December 12, 2024

19 thoughts on “Please Check out Dogs at Eastern Shore Regional Animal Facility

  1. Many thanks as always for the Mirror’s publicizing the work of the Shelter at Melfa. It is always short-staffed but manages to do heroic work in finding homes and rescue organizations for the dogs and cats in their care. Before a slight illness, I was in the habit of going every week to feed special treats to the dogs and cats there, and I hope to be back doing it soon. It does not speak well of the local population, including the come-heres, that so few people are willing to volunteer time helping out there. Maybe this article by the Mirror will engender a few people to try volunteering,

    1. What a stupid, mindless, even heartless statement. Mrs. Johnson, I am a decorated Vietnam veteran (1st Air Cav Div). Somehow, I find it possible to contribute to organizations helping the veterans you describe as well as volunteering and contributing to the Melfa Shelter. How sad that you are so apparently straitened that you can’t envision helping both veterans’ and animal welfare organizations.

          1. Uh, who was it that failed him, Ma’am?

            The US military?

            But how exactly was that?

            He said he was a decorated Vietnam veteran (1st Air Cav Div).

            Do you think that was some kind of finishing school where he was being trained to make nice to people like yourself?

            Not hardly is my thought!

    2. Speaking as a permanently disabled Viet Nam combat veteran, Mrs James Johnson, other than commenting on the fact, which everyone is aware of, since it is nothing new, that we have homeless, hungry and addicted Veterans in our streets, have you ever taken a moment to consider why that might be?

      Have you ever pondered any solutions or proposed any?

      Let me give you an example to ponder.

      As a disabled veteran, I have to subsist on a disability pension from the federal government that keeps me in the poverty levels, so far as the wealth of Americans go.

      Because my father gave me a plot of land to live on, however frugally, I am not homeless, per se.

      However, because I own a piece of property, I have to pay property taxes, which have to come out of my disability pension.

      Because I am a disabled veteran, for many years, I was given a property tax deduction which reduced the tax burden somewhat.

      Then last year, the Democrat-controlled government of my state unilaterally revoked that deduction by unlawfully treating my disability pension as income, instead, which put me over an arbitrary threshold.

      Now, if I was on welfare, like a good Democrat, I would still have the deduction because welfare is not treated as income.

      So, for being a disabled veteran, instead of a welfare recipient, I am being penalized, and that penalty is what is going to force me out on the street as a homeless veteran.

      I came back from Viet Nam a twice-wounded veteran with a silver star, to be spit on and reviled by the GOOD PEOPLE of America who quite truthfully did not want us back in this country (whether Mr. Green received this same treatment I do not know and he is very capable of speaking for himself), and as to compensation and treatment for our war wounds, these same GOOD PEOPLE felt we should get NONE, because we brought it on ourselves.

      That is the America I know, Mrs James Johnson.

      Because we STOOD UP, we are treated like trash by those who wanted us to bleed and die so they could stay home and live their comfortable lives and feel protected.

      And people wonder why we have homeless, hungry and addicted Veterans in our streets.

      Go figure!

      1. Thank you for your eloquent commentary, Mr. Plante. and for all the insight you provide to so many people, I had no idea you were permanently disabled. Im luckily, escaped getting wounded, and mine is only a bronze star. Ironically, my best friend there has lost both of his kidneys because of agent orange. Somehow, I escaped it, though we were in the same area. In closing, all good things to you!

        1. Thank you for your service, Don Green, and welcome home!

          And you were blessed to come out unscathed as far as being wounded!

          Nor being adversely impacted by Agent Orange!

          And I personally appreciate all your efforts to make the world a bit better place than it could otherwise be since your return from that hellhole called the VEET NAM war!

          KUDOS and good and peaceful days for you ahead!

        2. Early on, Mr. Green, when I began posting on the internet, I was informed by many people with expert opinions that being a disabled veteran counted for nothing in political discussions, nor in their opinions, did being a veteran, and one enterprising soul, to prove the point, made up a long list of veterans who were criminals or serial killers, as if being a veteran pre-disposed one to becoming one or the other as opposed to a productive citizen, so normally, I make no mention of being permanently disabled, because most people don’t give a crap, with many actually believing that being a disabled veteran is a sure sign that you are really stupid, because you didn’t know enough to duck when the bullets were flying, and as to a silver star, they see that as nothing other than another sure sign that I am a “second-placer,” because everybody knows that first place finishers get the gold star, not the silver one.

  2. And if you are interested. Mrs James Johnson, in a graphic first hand account of the craven manner in which disabled Viet Nam veterans are treated by public officials in this country who themselves were too good to stand for something and wear the uniform in harm’s way, there is a video of the September 14, 2023 Town Board Meeting of a small town in upstate New York called Poestenkill where a disabled Viet Nam combat veteran stands up and calls out a caitiff corrupt town supervisor who publicly branded the Viet Nam veteran as a mentally-ill retard in an effort to make him out as a “Rambo” in order to turn the town folks against him in an anti-veteran town.

    1. The people that raised him, failed him. As to your second question, no, I am completely uninterested in you or your linked video.

      1. WOW!

        The hostility does flow forth in copious waves of pure vitriol!

        And here I thought you were nice!

        But people in America hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest, just as you are doing in such a blatantly and overt hostile manner in here with your attack on Mr. Green’s parents, his community, himself and by extension, the 1st Air Cavalry Division for failing to have a charm school for Mr. Green to attend to learn how to treat sophisticated ladies like yourself, all of which is your constitutional right that Mr. Green and I fought to defend so that you would able to use it as a cudgel in here in your attack on Mr. Green’s character, and let me say as a fellow combat veteran that I find Mr. Green’s compassion for these animals and his fellow veterans to be exemplary and commendable, and it is too bad you are too mean spirited to feel the same way, but hey, it is America, afterall, so you have my blessing to go your own way however it may suit you.

        And have a glorious day, as well!

  3. Gents,

    From the bottom of my heart thank you for your service to our country. I have a family member in a hot zone now. Proud of him is an understatement.

    Mrs. James Johnson, go fly a kite or whatever you do in your spare time.

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