Special Opinion to the Cape Charles Mirror by Paul Plante
For those who do not yet know him, David Miles Hogg (born c. 2000), who just crushed Laura Ingraham of FOX News in a matter of hours, and left her groveling at his feet, seeking his grace, is an American student who survived the massacre of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on February 14, 2018, and afterward became a gun control advocate and an activist against gun violence in the United States.
According to his professionally-done Wikipedia bio, Hogg chose to attend Stoneman Douglas High School because of the television production classes it offered, and he is a media –savvy Teenlink reporter for the Sun Sentinel, as a result.
While hiding in a closet while the shooting was going on at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, used his cell phone to record the scene and to interview the other students hiding in the closet, and after the school shooting, Hogg emerged as a leader in the 2018 United States gun violence protests, turning to the media to talk about his role as a survivor in the shooting and voice his opinion on gun control and gun violence.
After finishing high school, Hogg plans to take a gap year to campaign for politicians in favor of gun reform.
Hogg was also featured on the cover of an April 2018 edition of Time.
In an interview with Fox News, Hogg said he was for reasonable gun control such as regulations that prohibit those suffering from mental illnesses from acquiring guns.
Focus on that statement of his, because shortly, we will be fact-checking it courtesy of the NY Times.
As to who the real David Hogg is, we get to find that out from him in an obscenity-laced tirade in Real Clear Politics entitled “David Hogg: ‘Our Parents Don’t Know How To Use A F*cking Democracy, So We Have To’” posted by Tim Hains on March 23, 2018, where we learn as follows about the nation’s newest heroic figure, to wit:
The Outline interviewed David Hogg, a 17-year old survivor of the shooting in Parkland, Florida, who says he is the NRA’s “worst nightmare.”
Hogg’s interview was laced with profanity against his detractors, Gov. Rick Scott, the NRA, old people and others.
Hogg said he became an activist because adults don’t know how to “use a f*cking democracy”:
“When your old-a** parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the f**king phone and let me handle it.’”
“Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a f**king democracy, so we have to.”
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There, people, is the voice of the American youth of today speaking, and to me, anyway, as a parent and grandparent, it is not pretty, nor do I find any comfort for anyone in those words of his.
He thinks “democracy” is using an I-phone to text your friends.
How pitiful, as is his language and his obvious disrespect and contempt for his own parents, one of whom happens to be a teacher for Broward County Public Schools in Broward County, Florida, as well as old people in America who have shed blood for this country and its freedoms so young American Cromwell David Hogg can be a detractor and insulter of people older than he is, who also happen to know a whole lot more about America and real life and yes, getting shot at while not hiding in a closet, than he does.
As to his political platform as expressed in that Real Clear Politics interview, young Mr. Hogg states it as follows:
“Honestly, it’s alright that people are buying more guns.”
“I just care that they are being safe individuals.”
“And they can practice their Second Amendment rights all they want.”
“I don’t give a f**k about that.”
“I just want to make sure that a crazy-*** individual doesn’t get an AR-15 or any weapon at all,” Hogg said about guns.
And that last statement of his then takes us to a New York Times article from Feb. 16, 2018, about a month before the Hogg interview above where he gave his foul mouth free rein, entitled “Checking Facts and Falsehoods About Gun Violence and Mental Illness After Parkland Shooting” by Linda Qiu and Justin Bank where we were told the attack in Parkland, Florida has led to widespread conversations about links between gun violence and mental illness, and how lawmakers and interest groups are debating potential policy responses, some of which appeared here in the CCM.
With respect to young David’s statement that “I just want to make sure that a crazy-*** individual doesn’t get an AR-15 or any weapon at all,” the NY Times explores that subject in detail starting with this quote by House Speaker Paul Ryan, to wit:
“Mental health is often a big problem underlying these tragedies.”
As to that claim, the NY Times states as follows:
There’s a link, but it’s more limited than widely thought.
Mr. Ryan’s claim reflects a common misconception.
According to various polls, roughly half of Americans either believe that failing to identify people with mental health problems is the primary cause of gun violence or that addressing mental health issues would be a major deterrent.
That conclusion is not shared by experts or widely accepted research.
In an analysis of 235 mass killings, many of which were carried out with firearms, 22 percent of the perpetrators could be considered mentally ill.
Overall, mass shootings by people with serious mental illness represent 1 percent of all gun homicides each year, according to the book “Gun Violence and Mental Illness” published by the American Psychiatric Association in 2016.
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Now, as I say, this information was out about a month before David Hogg ran his foul mouth in the Real Clear Politics interview, and you would think that somebody who holds himself out as an expert here like David Hogg does would have this information at his fingertips before he opened his mouth, so as to not make himself appear ignorant and uninformed when he does open his mouth, but not David Hogg, nor does he need facts on his side, when he has a wave of passion and emotion to ride instead, and continue to stoke as he builds for himself a cult of adulation in America among America’s youth who hear Hogg’s obscenity-laced rants against adults as a siren song for themselves to join in on.
Getting back to the NY Times under the heading “Some further research:”
• A 2016 academic study estimated that just 4 percent of violence is associated with serious mental illness alone.
“Evidence is clear that the large majority of people with mental disorders do not engage in violence against others, and that most violent behavior is due to factors other than mental illness,” the study concluded.
• A 2015 study found that less than 5 percent of gun-related killings in the United States between 2001 and 2010 were committed by people diagnosed with mental illness.
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So much for the uninformed David Hogg’s belief that keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill will stop school shootings.
As to already existing federal laws on the subject, federal law already bars anyone who “has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution” from purchasing a gun,” and a majority of states have laws requiring them to report mental health information to the national background check system.
As the NY Times tells us, after the Newtown shooting, President Obama proposed adding another data source to the background check system: reports from the Social Security Administration of people who receive disability benefits through a third party because of mental impairments.
According to a 2016 White House fact sheet, the rule would have affected 75,000 people.
It was opposed by the National Rifle Association, but also the American Civil Liberties Union, which said the rule violated civil rights.
Some disability rights groups also argued against the rule on the basis that it perpetuated stigmas about mental illness.
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Speaking of perpetuating stigmas about mental illness, foul-mouthed American Cromwell David Hogg seems to be leading the pack here.
As to any politician David Hogg and his foul-mouth were supporting, I would oppose them in principle because they would have to think like him with respect to adults, parents and old people to gain his support, and as an old person in America, I don’t want those kinds of people in positions of power over me.
As to democracy, if we were to ask the founding fathers like James Madison of Virginia why they were against democracy in this country as a form of government, their candid answer would be because of people like David Hogg, who appeal to passion and emotion to get their way, and the facts be damned.
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Anon says
I’m wondering aloud who appointed this angry, and possibly mentally disturbed, young man as the spokesperson for this movement? His foul and vile language is not impressive but some of the left wing anti-gun agenda folks merely dismiss this speech as that of a young victim. He’s nothing more than a limelight junkie. We’re still not completely clear where he was physically present during this tragedy- hiding in a closet, at home, riding his bike- since his story has changed at least 3 times. He and his cohorts have turned this tragedy into a full scale circus. Hogg is nothing more than a hand puppet being used by the left to promote an anti-gun agenda they’re not going to win. Hogg and his mischief makers never gave their school, their classmates or their community a chance to mourn and heal. His 15 minutes of fame were up weeks ago. Shameful.
Stuart Bell says
He looks like a sissy to me….
Mike Kuzma, Jr. says
Wayne, you OK?
In the first paragraph, you are clearly enchanted with the young firebrand who “For those who do not yet know him, David Miles Hogg (born c. 2000), who just crushed Laura Ingraham of FOX News in a matter of hours, and left her groveling at his feet, seeking his grace,”
and by the past para’s you are less than enamored of him.
Is it only when these young fascists attack Fox that you like them?
Note: Mike, Paul Plante professed his love for the young firebrand in his OP-Ed.
Paul Plante says
In a post about young David Hogg in another thread in here, Mike, I wrote that if I was asked what do I see right now as the biggest threat to the American Way of Life I fought to defend as a member of this nation’s armed forces, my frank and candid answer would be this seventeen-year old cult leader David Hogg from upscale, affluent Parkland, Florida who has an army or posse or cult of 660,000 followers on Twitter that he is very skillfully using to overnight literally take over the United States of America and all of our sacred institutions like freedom of speech, which the Hogg Army has just denied to this Laura Ingraham of Fox, who has had not only her career destroyed by the Hogg Army, but her life, as well, and that was in a matter of hours that he was able to destroy her, and yes, my God, I know, I don’t need to be told again – she brought it on herself talking smack about a traumatized child, survivor of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, which gives him special status in America, and cachet, as well, and besides, nobody likes the *****, so screw her – people like her shouldn’t be allowed on television in the first place, if she don’t know her place and what not to say, and when to not say it.
So much for women’s rights, I said, here one day and gone the next, along with the now-reviled Laura Ingraham, whose name has become so radioactive she won’t be able to get a job scraping gum off the floor of a Greyhound Bus Station out of fear that if Greyhound was found to be associated with her, the Hogg Army would destroy them, too!
I also said that if we read of Laura Ingraham again, it’ll likely be in a gossip column cleared by and controlled by cult leader David Hogg dishing about her being a skidrow bum somewhere.
Hardly endearing comments, I thought then, and still do now.
I also said in that post that if Laura Ingraham is ever to come back, she is going to have to undergo a long struggle session and some re-education, and when she is ready, to confess her own crimes, and abase herself before David Hogg and grovel, seeking absolution, and then publicly denounce Fox News.
The struggle session, as you recall, was a form of public humiliation and torture used by the Communist Party of China in the Mao Zedong era, particularly during the Cultural Revolution, to shape public opinion and to humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and class enemies .
Now we are seeing it make its entry into this country with this Laura Ingraham saga.
Am I comfortable with that?
Not hardly, but in all truth, I think I might be an exception, or certainly a minority perspective, since there seem to be many Laura Ingraham haters out there who are glad to see her gone, regardless of the method of removal.
And that brings us to a Washington Post article entitled “Laura Ingraham’s advertisers aren’t really staging a boycott. It’s a capital strike.” by Elizabeth Bruenig Opinion columnist on April 4, 2018, where we are updated on the sag, as follows:
The fate of conservative pundit Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show is uncertain after a series of advertisers pulled their ads.
Companies such as Bayer, Wayfair, Nestle, Hulu, Johnson & Johnson and several more either removed their ads or canceled plans to buy slots after Ingraham made a nasty quip about Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg being rejected from a handful of colleges.
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Now, I am for decorum, in general, and politeness when in company, but politics, an arena David Hogg, despite his tender years, has chosen to jump into with both feet stamping., both fists flailing, and his mouth running, is a different thing altogether, as Tommy Jefferson and John Adams proved way back when.
Laura Ingraham, in my opinion, did not make a “nasty quip” about Parkland “shooting survivor” David Hogg, which incidentally is a new class of victim here in the USA, where being a victim of something has cachet, where “quip” means “a witty remark” with synonyms of joke, witty remark, witticism, jest, pun, bon mot, sally, pleasantry or lone-liner, gag, crack, wisecrack.
She called him a whiner after he went public whining about not getting accepted at some colleges, as if the nation should be stunned by that, and fall into a faint over the injustice of it all.
And for that, she lost her job.
Getting back to the Washington Post article:
On Twitter, Hogg called on Ingraham’s advertisers to withdraw their support , and, perhaps thanks to the persuasion of his 738,000 Twitter followers, they have.
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Note that number – 738,000 TWITTER followers, which are people in America who lack the mental capacity to assimilate more than 180-characters of pure gibberish at a time.
In my prior post, that number was 660,000 followers.
And in a post before that, it was something like 300,000.
It is not a comforting thought at all to this older American that 700.000 people in America who can’t comprehend written English like we use in here now have so much political power that they can literally have a voice totally stifled, as they did with Laura Ingraham.
Talk about the tail wagging the dog, alright, which takes us back to the Washington Post, as follows:
The swiftness with which Ingraham has found herself in dire straits has left some perturbed.
Commentators have raised concerns about the fairness of boycotts and the threat they pose to free speech; some conservatives have also attempted to initiate counter-boycotts of the companies that have parted ways with Ingraham.
Yet it’s not quite right to classify these advertisers’ decisions as a straightforward boycott.
In the context of Ingraham’s long career in right-wing media, sniping at a teenager over college admissions is perhaps one of her less obscene stunts, which suggests it’s unlikely that these companies suddenly grew a collective conscience and decided to bring their expenditures into accord with their morals.
It’s more likely that Ingraham is the victim of a capital strike, when investors withdraw or withhold investments en masse because they’ve determined that potential hazards outweigh potential gains.
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So, okay, capitalism, then!
There is the culprit, not David Hogg and his army of followers, except that before David Hoff came along, those same advertisers had no issues at all with advertising on her show, so how about hypocrisy, then, as becomes apparent from these comments by these advertisers in a MONEY article entitled “All the Advertisers Dropping Laura Ingraham After She Mocked Parkland Survivor David Hogg” by Brad Tuttle on 30 March 2018, as follows:
Atlantis Bahamas – The Bahamas resort said on Friday that it “does not support or agree with the recent comments made by television broadcaster Laura Ingraham,” in a statement sent to TheHill.com.
“Although we are an organization that believes in freedom of expression, we do not condone discrimination, bullying, mockery or harmful behavior of any kind.”
“As a result of these events, we have decided to remove all brand advertising tied to the program.”
And Expedia – Expedia “no longer advertises on this show,” the travel booking engine said to CNBC regarding “The Ingraham Angle.”
“We have pulled the advertising.”
And Hulu – The streaming TV and video service responded to Hogg on social media by saying it was no longer advertising on Ingraham’s show, and that it would be “monitoring all of our ad placements carefully.”
And Jenny Craig – In a statement provided to the Huffington Post, a spokesperson for the diet and nutrition company Jenny Craig said, “We have decided to take steps to discontinue advertising on this show.”
And Johnson & Johnson – Johnson & Johnson “will pull advertising from Ms. Ingraham’s show,” the company said on Thursday.
And Liberty Mutual – David Long, the CEO and chairman of the insurance company Liberty Mutual, sent a message to employees on Friday saying that Ingraham’s comments about David Hogg “are inconsistent with our values as a company, especially when it comes to treating others with dignity and respect.”
Therefore, Long wrote, “We are not scheduled to run any future ads on her show and will continue to analyze our advertising placements to make sure they align with our beliefs as a company.”
And Nestle – “We have no plans to buy ads on the show in the future,” Nestle said on Twitter on Thursday.
And Nutrish – The Rachael Ray-owned pet food brand said it is in the process of pulling ads from Ingraham’s show.
And Stitch Fix – The apparel subscription service responded to boycott requests on social media by saying that it will stop advertising on Ingraham’s show.
And TripAdvisor – The travel review and booking site TripAdvisor said it does not “condone the inappropriate comments made by this broadcaster.”
“In our view, these statements focused on a high school student, cross the line of decency.”
“As such, we have made a decision to stop advertising on that program.”
And Wayfair – “We do not plan to continue advertising on this particular program,” the online furniture and housewares retailer said in a statement regarding Ingraham’s show.
“The decision of an adult to personally criticize a high school student who has lost his classmates in an unspeakable tragedy is not consistent with our values.”
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All of that suggests that it’s highly likely that these companies suddenly grew a collective conscience and decided to bring their expenditures into accord with what David Hoff and his army of TWITTER followers told them their morals must be in this brave new world we have entered into, which takes us back again to the Washington Post, to wit:
Remember: Capital is capital; it is not your friend.
Conservatives are learning this the hard way, and those on the left shouldn’t forget it, even when companies happen to decide the best bet is the morally correct one.
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The morally correct one?
What bull****!
This is the same foul-mouthed high school student who has lost his classmates in an unspeakable tragedy who was the subject recently of a REAL CLEAR POLITICS article posted by Tim Hains on March 23, 2018, where we learned this about the young American hero David Hogg:
The Outline interviewed David Hogg, a 17-year old survivor of the shooting in Parkland, Florida, who says he is the NRA’s “worst nightmare.”
Hogg’s interview was laced with profanity against his detractors, Gov. Rick Scott, the NRA, old people and others.
Hogg said he became an activist because adults don’t know how to “use a f*cking democracy”:
“When your old-ass parent is like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the f**king phone and let me handle it.’”
“Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government; our parents don’t know how to use a f**king democracy, so we have to.”
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So, calling David Hogg a whiner is definitely out in America today, as these corporate hypocrites have proved to Laura Ingraham, while bowing down to and capitulating to the foul-mouthed David Hogg, who says to his own mother who doesn’t know how to use a f**king democracy or send an iMessage, “Give me the f**king phone and let me handle it,” is now in.
What country is this, anymore, when that is now the case?
Does anyone out there have a clue?
Paul Plante says
Wow, Mike Kuzma, Jr.!
Don’t you know satire (the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues, synonyms: mockery, ridicule, derision, scorn, caricature, as in “he [David Hogg] has become the subject of satire”) when it is staring you in the face?
Was my satire in my opening too subtle (delicately complex and understated) for you to grasp?
In the first paragraph, Mike Kuzma, I am hardly “enchanted” with the dude.
To the contrary, he reminds me of a dude named Hong Xiuquan (1 January 1814 – 1 June 1864), born Hong Huoxiu and with the courtesy name Renkun, who was a Hakka Chinese leader of the Taiping Rebellion against the Qing Dynasty.
He is the dude who established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom over varying portions of southern China, with himself as the “Heavenly King” and self-proclaimed brother of Jesus Christ.
That is who young “firebrand” or zealot David Hogg reminds me of, and it was with that image in mind that I penned my first paragraph above where I said:
“For those who do not yet know him, David Miles Hogg (born c. 2000), who just crushed Laura Ingraham of FOX News in a matter of hours, and left her groveling at his feet, seeking his grace, is an American student who survived the massacre of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on February 14, 2018, and afterward became a gun control advocate and an activist against gun violence in the United States.”
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That was a historical event of great moment, was it not, Mike Kuzma – getting Laura Ingraham shut down like that as he did?
That is the first time something that drastic has occurred in my life, anyway.
The last time that **** was happening that I can recall in this country was in the early 1950s when Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy was in power.
That is why I started my intro the way I did – to get that historical aspect across right at the beginning.
It is hardly praise or admiration for the dude.
Getting back to Hong Xiuquan, Wikipedia tells us that in 1837, Hong attempted and failed the imperial examinations for a third time, leading to a nervous breakdown.
He was delirious for days and his family feared for his life.
While convalescing, Hong dreamt that he visited Heaven and discovered that he possessed a celestial family distinct from his earthly family, which included a heavenly father, mother, elder brother, sister-in-law, wife, and son.
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Whether David Hogg had a similar experience hiding in that closet, thinking he was going to die, I can’t say for sure, but he did emerge from hiding as a gun control zealot who has amassed a very powerful following, like Hong Xiuquan, so perhaps he did.
Or being media savvy, the dude just realized he had a golden opportunity to exploit for personal gain (hey, it is America, afterall) and he jumped on it.
Either way, Laura Ingraham is gone, and our First Amendment now means less that it did just a few days before.
Getting back to Hong Xiuquan, his heavenly father, wearing a black dragon robe and high-brimmed hat with a long golden beard, lamented that men were worshiping demons rather than him and presented Hong with a sword and golden seal with which to slay the demons infesting Heaven.
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Here in our time, David Hogg, our modern Taiping, has been presented with TWITTER as his sword with which to slay the demons of the NRA infesting America.
The acquaintances of Hong Xiuquan would later claim that after awakening from his dreams Hong became more careful, friendly, and open, while his pace became imposing and firm and his height and size increased.
A similar thing seems to have taken place with David Hogg when he emerged from his closet hiding place.
After reading some Christian pamphlets, Hong came to believe that they had given him the key to interpreting his visions: his celestial father was God the Father (whom he identified with Shangdi from Chinese tradition), the elder brother that he had seen was Jesus Christ, and he had been directed to rid the world of demon worship.
This interpretation led him to conclude that he was the literal son of God and younger brother to Jesus.
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David Hogg in our times has been directed to rid America of guns and the NRA.
After coming to that conclusion Hong began destroying idols and enthusiastically preaching his interpretation of Christianity.
As a symbolic gesture to purge China of Confucianism, he and the cousin asked for two giant swords, three chi (about 1 metre) long and nine jin (about 4.5 kg), called the “demon-slaying swords,” to be forged.
Hong began by burning all Confucian and Buddhist statues and books in his house, and began preaching to his community about his visions.
He collaborated with them to destroy holy statues in small villages, to the ire of local citizens and officials.
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There is the similarity that I see with David Hogg – that sense of self-righteousness that also propelled the abolitionist John Brown on his raid of the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry that helped to start the American Civil War.
By 1850 Hong had between 10,000 and 30,000 followers.
Today, David Hogg has over 600,000.
History in the making, Mike Kuzma, one way or the other, and believe me, there is no admiration for it on my part.
But to report the news, you don’t have to like it, and I don’t, you just have to be aware of it, and that, I am.
And now are you.
The system then is working.
Paul Plante says
Frankly, I’m surprised that anyone reading the title of this thread and seeing the words “American Cromwell,” could think it was in anyway a praise of young David Hogg, who has some serious issues when it comes to understanding what it means to be an adult in this country, perhaps because he doesn’t come into contact with any down there in Parkland, Florida, as well as what “democracy” in this country means.
He mistakes “democracy” for mob rule – whoever makes the most noise and stamps their feet the loudest wins in his system of government, which is based on rule by passion, not rule by law.
What has happened to our education system in this country?
Does nobody any longer know who Cromwell was?
Oh, right, he was before this morning, so nobody knows who he was.
So it was silly of me, I guess, to call Hogg an American Cromwell, when nobody knows what it was intended to mean.
Cromwell was known as the Lord Protector.
Do we need David Hogg to fulfill that societal role in this country?
Paul Plante says
What has happened to us here in the United States of America that we do not immediately recognize a reference to Oliver Cromwell as a sign of contempt, not love by any means.
According to the educational website Gradesaver on the references to Cromwell in the Federalist Papers, we have as follows:
Oliver Cromwell – English dictator who ruled in the middle of the 17th century.
He is referred to throughout the Federalist Papers as a tyrant and serves as an example of the kind of disaster the Constitution was designed to prevent.
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The kind of disaster our Constitution was to designed to prevent, people!
Has that day passed?
There was a time in America when we were supposed to know stuff like that, so we could be vigilant and on guard against it.
But being vigilant became too much work, and so here we are with an incipient modern-day Cromwell on our hands in the person of young David Hogg and his messianic fervor, which succeeded in getting the voice of his enemy Laura Ingraham removed from the air waves, which to me is tyranny.
Cromwell is specifically made mention of in The Federalist Papers No. 21, “Other Defects of the Present Confederation” for the Independent Journal by Alexander Hamilton, as follows:
Usurpation may rear its crest in each State, and trample upon the liberties of the people, while the national government could legally do nothing more than behold its encroachments with indignation and regret.
A successful faction may erect a tyranny on the ruins of order and law, while no succor could constitutionally be afforded by the Union to the friends and supporters of the government.
The tempestuous situation from which Massachusetts has scarcely emerged, evinces that dangers of this kind are not merely speculative.
Who can determine what might have been the issue of her late convulsions, if the malcontents had been headed by a Caesar or by a Cromwell?
Who can predict what effect a despotism, established in Massachusetts, would have upon the liberties of New Hampshire or Rhode Island, of Connecticut or New York?
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And who can predict what effect a despotism established across America by young Cromwell David Hogg would have upon the liberties of the American people?
Based on what happened to Laura Ingraham,. and here I must say I don’t even know who she was, nor should I have to, because it is about her right to mock David Hogg as a whiner, a right David Hogg then stripped from here by getting her voice removed from the national dialogue, the effect will be quite unpalatable to us as a free people.
Or are we anymore.
Paul Plante says
To put a postscript on this thread, according to a Time article entitled “Laura Ingraham Expected Back at Fox News After Controversial Tweet” by David Bauder/AP updated: April 7, 2018, Fox News head honcho Rupert Murdock has apparently told the management of Fox to grow a spine and stand up to this Hogg Army that is trying to determine whose voices get heard in this country,. and hose do not.
According to that article, Fox News Channel host Laura Ingraham is expected back at work on Monday following a backlash by advertisers upset over her tweet mocking a Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivor.
Her one-week vacation served as a cooling-off period.
The number of companies saying they would not advertise on her show, at 19, according to a count by Media Matters for America, slowed to a trickle while she was away.
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So there is some background for those coming to the story late.
Getting back to Time:
Ingraham also picked up a strong statement of support from her boss and backing from an unexpected source in liberal talk show host Bill Maher late on Friday.
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Yes, Bill Mahar, on whose show the young Hogg made a national appearance several weeks ago, has come out against the Hogg Army boycott of Laura Ingraham, whose crime was to call David Hogg a whiner after he was whining in the media about not getting accepted at the college of his choice, a national tragedy if ever there was one.
Getting back to the Time article:
Ingraham has apologized for a tweet in which she said 17-year-old high school student David Hogg whined about being rejected by some colleges.
Their spat became a symbol of a debate over how minors active in national gun safety talks should be treated by political opponents.
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Yes, indeed – that is a real important question, given the sheer political power these “minors” who can’t vote have demonstrated they now have in this country, via that thing they use to communicate called TWITTER.
Should children be allowed to use the so-called “social media” as a platform to openly attack adults whose views the children don’t like with impunity?
Certainly if this was Red China in the days of Mao Tse Tung and the Cultural Revolution and the Red Guards that would be the case.
So should it be the case here as well?
In China, their Cultural Revolution was driven by the Red Guards, a mass movement encouraged and directed by Mao Zedong.
Comprised mostly of fanatical students, the Red Guards (Hongweibing) began to take shape in June 1966, following the national publication of a student protest in Beijing University.
Within weeks they had mobilised into a political militia, their numbers exceeding 10 million.
Motivated by Mao’s slogans “It is right to rebel” and “Bombard the headquarters”, the Red Guards attacked anyone and anything they considered a threat to Mao or his socialist vision.
Nobody was safe: not bureaucrats or administrators, not party chiefs, not provincial politicians, not even president Liu Shaoqi.
For a year these militant students created what Mao himself called a “great chaos under heaven”.
When the Red Guards became even more radical and violent in 1967, it was Mao himself who authorised military action to suppress them.
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That is real history, people, and that word “fanatical” applies very much to this young David Hogg.
So we have some thinking to do there on that score, although I can say that I would never think of snatching a phone away from my mother because she didn’t know how to use a f**king democracy or send an iMessage, telling her, “Give me the f**king phone and let me handle it.”
Getting back to Time:
Earlier this week, Fox News co-president Jack Abernethy said that “we cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts” and promised Ingraham will be back.
Meanwhile, HBO’s Bill Maher said on his show that even though Ingraham has been “a deliberately terrible person, saying horrible things,” the young gun safety advocates have to expect criticism if they are entering the public arena.
He said they shouldn’t target advertisers.
Hogg “complains about bullying,” Maher said.
“That’s bullying.”
“I have been the victim of a boycott of sponsors.”
“I lost a job once.”
“It is wrong.”
Maher called it an “end run” around the First Amendment.
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Yes, Bill, it was!
Thanks for finally realizing it.
Chris Hugar says
Haven’t seen much on AOL about the Hogster lately. Are people just moving on to the next publicity hound?
Paul Plante says
Stay tuned, Chris Hugar, for he is still around, and I think you will see that at least in the Cape Charles Mirror, the story of the “Hoggster” is far from over.
According to the recent CNN article “Parkland student Cameron Kasky calls Trump a ‘professional liar’ after NRA speech” by Veronica Stracqualursi, the “Hoggster’s” main venue now is the TWITTERSPHERE, to wit:
Another Stoneman Douglas student, David Hogg, tweeted Friday in response to Trump after his NRA speech, “Thanks for showing us that your heart and wallet are in the same place — not with the kids of Parkland.”
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Since TWITTER is the domain of mindless ravings in America in 180-characters or less, it has become an ideal place for young David Hogg to inhabit.
That is why he appears to have gone off the radar.
Paul Plante says
Above here, I stated that as an older American, the TWITTERSPHERE sector of CYBERSPACE where young American Cromwell David Hogg of Parkland, Florida, America’s “Lord Protector,” holds court, is unknown territory to me, terra incognita, as it constitutes an alternate reality from mine in the time-space continuum, a totally separate universe with its own language and laws of physics, as a result, since physics is a language with which to describe the reality you perceive, and as such, it is not a place I wish to venture into, as the atmosphere in that sector of CYBERSPACE contains gases that are toxic to an oxygen breather such as myself.
And thus it is that I have not been following the continuing saga of young David Hogg, as it was into that alternate reality that our young protagonist David Hogg carried his Children’s Crusade against adults who in his words have f***ed up his world because we are so stupid and don’t know how to use democracy, as if he and he alone does, which is patently false, of course, although he would never admit to that fact.
But now he is back in the Main-Stream Media, however fleetingly, in the Florida Sun Sentinel article entitled “Parkland student David Hogg calls for ‘die-in’ protest at Publix supermarkets” by Anne Geggis on 24 May 2018 where young Hogg is calling on his “New Model Army” that he has been assembling on TWITTER to deny Publix supermarkets their right to have their own political opinions, even if those opinions go contrary to the opinions young Hogg wants them to have, or else, which is how young Hogg views democracy – his way or the highway, as we see from the following:
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – One of the most visible Parkland activists is calling for a “die-in” at Publix supermarkets Friday to protest its donations to Florida gubernatorial candidate Adam Putnam, whose pro-gun stance gets him a top rating from the National Rifle Association.
David Hogg, who helped galvanize the “March for Our Lives” movement after the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, told his 799,000 Twitter followers on Wednesday they should “die in” at Publix stores.
It entails lying on the ground inside supermarkets for 12 minutes at 4 p.m. Friday.
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Focus on the political power this young American Cromwell has been able to amass using the internet as his means of mass communications to galvanize his followers into action – in this case, invading private property and impeding the rights of the shoppers there, especially old people who have trouble getting around, to access to their groceries.
Where does young Hogg get this right from?
Where do his followers get the right to go into a supermarket and lay down on the floor to block people access?
What kind of thoughtless, thug-like bull**** is that?
Who is teaching young Hogg that this thug-like conduct by him and his followers is a part of the democratic process?
More like the dictatorial process to me, anyway.
Getting back to the Sun Sentinel article:
Hogg called Publix an “#NRASellOut” through his Twitter account, criticizing the Lakeland-based chain’s donations to Putnam, who once labeled himself on social media platforms as “a proud #NRASellout.”
Putnam’s stance and votes on guns have earned him the gun lobbying group’s A-plus rating.
Publix’s $670,000 donation to the gubernatorial candidate came to light last week in the Tampa Bay Times.
Responding to some customers’ disappointment over the endorsement, the company has tweeted that Publix has supported Putnam since he ran for the state House of Representatives as its hometown candidate.
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Now, I am not an NRA member, nor do I support the organization, but notwithstanding, as an organization, they have every right to exist, at least as much right as Hogg’s “New Model TWITTER Army” has to exist, and if they want to support a political candidate for office, they have that right, as well, just as does Publix supermarkets, and if young David Hogg doesn’t like it, that is just too damn bad, and it does not give him any right to use terrorist tactics to deny them the same political voice Hogg claims for himself, notwithstanding he is too young to vote, but would deny that right to those who are.
Getting back to the story:
Hogg references two local Publix supermarkets in his tweet, an apparent reference to the Parkland Publix, as well as a Publix a few blocks west of Stoneman Douglas.
Retweets and “likes” were climbing into the thousands within hours after Hogg tweeted about the “die-in” idea.
Many of the tweeted responses, though, seem to indicate strong support for Publix, or reflected just how much of a lightning rod for controversy Hogg has become.
Some said they wish him luck getting down on the dirty floor.
Kyle Kashuv, a Stoneman Douglas junior, got in his two cents – calling the boycott “just wrong.”
Other tweets show just what a lightning rod for the movement Hogg has become.
Some of them were asking whether his 15 minutes of fame was up.
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Quite obviously, with his “New Model TWITTER Army” which numbers 799,000 Twitter followers, young Hogg’s “15-minutes of fame” are far from over, as we see from this following from that same article, to wit:
But Hogg also got a good helping of Twitter love, too.
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And that is the latest on the young American Cromwell David Hogg of Parkland, Flo9rida, come to save America and its people from themselves and the NRA.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Paul Plante says
As an older American, I have to confess that the TWITTERSPHERE sector of CYBERSPACE is unknown territory to me, as it constitutes an alternate reality from mine in the time-space continuum, a totally separate universe with its own language and laws of physics, as a result, since physics is a language with which to describe the reality you perceive, and as such, it is not a place I wish to venture into, as the atmosphere in that sector of CYBERSPACE contains gases that are toxic to an oxygen breather such as myself.
And it is into that alternate reality that our young protagonist David Hogg has carried his Children’s Crusade against adults who in his words have f***ed up his world because we are so stupid and don’t know how to use democracy, which in truth, now is happening on TWITTER, where David Hogg now has his court assembled, as we can see from this Google reference I got back in response to the question, “how many twitter followers does david hogg have,” to wit:.
Media Tweets by David Hogg (@davidhogg111) | Twitter
MSD class of 2018, #NeverAgain Activist, Sun Sentinel Teenlink reporter, entrepreneur, surfer and part-time dreamer and terrible speller snap: davidhogg111. … Tweets & replies.
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First off, notice the dude’s creds, to wit: entrepreneur!
Yes, he is, and what he is selling is himself.
For him, the MSD shooting was a golden opportunity to be exploited, and he was Johnny-on-the-spot, and now the dude has become a new Mahdi in the TWITTERSPHERE sector of CYBERSPACE with a huge army of devoted followers as was the case with Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who claimed to be the Imām al-Mahdī in 1891 and started what became known as the River Wars.
And is young David Hogg a dreamer like a modern-day Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin, the Russian mystic and self-proclaimed holy man who befriended the family of Tsar Nicholas II, the last monarch of Russia, and thereby gained considerable influence in late imperial Russia?
My goodness, but the eyes look so much the same, at least to me, anyway: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grigori_Rasputin
Or is he a dreamer in the mold of Hong Xiuquan, the religious mystic who became the supreme Taiping leader in China in 1844, with his published TWEET TWITTERING to Trump, saying “Thanks for showing us that your heart and wallet are in the same place — not with the kids of Parkland,” as if in the eyes of the president of the United States of America, the “kids of Parkland” must be first among equals, the chosen people of America sitting at the right hand of the president, who control what is proper in America today and what is not, as if they were our new Red Guards in America?
Or is David Hogg a combination of all of them and more with his dreaming and entrepreneurship, however dangerous his cause might be to our collective liberty as American citizens under the Constitution as supported by our factual history, as opposed to what the “kids of Parkland” want?
Unless we go over to the mindless and intellectually barren wasteland of the TWITTERSPHERE, an alternate universe in the space/time continuum, and that is not me, I have absolutely no desire to go into that alternate universe to see what kind of drivel David Hogg is spewing in 180-characters or less, then yes, David Hogg is going to appear to have gone off the radar.
But off the radar in our sector of the space/time continuum does not mean he is gone, as we see from that bleed-over we observed above where his TWEETS in the TWITTERSPHERE bleed over through the interface that separates the two to become part of our news feed over here in our sector.
And when the revolution starts, and he re-emerges into our reality from his refuge in the TWITTERSPHERE, where he is massing his forces to impose his version of reality on those of us over here, I believe he wants it to be televised, with him front and center, so we shouldn’t be taken by surprise anyway when he makes his return.
Stay tuned, for I think it will be Sunday.
Paul Plante says
Well, not surprisingly, at least depending on your perspective and point of view, student war-leader young David Hogg has emerged from his latest skirmish with American society with yet another scalp hanging off his upraised war lance, this time that of Publix Markets in Florida, which corporate entity caved and surrendered its Constitutional rights to David Hogg, rather than stand up to this nascent American Cromwell and his 799,000 Twitter followers, as we are informed in the Miami Herald article “Publix halts political contributions ahead of Parkland students’ ‘die-in’ protest” by Alex Harris, David Smiley and Martin Vassolo on 26 May 2018, as follows:
Staring down the prospect of a public relations crisis — boycott threats and “die-in” protests included — over its donations to Republican gubernatorial hopeful Adam Putnam, Publix said Friday it has halted all corporate political contributions.
The supermarket giant made the announcement moments before a “die-in” protest planned by David Hogg, a vocal Parkland school shooting survivor and gun control activist.
Despite the news, Hogg and dozens of protesters sprawled on the floor of a Coral Springs Publix for 12 minutes clutching sunflowers and signs that read “No NRA Money.”
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Now, people really, WTF?
Where does anybody in this country, regardless of their age, or gender or sexual persuasion or orientation get the right from that allows them to do as this young David Hogg is doing, which is using the tactics of intimidation to deprive others in this country of rights guaranteed to them under the United States Constitution?
What gives David Hogg the right to march himself into a Publix Market, or any other market for that matter, so that he can then use his body to deter others from carrying on their activities, such as shopping for their groceries?
Who the hell is David Hogg that he has the right to put himself into the path of anyone, so they are forced to have to go around him?
And why am I the only person involved in this conversation?
Am I the only person left in America who believes that your right to extend your arm stops short of the space occupied by somebody else’s head?
And what kind of lessons are being taught here to America’s youth by this young Cromwell, or Taiping, or Mahdi?
How about if you children who are not afraid to use force and intimidation to get your way, these adults will cave in a second and give in to your demands, just as Publix Markets just did?
Wow, the sheer power of it all!
And how much like extortion that sounds, doesn’t it?
Or how about a shakedown, which is defined as “another word for extortion/blackmail, or the obtaining of a good or service through means of force, threats/intimidation, or abuse of power,” as in “The Mafia would usually give small business owners ‘the shakedown,’ in which if the owner did not pay protection money (or “tribute”) to the Mafia Don, their store would mysteriously be firebombed by vandals (read: Mafia thugs) who presumably would have been deterred if the owner had opted to partake in the Mafia protection plan.”
In this case, if Publix Markets agreed to cave into the demands of David Hogg, he would call off his army who would otherwise be unleashed on Publix Markets to destroy their business through intimidation of their customer base, which is a shakedown to me, anyway.
Getting back to the Miami Herald story:
Hogg and other students began their influential movement for gun control in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting that left 17 dead and 17 wounded.
They’ve taken aim particularly at the National Rifle Association, and were angered at the news of the grocer’s unprecedented support for Putnam, who once boasted he was a “proud NRA sellout.”
At $670,000 over the last three years, it’s the largest contribution the company has made in more than two decades and possibly the biggest in company history.
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You know what, people – so what?
What business of anyone’s is it how Publix Markets contributes?
Are they breaking the law?
If so, charge them and prosecute them.
If not, then accept it as their right, and if it really bothers you, then don’t shop there – deny them your support by denying them your money, which is about as American as it can get.
While this “nightrider” crap of harming their business by intimidating their otherwise loyal customers is as un-American as it can get, which is why we all should be condemning young David Hogg and his TWITTER army who think they can control our thoughts through their threats of violence against us if we don’t.
Except right now in America, it seems, rights in America today are gifts to be given out or withheld by David Hogg of Parkland, Florida, which is the start of a new chapter in American history as far as I am concerned.
And here we come to the cave-in:
Moments before the protest began, Publix released a statement apologizing for putting its employees and customers “in the middle of a political debate” and announcing a suspension of corporate political donations as it reevaluates its donation process.
“At Publix, we respect the students and members of the community who have chosen to express their voices on these issues.”
“We regret that our contributions have led to a divide in our community,” the statement read.
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That honestly sounds like something that one would have expected to hear from a shopkeeper on the China of Mao Tse-tung in the time of his Red Guards.
I think it is incredible that Publix Markets was forced by David Hogg to have to apologize to its customers for its actions which are legal according to our present legal structure in this country.
And then we come to this:
Diego Pfeiffer, an 18-year-old Stoneman Douglas senior who helped organize the demonstration with Hogg, said Publix’s announcement proves that the die-in was successful.
He and fellow supporters learned of the policy change after their protest.
By the time he left Publix just after 5 p.m., Pfeiffer had been on the property for about 14 hours.
He and Hogg showed up around 3 a.m. to draw chalk outlines of human bodies within parking spaces.
The outlines were eventually washed away by workers and rain.
“I’m really, really happy, especially at the fact that peaceful protest actually works,” he said.
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Peaceful protest?
When you are invading someone else’s space and defacing their property and disrupting their business, where is the “peaceful” in that?
Why isn’t that considered bullying, instead, which is exactly what it is?
Because it is children doing it?
Is that what makes the extortion “alright” in this case?
The candid world would truly like to know.