Special Opinion to the Mirror by Paul Plante
Never in my life as an American citizen have I heard such a spew of the highly toxic hate-filled and absolute false garbage such as pours forth today from the mouth of the illegitimate president of the Democrats Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr, who is president of the Democrats in America in the same way that Saddam Hussein was president of the Baathists in Iraq.
On 1 September 2022, in a stage setting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that was from straight out of the German Third Reich, where Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels used loudspeakers, decorative flames, uniforms, and marches to attract attention to his speeches, president Biden of the Democrats uttered these following lines which should be of grave concern to us all as American citizens, to wit:
JOE BIDEN: I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in America: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pa.
But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault.
We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.
So, tonight, I’ve come to this place where it all began to speak as plainly as I can to the nation about the threats we face, about the power we have in our own hands to meet these threats and about the incredible future that lies in front of us, if only we choose it.
Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.
These are hard things, but I’m an American president, not a president of red America or blue America, but of all America.
And I believe it’s my duty, my duty to level with you, to tell the truth no matter how difficult, no matter how painful.
And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.
They do not believe in the rule of law.
They do not recognize the will of the people.
They refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.
MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.
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So, IF Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. is an “American” president, not a president of red America or blue America, but of all America, and believes he has a duty to level with we, the American people, including the great percentage of us who are not card-carrying Democrats, to tell the truth no matter how difficult, no matter how painful, then why isn’t Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. doing that, telling us the truth, no matter how difficult, no matter how painful?
Why is Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. lying to us instead?
Because the truth does not serve the political purposes of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., president of the Democrats in America, going into the November mid-terms, where the future of the authoritarian Biden regime will be determined?
Because the truth will hurt Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., and so, he is concealing it instead under a mountain of GREAT BIG LIES?
A GREAT BIG LIE, for example, about an alleged “FREE AND FAIR ELECTION” for president in 2020 that was NOT free and fair at all, since it was CONSTITUTIONALLY INVALID.
And if we do not believe the BIDEN BIG LIE about the 2020 presidential election being “free and fair,” a ridiculous claim in the light of reality, we are denounced by the Biden-istas as “election deniers” who are deemed a threat to the “sacred democracy” of the Democrats, which “sacred democracy” is in turn a threat to OUR Constitutional Republic, because it is wholly incompatible with OUR concept of Republican government in this nation of OURS, which the Democrats are trying to make exclusively theirs with a one-party government with them in charge for eternity.
Or how about the GREAT BIG BIDEN LIE about the supposed “RIGHT TO CHOOSE,” which is an emotional term employed by the Biden-istas to stir up anger against their political foes in America.
WHY is Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. lying to the people of America, telling them Roe v. Wade gave them “the right to choose,” when Roe v. Wade itself said no such thing?
For the record, and to counter president of the Democrats Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.’s GREAT BIG LIE about the “right to choose,” which doesn’t exist, here is what Roe v. Wade actually did say about this supposed “right to choose” way back in 1973, to wit:
3. Though the State cannot override that right (right to a QUALIFIED ABORTION), it has legitimate interests in protecting both the pregnant woman’s health and the potentiality of human life, each of which interests grows and reaches a ‘compelling’ point at various stages of the woman’s approach to term.
(a) For the stage prior to approximately the end of the first trimester, the abortion decision and its effectuation MUST be left to the medical judgment of the pregnant woman’s attending physician.
(b) For the stage subsequent to approximately the end of the first trimester, the State, in promoting its interest in the health of the mother, MAY, if it chooses, regulate the abortion procedure in ways that are REASONABLY RELATED to maternal health.
(c) For the stage subsequent to viability the State, in promoting its interest in the potentiality of human life, MAY, if it chooses, regulate, and even proscribe, abortion except where necessary, in appropriate medical judgment, for the preservation of the life or health of the mother.
4. The State may define the term ‘physician’ to mean only a physician currently licensed by the State, and may proscribe any abortion by a person who is not a physician as so defined.
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IF president of the Democrats Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. was really going to tell us the truth, no matter how difficult, no matter how painful, then that right there is the truth he should be telling us, as opposed to making up a GREAT BIG LIE about a non-existent right to choose.
But that truth does not serve the political ends of president of the Democrats Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., so he resorting to the traditional Democrat fall-back position of “barrage them with lies and bury them under a mountain of BULL**** so the real truth will never see the light of day,” a tactic quite effective in the days of the Third Reich and Joseph Goebbels, but not so much so in this day and age in America of the internet and that grand palladium of LIBERTY, the venerable Cape Charles Mirror.
And if president of the Democrats Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. were really going to do his duty to tell us the truth, no matter how difficult, no matter how painful, then Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr, would be telling us that Dobbs, State Health Officer of the Mississippi Department of Health, et al. v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization et al., No. 19–1392, decided June 24, 2022, should be respected by each and every one of us,l starting with Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr, his assistant autocrat Karmela Harris, and Viriginia’s Elaine Luria because DOBBS REAFFIRMS DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, THE RIGHT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THEMSELVES TO CHOOSE WHETHER ABORTION SHOULD BE LEGAL OR NOT, to wit:
Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.
In other words, Dobbs restores to WE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, the form of government in this nation envisioned by Brutus in the Brutus VII political essay on January 03, 1788, where we had as follows, to wit:
It is true this system commits to the general government the protection and defence of the community against foreign force and invasion, against piracies and felonies on the high seas, and against insurrections among ourselves.
But it ought to be left to the state governments to provide for the protection and defence of the citizen against the hand of private violence, and the wrongs done or attempted by individuals to each other.
Protection and defence against the murderer, the robber, the thief, the cheat, and the unjust person, is to be derived from the respective state governments.
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That, people is exactly what Dobbs, State Health Officer of the Mississippi Department of Health, et al. v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization et al., No. 19–1392, decided June 24, 2022 reaffirms.
So why then, people, is Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. lying to us through his teeth, telling us otherwise?
Why is president of the Democrats Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. pretending that that power is vested in the congressional Democrats instead?
Why is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. telling us that GREAT BIG LIE?
Because it is lies that serve his partisan political purposes instead of the truth?
Think about it, people.
Think very carefully
IF you want a president who lies to you and fills your head with pure BULL****, then your choice in November is crystal clear – VOTE DEMOCRAT and your wish will be fulfilled.
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Paul Plante says
First of all, with respect to how the sane and rational people of America who are not drinkers of the highly toxic Biden KOOL-AID, said to be made from distilled toxic sludge, view the hate-filled diatribe in Philadelphia on 1 September 2022 of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., president of the Democrats and illegitimate president of the United States of America, having been appointed thus by Democrat Nancy Pelosi on 6 January 2021, because she had the votes in the “Nancy’s House” to do so, regardless of OUR Constitution, which the Democrats do not acknowledge as pertaining to them, because as everybody knows, it was written by misogynistic racist troglodytes who believed women like HILLARY Clinton should be kept barefoot and pregnant and chained to the bedpost with only enough chain to reach the kitchen stove, let us go to an article in The Hill titled “Majority of Americans view Biden’s anti-MAGA speech as divisive: poll” by Julia Manchester on 09/13/22, where we have operative reality in the United States of America expressed as follows:
A majority of voters say they view President Biden’s speech earlier this month in Philadelphia in which he said the GOP is “dominated, driven and intimidated” by MAGA Republicans as divisive, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll shared exclusively with The Hill.
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“Divisive” is actually a tame word to describe that hate-filled diatribe, and it was “divisive” because it was intended to be so, with the mid-terms only eight weeks away and the Biden white house doing everything it can to throw the election to the Democrats by demonizing and disparaging the opposition with such derogatory and insulting terms as “MAGA Republican,” “semi-fascist,” and “MAGAtard.”
Getting back to reality as it is portrayed in the Hill article, it continues as follows, to wit:
Sixty percent of respondents said Biden’s speech divided the country and held it back, while 40 percent said the speech united the nation and moved it forward.
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Who those 40 percent saying the toxic and hate-filled diatribe on 1 September 2022 by Joe Biden in Philadelphia in a stage setting from straight out of a political rally in Germany in the time of the Third Reich “united the nation and moved it forward,” actually are is unknown, but one can guess that this poll went so far as to include the inmates of insane asylums all across America, because who in their right mind could possibly think or believe that you can unite the nation and move it forward by considering more than half the people of America are “domestic enemies” of the United States Constitution?
Getting back to The Hill, we have further on that score, as follows:
Another 56 percent opposed the address, while 44 percent said they supported it.
end quotes
And that 44 percent, people, own control of the presidency, the House of Representatives, and the United States Senate, and are trying to gain control of the judiciary by attacking and demonizing the present members of the United States Supreme Court who were recently denounced by Joe Biden’s executive deputy autocrat Karmela Harris on Meet the Press on 11 September 2022, where she called them an “activist court,” and then told the people of America the BIDEN TOXIC GREAT BIG LIE that, “The United States Supreme Court, in the Dobbs decision, just took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the women of America, from the people of America.”
That is a GREAT BIG BIDEN TOXIC LIE, and Karmela Harris, a lawyer, should know better, because Mr. Chief Justice Burger, concurring in Roe v. Wade, stated as follows in plain and simple language that even a dull-wit like Karmela Harris should have been able to comprehend and understand, as follows:
Plainly, the Court today rejects any claim that the Constitution requires abortions on demand.
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Now, how many different ways can those fourteen simple words be interpreted?
Going back to The Hill, the story continues as follows:
The Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that 54 percent of respondents said the address “was an example of fear-mongering,” while 46 percent said the president’s fears expressed in the speech were “justified.”
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And yes, indeed, people, it was most definitely a case of “FEAR MONGERING,” because Joe cannot defend his own record, nor can the Democrats, so they are falling back on their “SOW HATRED OF THE OPPOSITION” strategy, and eight short weeks which are racing by, we will get the opportunity to see if DEMOCRAT HATRED of the American people prevails, or will sanity and rationality prevail.
Going back to The Hill, we have yet more as follows:
“Joe Biden is facing a backlash from his speech that was viewed as divisive,” said Mark Penn, the co-director of the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey.
“While it pleased Democrats and even may have energized them, most voters saw the speech as inappropriate.
Last month, Biden also made headlines at a fundraiser when he likened the “MAGA” wing of the GOP to fascism.
Fifty-six percent of respondents said Biden’s comments were “inappropriate,” while 44 percent said they were “appropriate.”
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And there mis where we are in America right now at this very moment, with this important question before us:
Stay tuned!
Bob says
Was not started by Trump
It was created by Ronald Regan when he was a candidate for President running against Jimmy Carter
Trump took that and converting from a Democrat to Republican as did Regan
Of course
History is never remembered correctly or at all .
Google it
You will see Regan wearing his red mega hat
Using the phrase
Make America Great Again
Carla Jasper says
Thank you.
Paul Plante says
IX. No, Joe, the right-wingers and MAGA Republicans did not get Roe v. Wade overturned, and it is very stupid to say they did.
To see exactly what I am talking about here, let’s go to a USA TODAY article titled “Remind me why the Biden administration is in court fighting publication of the ERA?” by Carli Pierson, a New York licensed attorney and an opinion writer with USA TODAY and a member of the USA TODAY Editorial Board, on 1 October 2022, where we have this very stupid and ridiculous statement to consider, to wit:
Now, lawmakers and right-wing organizations are pushing back against the ERA because they worry that, if published, it would again consecrate women’s rights to abortion care after they got Roe v. Wade overturned.
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Lawmakers and right-wing organizations were the ones who got Roe v. Wade overturned?
That’s daft, people, and it serves to demonstrate just how stupid this New York licensed attorney really is, and how ignorant of how the law works in this country she really is, because right-wing organizations had absolutely nothing to do with getting Roe v. Wade overturned.
And according to the Court, Roe v. Wade was overturned because it was BAD LAW and a case of JUDICIAL OVERREACH, but that is a totally separate matter.
Had not someone with actual standing to sue filed the lawsuit in the first place, Roe v. Wade never would have been challenged, or overturned, because despite this toxic and misleading rhetoric about MAGA Republicans stealing an alleged “Constitutional right” from women that they never had in the first place, MAGA Republicans had no standing to bring the matter before the Supreme Court, NOR DID THEY.
Roe v. Wade was overturned because of the state of Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act, which act provides that “[e]xcept in a medical emergency or in the case of a severe fetal abnormality, a person shall not intentionally or knowingly perform . . . or induce an abortion of an unborn human being if the probable gestational age of the unborn human being has been determined to be greater than fifteen (15) weeks.”
The lawsuit that resulted in Roe V. Wade was not brought by MAGA Republicans or other right-wingers to challenge that act.
The challenge to the act was made by the Jackson Women’s Health Organization, an abortion clinic, and one of its doctors, who challenged the Act in Federal District Court, alleging that it violated this Court’s precedents establishing a constitutional right to abortion, in particular Roe v. Wade, 410 U. S. 113, and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833.
They did that, made that court challenge, of their own volition.
No MAGA Republican or other right winger held a gun to their heads and made them file a losing lawsuit so the MAGA Republicans could steal an alleged Constitutional right from women in order to give the Democrats an emotional issue to make hay of going into the November 2022 mid-terms.
And when that lawsuit was filed, it went not to the Supreme Court, but to a District Court which granted summary judgment in favor of respondents and permanently enjoined enforcement of the Act, reasoning that Mississippi’s 15-week restriction on abortion violates this Court’s cases forbidding States to ban abortion pre-viability.
So that is where this whole thing began, and it had nothing to do with MAGA Republicans, at all.
That is one of Joe Biden’s toxic great big lies we are confronting in here, courtesy of the Cape Charles Mirror, as we head into November, where the fate of OUR Republic and OUR Constitution are going to be determined one way, or the other.
Going back to the lawsuit, after the decision by the District Court, it next went to the Fifth Circuit, which affirmed the District Court ruling.
Only then did it finally move to the Supreme Court, and before the Supreme Court, the petitioners, those who were originally sued, defended the Act on the grounds that Roe and Casey were wrongly decided and that the Act is constitutional because it satisfies rational-basis review.
And what was the result of all that?
Held: The Constitution does not confer a right to abortion; Roe and Casey are overruled; and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives.
In other words, people it was DEMOCRACY that prevailed, not MAGA Republicans.
The decision says nothing about MAGA Republicans having any role to play here.
Its language is very specific, to wit:
So stop lying to us, Joe Biden and the Democrats, by telling us otherwise
The authority to regulate abortion was not handed over to MAGA Republicans or any other right wing group.
That authority was returned to WE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and OUR elected representatives.
So don’t be fooled, people, by these GREAT BIG TOXIC BIDEN LIES.
Be better than that for the sake of the nation and our collective future.
Paul Plante says
X. The abortion lies of Joe Biden and the Democrats are just plain stupid, uninformed and ignorant.
Yes, people, take the Reuters article “Biden suggests support for filibuster change to legalize abortion,” for example, on September 23, 2022, where we have as follows:
WASHINGTON, Sept 23 (Reuters) – President Joe Biden challenged Democratic voters on Friday that if they elect at least two more senators in November elections, it would open the possibility of Democrats removing the filibuster and restoring federal abortion rights for women.
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Focus on that phrase “restoring federal abortion rights for women,” because that is just plain stupid talk from Joe Biden, as women in America have no federal abortion rights that Joe Biden and his pack of lying Democrats can restore, and as an American citizen, I personally am damn sick and tired of living in a nation where all we can count on, besides incompetence and inefficiency, is getting lied to repeatedly by our “national leaders,” so thanks to the Grand Palladium of Liberty the Cape Charles Mirror, I am speaking out about those lies as an act of citizenship, which takes us back to that article for more of Joe Biden’s idiotic abortion lies, as follows:
Biden has made restoring protections lost in the Supreme Court’s June decision to reverse the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade case a central theme of his stump speeches in the lead-up to the Nov. 8 congressional elections.
“If you give me two more senators in the United States Senate, I promise you, I promise you, we’re going to codify Roe and once again make Roe the law of the land,” said Biden.
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With that moronic statement from Joe that “I promise you, I promise you, we’re going to codify Roe and once again make Roe the law of the land,” I am very willing to bet that Joe Biden has never once actually read Roe v. Wade, and I am further willing to bet that Joe Biden has no clue as to what Roe v. Wade actually does say, nor do the people who listen to him and believe him when he says he is going to “once again make Roe the law of the land,” because if Joe Biden and the Democrats did “codify” Roe V. Wade, what they would be making “law of the land,” is as follows. because here is what Roe v. Wade actually did say about this supposed “right to choose” way back in 1973, to wit:
* Though the State cannot override that right (right to a QUALIFIED ABORTION), it has legitimate interests in protecting both the pregnant woman’s health and the potentiality of human life, each of which interests grows and reaches a ‘compelling’ point at various stages of the woman’s approach to term.
* For the stage prior to approximately the end of the first trimester, the abortion decision and its effectuation MUST be left to the medical judgment of the pregnant woman’s attending physician.
* For the stage subsequent to approximately the end of the first trimester, the State, in promoting its interest in the health of the mother, MAY, if it chooses, regulate the abortion procedure in ways that are REASONABLY RELATED to maternal health.
* For the stage subsequent to viability the State, in promoting its interest in the potentiality of human life, MAY, if it chooses, regulate, and even proscribe, abortion except where necessary, in appropriate medical judgment, for the preservation of the life or health of the mother.
* The State may define the term ‘physician’ to mean only a physician currently licensed by the State, and may proscribe any abortion by a person who is not a physician as so defined.
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That, people, is what Roe v. Wade actually does say, so if Joe Biden is going to “codify” it, then he and the Democrats are stuck with what Mr. Chief Justice Burger stated in plain and simple language that even a dull-wit like Joe Biden should have been able to comprehend and understand in concurring in Roe v. Wade, as follows:
Plainly, the Court today rejects any claim that the Constitution requires abortions on demand.
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And goofy old Joe Biden, himself a lawyer, is trying to tell the women of America otherwise, which takes us back to that story, as follows:
Biden exhorted women voters to help elect Democrats.
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And good luck there, Joe, because if we go to the Quinnipiac Poll site for July 20, 2022, we find an article titled “Biden Approval Hits New Low Amid Public Discontent With Both Parties, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Nearly Half Of Americans Worry About Being Mass Shooting Victim” where we have the priorities of the American voters listed for the up-coming mid-terms, as follows:
Asked to choose the most urgent issue facing the country today, inflation (34 percent) ranks first followed by gun violence (12 percent).
No other issue reached double digits.
Among Republicans, inflation (48 percent) ranks first followed by immigration (16 percent) with no other issue reaching double digits.
Among Democrats, gun violence (22 percent) ranks first followed by abortion (14 percent), inflation (14 percent), election laws (12 percent), and climate change (11 percent).
Among independents, inflation (41 percent) ranks first with no other issue reaching double digits.
Two-thirds of Americans (67 percent) say the country is worse off today than it was a year ago, while 26 percent say the country is better off and 4 percent volunteer that it is the same.
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So while Joe Biden and the Democrats seem to feel that running on “codifying” Roe v. Wade is a winning issue, the reality seems far different when we look at actual polling data.
Yes, among some Democrats, it is, but even so, that is only 14%, which takes us back to Reuters for more, as follows:
“I don’t believe the MAGA Republican have a clue about the power of American women.”
“Let me tell you something, they’re about to find out.”
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And you have to pardon Joe here, people, because he is so obsessed with “MAGA Republicans,” a stupid term he made up that means nothing, that he now has “MAGA Republicans” on top of his mind, as his MINISTER OF STATE PROPAGANDA Karine Jean-Pierre calls it, and they haunt his every thought to the point of where h spends his nights dreaming about them, and how to get his revenge against them, if it is the last thing he does.
And quite personally, I don’t believe that Joe Biden and his pack of Democrats have a clue about the power of American women, because there are actually women in America, as hard as it is to believe today in this day and age of loose morals, no values and the “GET RID OF THE NUISANCE BEFORE YOU HAVE TO CHANGE ITS DIAPERS AND GIVE UP YOUR LIFESTYLE” culture that now exists all across America, and especially places like Hollywood, who are against abortion as a means of ridding oneself of a burden or nuisance, and they do vote and they vote AGAINST those politicians like Joe Biden and his Democrats who are for abortion convenience stores where you can walk in, get rid of the nuisance on demand, and be back on the street partying tonight.
So it is going to be an interesting next few weeks as we head towards November and the future of our nation, and in the meantime, with the courtesy of the Cape Charles Mirror, I am going to keep debunking these toxic Biden administration GREAT BIG WHOPPER LIES, so next up will be Joe’s executive deputy autocrat Karmela Harris whining about abortion on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd on September 11, 2022, so please, stay tuned!
Paul Plante says
And to see why we common folks who don’t like the direction Joe Biden and the Democrats are taking this country in are blessed to have the Cape Charles Mirror as a Grand Palladium of Liberty, which publication, seemingly alone in America, has been holding Democrat Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior to the same high level of scrutiny that Trump was held to by the media, The Hill just had an article published titled “Why has fact-checking disappeared under Biden?” by Joe Concha, a media and politics columnist, on 18 September 2022, but before we go there, let’s go back to the story in The Hill above here titled “Majority of Americans view Biden’s anti-MAGA speech as divisive: poll” by Julia Manchester on 09/13/22, where we had as follows in terms of percentages, or the majority versus the minority, on the poisonous and toxic, hate-filled, mean-spirited September 1, 2022 Biden diatribe in Philadelphia in a stage setting from right out of the Third Reich in Germany in the 1930’s, to wit:
Sixty percent of respondents said Biden’s speech divided the country and held it back, while 40 percent said the speech united the nation and moved it forward.
Another 56 percent opposed the address, while 44 percent said they supported it.
The Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found that 54 percent of respondents said the address “was an example of fear-mongering,” while 46 percent said the president’s fears expressed in the speech were “justified.”
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And with those numbers in mind, let us go back to 1 September 2022 and a Fox News article titled “Karine Jean-Pierre slammed for labeling ‘MAGA agenda,’ disagreement with ‘majority of Americans’ as ‘extreme’” by Joe Silverstein, where we had as follows from Joe Biden’s MINISTER OF STATE PROPAGANDA Karine Jean-Pierre on the subject of who in America are the real-deal extremists in America, to wit:
Later, Jean-Pierre attacked pro-lifers and explained her definition of extremism, “Again, we see a majority of Americans who disagree, and so when you are not with what majority of Americans are, then you know, that is extreme.”
“That is an extreme way of thinking.”
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Given the percentages in the article in The Hill above here, and going by the official Biden white house position on the subject of who the extremists in America really are, those who thwart or go against the will of the majority, as supplied to us by the impeccable source Karine Jean-Pierre, we can clearly see that the real-deal extremists in America are the Joe Biden supporters who cheer his shameless hate and fear-mongering in his bid to influence this coming mid-term in favor of the Democrats, and as we head towards the mid-terms, which will determine whether we emerge with OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC intact, or whether our present two-party system is gone forever, we need to keep that well in mind.
And that takes us back to The Hill and the timely article titled “Why has fact-checking disappeared under Biden?” by Joe Concha, a media and politics columnist, on 18 September 2022, where we had as follows, to wit:
Fact-checking under President Trump was a bustling business.
Seemingly every day, and sometimes by the hour, the 45th president’s every word was scrutinized, which all comes with the job.
But under President Biden, fact checkers are enjoying what feels like extended vacations or have simply checked out in terms of scrutinizing the many ways that he is misleading the public.
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All but the venerable Cape Charles Mirror, which has been and continues to fact-check everything Joe Biden says, or Karmela Harris says, or Virginia’s Elaine Luria says or Karine Jean-Pierre, as well, which is as it should be, because it is the right thing to do, which takes us back to that story of reality in America today, to wit:
Take CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale as a prime example of apathy around holding the current president accountable.
From June 2019 until November 2020, Dale appeared or was mentioned on CNN more than once per day, on average, according to Mediaite.
Estimating conservatively, that’s more than 500 appearances or mentions on a national network in the span of just 16 months.
But Dale has become the fact-checker version of Edward Snowden under Biden.
He’s almost impossible to find these days.
In fact, Dale has not conducted even one fact-check of the president since June.
Of course, Biden supporters will insist that Dale simply doesn’t have any material to work with.
But that’s not true.
In August, Biden declared that inflation in July was zero, despite the number being near a 40-year high at 8.3 percent.
Last week, Biden claimed the Inflation Reduction Act, which numerous studies have concluded will do almost nothing to reduce inflation, had already “helped reduce inflation at the kitchen table.”
In a related story, food prices rose again in August, with the Consumer Price Index up 10.6 percent year-over-year.
There are many other examples from the summer, but you get the point: The most powerful man in the country needs to be held accountable for his words and actions, particularly in an election year, when each side is attempting to shape the narrative through the press.
But fact-checkers at mainstream outlets refuse to do it.
The situation is worse when it comes to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.
She has been fact-checked only once by Politifact since June.
Overall, since taking over for Jen Psaki on May 13, Jean-Pierre has not been fact-checked at all by Factcheck.org, the Associated Press, Reuters, Washington Post or CNN.
This is the equivalent of being a toll collector in an E-Z Pass lane, a job that doesn’t require, you know, actually working.
The perception of fact-checkers has taken a big hit as a result, at least among Republicans and independents.
A Pew Research survey found that seven in 10 self-identified Republicans say fact-checkers favor one side, while nearly half of independents feel the same way.
The midterm elections are 50 days from now.
The balance of power in Washington hangs in the balance.
More than ever, words matter.
Lies and half-truths must be called out.
It shouldn’t matter if a Republican or Democrat occupies the Oval Office.
Fact-checkers must hold lawmakers and other public officials accountable without favor to party.
But apparently fact-checkers are mostly on a four-year sabbatical at this point.
And it’s pathetic.
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Yes, people, if you care about YOUR future, be very thankful we common folks in America still have the Cape Charles Mirror to expose these lies of the Biden Regime, or we would be buried by them.
Paul Plante says
I. Joe Biden’s GREAT BIG TOXIC LIE about “election deniers.”
First of all, people, what even is an “election denier?”
Does anyone actually have a clue?
And where did we get that term from in our political lexicon?
From the same place we got “semi-fascist?”
Or the same place we got “MAGA Republicans?”
And what on earth is a “MAGA Republican,” then?
The same as a “semi-fascist?”
Or is a “semi-fascist” something different?
And given these are all stupid, made-up nonsense terms that were made up by the Democrats to influence the minds of people incapable of rational or logical thought, why should we accept any of them as true or factual or accurate?
Consider this:
Above here, on 1 September 2022, in a toxic and hate-filled diatribe delivered from a stage setting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that was from straight out of the German Third Reich, where Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels used loudspeakers, decorative flames, uniforms, and marches to attract attention to his speeches, we had American autocrat Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, telling we, the American people about “election deniers” as follows, to wit:
JOE BIDEN: I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in America: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pa.
end quote
For the record, people, this is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, not a THEOCRACY (a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god, as in “Joe Biden’s ambition is to lead a worldwide theocracy”), and so there is absolutely nothing that is sacred about either Philadelphia, or Independence Hall, and let us not be misled by Joe Biden into thinking otherwise, and thus, grant him power not only over our lives, but over our very souls, as well, as if he were an Ayatollah and this was Iran, not America.
Getting back to Joe’s toxic spew on 1 September, 2022, he went on as follows:
But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault.
end quote
And that is total BULLSHIT, because on 1 September 2022, neither equality nor democracy were under any kind of assault, at all.
To the contrary, if we go by this Washington Examiner story from 31 August 2022, the day before Joe Biden’s toxic hate speech from the “sacred ground” in Philadelphia, titled “Exclusive: Biden base of Blacks, Hispanics abandoning president” by Paul Bedard, we can see that what is under attack is the regime of Joe Biden, himself, and that attack has nothing to do with MAGA Republicans and everything to do with Joe Biden himself, to wit:
President Joe Biden’s base of minority voters, especially blacks, Hispanics and Asians, are abandoning him ahead of the 2022 congressional midterm elections, driven away by an unexpectedly weak economy and poor outlook.
In the case of blacks and Hispanics, Biden’s approval numbers are down double digits.
What’s more, pollster Jonathan Zogby said that no more than 35% of each group would choose Biden in the 2024 Democratic primaries.
“It’s hard to see where this is a good scenario for Biden,” said Zogby.
“His support is lagging among a big part of his base.”
He blamed the fall on the economy and a belief among 52% of African Americans that the country is on the wrong track.
“Like African Americans it does not help that a majority (55%) of Hispanics think the country is off on the wrong track and only a third think the U.S. is headed in the right direction, while 11% were not sure.”
“Even more Hispanic voters (59%) thought the economic direction of the country was off on the wrong track too, while only a third thought the U.S. economy was headed in the right direction,” said Zogby’s analysis.
His support among Asians is split, 46% approve to 46% disapprove in the survey.
“In line with Hispanic and African Americans voters, Asians also felt the country was off on the wrong track (54%) and only a third (34%) thought it was headed in the right direction.”
“Sentiment was even harsher when it came to the direction of the U.S. economy, 58% thought it was off on the wrong track and 29% of surveyed Asian American voters thought the U.S. economy was headed in the right direction,” said Zogby.
Looking ahead to the 2024 primary, Biden’s support was low among the groups when given several choices, including his vice president, Kamala Harris, whose showing was dismal.
African Americans: Biden 35.5%, former first lady Michelle Obama 21.8%, Vice President Kamala Harris 12.5%.
Hispanics: Biden 35.3%, Obama 15%, Sen. Bernie Sanders 14.5%, Harris 11.7%.
Asians: Biden 28.4%, Sanders 12.8%, Obama 12%, Harris 11.1%.
“While President Biden’s approval ratings with minority voters might seem all right at the moment, they do not show the enthusiasm and energy he will need to get minority voters out to vote in the midterms,” said Zogby’s analysis.
“Historically, a president, whose party is in power, gives up control of the House and/or Senate during their first midterm election.”
“Biden is out there telling his supporters this midterm election is for the ‘soul’ of the nation, but will this be enough to energize his base and supporters to quell the potential damage they might receive in November?”
“At the moment his approval ratings and status in hypothetical primaries with minorities do not support this narrative.”
“While voters might be in a fight for the soul of the nation, Biden is in the fight of his life for the support of his base,” he added.
end quotes
So, in that case, people, and those are not my numbers, unlike Joe Biden who is always making things up from out of this air and pixie dust mixed with cobwebs, I didn’t make them up to embarrass the old fool, what is a cornered autocrat like Joe Biden who is afraid that his dictatorial powers will be stripped from him by his political opponents that he calls “semi-fascists” going to do but go on the attack, slinging all the mud he can at his opponents in an effort, hopefully a futile one, to influence this coming mid-term election in favor of his enablers in the Democrat party who want an autocracy in America, not a Constitutional Republic.
And people, we as a nation and as a people do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.
And as an older American, as a disabled combat veteran, I believe that it is my duty as a LOYAL American citizen to level with you, to tell the truth no matter how difficult, no matter how painful, and this truth is hardly difficult or painful to tell, and here, in my view, is what is true: Joe Biden’s Democrats are the ones in America who do not respect the Constitution, and they proved that on 6 January 2021, when the threw OUR Constitution in their overflowing toilet and despite a Constitutionally-flawed election, appointed Joe Biden the president of the United States because they had the votes to override the objections of the Republicans and do so.
And the proof of that is contained in the Congressional Register for 6 January 2021, which I have bothered to read word for word for word, all of the speeches by the Democrats, versus all the speeches by the Republicans, which can be summarized as follows, to wit:
REPUBLICANS: The elections in five states were not conducted in accordance with the provisions of the United States Constitution and so, are invalid.
end quotes
And if anyone doesn’t believe me, let’s go to Democrat constitutional scholar and Pelosi-ite WITCH HUNTER Jamie Raskin on 6 January 2021, where we had as follows on that very subject, to wit:
Mr. RASKIN: Our Government belongs to the people.
As President Ford said: Here the people rule.
Today we are in the people’s House to complete the people’s process for choosing the people’s President.
We assemble into joint session for a solemn purpose that we have all sworn a sacred oath to faithfully discharge.
The 12th Amendment obligates each and every one of us to count the electoral votes to recognize the will of the people in the 2020 Presidential election.
We are not here, Madam Speaker, to vote for the candidate we want.
We are here to recognize the candidate the people actually voted for in the States.
Madam Speaker, the 2020 election is over and the people have spoken.
Joe Biden received more than 80 million votes.
Seven million more than President Trump.
A number larger than any other President has received in U.S. history.
So now we count the electoral votes that were just delivered to us in the beautiful mahogany cases brought by those hardworking Senate pages.
These mahogany cases contain only the 538 electoral votes that were sent in by the States, not the 159 million ballots that were cast by our constituents.
Just as the popular vote was for Biden, so was the electoral vote.
There is no basis in fact or law to justify the unprecedented relief that is being requested of nullifying these elections.
We are here to count the votes.
Let us do our job.
end quotes
And so it was to be.
And now Joe Biden, who is demonizing more than half the American people as a result of actins taken by spiteful Democrats like Jamir Raskin, is the president and because of that it is the Democrats themselves who are now in trouble, facing defeat in this up-coming mid-term election and so they are on the attack with a full-court press, barraging us with GREAT BIG LIES from one end of the country to the other, which takes us back to “TOXIC JOE” the poison spewer on 1 September 2022, as follows:
They refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.
end quotes
According to Dictionary.com, a “denier” is “a person who refuses to accept the existence, truth, or validity of something despite evidence or general support for it.”
So, in the case of an “election denier,” what exactly is it that a person is refusing to accept the existence, truth, or validity of something despite evidence or general support for it?
Think about it, people!
The future we collectively are going to have after the November mid-terms is going to depend on it.
Paul Plante says
II. Joe Biden’s GREAT BIG TOXIC LIE about “election deniers” a classic, text-book example of demagogic fear-mongering!
Fear-mongering, as 54 percent of respondents to a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, a clear majority, labeled the toxic, hate-filled diatribe of Democrat Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior in Philadelphia on 1 September 2022, is defined as “the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue,” as in “on 1 September 2022, Joe Biden was engaging in pure fearmongering that just might frighten folks into voting for Democrats in the November 2022 mid-terms.”
In politics, especially the toxic, hate-filled politics of America today in Washington, D.C., where Joe Biden’s Democrats are throwing out all the stops in their bid to make us a one-party system with them in sole charge of all the branches of our federal government, fearmongering is routinely used in the psychological warfare of politics for the purpose of influencing a target population, with the tactics, as we are clearly seeing in this case, involving defamation of an “enemy,” in this case, those of us deemed by Joe Biden to be DREGS OF SOCIETY, and MAGAtards, and semi-fascists, by means of the types of smear campaigns we are witnessing today with Joe Biden’s 1 September 2022 hate speech in Philadelphia, coupled with the smear jobs of Nancy Pelosi’s WITCH HUNTERS who will be having another PRIMETIME TV HATE SPEW on 28 September 2022.
In an article in the Berkeley Beacon titled “Fear-mongering in the media has spiraled out of control” By Shannon Garrido on April 7, 2021, we were informed on the subject, thusly, to wit:
With social media becoming a primary source of information for millions, fearmongering, or deliberately arousing public fear to gain readers, is becoming a trend among some reporters.
Fearmongering in the media feeds into the conspiracy theories that grip American society today, and have for decades past.
end quotes
And as we are seeing in here, recent examples of fearmongering in the media include this “election denier” horse**** coming at us fast and thick in the “PRO-JOE” main stream media, where Democrat Joe Biden is trying to make people in America believe that as he stood there in Philadelphia on 1 September 2022 making his toxic, hate-filled tirade in a stage setting from straight out of fascist Germany in the 1930’s, “equality and democracy are under assault,” which is classic, text-book fear-mongering, because people will not know how to rationally and logically debunk that assertion before the fear sets in to throttle their thinking processes, called emotional paralysis from anxiety, which is a very effective technique for keeping masses of people under control of a few.
Going back to the Berkeley Beacon article, it continues as follows, to wit:
It’s frustrating trying to report with good faith while many sectors of the media continuously give a spotlight to conspiracy theories, feeding into fearmongering.
end quote
And here, of course, the conspiracy theory being pushed by president of the Democrats Joe Biden is that MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution, as if Joe Biden and the Democrats did, and the MAGA Republicans do not believe in the rule of law, as if Joe Biden and the Democrats did, and the MAGA Republicans do not recognize the will of the people, when the will of the American people is overwhelmingly that Joe Biden is taking this nation in the wrong direction, and the MAGA Republicans refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as Joe speaks in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself and MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.
POWERFUL STUFF, people, is it not, but then, we are talking top-notch fear-mongering here, not amateur-hour stuff.
So how do we sane and rational people in America counter this PROPAGANDA?
We go to the Congressional Register for 6 January 2021, and we give the world, courtesy of the Cape Charles Mirror, a clear example of what Joe calls a MAGA Republican in action, to wit, and YOU be the judge:
Madam Speaker, I rise today to object to a number of States that did not follow the constitutional requirement for selecting electors.
Madam Speaker, this is something that is clear that our Founding Fathers debated about as a fundamental decision of how we choose our President.
There was a lot of back and forth, if anyone reads the founding documents of our country, about the different versions they went through to ultimately come up with a process where each State has elections; each State has a process for selecting their electors and sending them to Washington.
Madam Speaker, in a number of those States, that constitutional process was not followed, and that is we are here to object.
If you look at what the requirement says, nowhere in Article II, Section 1 does it give the secretary of state of a State that ability; nowhere does it give the Governor that ability; nowhere does it give a court that ability.
It exclusively gives that ability to the legislatures.
In fact, in most States, that is the process that was followed.
But for those States, this wasn’t followed.
Unfortunately, this is not new.
We have seen over and over again more States where the Democratic Party has gone in and selectively gone around this process.
That has to end, Madam Speaker.
We have to follow the constitutional process.
Now, there might be reasons why some people don’t like the process laid out by a legislative body.
Madam Speaker, I served on one of those legislative bodies when I was in the State legislature for 12 years.
I served on the House and Governmental Affairs Committee, where we wrote the laws for our State’s elections.
And I can tell you, when we had to make changes, those were extensively negotiated.
We would have people on both sides come.
Republicans and Democrats, Madam Speaker, would get together to work through those changes, any minute change to how a precinct would function, to how a change would be made in the time of an election, signature requirements, all the many things that involve a clerk carrying out the duties in each parish, in our case.
You would see people come and give testimony, Madam Speaker.
Both sides could come.
Clerks of court were there in the hearing rooms.
It was an open process, by the way, not behind closed doors in a smoke-filled room where somebody might want to bully a secretary of state to get a different version that might benefit them or their party or their candidate.
That is not what our Founding Fathers said is the process.
Maybe it is how some people wanted to carry it out.
But they laid out that process.
So when we would have to make those changes, they were in public view; they were heavily debated; and then, ultimately, those laws were changed in advance of the election so everybody knew what the rules were.
People on both sides knew how to play by the rules before the game started, not getting somewhere in the process and saying, well, you don’t think it is going to benefit you, so you try to go around the Constitution.
That is not how our system works.
It has gotten out of hand.
So President Trump has called this out, and President Trump has stood up to it.
So many of us have stood up to it.
In fact, over 100 of my colleagues, Madam Speaker, asked the Supreme Court to address this problem just a few weeks ago, and, unfortunately, the Court chose to punt.
They didn’t answer it one way or the other.
They didn’t want to get in the middle of this discussion.
We don’t have that luxury today.
We have to discuss this.
We have to fix this.
In fact, on our first full day of this Congress, many of us brought legislation onto the House floor to start fixing the problems with our elections, to restore integrity to the election process, which has been lost by so many millions of Americans.
And we had a vote.
Every single Republican voted to reform the process.
Every single Democrat voted against it.
They don’t want to fix this problem.
But the Constitution is our guide, and it is time we start following the Constitution.
It is time we get back to what our Founding Fathers said is the process for selecting electors: that is the legislatures in public view, not behind closed doors, not smoke-filled rooms, not bullying somebody that might give you a better ruling.
Let’s get back to rule of law and follow the Constitution, Madam Speaker.
Paul Plante says
III. How Joe Biden’s GREAT BIG TOXIC LIE about “election deniers” is polluting and poisoning minds in the body politic of America like rat poison intentionally polluting a public water supply!
And before we go further here, people, dissecting American autocrat Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior’s HIGHLY TOXIC GREAT BIG LIES as we rapidly approach the November mid-terms, let us all be very candid with each other, because indeed, at this critical point of inflection we are at right exactly now here in the United States of America, where in this case a “point of inflection” is defined as “an event that results in a significant change in the progress of an economy, or geopolitical situation and can be considered a turning point after which a dramatic change, with either positive or negative results, is expected to result,” or as Andy Grove, Intel’s co-founder, described it, a strategic inflection point such as we are now confronted with, is “an event that changes the way we think and act,” where our very equality as American citizens and our Republican frame of government are very much under assault by this autocrat Joe Biden and his followers, and people, quite seriously, we do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.
Come November and the mid-terms, we will either still have OUR Republic and life as we now know it, or we will find ourselves under the yoke and lash of a Democrat Party Fascist Despotism with a one-party system of government in which each class has its distinct place, function, and representation in the government, but the individual is subordinated to the state and control is maintained by military forces, secret police, rigid censorship, and governmental regimentation of industry and finance.
So, today, I’ve once again come to this place which is a Grand Palladium of Liberty to those of us in America without money or clout who otherwise would have no voice, to speak as plainly as I can to the nation about the threats we face, about the power we have in our own hands to meet these threats and about the incredible future that lies in front of us, if only we choose it.
Clearly, Joe Biden and the Biden Democrats, who are a clear minority in this country according to all the polls, represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic, and make no mistakes about that whatsoever, and for proof of that, we need go no further than a poisonous rant in Salon by a dude named Chauncey DeVega on 9 September 2022 titled “Joe Biden’s historic speech was too damn nice: No hand of friendship to fascists,” where we have the future the Biden Democrats are laying out for those of us in this country who do not bow down to abase ourselves before Joe Biden as our “leader,” to wit:
Last Thursday in Philadelphia, Biden delivered a careful, statesmanlike and truly historic speech warning the American people that the Republican Party and the “conservative” movement have been taken over by Donald Trump and his MAGA-fascist followers.
For an American president to issue such a warning is virtually without precedent: Matters are that dire.
America, Biden said, was “at an inflection point” and must choose “to build a future or obsess about the past, to be a nation of hope and unity and optimism or a nation of fear, division and of darkness.”
In fact, today’s Republicans are not “semi-fascists,” as the president has said, but actual fascists, increasingly allied with a global authoritarian movement.
The examples are numerous: Today’s Republican Party is organized around the Great Leader principle and a political personality cult.
Joe Biden did not speak those truths without qualifications or exceptions.
Instead, he tried to create a political off-ramp, offering the Republican-fascists the hand of unity and the promise of shared “American values.”
Biden is extending the hand of friendship to sworn enemies who have not earned it and actually despise him and the Democratic Party.
There can be no negotiation or compromise with fascism or with those tainted by it.
Those people must be totally defeated and driven out of politics, government and public life.
Playing defense in the war to protect democracy simply will not work.
Now is the time for the Democrats to launch a robust counterattack against the Republican fascists and their forces, and to press whatever advantage they have before that window of opportunity slams shut.
Yes, it is certainly refreshing and good that Biden is acting as a president who wants to act in the best interests of the nation and the American people.
But in trying to save American democracy, President Biden must accept the harsh reality that tens of millions of Americans are now enemies of democracy, if not outright fascists.
end quotes
How about you?
Yes, you!
Are you an enemy of Joe Biden’s democracy?
And yes, I know these are hard things, but I’m an American, not a citizen of red America or blue America, but of the real America, the one a career politician like Joe Biden who has spent all his adult life feeding off the taxpayers instead of holding gainful employment for the betterment of society knows absolutely nothing about, not having ever been there, himself, and so, I believe it’s my duty, my duty to level with you, to tell the truth no matter how difficult, no matter how painful, and here, in my view, is what is true: as was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt in the Congressional Register for 6 January 2021, Biden Democrats not only do not respect OUR Constitution, but in five Democrat-controlled states in November 0f 2020, the Democrats actually repudiated (refuse to accept or be associated with; deny the truth or validity of) OUR Constitution and OUR Union, and essentially, by doing so, seceded from the United States of America, an act of open rebellion, lawlessness, sedition, insurrection and treason, and set up their own ad hoc procedures for voting in those states that resulted in the stuffing of ballot boxes for Joe Biden, thus, handing him the presidency as a result of Constitutionally flawed elections in five lawless states.
Clearly, based on what happened on 6 January 2021 in the House of Representatives, where Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats put their seal of approval on those Constitutionally-lawed elections, the Biden Democrats do not believe in the rule of law.
And by acting in such a lawless manner to stuff the ballot boxes for Joe Biden, the Biden Democrats do not recognize the will of the people; only their own.
The Biden Democrats rigged the elections in those five Democrat-controlled states to throw the election to Joe Biden precisely because the Biden Democrats refuse to trust the results of a free election that was not rigged by them, and they’re working right now as I write in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to their partisans and cronies, empowering free and fair election deniers to undermine our Republic itself.
And that takes us to a website called “States United Democracy Center” and an article they have where the TOXIC BIDEN ELECTION DENIER MIND POISON is being spread like rat poison making its way though a public water supply, to wit:
Last updated: September 14, 2022
Across the country, politicians who continue to spread lies about our elections are seeking control over future elections.
end quotes
Yes, they most certainly are, and their name is BIDEN DEMOCRATS, and if these FREE AND FAIR Election Deniers who are BIDEN DEMOCRATS succeed in winning the November mid-terms after successfully rigging the presidential elections in five renegade states in 2020, they will put an end to what were once, before 2020, our free, fair, and secure elections.
Going back to that article, which is intended to spread Joe Biden’s HIGHLY TOXIC MIND POISON about “election deniers” while smearing the Republicans, it continues, as follows:
Election Deniers are running on lies and conspiracy theories, and they are a threat to our democracy.
Giving Election Deniers that power would be like putting arsonists in charge of the fire department.
end quotes
And the LIES and CONSPIRACY THEORIES being pushed on us by president of the Democrats Joe Biden and the BIDEN ANTI-FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS DEMOCRATS is that so-called “MAGA Republicans” do not respect the Constitution, when it is really Joe Biden and the Biden Democrats who have repudiated OUR Constitution, and the so-called “MAGA Republicans” do not believe in the rule of law, when it clearly Joe Biden and the Biden Democrats who don’t, and the so-called “MAGA Republicans” do not recognize the will of the people, when the reality is that will of the American people is overwhelmingly that Joe Biden is taking this nation in the wrong direction, and the MAGA Republicans refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as Joe speaks in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself and MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.
As was said before, people, that is some powerful PROPAGANDA being served up by Joe Biden and the Biden Democrats there, is it not, but then, as was stated before, we are talking top-notch demagoguery and fear-mongering here, not amateur-hour stuff.
So how do we sane and rational people in America counter that?
Start by not being afraid!
And then consider that while elections in the United States of America are national events, as we clearly saw in November of 2020, they’re run by the states which means the state officials who oversee elections — governors, secretaries of state, and attorneys general — are on the front lines of securing REAL FREE AND FAIR AND CONSTITUTIONALLY SOUND ELECTION for ALL of us, not just Democrats, and thus preserving for us OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to an election that has not been rigged by the Biden Democrats.
Campaigning on lies and conspiracy theories as they are, with their president Joe Biden foremost in their ranks, the BIDEN DEMOCRAT FREE AND FAIR ELECTION DENIERS are now actively seeking these positions across the country in a coordinated attack on OUR freedom to vote in an election that the Biden Democrats have not rigged in their favor, so truly people, the stakes for OUR CONSTITUTION, OUR REPUBLIC AN D OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS are as high as they were on January 6, 2021, if not higher, because a single BIDEN DEMOCRAT Election Denier in a single state could throw our elections into chaos and confusion, so the threats to our system of free and fair elections clearly go far beyond the ballot box.
To close, people, the DEMOCRAT ANTI-FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS PLAYBOOK is very simple: If, as was the case in five Democrat-controlled states in November of 2020, the BIDEN DEMCRATS continue to change the rules of elections, and control the referees who oversee elections, as they did in November of 2020, they literally can change the results.
So what is it going to be, people?
Only you can decide!
Paul Plante says
IV. The Attempted Rehabilitation of American Autocrat Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior by Biden Enabler and Apologist and Sycophant CBS NEWS!
And before we go into the attempt by Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes fame on 18 September 2022 to rehabilitate American autocrat Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, seen here in this video from September 22, 2022 appearing to be lost in space on stage, having one of his “senior moments” as he appears to not know what country or time zone or even galaxy he is in, or who he might be, or why, this after his address to the Global Fund in New York City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uFNyWYcVpc , although what we are hearing now, this supposedly straight from the lips of Karine Jean-Pierre herself, who knows these things better than anyone else, which is why Joe has her in charge of his STATE MINISTRY FOR THE PREPARATION AND DISSEMINATION OF STATE PROPAGANDA, is that Joe wasn’t lost in space there, to the contrary, he was seeing there before him, as if a vision, the very SOUL OF AMERICA itself, which only Joe is pure and holy enough to see, and people who can’t see the SOUL OF AMERICA because they are not pure and holy enough to mistook that for Joe being lost in space, which really wasn’t the case at all, just that people thought it was, when it clearly wasn’t, and besides, anyone who thought Joe was lost in space is a MAGAtard and semi-fascist, let’s review some recent contemporary history to see where we are right now today and to see why the desperate Biden Democrats are so vociferously engaging in their trademark SLIMEBALL POLITICS with their juvenile name-calling, and FEAR-MONGERING, as we rapidly head into November and the mid-terms where the future of OUR Constitution and OUR Republic will be decided one way or the other, by going to a Fox News article titled “GOP leads Democrats by large margin on issues that most voters say will decide midterm elections: poll” by Aubrie Spady on 19 September 2022, where we have the latest statistics on the differences between the Biden Democrats and the rest of us, to wit:
With just 50 days until the highly anticipated midterm elections, voters trust the Republican Party over Democrats to best handle the key issues that they say are most likely to determine the outcome, according to a new national poll.
The latest NBC poll of registered voters found that nearly 60% of voters reported that a candidate’s position on cost of living is the most important factor when considering who they will vote for this fall, compared to just 37% who said a candidate’s stance on abortion is the most important factor.
By a large margin, Republicans are viewed by voters as better equipped than Democrats to handle economic issues, 47% to 28%.
The poll found that 20% of registered voters believe that threats to the democracy are the most concerning issues currently facing the country.
This comes after President Biden claimed in several recent speeches that “MAGA Republicans” are a “threat to the democracy,” while also comparing their philosophy to “semi-fascism.”
end quotes
THREATS TO DEMOCRACY, people, that and abortion are all the Biden Democrats have to offer us as a people and as a nation come November, and the THREATS TO DEMOCRACY they and Joe Biden are on about happen to be the rest of us who are not Biden Democrats, so no wonder it is only 20%, and they are the extremists among us, which is what makes them such a threat to OUR Constitution, which they have repudiated, and OUR Republic, which they do not acknowledge.
And that takes us to a Washington Examiner article titled “Biden flirts with inflation denial ahead of midterm elections” by W. James Antle III on 19 September 2022, where we see the Biden Democrat “LIE AND DISSEMBLE LIKE CRAZY TO CONFUSE THE VOTERS” strategy going into the November 2022 mid-terms, as follows:
President Joe Biden is minimizing inflation in a way that could become a problem in the midterm elections, as consumer prices remain stubbornly high.
Biden’s latest efforts to wave away inflation come on the heels of a White House party, complete with a musical performance by legendary boomer singer-songwriter James Taylor, celebrating a new law with “inflation” in the title on the same day the announcement of an 8.3% August inflation rate sent stock markets tumbling.
Some of Biden’s recent comments about inflation come perilously close to denial about the problem, which runs the risk of making him appear out of touch to voters as Democrats defend their congressional seats.
At the same time, he has been consistently wrong about his inflation predictions and unwilling to acknowledge any significant relationship between high spending and inflation.
Economists have expressed concern about possible inflationary effects of the student loan debt forgiveness plan.
Many dispute the Inflation Reduction Act will do anything to lower inflation, especially in the short term, and polls show much of the general public expects the law to make it worse.
Polls consistently show inflation a top voter concern ahead of the midterms, though Biden and Democrats have been trying to shift the focus to other issues, such as abortion or former President Donald Trump.
end quotes
Yes, people – SHIFT FOCUS!
But is that strategy working for them?
Seriously, people, why on earth would it?
How do TWENTY PERCENT of the American people who are hard-core Biden Democrats think they will win anybody over to their side by labeling them a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY and by insulting them with the toxic label of “semi-fascist?”
And that takes us to Scott Pelley of CBS News attempting to rehabilitate American autocrat Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior on 60 Minutes on 18 September 2022, but first, we need to drop back in time to NBC’s Meet the Press on September 11, 2022, where host Chuck Todd was interviewing Joe Biden’s executive assistant autocrat Karmela Harris, as follows:
CHUCK TODD: This Sunday: My interview with Vice President Kamala Harris.
The Vice President opens up on the threat posed by election deniers:
VICE PRES. KAMALA HARRIS: I think that we have to admit that there are attacks from within.
And we need to take it seriously.
end quotes
Yes, people, just twelve (12) days ago, on 11 September 2022, we, those of us who don’t drink Joe Biden’s highly toxic KOOL-AID, said to be distilled from a cocktail of chemical sludge mixed with raw sewage, were being labeled on national television by Karmela Harris as a threat, that based on Joe Biden’s similar allegations in his highly toxic Philadelphia diatribe on 1 September 2022 in a stage setting from straight out of the German Third Reich, which diatribe was condemned by a majority of the American people as divisive, which is what it was intended to be, which takes us back to that transcript, as follows:
ANNOUNCER: From NBC News in Washington, the longest running show in television history, this is Meet the Press with Chuck Todd.
CHUCK TODD: And a good Sunday morning.
I began by asking the Vice President about how over two decades our focus has had to shift from foreign terror to the threat from within.
VICE PRES. KAMALA HARRIS: I think it is very dangerous and I think it is very harmful.
And it makes us weaker.
You know, I have, I have met with and I’ve had conversations with over 100 foreign heads of state: presidents, prime ministers, chancellors, kings.
And, you know, when we as the United States walk into those rooms around the world, we have had the honor and privilege historically of holding our head up as a defender and an example of a great democracy.
And that then gives us the legitimacy and the standing to talk about the importance of democratic principles, rule of law, human rights.
And one of the things though that comes with that privilege is that we hold ourselves out to be a role model, which means the rest of the world, like any role model, watches what we do to see if it matches up with what we say.
So you look at everything from the fact that there are eleven people right now running for secretary of state, the keepers of the integrity of the voting system of their state, who are election deniers.
You’ve got —
end quotes
Yes, people, election deniers, they being those people in America who believe that the United States Constitution can only be amended pursuant to Article V of the United States Constitution, which article outlines basic procedures for constitutional amendment, as follows:
* Congress may submit a proposed constitutional amendment to the states, if the proposed amendment language is approved by a two-thirds vote of both houses.
* Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments upon application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states (i.e., 34 of 50 states).
*Amendments proposed by Congress or convention become valid only when ratified by the legislatures of, or conventions in, three-fourths of the states (i.e., 38 of 50 states).
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Election deniers are those people in America who reject the idea that the Democrat voters in five rogue or renegade states in the United States of America can amend the Constitution on their own to suit their needs of the moment simply because they want it to say something different that will favor them and give them a clear political advantage over the majority who do not adhere to their political ideology and doctrines.
That is what election deniers are, and are they a threat to our Republic as the Biden Democrats would have us believe?
And that answer is not hardly!
And that takes us back to Meet the Press on 11 September 2022, as follows:
CHUCK TODD: What is a semi-fascist?
VICE PRES. KAMALA HARRIS: Listen, I think that when we — let’s not get caught up in politicizing the fact that most people in America know that it is not helpful to our country when we have people who are denying elections or trying to obstruct the outcome of an election where the largest number of people in our country voted for the president of the United States.
And when we look at where we are, I think that we have to admit that there are attacks from within, to your first question.
And we need to take it seriously.
And we need to stand up together, all of us, and think of this not through a partisan lens but as Americans.
CHUCK TODD: I think back to the president’s inaugural address.
And he said the following: “Politics need not be a raging fire destroying everything in its path.”
And then I think about the construction, the language construction he used with “semi-fascist.”
And I understand the dilemma.
You’ve got to call it out in order to bring the country together.
But it’s hard to do both at the same time, isn’t it?
end quotes
So, neither Chuck Todd nor Karmela Harris have a clue as to what a “semi-fascist” might in fact be, but notwithstanding Chuck says it has to be “called out,” regardless, so there we have it, people, and if it sounds stupid, that is because it is stupid, which takes us back to Meet the Press once more, to wit:
CHUCK TODD: Welcome back.
Panel is here: Yamiche Alcindor, moderator of Washington Week on PBS; Amy Walter, the editor-in-chief of the Cook Political Report; Republican political consultant Matt Gorman; and former Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill.
Welcome, all.
CHUCK TODD: I got the impression she didn’t like having to define semi-fascism.
And to your point though, I think it reminded me and it pointed out that this whole strategy it seems from Biden – the strategy is very ham-handed.
He goes and says, “Everyone’s a semi-fascist,” walks it back.
MAGA, “Well, not everybody’s MAGA.”
And now you have her seeming to walk this back.
It’s totally incongruous.
And look, again, I think all of that rings hollow if, you know, as you asked it, they’re boosting these candidates who are “threats to democracy” in Senate primaries across the country.
end quotes
She didn’t like having to define “semi-fascism” because she couldn’t define it, and she couldn’t define it precisely because it is a stupid term invented by Joe Biden as a pejorative to smear his political opponents.
So how then did Scott Pelley of CBS attempt to rehabilitate Joe Biden on 60 Minutes on 18 September 2022?
He didn’t ask Joe any of these questions.
Paul Plante says
V. Why American autocrat Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior’s claims that so-called “Election Denialism” is a threat to his democracy are just stupid.
Before we go to the other prong of the only possible election strategy the Democrats can possibly have going into the mid-terms in November, that being abortion, which according to an Associated Press article in the Albany, New York Times union titled “Ad spending shows Dems hinging midterm hopes on abortion” by Steve Peoples and Aaron M. Kessler on September 20, 2022, where we were told that “Democrats are pumping an unprecedented amount of money into advertising related to abortion rights, underscoring how central the message is to the party in the final weeks before the November midterm elections,” and “With the most intense period of campaigning only just beginning, Democrats have already invested more than an estimated $124 million this year in television advertising referencing abortion,” let’s take a hard look at just how very stupid and uninformed Democrat autocrat Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior really sounds with his “election denier” horse****, but first, let’s go back to Meet the Press on 11 September 2022 for this relevant exchange and some “DEMOCRAT DUCK-AND-DODGE,” as follows, to wit:
CHUCK TODD: What is a semi-fascist?
VICE PRES. KAMALA HARRIS: Listen, I think that when we — let’s not get caught up in politicizing the fact that most people in America know that it is not helpful to our country when we have people who are denying elections or trying to obstruct the outcome of an election where the largest number of people in our country voted for the president of the United States.
end quotes
Now, first of all there, people, Chuck Todd asked Karmela Harris, who should know Joe Biden’s mind better than anybody outside of Karine Jean-Pierre who not only knows Joe’s mind better than anyone else, starting with Joe himself, but is even said to think his thoughts as Joe is having them, which is why Joe has Karine Jean-Pierre in charge of Joe’s STATE MINISTRY FOR THE PREPARATION AND DISSEMINATION OF STATE PROPAGANDA, a very simple question: WHAT IS A SEMI-FASCIST.
So why didn’t Karmela answer it?
Why did she ramble on and dissemble?
Why couldn’t she give us a straight answer?
Which brings us to this part of her rambling non-answer to wit: “trying to obstruct the outcome of an election where the largest number of people in our country voted for the president of the United States.”
The largest number of people in our country voted for the president of the United States in an election that was CONSTITUTIONALLY FLAWED and thus, invalid!
So the number of people Karmela says voted is totally meaningless, because the popular vote does not win elections – only the electoral votes do that – and given the flawed nature of the election in five states, the electoral votes for those five states are invalid, or should have been, which is really what is at the heart of this “ELECTION DENIAL” horse**** Joe Biden and Karmela Harris are on about going into the November mid-terms, which brings us to just how very stupid these “ELECTION DENIALISM” claims of Biden and Harris really are.
Now, as it works out, above here, @ SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 AT 6:38 PM, we have a clear-cut case of the “ELECTION DENIALISM” Karmela Harris was on about on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd on 11 September 2022, which clear-cut case of “ELECTION DENIALISM” comes to us from the Congressional Register for 6 January 2021, in a speech in the NANCY’s HOUSE by notorious MAGA Republican, semi-fascist, election denier and DREG OF SOCIETY Steve Scalise, where in his first sentence, we have a classic textbook example of what Karmela Harris was on about on Meet the Press when she said, “let’s not get caught up in politicizing the fact that most people in America know that it is not helpful to our country when we have people who are denying elections,” to wit:
Mr. SCALISE: Madam Speaker, I rise today to object to a number of States that did not follow the constitutional requirement for selecting electors.
end quotes
AND WHOA, people, talk about MAGA Republican and villainous “ELECTION DENIER” Steve Scalise being caught red-handed there with no place to run and no place to hide, there we have it in black and white, people – incontrovertible proof of OUTRIGHT, BARE NAKED ELECTION DENIALISM from right out of the dude’s own mouth!
Talk about being hoist on his own petard (“victimized or hurt by one’s own scheme”) alright!
By actually daring to rise in the House of Representatives on 6 January 2021 to object to a number of States that did not follow the constitutional requirement for selecting electors, MAGA Republican, semi-fascist, election denier and DREG OF SOCIETY Steve Scalise has damned himself forever in the eyes of the American people as an ELECTION DENIER who was and probably still is trying to obstruct the outcome of an election where the largest number of people in our country voted for the president of the United States, and for that, he should be condemned and pilloried by the American people as an insurrectionist and traitor to America, and therefore should be removed from office pursuant to the 14th Amendment which amendment gives Congress the power to disqualify someone who has already held a public office from holding “any office” if they participate in an “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States.
That’s if you are foolish enough to believe this “ELECTION DENIALISM” horse**** being flung in our faces by the bushel by Joe Biden and Karmela Harris.
The truth of the matter is that Steve Scalise as an elected member of congress on 6 January 2021 had a duty to ALL the American people to rise to make that statement, and to contest those electoral votes, and if doing one’s duty is now to be condemned as “ELECTION DENIALISM,” we as a people and as a nation are in very sorry shape, indeed.
Pitiful, pathetic shape!
And to see just how stupid this all is, let’s go back to September 1, 2022, and Joe Biden’s highly toxic, hate-filled diatribe where he condemned more than half the American people as “domestic threats” to Joe’s democracy, to wit:
JOE BIDEN: I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in America: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pa.
But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault.
We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.
These are hard things, but I’m an American president, not a president of red America or blue America, but of all America.
And I believe it’s my duty, my duty to level with you, to tell the truth no matter how difficult, no matter how painful.
And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution.
end quotes
That was Joe on 1 September 2022.
And this was notorious ELECTION DENIER and MAGA Republican Steve Scalise on 6 January 2021, to wit:
That has to end, Madam Speaker.
We have to follow the constitutional process.
People on both sides knew how to play by the rules before the game started, not getting somewhere in the process and saying, well, you don’t think it is going to benefit you, so you try to go around the Constitution.
That is not how our system works.
It has gotten out of hand.
So many of us have stood up to it.
But the Constitution is our guide, and it is time we start following the Constitution.
It is time we get back to what our Founding Fathers said is the process for selecting electors: that is the legislatures in public view, not behind closed doors, not smoke-filled rooms, not bullying somebody that might give you a better ruling.
Let’s get back to rule of law and follow the Constitution, Madam Speaker.
end quotes
So much for a MAGA Republican who according to Joe Biden does not respect the Constitution, and does not believe in the rule of law, and doe not recognize the will of the people.
What horsecrap, people!
What stupid horsecrap!
EVERYTHING Joe Biden says, he really means the opposite, because as clearly can be seen from Steve Scalise’s own words on 6 January 2021 in the House of Representatives, MAGA Republican Steve Scalise very much believes in and respects the Constitution, while the Biden Democrats have repudiated that same Constitution, and he very much believes in the rule of law, even though the Democrats outright reject and trample on RULE OF LAW, and he very much recognizes the will of all of the people, while the Biden Democrats only recognize their own.
And next up – ABORTION!
Because outside of their lies about ELECTION DENIALISM, that is the only other subject the Democrats have to talk about to deflect the attention of the American people away from our failing economy, thanks to them and Joe Biden, so please, stay tuned for more yet to come!
Paul Plante says
Yes, people – anathematize, which is a big, old-fashioned, largely unheard-of-today word with a lot of syllables in it that I personally never thought would be or could be applied to an American president, because to “anathematize” someone or several someones in this case, they being the Supreme Court Justices who signed onto Dobbs, State Health Officer of the Mississippi Department of Health, et al v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization et al., No. 19–1392, decided June 24, 2022, wherein was held by those now-anathematized Justices that OUR Constitution does not confer a right to abortion and the authority to regulate abortion is returned to the people and their elected representatives, is to curse them and condemn them as in “Pope Gregory IX, in 1263, declaring ‘We excommunicate and anathematize all heretics, Cathars, Patarenes, Poor Men of Lyons, Passagini,'” or “the Third Council of Constantinople anathematized Pope Honorius as a leader of the Monothelite heresy.”
So the key word there, and this is what the American autocrat/theocrat Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior is applying to the members of the Supreme Court who signed onto Dobbs is heresy, which is herein defined as “opinion profoundly at odds with what is generally accepted,” where in this case what is “generally accepted” is that in some undefined manner, the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution grants women in America a Constitutional right to murder unborn children.
And to gain a better understanding of this heresy, and who the heretics are who need to be anathematized, this before I go into the actual wording of Dobbs, State Health Officer of the Mississippi Department of Health, et al v. Jackson’s Women’s Health Organization et al., let’s do some review of recent American history since Dobbs was decided, first by going to a Fox News article titled “AOC wonders if pro-life Democrats should continue to serve: ‘We really need to reassess'” by Cortney O’Brien on 26 June 2022, where we had the heretics identified as follows, to wit:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., suggested in an Instagram video Saturday night that pro-life Democrats should no longer serve in the wake of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade.
end quotes
Pro-life Democrats, people, are heretics, and as such, should not have a voice in American politics, period!
Like the Cathars, they must be suppressed!
No ifs, ands or buts about it!
We do not want and do not need heretics in America, and Joe Biden and his Biden Democrats are going to root them out and rid of them, just as the Cathars were rooted out and gotten rid of back when, which takes us back to Fox News, as follows:
Several other Democrats and liberal media figures have sounded off on the abortion ruling in the past few days, with Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison calling the decision “illegitimate.”
“It isn’t up to you, this illegitimate court, or a bunch of state elected officials to decide what happens to a woman’s body… that choice belongs to a woman and no one else!”
“Period!!!” the DNC chairman said.
end quotes
IT’S WAR, people!
And here comes autocrat/theocrat Joe Biden into the fray, to wit:
President Biden responded to the abortion ruling, saying the Court ended what he claimed “was a correct decision,” and that it “expressly took away a constitutional right from the American people that it had already recognized.”
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Now, people, it is America, and in America, even a moron like Joe Biden gets to have and express and opinion, even if the opinion expressed, like that one, is not only stupid, but dead wrong!
But this is no longer that America, people, where RULE OF LAW applies.
This is Joe Biden’s version of America, and in Joe Biden’s version of America, it is he who is the ultimate decider of what the Constitution means, not the Supreme Court, and when the Supreme Court dares to go against what Joe Biden says the Constitution means, then it is the Supreme Court that is wring, because as our autocrat/theocrat, Joe Biden is infallible!
And what about the violence that Joe Biden’s toxic rhetoric on abortion is stoking, violence Joe is not condemning, nor are the Democrats?
Let’s go back to Fox and see, to wit:
Pro-life pregnancy centers have also been vandalized in the days following the ruling.
The group “Jane’s Revenge” claimed responsibility for a handful of the attacks and published a letter this month declaring “open season” on crisis pregnancy facilities.
end quotes
Now, imagine if that were PROUD BOYS publicly declaring “open season” on something in America!
Oh, the hue and cry and keening and ululating by the Democrats would be deafening!
But when it is Democrats promoting violence, there is a complete HUSH, especially in the “PRO-JOE” main-stream and legacy media, but it does not stop there, which takes us to a National Review article titled “Violent Portland Pro-Abortion Protesters Destroy, Vandalize Property” by Caroline Downey on 26 June 2022, where we have more of the violence Joe Biden and the Democrats are promoting and provoking with their toxic and poisonous and insurrectionist rhetoric, to wit:
Pro-abortion protesters in Portland, Oregon charged through the city Saturday night, damaging and vandalizing property following the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade.
end quotes
And my goodness, people, their feeling were hurt by the Supreme Court, so of course they have a right to lash out in returns and destroy stuff that they couldn’t build and that belongs to others who they don’t like, which takes us back to the National Review for more, to wit:
A crowd of about 60 black-clad marchers stormed downtown Portland, the Hollywood district specifically, “breaking windows and scrawling graffiti,” a Portland police report notes.
end quotes
Going back to the National Review, we have more as follows:
“Officers were monitoring the crowd, but did not have resources to intervene in the moment,” it said.
Damage inflicted by the rioters included broken windows on several banks and coffee shops.
Protesters also vandalized a pregnancy resource facility, the Mother and Child Education Center, and broke the windows of and spray-painted a van owned by Portland Public Schools.
“If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either,” a flier advertising the march read, Oregonlive reported.
This slogan has, especially in the last month, been loosely associated with Jane’s Revenge, a collective of pro-abortion terrorists that has allegedly targeted dozens of pro-life pregnancy centers nationwide with firebombing and arson.
Earlier in June, activists claiming to represent Jane’s Revenge promised to unleash a new rampage of violence on clinics providing an alternative to abortion, announcing it “open season.”
On a storage box read the phrase “abort the court,” OregonLive reported.
end quotes
Are those open calls for violence, people?
Can you imagine the outcry if people alleged by the Democrats to be Trump supporters promised to unleash a new rampage of violence on clinics catering to the trans-gender crowd Joe Biden is so enamoured of?
Can you imagine the outcry if MAGA Republicans were targeting places where the LGBQT crowd gathers for their social events with firebombing and arson?
Or historically black churches?
Joe Biden would have every FBI agent there is searching them down to the ends of the earth to put an end to them, especially as Joe Biden has determined that white supremacy is the gravest domestic threat there is or can ever be to his democracy.
But when it is Democrat-protected groups performing the acts of violence, all we hear from Joe Biden and the Democrats is total silence.
And before we go further on this subject of Joe Biden’s MASSIVE HUGE GREAT BIG LIES about abortion, let me stop here for a moment to let all that sink in, and after a station break for station identification, we will be right back with more, so stay tuned and don’t touch that dial!
Paul Plante says
VII. How militant and violent Pro-Abortion Whackos supported by American autocrat Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior and the Democrats are a clear and present danger to the rest of us who do not for a minute believe Jesus told Gavin Newsom of California that he was a proponent of abortion on demand in California.
Yes, people, if we are to believe Democrat GREAT WHITE HOPE Gavin Newson of California, the plastic Jesus Gavin Newsom has riding on the dashboard of his car, so that Gavin doesn’t have to care, like the rest of us, whether it rains or freezes, has told Gavin Newsom that he really is not only a proponent of abortion on demand, but a supporter, as well, as we clearly see by going to a Fox News article titled “Christians slam Newsom for ‘disgusting’ pro-abortion billboards quoting Jesus: ‘Satanic'” by Jon Brown on 22 September 2022, where we have as follows, to wit:
Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom is taking flak from Christians who are offended by his multi-state billboard campaign that promotes abortion by quoting Jesus.
end quote
Which raises the serious question of which Jesus Gavin was quoting from.
Jesus Christ Superstar, maybe?
Or Black Jesus who signifies a radical faith without content; a faith which encourages believers to attentively listen for the personalized divine call echoing within their own unique experiences?
And while we try to puzzle that out, that story continues as follows:
Last week, Newsom took to Twitter to tout the billboards his gubernatorial campaign is erecting in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and four other “anti-freedom” states where abortion is restricted or outlawed.
end quotes
Ah, yes, people – FREEDOM!
That is really what this is all about – the UNRESTRICTED FREEDOM for women to kill unborn children without question, because they want to rid themselves of a nuisance before they have to change its diapers and lose their freedom by having to care for it, and besides, there is a growing industry that needs aborted fetuses for various commercial reasons, so it is win-win all the way around as far as they and the Jesus of Gavin Newsom, who may or may not be the Jesus of Joe Biden, a very devout Catholic himself who believes in abortion is a good thing for the Democrat to push as an issue, but there are certainly a lot of similarities, if they are not the same.
Going back to Jesus wanting women to come to California for their abortions, the story continues as follows:
Some versions of the billboards, all of which urge women in such states to come to California to get abortions, advertise the state’s easily obtainable abortions by quoting Mark 12:31, where Jesus says, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
“There is no greater commandment than these.”
end quotes
And no, people, I did not write those words, and no, I am not making this stuff up, either, because if I tried to make it up, people wouldn’t believe it. because it sounds so goofy.
Going back for more, we have some serious and welcome pushback as follows:
“The idea that Newsom is using the words of Jesus Christ, the Holy Scriptures, to promote the killing of unborn children as somehow loving and commanded by God is quite frankly disgusting,” said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law & Justice, in a statement to Fox News Digital.
“This is a blatant, political fundraising ploy to boost his own political profile and presidential aspirations.”
end quotes
And my goodness, people, of course it is a blatant, political fundraising ploy to boost his own political profile and presidential aspirations, for what else could it possibly be, other than the ravings of a madman, which brings us to this:
“The people are smarter than that.”
“It just won’t work,” Sekulow added.
end quotes
But are they really, people?
Are the people really smarter than that, or is that just wishful thinking on this dude’s part, keeping in mind that it is some of those people who saddled us with Joe Biden and who saddled to people of California with Gavin Newsom?
Going back to the pushback, we have more, as follows:
Many Twitter users echoed Sekulow’s sentiment, including Matthew P. Schneider, a Roman Catholic priest who serves as adjunct professor of theology at Belmont Abbey College in Charlotte, North Carolina.
He described Newsom’s billboards as “one of the [worst] distortions of a Bible passage I’ve ever seen.”
“Shame on [Newsom] and his government,” Schneider said.
“The most basic level of loving your neighbor as yourself is not killing your neighbor, yet that’s exactly what abortion does.”
“This is satanic,” tweeted Ryan Hilderbrand, a Roman Catholic priest from Indiana.
“Imagining the devil in his advertising office at the top of the highest skyscraper in hell giggling to himself as [Newsom] uses Jesus’ own words to support killing babies,” said Catholic Answers, a Catholic media ministry that went on in a nine-tweet thread to excoriate the Democrat governor for having “twisted” the words of the Bible.
Explaining how the verse Newsom cited was removed from the context of Jesus affirming the Old Testament command “to love the Lord your God with all your heart” as “the greatest commandment,” Catholic Answers tweeted, “No surprise here.”
“Satan, having no imagination, can only ‘create’ by perverting the good not of his making.”
“Likewise, it seems, for Gavin Newsom.”
“Wow …”
“So murdering your innocent unborn child is somehow ‘loving your neighbor,’” tweeted The Christian Outlook, a Christian media outlet.
“Let’s all pray for [Newsom], that he might get saved and see the value God places on every life, born and unborn.”
“Your religious beliefs have no place in our politics.”
“Except when we want to use them to troll people we hate, that’s fine,” tweeted canon lawyer Ed Condon, who also founded Catholic publication “The Pillar.”
“‘Good Catholic’ [Newsom] is now using Bible scriptures to encourage women to come to California to abort their babies,” wrote David Giglio, a former congressional candidate who is also a Catholic.
“A truly shameful display.”
“Meanwhile, in CA crime continues to skyrocket, the cost of living is out of control, and the state can’t even keep the lights on.”
The official Twitter account of the Mississippi GOP replied to Newsom’s taunt by tweeting simply: “Hey, [Newsom]. Is your electricity back on?”
Newsom’s campaign did not respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment by time of publication.
end quotes
And in the meantime, while that is all going on, we head over to the Washington Examiner for the other, far more serious side to this story of Joe Biden and the Democrats putting the full protection of the law over on the abortionists and baby killers, while at the same time, stripping those of us who do not believe like Joe Biden that killing unborn babies is the right thing to do, to a story titled “The Biden administration has launched its war on pro-lifers” by Timothy P. Carney on 26 September 2022, where we have the reality those of us who are not like Joe Biden PRO-ABORTION face, to wit:
The FBI on Friday morning arrested a pro-life activist at his home for a 2021 scuffle with a Planned Parenthood activist.
The family and friends of Mark Houck said the scuffle involved an abortion activist harassing and screaming at Houck’s 12-year-old son until Houck shoved the man to the ground.
In response, Houck’s family and friends have told reporters, the FBI this weekend sent a platoon of agents with weapons drawn to arrest Houck at his house.
Even if you take only the FBI’s version of the tale, the Biden administration assembled a grand jury, secured an indictment, and charged a man with a federal crime possibly carrying an 11-year sentence because he shoved another man who received “injuries … that required medical attention.”
Because there is an extraordinary federal law protecting abortionists from protesters, sidewalk counselors, and rosary prayers, Houck is now charged with a federal felony.
This only makes sense in a political context.
Specifically, the Biden White House and the Democratic Party on the state and federal levels have declared a legal war on pro-lifers, while vigilante abortion defenders wage a parallel war of arson, vandalism, and harassment.
The vice president, who has said she approaches abortion policy like “a prosecutor,” is siccing state attorneys general on the nonprofit organizations that serve mothers in crisis pregnancies because those nonprofit organizations don’t abort the babies that come through their doors.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has said she wants crisis pregnancy centers “shut down.”
That was the same day a crisis pregnancy center outside of Detroit was attacked for the second time, with death threats spray-painted.
More than 70 such attacks have happened in the past few months, and the Biden administration has said and done nothing about it.
It’s as if they’re fine with the threats, arson, and vandalism.
end quotes
And you know what, people – THEY ARE!
So will I have a platoon of FBI agents now coming after me with drawn guns for speaking out in here?
Will they have a heavily-armed SWAT team coming after Wayne Creed for even daring to host a discussion like this that is critical of Joe Biden’s stance on abortion?
Stay tuned is all I can say.
Paul Plante says
VIII. In the America of American autocrat Joseph Robinette Biden, all are equal, but some are very much more equal than others.
Yes, people, under the iron-shod bootheel of THE TYRANT Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, Locke and individual liberty and freedom have lost, big time, while Hobbes has won big time as Leviathan comes crashing down upon us, like a grossly overweight brood sow collapsing it ponderous bulk down crushing half of its offspring in the process, the way the Leviathan of TYRANT Biden is going to crush the life out of those in America who dare to question the absolute rule of Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the American people, as his executive assistant autocrat Karmala Harris calls him.
For those unfamiliar with the different philosophies of government existing at the time of this nation’s various colonies cutting their ties with Great Britain and renouncing the TYRANT George III, “Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil,” which was commonly referred to as Leviathan, was a book written by Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) and published in 1651, with its name deriving from the biblical Leviathan.
Interestingly in this time of SACRED DEMOCRACY for the Democrats and Joe Biden fighting like the dickens for the SOUL OF AMERICA, which only Joe Biden is pure and holy enough to handle, the biblical Leviathan was a sea serpent noted in theology and mythology, being referenced in several books of the Hebrew Bible, including Psalms, the Book of Job, the Book of Isaiah, the Book of Amos, and, according to some translations, in the Book of Jonah, and it is also mentioned in the Book of Enoch.
The Leviathan is often an embodiment of chaos, and boy oh boy, people, at the point of inflection Joe Biden has had us at for better than a year and in this time of transition, isn’t that so Joe Biden – the embodiment of chaos not only here but in the world, itself?
And what am I saying – of course he is, and there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever about that, which takes us back to Hobbes, and his Leviathan, which is a work concerning the structure of society and legitimate government, being regarded as one of the earliest and most influential examples of social contract theory.
Written during the English Civil War (1642–1651), it argues for a social contract and rule by an absolute sovereign, which in our case today, is Joe Biden, for who else could there possibly be?
Going back to Hobbes, he wrote that civil war and the brute situation of a state of nature (“the war of all against all”) could be avoided only by strong, undivided government, which brings us to today and the political philosophy of government based on Hobbes that is known as BIDENISM, which is our Leviathan in America today.
As to BIDENISM, it is an all-embracing doctrine which demands a one hundred percent surrender of the individual will in the name of mystical nationalism – with ends not clearly defined.
This nationalism is beyond good and evil, and thus is deified.
Therefore, BIDENISM should properly be classed as a kind of religion like communism and fascism, the latter based on class-consciousness, the former on nationalism.
BIDENISM, in simple terms, is defined as a one party system of government with the Democrats in charge of everything, and in which each class, including the semi-fascists, the MAGAtards, the BASKET OF DEPLORABLES, and the DREGS OF SOCIETY have their distinct place, function, and representation in the government, with some being very much more equal than those below them in the social hierarchy that separates Democrats from everybody else in America, while the individual, that being us, is subordinated to the state and control is maintained by military forces, secret police, rigid censorship, and governmental regimentation of industry and finance.
And speaking of WE, THE PEOPLE being clearly subordinated to the BIDEN “state” or BIDEN LEVIATHAN, and some being very much less equal than others in the eyes of the TYRANT Joseph Robinette Biden, Junior, let’s go to a Fox News article titled “22 members of Congress press Garland for answers on arrest of pro-life Catholic activist Mark Houck” by Jon Brown on 27 September 2022, where we have life for those of us in Joe Biden’s LEVIATHAN who are indeed very less equal, to wit:
Twenty-two members of Congress demanded answers from Attorney General Merrick Garland on Tuesday regarding the recent FBI arrest of a Catholic pro-life activist.
“As you know, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is once again in the national headlines following another raid of an American citizen,” the letter began.
“This time, of Mark Houck, a father of seven, a noted Catholic, and a pro-life activist.”
The FBI arrested Houck, 48, on Friday in front of his wife and seven children at his rural Kintnersville home in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
The arrest reportedly stemmed from an altercation Houck had with a Planned Parenthood escort in Philadelphia in October 2021, when he was accused of pushing a 72-year-old man outside the clinic after the escort allegedly verbally harassed Houck’s 12-year-old son.
The letter noted how Houck’s wife, Ryan-Marie, described the arrest to Catholic News Agency as a team of roughly 25 federal agents, with guns drawn and in about 15 vehicles, pounding on their front door and allegedly threatening to break it down.
end quotes
Does that sound like Nazi Germany to anyone?
Or how about the Soviet Union under Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria, the longest-lived and most influential of Stalin’s secret police chiefs, wielding his most substantial influence during and after the war. who following the Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939, was responsible for organizing purges such as the Katyn massacre of 22,000 Polish officers and officials, and who would later also orchestrate the forced upheaval of minorities from the Caucasus as head of the NKVD, an act that was declared as genocidal by various scholars?
Because it sure as hell does not sound like the America I grew up in and fought for in VEET NAM!
It very much sounds like a perversion of America to me, which it most assuredly is, which thought takes us back to Fox, to wit:
“Surely, the FBI must have an extraordinary reason for showing up at the home of an American family, allegedly with roughly 25 heavily armed federal agents, and arresting a father in front of his seven children.”
The FBI later denied the agents were part of a SWAT team and a former Houck family spokesperson said Ryan-Marie Houck unintentionally used a technical term.
A senior FBI source previously told Fox News there may have been 15-20 agents at the scene, but denied 25 were there.
The agents who came to the door had guns out and at the ready, according to this FBI source, but the guns were never pointed at Houck or his family and were lowered or holstered as soon as Houck was taken into custody.
end quotes
And my goodness, people, what a relief!
There wasn’t twenty-five FBI agents there with their guns drawn to arrest this person in front of his family as if he were a HIGHLY DANGEROUS TERRORIST – there were only fifteen or twenty, and they weren’t specifically sticking them in anybody’s face, only generally, and what kind of message is Joe Biden sending us with that?
A message of peace, love and brotherly harmony?
That’s a laugh. which takes us back to Fox as follows, to wit:
“At the moment, it appears to be an extraordinary overreach for political ends,” the letter continued.
The members demanded an explanation on what they described as “an excessive level of force used by the FBI in this case, and why the force of federal law enforcement was once again used against an American citizen in what should be a state and local matter.”
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Dangerous times, indeed, people, for those of us who do not drink poisonous, toxic Biden KOOL-AID which is distilled from human sewage mixed with toxic industrial waste and chemical sludge to produce a real witch’s brew that will destroy your mind if you imbibe just one drop of it.
Paul Plante says
XI. The abortion lies of Executive Deputy Autocrat Karmela Harris on Meet the Press are even more stupid, uninformed and ignorant than those of Joe Biden, and she is a former prosecutor who should know better.
Yes, people, Joe Biden’s executive deputy autocrat Karmela Harris sounded like the world’s most ignorant person with regard to the subject of abortion on Meet the Press on September 11, 2022, 1:05 PM EDT, where the show started as follows:
CHUCK TODD: This Sunday: My interview with Vice President Kamala Harris.
CHUCK TODD: On the rightward shift of the Supreme Court:
VICE PRES. KAMALA HARRIS: I think this is an activist court.
CHUCK TODD: And its abortion decision:
VICE PRES. KAMALA HARRIS: It is not right that we take a constitutional right from the women of America and deprive them of the ability to make decisions about their own body.
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And there she is, being real stupid right out of the gate and talking like an idiot, because NO constitutional right was taken from women, and nobody has deprived them of the ability to make decisions about their own body, and as she has previously served as the attorney general of California from 2011 to 2017, she is the one person in the Biden regime who should know better, OR you would be led to believe that, anyway, although these days, the fact that somebody was elected as an attorney general doesn’t mean anything at all.
As to the supposed “constitutional right” which doesn’t exist, and didn’t exist before Dobbs was decided, in concurring in Roe v. Wade, Mr. Chief Justice Burger of the United States Supreme Court stated in plain and simple language that even a slack-wit lawyer like Karmela Harris should have been able to comprehend and understand, presuming that she ever bothered in the first place to exert herself to read it, as follows:
Plainly, the Court today rejects any claim that the Constitution requires abortions on demand.
end quote
And seriously, people, how many years of law school does it require to be able to read and understand what that sentence is saying?
Is the phrase “rejects any claim that the Constitution requires abortions on demand” really that hard to understand or comprehend that a trained lawyer like Karmela Harris would be stumped or mystified or stymied by it, especially where the word “reject” is taken to mean “to refuse to accept, use, or believe something?”
And Dobbs DOES NOT deprive women of the ability to make decisions about their own body, and it is so stupid and tedious of Karmela Harris to state or imply that it does.
First of all, Dobbs only involved the constitutionality of the state of Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act, which act provides as follows:
“[e]xcept in a medical emergency or in the case of a severe fetal abnormality, a person shall not intentionally or knowingly perform . . . or induce an abortion of an unborn human being if the probable gestational age of the unborn human being has been determined to be greater than fifteen (15) weeks.”
Fifteen weeks is roughly THREE MONTHS, or what is known as the first trimester, the earliest phase of pregnancy which starts on the first day of one’s last period and lasts until the end of the 13th week.
So how is that different than what Roe v. Wade provided for?
And the answer is that it is no different at all, as we see from Roe v. Wade, to wit:
For the stage prior to approximately the end of the first trimester, the abortion decision and its effectuation MUST be left to the medical judgment of the pregnant woman’s attending physician.
end quote
Dobbs does nothing to change that, because that was never an issue in Dobbs.
The challenge in Dobbs was specifically to Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act.
That challenge was made by the Jackson Women’s Health Organization, an abortion clinic, and one of its doctors.
They challenged the Act in Federal District Court, alleging that it violated this Court’s precedents establishing a constitutional right to abortion, in particular Roe v. Wade, 410 U. S. 113, and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U. S. 833.
And having failed to logically and rationally prove their points in their briefs to the Supreme Court, they lost that argument.
In plain language, Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act was held to NOT VIOLATE Roe v. Wade, or Casey.
Those people, are the facts.
If you don’t believe me, read the cases for yourself, and you will see those same words, given that I cut and pasted them straight from those decisions.
And then ask yourself this important question:
Think about it, people, while there is still time!