public official to betray my neighbors and my community by honoring bribes and by making and filing false reports, an opportunity I refused in the October 11, 1988 writing which follows, a writing that incidentally propelled Christine Kapostacy Jansing, then a TV star with TV Channel 13 in Albany, New York, to a position as a White House political reporter with MSNBC, a position at least as prestigious as a Washington Post editor like Bob Woodward, if not more so, to wit:
DATE: October 11, 1988
TO: John Buono, Rensselaer County Executive
FROM: Paul Plante, Associate Public Health Engineer, Rensselaer County Health District
SUBJECT: Integrity of Environmental Health Programs
As the Director of the Environmental Health Division, it is my responsibility to certify on behalf of Rensselaer County the integrity of the Code Enforcement Programs to the State of New York for the purpose of payment of our State operating funds.
I have reached a juncture where such certification by myself is no longer feasible.
My certification of our operations is as a licensed professional.
My conduct is governed in large part by Part 29 of the Codes of the Education Department which sets forth the actions deemed to constitute unprofessional conduct on the part of licensed individuals.
Section 29.1(b)(6) defines unprofessional conduct as “willfully making or filing a false report, or failing to file a report required by law or by the Education Department, or willfully impeding or obstructing such filing, or inducing another person to do so.”
I can no longer vouch for the integrity of our programs and will not place my professional standing in jeopardy.
It is my professional opinion stated in writing to yourself that the programs I am responsible for have been very seriously undermined and compromised.
As my internal investigation proceeds, the probability of actions for damages against the Department increases, due to errors of omission and commission of former engineers and the Public Health Director.
As the Public Health Law requires me to conduct investigations into incidents involving public health nuisance or hazard, I find myself in the course of such investigation returning to our own files with consistent violation of code on the part of County staff.
end quotes
For writing that memo, I got squashed, not surprisingly, like a bug.
And as Chas Cornweller so presciently (having or showing knowledge of events before they take place) notes, “and well, here I am.”
The American political story of endemic public corruption that Bob Woodward chose not to report on, lest he step on too many important political toes.
And now, Chas Cornweller wants us to hold Bob Woodward up as some kind of heroic figure in America.
Go figure.
I can’t.
Nor can I see how Chas Cornweller holds Colin Kaepernick, a spoiled, privileged, crybaby I would not want watching my back, out as an American patriot, but to each his own.
Eh, Woodard’s book is so yesterday.
Today we have the new outrage wherein we find out that a secret letter, written by an anonymous person was secretly presented to Sen Feinstein during the hearings which accuse the nominee of some bad behavior with a 17-year-old girl when he was 17 years old.
Imagine bad behavior with a 17-year-old girl when you were 17. Cue “Paradise by the Dashboard Light”
Got ’em! That’s it, he’s finished! No Supreme Court for you!
Used to be the Republicans were considered the stupid party.
Congrats on taking the title.
At the awards ceremony, all the Dems can take a knee when the Anthem plays.
Note: 🙂
But according to the news this morning, Diane Feinstein said she was forced to have to make that public, because somebody on the Democrat side had already leaked it, so she didn’t want it to look like the Democrats were trying to cover something up.
The Democrats didn’t want to look like they were covering something up?
That’s a first.
Oh wait, they didn’t want to LOOK LIKE they were covering something up.
My bad.
You have to understand, Ray Otton, that we are talking about a secret letter here that only Dianne Feinstein knew about, and since it was a secret letter that nobody knew about but Dianne Feinstein, she was very concerned that somebody would think she and the Democrats were conducting a cover-up if somebody were to somehow find out about the secret letter.
And being the GOOD AMERICAN that she is, Dianne Feinstein did not want anybody to think that the Democrats would stoop to covering something up that would hurt the Republicans, so she made the secret letter public by saying to the world that she had a secret letter about the 17-year old Brett Kavanaugh and some other 17-year old boy locking the then-17-year old girl who wrote the secret letter to Dianne Feinstein in a room at a party which scared her, although she was able to get out of the supposedly locked room, a detail that Dianne Feinstein has yet to release, how it was that the writer of the secret letter was able to get out of the room she says she was locked in by the 17-year old Brett Kavanaugh.
According to the Fox News article “Feinstein releases cryptic statement about Brett Kavanaugh nomination amid intrigue over secret letter” by Andrew O’Reilly on 13 September 2018, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on Thursday threw a cryptic curveball at Brett Kavanaugh, insinuating the Supreme Court nominee could be guilty of a crime even as Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee seek to delay his confirmation.
So how’s them apples for you as the saying goes – Kavanaugh could actually be guilty of a crime here.
Pretty serious stuff, is it not?
And as can be expected, the more complete details of this story are to be found in the British publication, The Guardian, in the story “Dianne Feinstein alerts authorities to secret Brett Kavanaugh letter – Source briefed on the contents of letter told the Guardian it details an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman when the pair were 17 years old” by Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington and Jessica Glenza in Austin on 14 Sept. 2018, as follows:
A senior Democratic senator has alerted federal investigators to a confidential letter she received regarding Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump’s conservative nominee for the US supreme court, in an extraordinary move that suggested she had been informed of possible wrongdoing.
Dianne Feinstein, who is the top Democrat on the Senate judiciary committee, said she had received information about Kavanaugh’s nomination from an individual who had strongly requested confidentiality.
“I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the supreme court,” Feinstein said in a statement.
“That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision.”
“I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities,” she said.
end quotes
This letter writer Dianne Feinstein refers to did not want to come forward or to press the matter further, and so Dianne Feinstein honored that decision by outing the woman, so Dianne Feinstein could then press the matter further for her, so nobody would think Dianne Feinstein was trying to cover up something that she has known about since July of this year, but has sat on until yesterday.
According to The Guardian, a source who said they were briefed on the contents of the letter said it described an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman that took place when both were 17 years old and at a party.
According to the source, Kavanaugh and a male friend had locked her in a room against her will, making her feel threatened, but she was able to get out of the room.
end quotes
Sounds like they have Kavanaugh cold on at least felony kidnapping charges there, if not something even more serious, although as of yet, there is no allegation that anything sexual happened, although Feinstein could be holding those details back until next week.
Anyway, according to The Guardian, while additional details about the letter were scarce, two media outlets have reported that the person who wrote the letter is being represented by an attorney, Debra Katz, who has been described in media reports as Washington’s #MeToo lawyer, although Katz had not responded to a request for comment from the Guardian.
Why the writer of the secret letter felt the need to lawyer up has not yet been disclosed, but as The Guardian tells it, BuzzFeed reported that Katz was seen on Capitol Hill on Wednesday night, shortly after the Intercept first reported the existence of the letter.
So there is the story on that as it exists right now, anyway.
Of course, as I write these words, Dianne Feinstein could be holding yet another news conference to leak some more details concerning this secret letter, so those details the letter writer did not want made public can be made public so that nobody can accuse Dianne Feinstein covering up anything here.
But right now, that is all we know on this quite serious breaking story.
And it seems that Dianne Feinstein must have been holding a press conference, because on the 6 o’clock news, the story has now evolved to Kavanaugh trying to force himself on the writer of the secret letter Dianne Feinstein has had since July, but just made public yesterday, so people wouldn’t think she was trying to cover up anything here.
Could have saved yourself a ton of time on this one, Paul.
FBI declined to investigate the accusation and sent the letter on to the WH to be included in the nominee’s general background check documentation.
Now, knowing what we know about the weaponizing of the FBI, IRS, DOJ and other fed agencies, what are the chances they’d let a juicy tidbit like this go unaddressed?
Oh and for sure the Reps knew this was coming. No way they could have put together a letter signed by 65 women who vouched for Kavanaugh’s character in two days after the announcement.
All of it is a Kabuki dance that won’t change the final vote.
True, Mr. Otton, that I could have saved some time, but then I would have missed out on the opportunity to help you shine a needed light on the asinine stupid childish game Dianne Feinstein and the Democrats are playing here for no other purpose than to delay this review process.
For wasting our time by playing this stupid game with this “secret” letter, Dianne Feinstein should be drummed out of the U.S. Senate and sent packing back to kindergarten so she can repeat the educational process to make her a good citizen that she so obviously missed the first time around.
Kabuki theater, Ray Otton, is known for the stylization of its drama and for the elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers, in this case Dianne Feinstein and Charley “Chuck” Schumer along with Hussein Obama and America’s fighting bulldog, Joe Biden.
Since the word kabuki is believed to derive from the verb kabuku, meaning “to lean” or “to be out of the ordinary”, kabuki can be interpreted as “avant-garde” or “bizarre” theatre, and boy, does that term ever apply to this bizarre theater we are being treated to in Washington, DC., where Kavanaugh’s accuser has just been elevated to the status of a “sexual assault survivor,” which means that Kavanaugh is done, finished, kaput.
There is no way he can now survive this Kabuki drama which is being masterfully stage-managed by the Democrats, who are putting on a full court press here, with Hussein Obama speaking at a rally for Ohio gubernatorial candidate Richard Corday and other Democrats on 13 September 2018, saying:
“On November 6 we have a chance to restore some sanity to our politics,”
“We can tip the balance of power back to the American people.”
And that is why I’m here.”
“I need you to come through.”
“But more importantly, the country needs you to come through.”
“I don’t know what happened to our culture.”
“… I don’t know when we began to celebrate bullies instead of looking out for people who care for other people.”
“When did that happen?”
end quotes
To answer Obama, we began to celebrate bullies instead of looking out for people who care for other people when Obama put Sonia Sotomayor on the Supreme Court, but that is for another thread.
And “Joltin’ Joe” Biden on 17 September 2018 was out there telling people as a part of this stage-managed full court press that Trump’s supporters are “virulent people, some of them the dregs of society.”
And according to the New York Daily News article “Kavanaugh’s accuser has been forced to move because of death threats — but President Trump feels ‘terribly’ for Kavanaugh” by Chris Sommerfeldt and Denis Slattery on 18 September 2018, more than 1,600 survivors of sexual and domestic abuse and their loved ones signed a new letter organized by UltraViolet, a women’s advocacy group, calling on the Senate to reject Kavanaugh based on the accusations.
“We believe Christine Blasey Ford.”
“According to Ford, she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh, which disqualifies him from holding any office in government, let alone the Supreme Court,” the letter states.
“It proves that Kavanaugh neither has the character nor the integrity to be a Supreme Court justice.”
“It also confirms his harmful disregard for the rights of people, particularly women.”
end quotes
Good-bye, Kavanaugh, Ray Otton, he is a goner, especially after that New York Daily News article about the death threats and all of that, to wit:
The woman accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault has been forced to move out of her home after receiving a torrent of death threats, a person close to her said Tuesday — but President Trump claims he feels “terribly” for her alleged attacker.
Christine Blasey Ford has been fielding threats over email and social media since she went public with allegations that Kavanaugh drunkenly forced himself on her while they were both attending high school in Maryland, according to the friend.
“There have been vulgar emails and social media messages and death threats,” the friend told the Daily News, speaking on condition of anonymity.
“She has moved out of her house and is arranging for private security for her and her family.”
end quotes
And masterful Kabuki theater that it is, both Charley “Chuck” Schumer and Dianne Feinstein are assigned star roles, as we see from that same New York Daily News article, to wit:
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said an FBI investigation is “essential” to prevent a public hearing about Ford’s allegations planned for Monday from becoming nothing more than a “he said, she said affair.”
Ford herself agreed.
In a letter sent to Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) late Tuesday, Ford’s attorney, Debra Katz, said her client wants the FBI to investigate her allegations before she testifies and asked him for sympathy over the “vicious” threats she has faced.
“A full investigation by law enforcement officials will ensure that the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner,” Katz said in the letter.
Grassley did not immediately respond to Katz’ request, but Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) rapidly welcomed it.
“We should honor Dr. Blasey Ford’s wishes and delay this hearing,” said Feinstein, the Judiciary Committee’s ranking Democrat.
“I hope that each and every one of us will immediately denounce the horrific treatment of Dr. Blasey Ford.”
“That this brave woman is receiving death threats and has been forced to flee with her family is appalling and heartbreaking.”
“This abuse must stop.”
“We’re better than this.”
end quotes
As I say, Ray Otton, it is a masterful stage production on the part of the Democrats here, as we see the story of what is said to have happened rapidly evolving from Friday, when Feinstein made the secret letter public, to wit:
Ford claims that an intoxicated Kavanaugh forced her into a bedroom at a party in the early 1980s, pinned her on a bed and tried to undress her.
She said that he held his hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming.
Ford was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend, Mark Judge, jumped on him and the two began roughhousing.
“What about other witnesses like Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge?”
“What about individuals who were previously told about this incident?”
“What about experts who can speak to the effects of this kind of trauma on a victim?” Feinstein asked in a separate statement.
“This is another attempt by Republicans to rush this nomination and not fully vet Judge Kavanaugh.”
end quotes
It is interesting that back in 1988, when I was an associate public health engineer for the corrupt Rensselaer County Health Department refusing to honor bribes taken by Democrats, I was receiving death threats as well, and I was featured in an Albany, New York Times Union article that is in the files of the FBI hanging by the neck in effigy in the back of a large truck at a public hearing the Democrats were holding to whip up mob frenzy against me, all of which is documented in several hundred pages of FBI records, and I was forced to have to leave my home to protect my family because of the death threats, and neither Obama nor Sonia Sotomayor saw anything wrong with that conduct towards myself.
Sauce for the goose versus sauce for the gander, I guess.
Such it is with Kabuki, afterall, especially when the Democrats are writing the script and acting out the principal roles.
And going back for the moment by way of “housekeeping” matters, keeping the record complete, as it were, as opposed to lopsided or one-sided, to our dear friend and fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller’s comment about him seeing Colin Kaepernick’s picture and thinking, “a brave patriot and humanitarian,” while supposedly, in his opinion, anyway, which is unsubstantiated, as it is without a factual basis, when I and my “ilk” see Colin Kaepernick’s face, we think he has denigrated us and ALL America’s veterans with his dis-respect of the flag and all those who died just to see it wave over the land of the brave and the free, I find myself transported back in time to President Barack Obama’s first Inaugural Address on January 21, 2009, where he stated as follows:
As we consider the role that unfolds before us, we remember with humble gratitude those brave Americans who at this very hour patrol far-off deserts and distant mountains.
They have something to tell us, just as the fallen heroes who lie in Arlington whisper through the ages.
We honor them not only because they are the guardians of our liberty, but because they embody the spirit of service — a willingness to find meaning in something greater than themselves.
And yet at this moment, a moment that will define a generation, it is precisely this spirit that must inhabit us all.
end quotes
When I personally am confronted with the face of Colin Kaepernick on Nike ads, or in the news, where Colin always is seen with eyes downcast and the hangdog look of a loser on his face as he whines about the fact that nobody will let him play football when he feels that he should be entitled to play football, how unfair it is that he can’t play when he really wants to play, I think of those words of Obama’s about how we remember, when we STAND to salute the flag or hear the Star-Spangled Banner, which I play every Sunday on my banjo, by the way, with humble gratitude those brave Americans who at this very hour patrol far-off deserts and distant mountains, and I personally say a prayer of thankfulness that Colin Kaepernick in not on the same team they are, so they do not have to depend on the knee-taker Kaepernick to have their back.
I was in combat, and I certainly would not want to have to depend on Colin Kaepernick for anything.
He’s the one you could depend on to not be there when you really needed him.
Which takes me back to these words of Obama in that same Inaugural Address, to wit:
But those values upon which our success depends — honesty and hard work, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism — these things are old.
These things are true.
They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history.
What is demanded, then, is a return to these truths.
What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility — a recognition on the part of every American that we have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world; duties that we do not grudgingly accept, but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character than giving our all to a difficult task.
This is the price and the promise of citizenship.
end quotes
Ah, yes, the price of citizenship.
But to me, citizenship begins when you are on your feet, standing tall, not cowering down on your knees like a repentant sinner.
My thoughts on the subject of Colin Kaepernick, anyway.
Mr. Plante, the amount of time you spend on this site commenting largely to yourself is concerning. By all means, keep contributing–you are clearly knowledgable and well-read–but surely you have something more positive to do with you time than rant with this frequency and length.
But, what if he enjoys it?
You mark yourself as a Liberal in those words you just wrote.
You people are sick…
If a Republican doesn’t like guns, he doesn’t buy one.
If a Democrat doesn’t like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a Republican is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Democrat is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a Republican is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Democrat wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a Republican doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Democrats demand that those they don’t like be shut down.
If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
A Democrat non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.
If a Republican decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A Democrat demands that the rest of us pay for his.
If a Republican reads this, he’ll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.
A Democrat will delete it because he’s “offended”.
Republicans respect the opposition opinion
Democrats will assault anyone who oppose them.
If Republicans have a rally, it’s peaceful and they leave the place cleaner then when they got there.
When Democrats have a rally, they loot and destroy the businesses in the area, and trash the place where they gather.
Well, Stacy, first of all, let me say how very glad the people of America and the world were that you survived the huge storm that just ravaged Cape Charles so that you would be able to come in here today to tell the candid world (this is the internet, afterall, so you are being listened to by a global audience that is hanging on your every word and waiting for my reply, which they would know was sure to come) that to you, the amount of time I spend on this site commenting largely to myself is concerning.
That, of course, has all of them concerned about you, and what it is that concerns you so about the five or ten minutes a day I do spend in here, which believe me, given the intellectual content of the Cape Charles Mirror that I would like to devour, especially the section on history, is far too little.
I could spend hours in here, Stacy, and still that would not be enough, but alas, I don’t have those hours – I only have minutes, and so I must make of them as I can, even if that limited amount of time disappoints you so.
And I can see why that limited amount of time I have to come in here and post would concern you, given your admission that I am clearly knowledgeable and well-read.
But it is what it is, Stacy.
As much as I would like to be able to spend those hours in here, being old and largely house-bound as a disabled veteran who just had abdominal surgery thanks to Agent Orange poisoning in Viet Nam, and who lives in a cold climate with winter coming on, I have more pressing and therefore important things to do with my time than respond to rants in here with the frequency and length that they demand.
So some, or perhaps many, will simply have to go unanswered, at least by myself.
I wish it could be otherwise, Stacy, but it is what it is when it is.
Sorry to have to tell you that, but such it is.
Minutes a day is all I have to devote to the Cape Charles Mirror, and I don’t see that changing any time soon as we head into winter; and how I know that must sadden you, Stacy, to which I must respond by telling you to do what I do, which is to endeavor to persevere, and if you do that well enough each day, if nothing else, you will find that while the limited time I have to spend in here each day may not make you happy, at least you will be thankful that I do have those minutes, as opposed to no time at all, and thankfulness for the small things in life will help ease you into old age with some degree of grace, which will make the practice of endeavoring to persevere worth the effort you will have to put into it to make it work for you as it has worked for me.
By the way, my “ilk” are people who get up in the morning and go to work to provide for their families.
My ilk are people in this country who believe in rule of law.
My ilk are people in this country who raise their children so they won’t be like the thug Michael Brown Colin Kaepernick takes the knee for who got his **** blown away in Ferguson, Missouri after he assaulted a police officer and tried to take away his gun.
My ilk are those who salute the flag and stand for the Star Spangled Banner and put on the uniform and patrol far-off deserts and distant mountains as the guardians of the liberty of spoiled, pampered crybabies like Colin Kaepernick, the knee-taker.
That is who my ilk are, and in all truth, I would rather be seen standing with them than kneeling with a whiner like Colin Kaepernick, but hey, that is just me.
shut the [radio edit] up
Why should Paul STFU?
‘Cuz you don’t like what he has to say?
Or ‘cuz he takes so damn long to say it?
Or both?
Actually, all Paul needs is a nice dose of Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style” to help with the verbal diarrhea.
Here, Paul, I’ll help –
Paul is a smart guy and good writer but get to the point Paul!
Which point?
Chas Cornweller raised many points in here, and I have doe my best to get to all of them, although I will confess that some of his points are abstruse or esoteric, so I may have missed some of them.
If you are aware of a point of his I missed, please help us out and let me know.
And speaking of getting right to the point in the very succinct style of Ray Otton as outlined in the venerable Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style,” David N Metheny, if you go back to the post right above your STFU outburst @ September 16, 2018 at 12:05 pm, you will notice that that is exactly what I am doing @ September 15, 2018 at 7:16 pm, when I clarify on the record for the candid world in response to our dear friend and fellow CCM correspondent Chas Cornweller exactly who my “ilk” are as follows:
By the way, my “ilk” are people who get up in the morning and go to work to provide for their families.
My ilk are people in this country who believe in rule of law.
My ilk are people in this country who raise their children so they won’t be like the thug Michael Brown Colin Kaepernick takes the knee for who got his **** blown away in Ferguson, Missouri after he assaulted a police officer and tried to take away his gun.
My ilk are those who salute the flag and stand for the Star Spangled Banner and put on the uniform and patrol far-off deserts and distant mountains as the guardians of the liberty of spoiled, pampered crybabies like Colin Kaepernick, the knee-taker.
That is who my ilk are, and in all truth, I would rather be seen standing with them than kneeling with a whiner like Colin Kaepernick, but hey, that is just me.
end quotes
No sooner were those words out of my mouth than there you were shouting “shut the [radio edit] up.”
I honestly thought that it was Chas Cornweller that you were shouting at.
But if I was wrong and it was me, what is it about my “ilk” that upsets you so?
The curious candid world would truly like to know, and I’m curious myself.
Joe Biden just called you virulent, Ray Otton, the dregs of society, because you support Trump.
Check it out – it’s all over the news!
I’ve been called worse things by better people my whole life. Some of them may even be true.
But I do like the Dems keeping with the whole “Deplorable” theme.
No better way to convince people to vote for you than to tell them over and over again how much they suck.
Can I get an amen?
Amen and amen again!
Of course you can.
As for me, I truly think that Hussein Obama and “Joltin’ Joe” Biden are trying to get a real culture war going in this country, hurling and slinging that kind of crap around to their followers and lickspittles and toadies and disciples and acolytes, which point comes across in the Daily Wire article “Joe Biden Calls Trump Supporters ‘Virulent People,’ The ‘Dregs Of Society'” by Joseph Curl on September 17, 2018, as follows:
Joe Biden just had his “deplorables” moment.
Biden, who says he’ll decided in January whether to run for president in 2020 but who is making all the moves of a presidential candidate, used a pro-LGBT Human Rights Campaign annual dinner on Saturday to rip President Trump.
And in so doing, Biden had a moment reminiscent of Hillary Clinton, when she called Trump supporters “deplorables.”
Biden did his old act, starting off soft and avuncular before booming through his power points, punching the air and flailing about.
“Despite losing in the courts, and in the court of opinion, these forces of intolerance remain determined to undermine and roll back the progress you all have made,” he said.
“This time they — not you — have an ally in the White House.”
“This time they have an ally.”
“They’re a small percentage of the American people — virulent people, some of them the dregs of society.”
“And instead of using the full might of the executive branch to secure justice, dignity, safety for all, the president uses the White House as the literal — literal — bully pulpit, callously — callously — exerting his power over those who have little or none.”
Biden got himself lathered up into a full froth as he waxed poetic about his and “Barack’s” thoughts on Trump.
“Barack and I agreed to remain silent for a while to give this administration the chance to get up and running in the first year,” Biden said.
“God forgive me,” he added, making the sign of the cross as the audience applauded.
“Those who try to excuse this kind of prejudice in the name of culture, I say, ‘Prejudice is prejudice and humanity is humanity — it is a crime,'” Biden said, urging those in the room to continue to oppose Trump.
“Our work is not yet done by any stretch of the imagination.”
“The stakes are much too high.”
And then he went even further. “This is deadly earnest, we are in a fight for America’s soul,” Biden said.
end quotes
Are you hearing that, Ray Otton?
By being for Trump as you are, you are an actual threat to America’s soul.
It has to be true because Joe Biden said it was, and my goodness, you don’t think he would lie to us, do you?
I do not think you would say that in person….Why here?
Ohhhh Yeah….you found a safe place.
Another Liberal.
Would Paul try to talk so much in person that he would not allow others to pontificate as well?
This is talking in public, David Nelson Metheny, and you are as free as anyone else in America to pontificate to your heart’s content, so have it – be my guest.
And seriously, David N Metheny, dude, what’s the need for the potty mouth and rough talk here just because you don’t like what our dear friend and fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller has to say about your hero Donald Trump?
You may not like what Chas Cornweller has to say, David N Metheny, but that doesn’t give you the right to silence him by your attempt here at intimidation.
Chas Cornweller, keep posting – don’t let David N Metheny beat you into silence.
My thoughts, anyway.
shut the f** up – the both of you
No, David Nelson Metheny, I won’t.
Seriously, dude, don’t be silly.
Do you think you are the boss of speech here in America?
Who died and left you in charge?
An excellent and timely question!
no one
That’s an honest answer, anyway.
Got a problem?
who doesn’t
Another honest answer – well said!
First day on the Internet, eh? Welcome!!! Seems like you’re gonna hate it here.
Thank You for your warm welcome!
You should apologize for your foul mouth and rude behavior.
No. But Thank You for the offer to silence my political opinion!
Political correctness is a two way street and I never stay in my lane.
Silence YOUR political opinion, David Nelson Metheny?
Perish the thought, dude.
We are all ears as to what your political opinion might actually be, if and when you ever actually get around to expressing one that we can actually comprehend, and we not only welcome you to express it in here, we invite you to do so.
So far, all we know of your political opinion is that you want to silence the political opinion of our dear friend and fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller, and you don’t like the fact that my ilk here in America are people who get up in the morning and go to work to provide for their families, or that my ilk are people in this country who believe in rule of law, or that my ilk are people in this country who raise their children so they won’t be like the thug Michael Brown Colin Kaepernick takes the knee for to honor, the dude who got his **** blown away in Ferguson, Missouri after he assaulted a police officer and tried to take away his gun, or that my ilk are those who salute the flag and stand for the Star Spangled Banner and put on the uniform and patrol far-off deserts and distant mountains as the guardians of the liberty of spoiled, pampered crybabies like Colin Kaepernick, the knee-taker, and the fact that in all truth, I would rather be seen standing with them than kneeling with a whiner like Colin Kaepernick, but hey, that is just me.
Obviously, you find something offensive in all of that, which certainly is your political opinion which you have as much right to here, as I do to have my political opinion, especially concerning the spoiled, pampered, whining crybaby Colin Kaepernick, who kneels to honor murderous thugs like Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri, while I stand with those on the other side of that equation who feel the world is a better place without Michael Brown in it.
But outside of foolishly telling me to STFU, as if I would, or as if you could somehow make me, when many before you have tried and failed, you have really kept your political opinion to yourself.
So if anyone is silencing your political opinion, it would seem to be yourself!
And yes, David Nelson Metheny, political correctness is indeed a two way street, but I was not aware that there were assigned lanes you had to stay in.
When did that happen, this assigning of lanes?
Or is that just your political opinion?
And while I got you on the line here, what do you think of Governor Moonbeam of California calling on people to get rid of Trump?
Can you imaging the screeching and wailing and cries of outright indignation if some governor had called on people to get rid of Obama?
You like Emmy Lou Harris, David Nelson Metheny?
I’ve got her greatest hits going in the background as I write these words, and you know what, David Nelson Metheny, it might sound trite, but it’s like she is actually singing out her heart to me.
Such is the power of Emmy Lou Harris’s voice.
Right now, she is doing a number with Dolly Partin and maybe Linda Ronstadt, who does a version of “Silver Threads and Golden Needles” that is almost as good as Dusty Springfield did it.
You remember Dusty Springfield, David Nelson Metheny?
Anyway, David Nelson Metheny, and this is only my opinion, it would be a true shame and a detriment to our democracy here in America if you were able to stifle the voice of our dear friend and fellow American patriot Chas Cornweller, David Nelson Metheny, who is a patriot because he not only cares very much about his country, but beyond that, he is willing to stand up in here for what he believes, despite anyone else thinking it is ridiculous or misguided or just dead wrong, and beyond that, which in itself is an act of courage to me, since I have found that words can cut a lot deeper than bullets, he is willing to do that in the face of people like yourself telling him to STFU.
I don’t think there is any other commentator in here who can match Chas Cornwellwer in the use of hyperbole and bombast and irony mixed with balderdash and leavened with a dash of pure HOO-HAH, all for the sake of provoking thoughtful discussion of what true American values really are.
As an older American who remembers back to a time before mindless TWITTER, when Americans could still read and write, I frankly appreciate what Chas Cornweller presents us with in here with his masterfully written political essays reminiscent of the various political screeds and rants and diatribes of American founding father Thomas Jefferson himself.
So to bring this to close, David Nelson Metheny, and this not to deprive you in any way of (Emmy Lou is singing “Born To Run” right now) your political opinion, but I sincerely hope that Chas Cornweller is going to do as I did, which is to politely blow off your invitation to STFU.
And a grateful nation, David Nelson Metheny, welcomes you to the Cape Charles Mirror so we can all here you actually express a political opinion.
Speaking of people in America being made stupid by mindless TWITTER, or perhaps needing TWITTER because they are stupid and can’t read, and here we are talking about people who would hold themselves out as being very intelligent, not the common folk, this is the TWEET, according to the article in The Hill entitled “Grassley extends deadline for Kavanaugh accuser to decide on testifying” by Jordain Carney on 22 September 2018 Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) sent to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford through her team of high-powered lawyers giving her more time to decide whether to testify on her allegations of sexual assault against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, to wit:
“Dr Ford if u changed ur mind say so so we can move on I want to hear ur testimony.”
“Come to us or we to u,” Grassley added in a tweet.
end quotes
In the reality of today’s America, David Nelson Metheny, the one that Bob Woodward, a journalist long associated with the Washington Post and of Watergate fame, who has released a book on the Trump administration which has created an avalanche of backlash and an earthquake whiplash with both the media and the public painting a picture of our present Commander-In-Chief as a paranoid, unprepared president, says is out of touch with, that is how a U.S. Senator has to communicate with a college professor and her team of supposedly full-grown lawyers, because that is their level of comprehension right there – a sort of very basic pidgeon form of gibberish.
So you can see why I so appreciate the essays of dear friend and fellow CCM correspondent Chas Cornweller in here.
Can you imagine what the CCM would degenerate into if everybody besides the lawyers and Ph.D college professors started talking like that?
More to the point, can you imagine what would have happened to this country back when if Tommy Jefferson and Jemmy Madison couldn’t write any better than that?
Hey, anyone ever think he means:
St. Fu? (Patron saint of trolls)
Starting To Feel Underrated?
Sorry The Future’s Uncertain?
Seal The Fritos Up?
Stop Tickling Fannies, Uncle?
Something That’s Fundamentally Useful?
Smell That Funky Underwear?
Stop The Flying Unicorns?
See That Friendly User?
Stand There Farting Uncontrollably?
Stop Touching Friend’s Underwear?
Shut The Feminist Up?
Stop Treating Felines Unfairly?
So c’mon, let’s stop jumping to conclusions.
Ray Otton, you are one of the most intelligent commentators in here, bar none, so really, if David Nelson Metheny says @ September 18, 2018 at 4:54 pm “shut the f** up – the both of you,” in response to Chas Cornweller, another of the most intelligent commentators in here besides yourself, and myself, who am just here, basking in your light, so to speak, how many different conclusions can be drawn other than that he was telling myself and our dear friend and fellow American patriot to “shut the f** up?”
The transformative math you are using to convert that to “Stop Tickling Fannies, Uncle,” quite frankly has sailed right over my head, especially as so far as I know, David Nelson Metheny and I have no familial relationship that would make him a nephew of mine.
I know your knowledge of statistical analysis is far superior to mine, so if you have a moment, could you give us common folks in here a short dissertation on exactly how to set the matrix up to do that transformation?
It would be appreciated.
In the meantime, as I have said, I personally am going to take a pass on his invitation to “shut the f** up.”
Should it turn out he really meant to say “Sorry The Future’s Uncertain,” but did not know how to spell that, so in frustration, and perhaps rage at his inability to be able to spell that out so eloquently as you were able to so, and instead was forced to say the only thing he really was able to articulate, that being “shut the f** up,” which may in fact have been directed at himself, the way people will spank themselves while saying “my bad” when they have committed a faux pas, I will turn around in here on a dime and agree with him, yes, David Nelson Metheny, it most certainly is, which actually is what this thread by Chas Cornweller is all about.
And Ray Otton, dogs are back of the beach in Cape Charles, so watch where you set your feet when you are out there walking the shoreline, lest you find out first-hand what exactly it is that is making Cape Charles so stinky.
And actually, Ray Otton, all things considered, what David Nelson Metheny really needs is a nice dose of Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style” to help him with his articulation and expression so as to make his political opinion in here a little more clearer and comprehensible to us simple country folk who tune into here from the far north than “Seal The Fritos Up,” which is really abstruse, and which I also think is actually attributable to George W. Bush along with “Make The Pie Higher,” so if David Nelson Metheny is trying to take credit for that without attribution, I would say he was plagiarizing, a lot like Hussein Obama lifting “(T)ogether, we will renew America’s purpose” from out of George W. Bush’s Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia on August 3, 2000, along with “(W)e will confront the hard issues, threats to our national security, threats to our health and retirement security, before the challenges of our time become crises for our children,” and “we will extend the promise of prosperity to every forgotten corner of this country: to every man and woman, a chance to succeed; to every child, a chance to learn; and to every family, a chance to live with dignity and hope.”
I think he would benefit greatly, Ray Otton, if he went to this very valuable website that governs your own posting in here:
Perhaps you could take a moment to recommend it to him.
I suspect he would appreciate very much if you were to do so, given the respect he has in here for your own succinct posting style which gets us to the point really very quickly, which is always appreciated in this fast-paced world we live in where United States Senators like Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, are forced to have to converse with Supreme Court nominees like accused sexual abuser Brett Kavanaugh as follows:
“She shld decide so we can move on.”
“I want to hear her.”
“I hope u understand.”
“It’s not my normal approach to b indecisive.”
end quotes
That stream of gibberish, Ray Otton, makes David Nelson Metheny seem a veritable modern-day Hemingway by comparison when he tells our dear friend and fellow CCM commentator Chas Cornweller to “Smell That Funky Underwear” and “Stop Touching Friend’s Underwear,” which really brings a Hemingway-esque sense of drama and intrigue into this thread, so perhaps you should also recommend Strunk and White’s “Elements of Style” to Chuck Grassley, as well, for there also is a dude who can use the advice.
The latest escalation or iteration of this Democrat Kabuki Theater Extravaganza revolving around Kavanaugh has a law school professor on the radio news telling the Senate to go slow here, to not rush things, to get the FBI involved to investigate what happened whatever number of years ago it was now, so there will be the appearance of impartiality, as if we now would believe the FBI is somehow impartial after they so obviously weren’t in the sordid Hillary Clinton affair.
This law school professor is saying the Senate needs to allow time for more people to come forward.
I have to wonder if Bob Woodward is going to be one of them.
He was probably at the underage drinking party where this alleged incident took place, or if he wasn’t, he probably has some witnesses who were who saw the whole thing, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Dianne Feinstein and Charley “Chuck” Schumer will be trotting him out as their next witness here, because he is so credible.
In the meantime, Gov. Jerry Brown is making headlines, saying “‘Something’s Got To Happen To’ Trump, People Must ‘Get Rid Of Him.”
Sounds like what the Hearst publications were saying just before McKinley was assassinated.